Номер телефона альберта эйнштейна


Василий Парамей

Василий Парамей

Он и чужие запоминал по другому….точно не помню. но знакомая назвала ему номер телефона и спросила. запомнил ли он, Эйнштейн ответил, что да….-что то вроде две дюжины и 19 в квадрате……Он был рассеянным и очень умным…. 🙂


Паша Цимбалюк

Нобелевский лауреат по физике Пётр Леонидович Капица в школе терпеть не мог физику и точные науки в том числе.))) Поэтому и не успевал по этим предметам.)))

Vitalij Gorbunov

Vitalij Gorbunov

А я не только номер телефона, но и размер носков не помню… И вообще замечаю, что с Эйнштейном у меня есть кое-что общее… ))


Кристина Линкова

http://i.ovkuse.ru/blogs/moi-dnevnik-7210/salat-vitaminyi-19028.html проголосуйте, пожалуйста, за мой витаминный салат со всех соц сетей

Владимир Белоусов

Владимир Белоусов

Видимо, его мысли были так быстры, что номер искривлялся вместе с пространством и он его не мог увидеть))

Любовь ✿✿✿

Любовь ✿✿✿

Энштейн не говорил до 4-х лет! Учитель характеризовал его, как умственно отсталого ребёнка!!))

Титан Богов

Титан Богов

по этому изобрел теорию многомерности в пространстве с 5 мерными измерениями


Сергей Крысин

Я тоже свой с трудом вспоминаю, потому что себе звоню, ну, очень-очень редко.


Диана Грошева

Он ваще дутая величина. Сам нифига не сделал, компилянт просто.

Дмитрий Настевич

Дмитрий Настевич

К стати, я то-же не могу. Значит у нас есть хоть что-то общее. ))))

Олег Чекрыжев

Олег Чекрыжев

но телефон любовницы помнил,это свойственно мужчинам.



у него думки были о другом.да и телефона не было

Занимательные факты из жизни Альберта Эйнштейна



Эйнштейн шёл по коридору Принстона, а навстречу ему — молодой и о-очень
малоталантливый физик. Поравнявшись с Эйнтейном, он фамильярно хлопнул
его по плечу и покровительственно спросил:
— Ну как дела, коллега?
— Коллега? — удивлённо переспросил Эйнштейн. — Неужели Вы тоже больны ревматизмом?


Знаете ли вы теорию относительности?

Супругу Альберта Эйнштейна спросили:
— Вы знаете теорию относительности Эйнштейна? 
— Не очень, — призналась она. — Зато никто в мире лучше меня не знает самого Эйнштейна.


Дедушка, учите арифметику

зайдя в берлинский трамвай, Эйнштейн по привычке углубился в чтение.
Потом, не глядя на кондуктора, вынул из кармана заранее отсчитанные на
билет деньги. 
— Здесь не хватает, — сказал кондуктор.
— Не может быть, — ответил ученый, не отрываясь от книжки. 
— А я вам говорю — не хватает. 
Эйнштейн еще раз покачал головой, дескать, такого не может быть. Кондуктор возмутился: 
— Тогда считайте, вот — 15 пфеннигов. Так что не хватает еще пяти. 
Эйнштейн пошарил рукой в кармане и действительно нашел нужную монету. Ему стало неловко, но кондуктор, улыбаясь, сказал:
— Ничего, дедушка, просто нужно выучить арифметику.


Эйнштейн в гостях

Эйнштейн был в гостях у супругов Кюри, он заметил, сидя в гостиной, что
на соседние с ним кресла никто не садится. Тогда он обратился к хозяину
«Сядьте около меня, Фредерик! А то мне кажется, что я присутствую на заседании Прусской академии наук».


Эйнштейн и Эдисон

однажды пожаловался Эйнштейну, что никак не может найти себе помощника.
Эйнштейн поинтересовался, как он определяет их пригодность. В ответ
Эдисон показал ему несколько листов с вопросами. Эйнштейн стал их
«Сколько миль от Нью-Йорка до Чикаго?» — 
и ответил: 
«Надо заглянуть в железнодорожный справочник». 
Он прочёл следующий вопрос: 
«Из чего делают нержавеющую сталь?» — 
и ответил: 
«Это можно узнать в справочнике по металловедению». 
Быстро просмотрев остальные вопросы, Эйнштейн отложил листки и сказал: 
«Не дожидаясь отказа, снимаю свою кандидатуру сам».


Эйнштейн о наследственности

одном из приёмов к Эйнштейну прицепилась одна молодая дама и предложила
вступить с ним в интимные отношения, чтобы завести общих детей. Она
«Вы представляете, дорогой, что они будут также умны, как вы, и также красивы, как я!» 
Эйнштейн вежливо отстранился от неё и задумчиво сказал: 
«Это, конечно, прекрасно! А вдруг получится наоборот?»


Эйнштейн об открытиях

Однажды на лекции Эйнштейна спросили, как делаются великие открытия. Он ненадолго задумался и ответил: 
что все о чём-то знают, что это невозможно сделать. Однако находится
один невежда, который этого не знает. Он-то и делает открытие».


Жена Эйнштейна

Жену Эйнштейна спросили, что она думает о своём муже. Она ответила:
«Мой муж гений! Он умеет делать абсолютно всё, кроме денег!»


Рассеянность Эйнштейна

Однажды Эйнштейн в задумчивости шёл по улице и встретил своего приятеля. Он пригласил его к себе домой: 
«Приходите ко мне вечером, у меня будет профессор Стимсон». 
Приятель удивился: 
«Но я ведь и есть Стимсон!» 
Эйнштейн возразил: 
«Это не важно — всё равно приходите».


Эйнштейн и дождь

Когда Эйнштейн был однажды в гостях, на улице начался дождь. Уходящему учёному хозяева предложили шляпу, но тот отказался: 
мне шляпа? Я знал, что будет дождь, и потому не взял свою шляпу. Ведь
очевидно, что шляпа будет сохнуть намного дольше, чем мои волосы».


Эйнштейн и Эйслер

и композитор Ганс Эйслер как-то оказались вместе в одной компании.
Хозяева знали, что Эйнштейн хорошо играет на скрипке, и попросили его
сыграть вместе с Эйслером. Композитор согласился, Эйнштейн настроил
свою скрипку, но… ничего из этого не получилось. Сколько раз Эйслер
не начинал играть вступление, Эйнштейн никак не мог попасть в такт.
Эйслер встал из-за рояля и сказал: 
«Я не понимаю, почему весь мир считает великим человека, не умеющего считать до трёх!»


Компетентный молодой человек

Альберт Эйнштейн и знаменитый виолончелист Григорий Пятигорский вместе
выступали в благотворительном концерте. В публике сидел один молодой
журналист, которому предстояло написать отчет о концерте. Он обратился
с вопросом к одной из слушательниц:
— Простите, Пятигорского мы все знаем, ну, а этот Эйнштейн, который выступает сегодня…
— Боже мой, да неужели вы не знаете, это же великий Эйнштейн!
— Да, конечно, благодарю, — смутился журналист и принялся что-то строчить в блокноте.
следующий день в газете появился отчет о выступлении Пятигорского
вместе с Эйнштейном — великим музыкантом, несравненным
скрипачом-виртуозом, который своей блистательной игрой затмил самого
Пятигорского. Рецензия всех очень рассмешила, и особенно Эйнштейна. 0н
вырезал заметку и постоянно носил ее с собой, показывал знакомым и
— Вы думаете, что я ученый? Нет, я знаменитый скрипач, вот кто я на самом деле!


Эйнштейн и королева

Эйнштейн был на приёме у короля Бельгии Альберта. После чая был
небольшой любительский концерт, в котором принимала участие и королева
Бельгии. После концерта Эйнштейн подошёл к королеве:
«Ваше величество, вы играли превосходно! Скажите, для чего Вам ещё профессия королевы?»


О великих мыслях

Один бойкий журналист, держа в руках записную книжку и карандаш, спросил Эйнштейна:
«Есть ли у вас блокнот или записная книжка, куда вы записываете свои великие мысли?»
Эйнштейн посмотрел на него и сказал:
«Молодой человек!

По-настоящему великие мысли приходят в голову так редко, что их нетрудно и запомнить».


Время и вечность

Одна дама как-то спросила Эйнштейна:
«В чём разница между временем и вечностью?»
Эйнштейн ответил:
«Если бы у меня было время, чтобы объяснить разницу между этими понятиями, то прошла бы вечность, прежде чем вы бы её поняли».


Эйнштейн и Чаплин

обожал фильмы Чарли Чаплина и с большой симпатией относился как к нему,
так и к его трогательным персонажам. Однажды он послал Чаплину
«Ваш фильм «Золотая лихорадка» понятен всем в мире, и я уверен, что Вы станете великим человеком. Эйнштейн».
Чаплин ответил:
«Я вами восхищаюсь ещё больше. Вашу теорию относительности не понимает никто в мире, но Вы всё-таки стали великим человеком.


Трудности докладчика

Эйнштейн делал доклад на одной напряжённой научной конференции. По
окончании конференции устроители спросили учёного, какой из моментов
конференции оказался для него самым трудным.
Эйнштейн ответил:
большая трудность заключалась в том, чтобы разбудить слушателей,
заснувших после выступления председателя, представлявшего меня


О телефонных номерах

знакомая дама просила Эйнштейна позвонить ей, но предупредила, что
номер её телефона очень сложно запомнить:»24-361. Запомнили? Повторите!»
Эйнштейн удивился:
«Конечно, запомнил! Две дюжины и 19 в квадрате».


Присуждение премии

1909 года в честь своего 350-летия Женевский университет, основанный
ещё Кальвином, присудил более ста почетных докторских степеней. Одна из
них была предназначена служащему Швейцарского патентного бюро в Берне
Альберту Эйнштейну.
Когда Эйнштейн получил большой конверт, в
который был вложен лист великолепной бумаги, заполненный каким-то
колоритным текстом на непонятном языке, он решил, что это латынь (на
самом деле это был французский), получателем значился некий Тинштейн, и
наш герой отправил бумагу в мусорную корзину.

Позже он узнал,
что это было приглашение на кальвиновские торжества и извещение о
присуждении степени почетного доктора Женевского университета.
как Эйнштейн не ответил на приглашение, то власти университета
обратились к другу Эйнштейна Люсьену Шавану, который и смог убедить
Эйнштейна приехать в Женеву. Но Эйнштейн еще ничего не знал о цели
своей поездки и прибыл в Женеву в соломенной шляпе и повседневном
пиджаке, в которых ему и пришлось участвовать в академической процессии.
Далее, что говорит сам Эйнштейн:
закончилось самым обильным пиршеством из всех, на которых мне
доводилось бывать. Я спросил одного из женевских «отцов города», с
которым сидел рядом:
«Знаете ли вы, что сделал бы Кальвин, будь он здесь?»
Сосед полюбопытствовал — что же именно? Тогда я ответил:
«Он устроил бы пожар и сжег нас всех за грех обжорства».
Мой собеседник не издал ни звука, и на этом обрываются мои воспоминания о достославном праздновании». 


Уголок тщеславия (Protzenecke)

конце 1936 года Бернское научное общество прислало Эйнштейну почетный
диплом. Когда Эйнштейн получил этот документ, он воскликнул:
«Его я непременно вставлю в рамку и повешу на стене — ведь они долго насмехались надо мной и моими идеями».
Однако в Берн из Принстона он 4 января 1937 года отправил письмо со следующими словами:
не можете себе представить, как я обрадован тем, что Бернское научное
общество хранит обо мне добрую память. Это было послание из моей давно
минувшей молодости. Вспомнились содержательные и уютные вечерние
заседания и особенно профессор-терапевт Сали с его восхитительными
комментариями к лекциям. Я сразу же вставил диплом в рамку, и это
единственный из символов признания, который висит в моем кабинете,
напоминая о Берне и старых друзьях.
Прошу передать свою сердечную благодарность членам Общества и рассказать им, как высоко я ценю их доброту».
получал множество различных отличий, но он не вставлял их в рамки и не
вешал на стену, а складывал их в дальний угол, который называл «уголком
тщеславия» («Protzenecke»).



общую теорию относительности Эйнштейн завершил в 1915 году, но мировая
известность пришла к нему только в 1919 году, когда после обработки
данных наблюдений солнечного затмения Артур Эддингтон и другие
английские ученые подтвердили предсказанный теорией эффект отклонения
световых лучей в гравитационном поле.
Никого тогда не волновал, да и
сейчас мало кого интересует, тот факт, что этот эффект был подтвержден
только качественно, а количественные оценки смещения светового луча
почти на порядок отличаются от предсказанных теорией. Дело было в
новизне самого эффекта.
Сам же Эйнштейн отнесся к всемирной славе довольно спокойно и в рождественской открытке своему другу Генриху Зангеру писал:
делает меня все глупее и глупее, что, впрочем, вполне обычно.
Существует громадный разрыв между тем, что человек собою представляет,
и тем, что другие о нем думают или, по крайней мере, говорят вслух. Но
все это нужно принимать беззлобно». 


Все относительно

1943 году одна школьница из Вашингтона жаловалась Эйнштейну, что ей с
трудом дается математика и приходится заниматься намного больше других,
чтобы не отстать от товарищей. Эйнштейн ей ответил:
«Не огорчайтесь своим трудностям с математикой, поверьте, мои трудности еще больше, чем ваши».


Хорошо, что не все так живут.

В 1898 году Эйнштейн писал своей сестре Майе:
приходится много работать, но все же не чересчур много. Время от
времени удается выкроить часок и побездельничать в живописных
окрестностях Цюриха… Если бы все жили, как я, не было бы
приключенческих романов…»


Достаточно коробка

был знаменит тем, что иногда делал записи на всём что просто попадалось
под руку(чтобы не упустить мысль). Как то его супругу пригласили на
открытие нового астрономического телескопа. После открытия ей устроили
небольшую экскурсию. Гид, который проводил её, указывая на телескоп
заявил: С помощью этого прибора мы открываем тайны вселенной, но что
супруга Энштейна сказала. — Странно, а моему мужу для этого достаточно
огрызка карандаша и коробка из под спичек.

Источник: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3370050/rubric/1211178/



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“Isn’t it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a popular fellow?”

Born in Germany in 1879, Albert Einstein was one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century, and one of the greatest thinkers of all time. He was a celebrity famous for his wit as well as his genius, and was a larger than life figure.

Here are 48 facts you may not have known about this brilliant scientist.

48. The “People’s Scientist”

Albert Einstein was known as the “people’s scientist” because of his down-to-earth sense of humour and his approachable manner. His hair was always uncombed, clothing disheveled, and he never wore socks- not even when visiting President Roosevelt at the White House!

47. Cluttered desk, Creative Mind.

Einstein said: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” A famous photograph taken on the day he died showed bulging book shelves, a desk cluttered with notebooks, journals, a pipe & a tobacco tin.

46. A Musical Mind

Einstein was a talented violinist. He began music lessons at age 5, but fell in love with music when he discovered Mozart’s violin sonatas at age 13. His violin was nicknamed “Lina”, and he said that the most joy in his life came from his violin.

45. Einstein Failed Math? Nope.

Einstein was not actually a poor student. He never “failed math.” At age 16, He failed his entrance exam to the Federal Polytechnic school in Zurich, but only because he struggled with the non-science subjects (especially French). Einstein continued to study and was able to attend the school the following year.

44. The Father of the Atomic Bomb (Sort of)

Fearing a German nuclear bomb, Einstein wrote a letter to President Roosevelt encouraging him to work on a nuclear weapon. This led to the creation of the Manhattan project, which was responsible for the atomic bomb. His famous equation E = mc2 also made the bomb theoretically possible.

43. President Einstein- Almost

In 1952, Albert Einstein was offered the chance to be president of Israel. He turned down the offer insisting that he was unqualified.

42. World’s Worst Husband

When Einstein’s marriage to Mileva Maric was failing, he gave her a list of rules for remaining together. The list demanded that she be his maid, but should expect no affection or attention from him. After a few months, she left him, and five years later, filed for divorce.

41. Coupled Cousins

Einstein and his cousin Elsa became romantically involved while he was separated from his first wife, and was known for her devotion to him. She also acted as gatekeeper, and would scare away unwanted visitors.

40. The Einstein Syndrome

Einstein didn’t start speaking until age 3 or 4. When he did, his first sentence was to complain at dinner that the soup was too hot. When asked why he hadn’t spoken before then, he replied: “because up to now, everything was in order.”

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39. Thinks Before He Speaks

Up until he was 9, Einstein would think through what he wanted to say before speaking. He preferred to practice his sentences in his head or under his breath until he got them right.

38. The Big Giant Head

Einstein was born with what his family thought was a grotesquely oversized head. The doctor was able to convince them that his body would catch up. Once it did, his grandmother complained to his parents he was too fat.

37. The Case of the Stolen Brain

When Einstein died, a man named Thomas Harvey performed an illegal autopsy and stole Einstein’s brain! For decades, he kept pieces of the preserved brain in two mason jars, which he stored in his Philadelphia lab, his basement, and in a cider box stored under a beer cooler.

36. Final Destination

Harvey eventually returned Einstein’s brain to the Princeton Hospital where he performed the autopsy. Today, the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia is the only place where the public can view Einstein’s brain.

35. Eyeballs in New York

Harvey also removed Einstein’s eyeballs and gifted them to Einstein’s eye-doctor Henry Abrams. To this day, the eyeballs are stored in a safe deposit box in New York City.

34. The Absent-Minded Professor!

Einstein had a terrible memory for details he deemed unimportant. When questioned about why he had to look up his phone number, Einstein replied: ““Why should I memorize something I can so easily get from a book?”

Albert Einstein FactsFlickr

33.  Einstein Got Kicked Out of Class.

At age 15, Einstein’s refusal to bend to the authority of one of his teachers led to him being kicked out of class. In college, he irritated his professors with his impertinence, never hiding the fact that he found their classes boring.

32. Draft Dodger

In 1896, Einstein followed his parents to Italy but, would have been accused of desertion if he didn’t report for conscription in Germany. To avoid military service, he renounced his German Citizenship at age 17.

31. Reluctantly German Again

When Einstein was sworn in as a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1921, he was considered a state official. Since only Ethnic German Citizens could be state officials, he was forced to retake his German Citizenship.

30 Odd jobs

Einstein graduated with a teaching degree, but couldn’t get hired at a university. In 1902, he got a job at the patent office in Bern, which he held for 7 years. The job was boring, and gave him lots of time to work on his theories.

29. Miracle Year of Einstein

In 1905, Einstein’s miracle year, he published his four different academic papers. They cemented his theories on the principle of relativity, and among them was the paper that contained the famous formula E=mc2.

Albert Einstein FactsGetty Images

28. The Lost Theory

Einstein played around with an alternative to the big bang theory. The theory proposed that the universe expanded steadily and eternally instead of all at once in a big bang. Einstein later abandoned the theory, and the paper was never published.

27. His Biggest Blunder

Einstein was the first to discover the equation that showed the universe is expanding, but he thought it was a mistake. Years later, Hubble’s telescope confirmed that the theory of relativity was correct, and his biggest blunder was thinking he was wrong!

26. It Was All in His Head

Einstein’s greatest breakthroughs came from visual experiments performed in his head. His theory of relativity was born from him imagining lightning striking a train at different times as the train speeds along.

25. Einstein Invented…a Refrigerator?

Einstein and his colleague Leo Szilard designed an absorption refrigerator that had no moving parts and required no electricity. The fridge never became a commercial product, largely due to the discovery of Freon.

24. Keep Calm, Smoke a Pipe.

Einstein loved to smoke. He believed that pipe smoking “contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs.” He gave up smoking on doctor’s instructions, but didn’t give up the pipes themselves. He would often stick one into his mouth and chew on it.

23. Einstein the Sailor Man.

Einstein loved to sail. His boat was called “Tinef” which is Yiddish for worthless or junk, and it equally described his sailing skills. Not only was he a lousy sailor, but he didn’t even know how to swim!

22. Einstein’s Nobel Prize

Einstein never won a Nobel Prize for the general or special theory of relativity. He was awarded the prize in 1921 for his work on the photoelectric effect.

21. I’d Like to Thank My Compass.

When he was five years old, and sick in bed, Einstein’s father brought him a compass to play with. The force that guided the needle ignited his curiosity and inspired his lifelong interest in physics.

20. Say Cheese!

As he left his 72nd birthday party, Einstein was surrounded by photographers. Tired of fake smiling, he stuck his tongue out instead. Einstein ordered 9 pictures for personal use, and signed one of them for a reporter. That photograph sold at an auction for $74,324!

19. Whatever happened to Baby Lieserl?

When he was 22 years old, Einstein had an illegitimate daughter. The baby, named Lieserl, disappeared from historical records shortly after her birth. Today, her fate is still unknown.

18. Oddly Shaped Brain

Einstein’s brain was overall smaller than average, but the parietal lobes were 15% wider than normal. These areas are linked to mathematical ability, and visual and spatial awareness. Researchers believe that this is why Einstein tackled scientific thought the way he did.

Albert Einstein FactsGetty Images

17. Why drive when you can walk?

Einstein never had a car of his own, and he never learned to drive. If he needed to go somewhere by car, he had friends or a chauffeur drove him.

16. The FBI Spied on Him

In December of 1932, the FBI started keeping a file on Einstein. At the time of his death, the file was 1427 pages long. Then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was deeply suspicious of Einstein, and believed he was an extreme radical and a communist.

14. The Russian Affair

Towards the end of WWII, Einstein had a passionate affair with Margarita Konenkova – a brilliant scientist and Russian spy. Their affair only ended when she and her husband returned to Moscow in 1945.

Konenkova was allegedly tasked with learning about and “influencing” the American nuclear program, and was instructed to get close to J. Robert Oppenheimer of the Manhattan Project. Einstein was not directly involved in the Manhattan Project, so it’s not entirely clear what Konenkova was hoping to get out of him.

13. Lost in translation

Right before he died, Einstein uttered his final words to a nurse. Unfortunately, the words were spoken in German—a language the nurse didn’t speak or understand.


Einsteinium is the 99th element on the periodic table. It’s named after Albert Einstein, though he actually had nothing to do with its discovery or research.

11. Yoda is Einstein

Einstein’s eyes and wrinkles were worked into Yoda’s design, giving him a wise and intelligent look.

10. Einstein for Equality

After moving to the United States, Einstein became an active member of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), and courageously took a public stand against racial segregation in America.

9. My Winnings for a Divorce!

Einstein made an unusual bargain with his first wife. In exchange for a divorce, he promised to give her the winnings from his anticipated Nobel Prize. Three years later, when Einstein won the prize, he gave her the money.

8. The Depressed Cat

Einstein had tomcat named Tiger that got depressed whenever it rained. Einstein was heard empathizing with the cat and saying: “I know what’s wrong, dear fellow, but I don’t know how to turn it off.”

7. The Greatest Day

In 1923, Einstein traveled to Jerusalem to present the first scientific address at the Hebrew University he’d helped to fund. At one of his speaking engagements, he declared: “I consider this the greatest day of my life”.

6. Einstein’s Advice to a Little Girl Who Wanted to Be a Scientist

In a letter from a little girl in South Africa, she explained to Einstein that she had now become resigned to being a girl. He responded: “I do not mind that you are a girl, but the main thing is that you yourself do not mind. There is no reason for it.”

5. He Could Have Extended His Life

When Einstein entered the hospital two days before his death, doctors suggested surgery, he refused. He felt that prolonging life artificially was “tasteless.”

4. A Signature for a Buck!

Einstein’s wife Elsa managed his fan mail and collected $1.00 for an autograph and $5.00 for a photograph. Einstein donated the proceeds to charity.

Albert Einstein FactsGetty Images

3. Einstein’s List

Einstein tirelessly wrote letters to Presidents, prime ministers, and other leaders asking them to take in unemployed German-Jewish scientists during the Nazi regime. His letters saved over 1,000 Jews from persecution and the Nazi camps. He also wrote a now-famous letter to FDR shortly before the figuring out uranium-powered nuclear chain reactions, which would power the atomic bombs.

2. Not Yet Hanged

A Nazi magazine in Germany printed an enemies list, and Einstein was on it listed as “Not Yet Hanged.” It also offered a $5000 Bounty for his head.

1. Einstein Was a Refugee

Einstein realized his life was at risk after Hitler assumed power in Germany. Einstein fled to Belgium, where he learned that his boat and cottage had been seized. He then escaped to England, and he was kept under armed protection until he found safety in America.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

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Want to tell us to write facts on a topic? We’re always looking for your input! Please reach out to us to let us know what you’re interested in reading. Your suggestions can be as general or specific as you like, from “Life” to “Compact Cars and Trucks” to “A Subspecies of Capybara Called Hydrochoerus Isthmius.” We’ll get our writers on it because we want to create articles on the topics you’re interested in. Please submit feedback to contribute@factinate.com. Thanks for your time!

Do you question the accuracy of a fact you just read? At Factinate, we’re dedicated to getting things right. Our credibility is the turbo-charged engine of our success. We want our readers to trust us. Our editors are instructed to fact check thoroughly, including finding at least three references for each fact. However, despite our best efforts, we sometimes miss the mark. When we do, we depend on our loyal, helpful readers to point out how we can do better. Please let us know if a fact we’ve published is inaccurate (or even if you just suspect it’s inaccurate) by reaching out to us at contribute@factinate.com. Thanks for your help!

Warmest regards,

The Factinate team

“Isn’t it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a popular fellow?”

Born in Germany in 1879, Albert Einstein was one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century, and one of the greatest thinkers of all time. He was a celebrity famous for his wit as well as his genius, and was a larger than life figure.

Here are 48 facts you may not have known about this brilliant scientist.

48. The “People’s Scientist”

Albert Einstein was known as the “people’s scientist” because of his down-to-earth sense of humour and his approachable manner. His hair was always uncombed, clothing disheveled, and he never wore socks- not even when visiting President Roosevelt at the White House!

47. Cluttered desk, Creative Mind.

Einstein said: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” A famous photograph taken on the day he died showed bulging book shelves, a desk cluttered with notebooks, journals, a pipe & a tobacco tin.

46. A Musical Mind

Einstein was a talented violinist. He began music lessons at age 5, but fell in love with music when he discovered Mozart’s violin sonatas at age 13. His violin was nicknamed “Lina”, and he said that the most joy in his life came from his violin.

45. Einstein Failed Math? Nope.

Einstein was not actually a poor student. He never “failed math.” At age 16, He failed his entrance exam to the Federal Polytechnic school in Zurich, but only because he struggled with the non-science subjects (especially French). Einstein continued to study and was able to attend the school the following year.

44. The Father of the Atomic Bomb (Sort of)

Fearing a German nuclear bomb, Einstein wrote a letter to President Roosevelt encouraging him to work on a nuclear weapon. This led to the creation of the Manhattan project, which was responsible for the atomic bomb. His famous equation E = mc2 also made the bomb theoretically possible.

43. President Einstein- Almost

In 1952, Albert Einstein was offered the chance to be president of Israel. He turned down the offer insisting that he was unqualified.

42. World’s Worst Husband

When Einstein’s marriage to Mileva Maric was failing, he gave her a list of rules for remaining together. The list demanded that she be his maid, but should expect no affection or attention from him. After a few months, she left him, and five years later, filed for divorce.

41. Coupled Cousins

Einstein and his cousin Elsa became romantically involved while he was separated from his first wife, and was known for her devotion to him. She also acted as gatekeeper, and would scare away unwanted visitors.

40. The Einstein Syndrome

Einstein didn’t start speaking until age 3 or 4. When he did, his first sentence was to complain at dinner that the soup was too hot. When asked why he hadn’t spoken before then, he replied: “because up to now, everything was in order.”

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39. Thinks Before He Speaks

Up until he was 9, Einstein would think through what he wanted to say before speaking. He preferred to practice his sentences in his head or under his breath until he got them right.

38. The Big Giant Head

Einstein was born with what his family thought was a grotesquely oversized head. The doctor was able to convince them that his body would catch up. Once it did, his grandmother complained to his parents he was too fat.

37. The Case of the Stolen Brain

When Einstein died, a man named Thomas Harvey performed an illegal autopsy and stole Einstein’s brain! For decades, he kept pieces of the preserved brain in two mason jars, which he stored in his Philadelphia lab, his basement, and in a cider box stored under a beer cooler.

36. Final Destination

Harvey eventually returned Einstein’s brain to the Princeton Hospital where he performed the autopsy. Today, the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia is the only place where the public can view Einstein’s brain.

35. Eyeballs in New York

Harvey also removed Einstein’s eyeballs and gifted them to Einstein’s eye-doctor Henry Abrams. To this day, the eyeballs are stored in a safe deposit box in New York City.

34. The Absent-Minded Professor!

Einstein had a terrible memory for details he deemed unimportant. When questioned about why he had to look up his phone number, Einstein replied: ““Why should I memorize something I can so easily get from a book?”

Albert Einstein FactsFlickr

33.  Einstein Got Kicked Out of Class.

At age 15, Einstein’s refusal to bend to the authority of one of his teachers led to him being kicked out of class. In college, he irritated his professors with his impertinence, never hiding the fact that he found their classes boring.

32. Draft Dodger

In 1896, Einstein followed his parents to Italy but, would have been accused of desertion if he didn’t report for conscription in Germany. To avoid military service, he renounced his German Citizenship at age 17.

31. Reluctantly German Again

When Einstein was sworn in as a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1921, he was considered a state official. Since only Ethnic German Citizens could be state officials, he was forced to retake his German Citizenship.

30 Odd jobs

Einstein graduated with a teaching degree, but couldn’t get hired at a university. In 1902, he got a job at the patent office in Bern, which he held for 7 years. The job was boring, and gave him lots of time to work on his theories.

29. Miracle Year of Einstein

In 1905, Einstein’s miracle year, he published his four different academic papers. They cemented his theories on the principle of relativity, and among them was the paper that contained the famous formula E=mc2.

Albert Einstein FactsGetty Images

28. The Lost Theory

Einstein played around with an alternative to the big bang theory. The theory proposed that the universe expanded steadily and eternally instead of all at once in a big bang. Einstein later abandoned the theory, and the paper was never published.

27. His Biggest Blunder

Einstein was the first to discover the equation that showed the universe is expanding, but he thought it was a mistake. Years later, Hubble’s telescope confirmed that the theory of relativity was correct, and his biggest blunder was thinking he was wrong!

26. It Was All in His Head

Einstein’s greatest breakthroughs came from visual experiments performed in his head. His theory of relativity was born from him imagining lightning striking a train at different times as the train speeds along.

25. Einstein Invented…a Refrigerator?

Einstein and his colleague Leo Szilard designed an absorption refrigerator that had no moving parts and required no electricity. The fridge never became a commercial product, largely due to the discovery of Freon.

24. Keep Calm, Smoke a Pipe.

Einstein loved to smoke. He believed that pipe smoking “contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs.” He gave up smoking on doctor’s instructions, but didn’t give up the pipes themselves. He would often stick one into his mouth and chew on it.

23. Einstein the Sailor Man.

Einstein loved to sail. His boat was called “Tinef” which is Yiddish for worthless or junk, and it equally described his sailing skills. Not only was he a lousy sailor, but he didn’t even know how to swim!

22. Einstein’s Nobel Prize

Einstein never won a Nobel Prize for the general or special theory of relativity. He was awarded the prize in 1921 for his work on the photoelectric effect.

21. I’d Like to Thank My Compass.

When he was five years old, and sick in bed, Einstein’s father brought him a compass to play with. The force that guided the needle ignited his curiosity and inspired his lifelong interest in physics.

20. Say Cheese!

As he left his 72nd birthday party, Einstein was surrounded by photographers. Tired of fake smiling, he stuck his tongue out instead. Einstein ordered 9 pictures for personal use, and signed one of them for a reporter. That photograph sold at an auction for $74,324!

19. Whatever happened to Baby Lieserl?

When he was 22 years old, Einstein had an illegitimate daughter. The baby, named Lieserl, disappeared from historical records shortly after her birth. Today, her fate is still unknown.

18. Oddly Shaped Brain

Einstein’s brain was overall smaller than average, but the parietal lobes were 15% wider than normal. These areas are linked to mathematical ability, and visual and spatial awareness. Researchers believe that this is why Einstein tackled scientific thought the way he did.

Albert Einstein FactsGetty Images

17. Why drive when you can walk?

Einstein never had a car of his own, and he never learned to drive. If he needed to go somewhere by car, he had friends or a chauffeur drove him.

16. The FBI Spied on Him

In December of 1932, the FBI started keeping a file on Einstein. At the time of his death, the file was 1427 pages long. Then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was deeply suspicious of Einstein, and believed he was an extreme radical and a communist.

14. The Russian Affair

Towards the end of WWII, Einstein had a passionate affair with Margarita Konenkova – a brilliant scientist and Russian spy. Their affair only ended when she and her husband returned to Moscow in 1945.

Konenkova was allegedly tasked with learning about and “influencing” the American nuclear program, and was instructed to get close to J. Robert Oppenheimer of the Manhattan Project. Einstein was not directly involved in the Manhattan Project, so it’s not entirely clear what Konenkova was hoping to get out of him.

13. Lost in translation

Right before he died, Einstein uttered his final words to a nurse. Unfortunately, the words were spoken in German—a language the nurse didn’t speak or understand.


Einsteinium is the 99th element on the periodic table. It’s named after Albert Einstein, though he actually had nothing to do with its discovery or research.

11. Yoda is Einstein

Einstein’s eyes and wrinkles were worked into Yoda’s design, giving him a wise and intelligent look.

10. Einstein for Equality

After moving to the United States, Einstein became an active member of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), and courageously took a public stand against racial segregation in America.

9. My Winnings for a Divorce!

Einstein made an unusual bargain with his first wife. In exchange for a divorce, he promised to give her the winnings from his anticipated Nobel Prize. Three years later, when Einstein won the prize, he gave her the money.

8. The Depressed Cat

Einstein had tomcat named Tiger that got depressed whenever it rained. Einstein was heard empathizing with the cat and saying: “I know what’s wrong, dear fellow, but I don’t know how to turn it off.”

7. The Greatest Day

In 1923, Einstein traveled to Jerusalem to present the first scientific address at the Hebrew University he’d helped to fund. At one of his speaking engagements, he declared: “I consider this the greatest day of my life”.

6. Einstein’s Advice to a Little Girl Who Wanted to Be a Scientist

In a letter from a little girl in South Africa, she explained to Einstein that she had now become resigned to being a girl. He responded: “I do not mind that you are a girl, but the main thing is that you yourself do not mind. There is no reason for it.”

5. He Could Have Extended His Life

When Einstein entered the hospital two days before his death, doctors suggested surgery, he refused. He felt that prolonging life artificially was “tasteless.”

4. A Signature for a Buck!

Einstein’s wife Elsa managed his fan mail and collected $1.00 for an autograph and $5.00 for a photograph. Einstein donated the proceeds to charity.

Albert Einstein FactsGetty Images

3. Einstein’s List

Einstein tirelessly wrote letters to Presidents, prime ministers, and other leaders asking them to take in unemployed German-Jewish scientists during the Nazi regime. His letters saved over 1,000 Jews from persecution and the Nazi camps. He also wrote a now-famous letter to FDR shortly before the figuring out uranium-powered nuclear chain reactions, which would power the atomic bombs.

2. Not Yet Hanged

A Nazi magazine in Germany printed an enemies list, and Einstein was on it listed as “Not Yet Hanged.” It also offered a $5000 Bounty for his head.

1. Einstein Was a Refugee

Einstein realized his life was at risk after Hitler assumed power in Germany. Einstein fled to Belgium, where he learned that his boat and cottage had been seized. He then escaped to England, and he was kept under armed protection until he found safety in America.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

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Want to tell us to write facts on a topic? We’re always looking for your input! Please reach out to us to let us know what you’re interested in reading. Your suggestions can be as general or specific as you like, from “Life” to “Compact Cars and Trucks” to “A Subspecies of Capybara Called Hydrochoerus Isthmius.” We’ll get our writers on it because we want to create articles on the topics you’re interested in. Please submit feedback to contribute@factinate.com. Thanks for your time!

Do you question the accuracy of a fact you just read? At Factinate, we’re dedicated to getting things right. Our credibility is the turbo-charged engine of our success. We want our readers to trust us. Our editors are instructed to fact check thoroughly, including finding at least three references for each fact. However, despite our best efforts, we sometimes miss the mark. When we do, we depend on our loyal, helpful readers to point out how we can do better. Please let us know if a fact we’ve published is inaccurate (or even if you just suspect it’s inaccurate) by reaching out to us at contribute@factinate.com. Thanks for your help!

Warmest regards,

The Factinate team

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