Кратко о том как звонить в Турцию
C мобильного в Турцию из России
+ 90 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]
С стационарного в Турцию из России
8 10 90 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]
С домашнего вТурцию из России
8 10 90 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]
Из офиса в Турцию из России
9 8 10 90 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]
Важные заметки при наборе номера
- 8 — код выхода на межгородскую связь
- 10 — код выхода на международную связь
- 90 — телефонный код Турции
- 9 — как правило, данный код применяется для выхода на городскую связь
Инструкция на английском языке можно получить по ссылке:
how to call Turkey
Как позвонить в Турцию и ее города
С мобильного телефона из России в Турцию
С городского телефона из России в Турцию
Из офиса в России в Турцию
Список городов и информации Турции
(Код 90)
Телефонные коды городов
Турции . Обратите внимание, некоторые города могут иметь несколько кодов, тогда коды указаны через запятую. Телефонные коды других стран смотрите на странице коды стран
Порядок набора телефонного номера для Турции (код 90 = код Турции)
Как позвонить в Турцию?
С городского: 8-гудок-10-90-(код города)-(телефонный номер абонента)*
С городского (внутри страны): 8-гудок-(код города)-(телефонный номер абонента)
С мобильного: +90-(код города)-(номер телефона абонента)**
* при звонке из страны с кодом «90» код страны (из которой совершаете звонок совпадает с кодом страны куда хотите позвонить) в большинстве случаев нужно опускать, так же как и код выхода на международную связь (код 10 — код выхода на международную связь, код зависит от оператора связи)
** набирать «+» или «8» перед кодом страны, зависит от мобильного оператора.
Наименование | Код страны | Код города |
Агры | 90 | (472) |
Адана | 90 | (322) |
Адыяман | 90 | (416) |
Айдын | 90 | (256) |
Аксаpай | 90 | (382) |
Амасия | 90 | (358) |
Анкаpа | 90 | (312) |
Анталья | 90 | (242) |
Ардахан | 90 | (478) |
Артвин | 90 | (466) |
Афьон | 90 | (272) |
Байбуpт | 90 | (458) |
Балыкесиp | 90 | (266) |
Бартын | 90 | (378) |
Батман | 90 | (488) |
Биледжик | 90 | (228) |
Бингель | 90 | (426) |
Битлис | 90 | (434) |
Болу | 90 | (374) |
Буpдуp | 90 | (248) |
Буpса | 90 | (224) |
Ван | 90 | (432) |
Газиантеп | 90 | (342) |
Гиpесун | 90 | (454) |
Гюмушхане | 90 | (456) |
Денизли | 90 | (258) |
Дияpбакыp | 90 | (412) |
Зонгулдак | 90 | (372) |
Игдыр | 90 | (476) |
Измир | 90 | (232) |
Искандерун | 90 | (326) |
Ичель | 90 | (324) |
Йоэгат | 90 | (354) |
Кайсеpи | 90 | (352) |
Карабюк | 90 | (370) |
Караман | 90 | (338) |
Карс | 90 | (474) |
Кастамону | 90 | (366) |
Килис | 90 | (348) |
Коджаэли | 90 | (262) |
Конья | 90 | (332) |
Кыpшехиp | 90 | (386) |
Кыpыккале | 90 | (318) |
Кыркларели | 90 | (288) |
Кютахья | 90 | (274) |
Малатья | 90 | (422) |
Маниса | 90 | (236) |
Мардин | 90 | (482) |
Мерзифон | 90 | (358) |
Мугла | 90 | (252) |
Муш | 90 | (436) |
Невшехиp | 90 | (384) |
Нигде | 90 | (388) |
Оpду | 90 | (452) |
Османие | 90 | (328) |
Ризе | 90 | (464) |
Сакаpья | 90 | (264) |
Самсун | 90 | (362) |
Сивас | 90 | (346) |
Сииpт | 90 | (484) |
Синоп | 90 | (368) |
Стамбул | 90 | (212) |
Стамбул | 90 | (216) |
Тегиpдаг | 90 | (282) |
Токат | 90 | (356) |
Трабзон | 90 | (462) |
Тунджели | 90 | (428) |
Турецкая р-ка Северного Кипра | 90 | (392) |
Ушак | 90 | (276) |
Хакяpи | 90 | (438) |
Хатай | 90 | (326) |
Чанаккале | 90 | (286) |
Чанкыры | 90 | (376) |
Чорум | 90 | (364) |
Шиpнак | 90 | (486) |
Ыспарта | 90 | (246) |
Эдирне | 90 | (284) |
Элязыг | 90 | (424) |
Эрзинджан | 90 | (446) |
Эрзурум | 90 | (442) |
Эскишехиp | 90 | (222) |
Ялова | 90 | (226) |
Телефонный код страны Турция — 90
Турция: телефонные коды городов
Код города | Город |
478 | Aрдахан // Ardahan |
592 | Globalstar GSM |
594 | Globalstar GSM |
596 | Globalstar GSM |
545 | GSM TELSIM |
546 | GSM TELSIM |
532 | GSM-1 TURKCELL |
533 | GSM-1 TURKCELL |
535 | GSM-1 TURKCELL |
542 | GSM-2 TELSIM |
543 | GSM-2 TELSIM |
545 | GSM-2 TELSIM |
546 | GSM-2 TELSIM |
552 | IS-TIM GSM |
553 | IS-TIM GSM |
554 | IS-TIM GSM |
555 | IS-TIM GSM |
344 | Kahramanmaras |
522 | Mobile-1 |
414 | Sanliurfa |
472 | Агры // Agri |
322 | Адана // Adana |
416 | Адыяман // Adiyaman |
256 | Айдын // Aydin |
382 | Аксарай // Aksaray |
358 | Амасия // Amasya |
312 | Анкара // Ankara |
242 | Анталья // Antalya |
478 | Ардахан // Ardahan |
466 | Артвин // Artvin |
272 | Афьон // Afyon |
458 | Байбурт // Bayburt |
266 | Балыкесир // Balikesir |
378 | Бартын // Bartin |
488 | Батман // Batman |
228 | Биледжик // Bilecik |
426 | Бингёль // Bingol |
434 | Битлис // Bitlis |
374 | Болу // Bolu |
248 | Бурдур // Burdur |
224 | Бурса // Bursa |
432 | Ван // Van |
342 | Газиантеп // Gaziantep |
454 | Гиресун // Giresun |
456 | Гюмюшхане // Gumushane |
258 | Денизли // Denizli |
412 | Диярбакыр // Diyarbakir |
372 | Зонгулдак // Zonguldak |
476 | Игдыр // Igdir |
232 | Измир // Izmir |
326 | Искандерун // Iskenderun |
324 | Ичель // Icel |
354 | Йоэгат // Yozgat |
352 | Кайсери // Kayseri |
370 | Карабюк // Karabuk |
338 | Караман // Karaman |
474 | Карс // Kars |
366 | Кастамoну // Kastamonu |
348 | Килис // Kilis |
262 | Коджаэли // Kocaeli |
332 | Конья // Konya |
288 | Кыркларели // Kirklareli |
386 | Кыршехир // Kirsehir |
318 | Кырыккале // Kirikkale |
274 | Кютахья // Kutahya |
422 | Малатья // Malatya |
236 | Маниса // Manisa |
482 | Мардин // Mardin |
358 | Мерзифон // Merzifon |
252 | Мугла // Mugla |
436 | Муш // Mus |
384 | Невшехир // Nevsehir |
388 | Нигде // Nigde |
452 | Орду // Ordu |
328 | Османие // Osmanye |
464 | Ризе // Rize |
264 | Сакарья // Sakarya |
362 | Самсун // Samsun |
346 | Сивас // Sivas |
484 | Сиирт // Siirt |
368 | Синоп // Sinop |
212,216 | Стамбул // Istanbul |
282 | Текирдаг // Tekirdag |
356 | Токат // Tokat |
462 | Трабзон // Trabzon |
428 | Тунджели // Tunceli |
392 | Турецкая р-ка Северного Кипра // Turkish Repablic Of Northern Cyprus |
276 | Ушак // Usak |
438 | Хакяри // Hakkari |
326 | Хатай // Hatay |
286 | Чанаккале // Canakkale |
376 | Чанкыры // Cankiri |
364 | Чорум // Corum |
486 | Ширнак // Sirnak |
246 | Ыспарта // Isparta |
284 | Эдирне // Edirne |
424 | Элязыг // Elazig |
446 | Эрзинджан // Erzincan |
442 | Эрзурум // Erzurum |
222 | Эскишехир // Eskisehir |
226 | Ялова // Yalova |
Как позвонить в страну Турция
С мобильного телефона в России:
+90-(код города)-(номер абонента)
Со стационарного телефона в России:
8-10-(90)-(код города)-(номер абонента)
Телефонные коды других стран и городов мира
Определение страны, города/оператора по любому телефонному номеру
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location | |
Country | Turkey |
Continent | Europe |
Type | Closed |
NSN length | 10 |
Format | (0xxx) xxx xxxx |
Access codes | |
Country calling code | +90 |
International call prefix | 00 |
Trunk prefix | 0 |
Telephone numbers in Turkey went from six (2+4) to seven digits (3+4) local phone numbers c.1988, at which time Ankara went from 41 to 4. There used to be more than 5,000 local area codes of varying lengths (one to five digits) with correspondingly varying local number lengths (seven to three digits).
The new system is based on 3 three-digit area codes for provinces and seven digit local phone numbers. Istanbul is the exception and it gets two area codes ([212] for the European and [216] for the Asian side).
Calling a cell phone from outside Turkey is the same except the three digit numbers are replaced with the ones of the companies. Like [9] + [0] + [cell company id number] + [seven digit number]. The following are the company identification numbers for the major mobile telephone providers: Turkcell (530-539, 561), Vodafone (540-549) and Türk Telekom (500-509 and 550-559).
Local numbers in most areas were also changed in conjunction with the numbering plan that took effect 30 August 1993.
If a former area code is indicated, this is for the major centre in the new area code’s district. The new area codes will also replace former area codes other than the primary one mentioned.
General information[edit]
The country calling code of Turkey is 90.
- Language digit[clarification needed]: 0 (Direct Dialing)
- Language digit: 2 (Operator Assistance)
- National (significant) number: 10 Digits.
- Area code: 3 digits
- Local subscriber’s number: 7 digits.
- Only exception in this is the call center numbers which start with 444, the call center numbers cannot be dialed with area code, they must be dialed with 7 digit from any phone (Landlines & Mobiles) in the country. The number format is 444 XX XX. For dialing the Call Center numbers from other countries, the number must be dialed as Country Code + Call Center Number like 90 444 XX XX. If you dial the Call Center number with the area code you will hear an IVR announce saying you must not use area code while dialing the call center number.
- Dialing procedure:
- A call from another country would have the following dialing format:
International call prefix + | 90 + | Area code + | Subscriber’s number |
(00) or + | 90 | (3 Digit) | (7 Digit) |
Example: + 90 312 213 2965 | |||
International Code | Country Code | Area Code | Subscriber Number |
+ | 90 | 312 | 213 2965 |
- Access to automatic telephone service within Turkey:
trunk / inner — city code number : 0
- Access to international telephone service from Turkey:
international code : 00
- Note: After 3-digit area codes, subscriber numbers cannot be prefaced with the number 1. The number 1 is only to be used for certain special services.
- International Switched Digital Service:
Ankara DMS-300
Istanbul DMS-300
İzmir DMS-300
Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir DMS-300 International Exchanges Accept:
L/D + area code + subscriber number + ST
L /D = language digit : 0 (direct dialing)
L /D = language digit : 2 (operator assistance)
- Operator Access Code:
There are two international operator centers in Turkey, Ankara and İstanbul.
Each one of these centers provides operator telephone services according ITU/T dialing:
L/D + code11 + ST (Random)
L/D + code12 + 312 + ST (Ankara)
L/D + code12 + 212 + ST (İstanbul)
L/D: language digit 2 English
C11: operator assistance
C12: international transits
ST: stop pulse
The operators of the international exchanges in Ankara and Istanbul are available under C11 and C12.
- Local Time: UTC + 3 hours
List of area codes[edit]
Area Code | Province |
212 | Istanbul-I (Europe) |
216 | Istanbul-II (Asia) |
222 | Eskişehir |
224 | Bursa |
226 | Yalova |
228 | Bilecik |
232 | İzmir |
236 | Manisa |
242 | Antalya |
246 | Isparta |
248 | Burdur |
252 | Muğla |
256 | Aydın |
258 | Denizli |
262 | Kocaeli |
264 | Sakarya |
266 | Balıkesir |
272 | Afyon |
274 | Kütahya |
276 | Uşak |
282 | Tekirdağ |
284 | Edirne |
286 | Çanakkale |
288 | Kırklareli |
312 | Ankara |
318 | Kırıkkale |
322 | Adana |
324 | Mersin |
326 | Hatay |
328 | Osmaniye |
332 | Konya |
338 | Karaman |
342 | Gaziantep |
344 | Kahramanmaraş |
346 | Sivas |
348 | Kilis |
352 | Kayseri |
354 | Yozgat |
356 | Tokat |
358 | Amasya |
362 | Samsun |
364 | Çorum |
366 | Kastamonu |
368 | Sinop |
370 | Karabük |
372 | Zonguldak |
374 | Bolu |
376 | Çankırı |
378 | Bartın |
380 | Düzce |
382 | Aksaray |
384 | Nevşehir |
386 | Kırşehir |
388 | Niğde |
392 | TRNC |
412 | Diyarbakır |
414 | Şanlıurfa |
416 | Adıyaman |
422 | Malatya |
424 | Elazığ |
426 | Bingöl |
428 | Tunceli |
432 | Van |
434 | Bitlis |
436 | Muş |
438 | Hakkâri |
442 | Erzurum |
446 | Erzincan |
452 | Ordu |
454 | Giresun |
456 | Gümüşhane |
458 | Bayburt |
462 | Trabzon |
464 | Rize |
466 | Artvin |
472 | Ağrı |
474 | Kars |
476 | Iğdır |
478 | Ardahan |
482 | Mardin |
484 | Siirt |
486 | Şırnak |
488 | Batman |
List of mobile codes[edit]
Note: These are the codes that wireless operators in Turkey assign to new subscribers. Because of mobile number portability, a subscriber’s telephone number may not accurately reflect their actual operator.
In use by | Prefixes |
Türk Telekom | 500 to 509; 550 to 559 |
Turkcell | 530 to 539; 561 |
Vodafone | 540 to 549 |
List of other special domestic codes[edit]
In use by | Prefix(es) |
Paging-I | 512 |
NMT-I | 522 |
Globalstar | 592, 594, 596 |
Toll-Free | 800 |
Internet Dial-up Access | 822 |
Non-Geographic | 850 |
Pay-Line | 900 |
External links[edit]
- Page of Turkish Telecom’s website on City codes of Turkey Archived 2011-08-22 at the Wayback Machine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location | |
Country | Turkey |
Continent | Europe |
Type | Closed |
NSN length | 10 |
Format | (0xxx) xxx xxxx |
Access codes | |
Country calling code | +90 |
International call prefix | 00 |
Trunk prefix | 0 |
Telephone numbers in Turkey went from six (2+4) to seven digits (3+4) local phone numbers c.1988, at which time Ankara went from 41 to 4. There used to be more than 5,000 local area codes of varying lengths (one to five digits) with correspondingly varying local number lengths (seven to three digits).
The new system is based on 3 three-digit area codes for provinces and seven digit local phone numbers. Istanbul is the exception and it gets two area codes ([212] for the European and [216] for the Asian side).
Calling a cell phone from outside Turkey is the same except the three digit numbers are replaced with the ones of the companies. Like [9] + [0] + [cell company id number] + [seven digit number]. The following are the company identification numbers for the major mobile telephone providers: Turkcell (530-539, 561), Vodafone (540-549) and Türk Telekom (500-509 and 550-559).
Local numbers in most areas were also changed in conjunction with the numbering plan that took effect 30 August 1993.
If a former area code is indicated, this is for the major centre in the new area code’s district. The new area codes will also replace former area codes other than the primary one mentioned.
General information[edit]
The country calling code of Turkey is 90.
- Language digit[clarification needed]: 0 (Direct Dialing)
- Language digit: 2 (Operator Assistance)
- National (significant) number: 10 Digits.
- Area code: 3 digits
- Local subscriber’s number: 7 digits.
- Only exception in this is the call center numbers which start with 444, the call center numbers cannot be dialed with area code, they must be dialed with 7 digit from any phone (Landlines & Mobiles) in the country. The number format is 444 XX XX. For dialing the Call Center numbers from other countries, the number must be dialed as Country Code + Call Center Number like 90 444 XX XX. If you dial the Call Center number with the area code you will hear an IVR announce saying you must not use area code while dialing the call center number.
- Dialing procedure:
- A call from another country would have the following dialing format:
International call prefix + | 90 + | Area code + | Subscriber’s number |
(00) or + | 90 | (3 Digit) | (7 Digit) |
Example: + 90 312 213 2965 | |||
International Code | Country Code | Area Code | Subscriber Number |
+ | 90 | 312 | 213 2965 |
- Access to automatic telephone service within Turkey:
trunk / inner — city code number : 0
- Access to international telephone service from Turkey:
international code : 00
- Note: After 3-digit area codes, subscriber numbers cannot be prefaced with the number 1. The number 1 is only to be used for certain special services.
- International Switched Digital Service:
Ankara DMS-300
Istanbul DMS-300
İzmir DMS-300
Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir DMS-300 International Exchanges Accept:
L/D + area code + subscriber number + ST
L /D = language digit : 0 (direct dialing)
L /D = language digit : 2 (operator assistance)
- Operator Access Code:
There are two international operator centers in Turkey, Ankara and İstanbul.
Each one of these centers provides operator telephone services according ITU/T dialing:
L/D + code11 + ST (Random)
L/D + code12 + 312 + ST (Ankara)
L/D + code12 + 212 + ST (İstanbul)
L/D: language digit 2 English
C11: operator assistance
C12: international transits
ST: stop pulse
The operators of the international exchanges in Ankara and Istanbul are available under C11 and C12.
- Local Time: UTC + 3 hours
List of area codes[edit]
Area Code | Province |
212 | Istanbul-I (Europe) |
216 | Istanbul-II (Asia) |
222 | Eskişehir |
224 | Bursa |
226 | Yalova |
228 | Bilecik |
232 | İzmir |
236 | Manisa |
242 | Antalya |
246 | Isparta |
248 | Burdur |
252 | Muğla |
256 | Aydın |
258 | Denizli |
262 | Kocaeli |
264 | Sakarya |
266 | Balıkesir |
272 | Afyon |
274 | Kütahya |
276 | Uşak |
282 | Tekirdağ |
284 | Edirne |
286 | Çanakkale |
288 | Kırklareli |
312 | Ankara |
318 | Kırıkkale |
322 | Adana |
324 | Mersin |
326 | Hatay |
328 | Osmaniye |
332 | Konya |
338 | Karaman |
342 | Gaziantep |
344 | Kahramanmaraş |
346 | Sivas |
348 | Kilis |
352 | Kayseri |
354 | Yozgat |
356 | Tokat |
358 | Amasya |
362 | Samsun |
364 | Çorum |
366 | Kastamonu |
368 | Sinop |
370 | Karabük |
372 | Zonguldak |
374 | Bolu |
376 | Çankırı |
378 | Bartın |
380 | Düzce |
382 | Aksaray |
384 | Nevşehir |
386 | Kırşehir |
388 | Niğde |
392 | TRNC |
412 | Diyarbakır |
414 | Şanlıurfa |
416 | Adıyaman |
422 | Malatya |
424 | Elazığ |
426 | Bingöl |
428 | Tunceli |
432 | Van |
434 | Bitlis |
436 | Muş |
438 | Hakkâri |
442 | Erzurum |
446 | Erzincan |
452 | Ordu |
454 | Giresun |
456 | Gümüşhane |
458 | Bayburt |
462 | Trabzon |
464 | Rize |
466 | Artvin |
472 | Ağrı |
474 | Kars |
476 | Iğdır |
478 | Ardahan |
482 | Mardin |
484 | Siirt |
486 | Şırnak |
488 | Batman |
List of mobile codes[edit]
Note: These are the codes that wireless operators in Turkey assign to new subscribers. Because of mobile number portability, a subscriber’s telephone number may not accurately reflect their actual operator.
In use by | Prefixes |
Türk Telekom | 500 to 509; 550 to 559 |
Turkcell | 530 to 539; 561 |
Vodafone | 540 to 549 |
List of other special domestic codes[edit]
In use by | Prefix(es) |
Paging-I | 512 |
NMT-I | 522 |
Globalstar | 592, 594, 596 |
Toll-Free | 800 |
Internet Dial-up Access | 822 |
Non-Geographic | 850 |
Pay-Line | 900 |
External links[edit]
- Page of Turkish Telecom’s website on City codes of Turkey Archived 2011-08-22 at the Wayback Machine