Куда скинуть номер телефона мошенников

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When you get a phone call and the person on the other end makes you promises that seem too good to be true or threatens you with legal action if you don’t pay them money, you are likely dealing with a scam. If you interact with someone like this, it’s important to report the scammer to the right people, so that the scammer can be stopped. First of all, the phone scam should be reported to governmental agencies and law enforcement authorities so that others are not duped into falling for the scam. You should also report the call to any companies or agencies that the scammer mentioned in their call so that they can help try to stop them as well.

  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 1


    Tip: It’s important to report phone scams to your consumer protection agency in part because accurate reports help them track patterns of fraud.

  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 2


    Contact the agency that oversees phone communications. In the US, this is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). You can report scam phone calls to the FCC through their online complaint form. By contacting the FCC, you are helping the agency to track down and disable numbers that are being used for illegal and fraudulent activities.[1]

    • The web address for the FCC online complaint form is: https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/115002234203-Unwanted-Calls-Phone-.


  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 3


    File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau if the scam is financial. Any scam call that attempts to get your financial information or is related to your mortgage, bank accounts, credit account, or loan risks your financial security. The complaint can be filed on their website.[2]

    • It is the job of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect your interests when it comes to this kind of scam.
    • Complaints can be filed at: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/.
  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 4


    Contact law-enforcement bureaus that deal with scams. Your local Attorney General’s office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are the law-enforcement agencies that deal with most scams. Call their general number or contact them online about scam calls that you have received.

    • The website to contact the FBI at is https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us.
    • Your Attorney General’s contact information can be found by doing an online search that includes the name of your state and the words «attorney general contact information.»
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  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 5


    Email the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if you have received scam calls impersonating them. There are a lot of phone scammers that say they are representatives of the IRS and that you need to pay the for back taxes or face arrest. If you get one of these calls, send the IRS an email at phishing@irs.gov with the subject line saying «IRS Phone Scam.» The email should contain:[3]

    • The caller’s telephone number
    • The telephone number you were told to call
    • A brief description of the call
    • The exact date and time that you received the call
    • Where you received the call (exact location and time zone)
  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 6


    Contact the Social Security Agency if you suspect identity theft. It is easiest to report this kind of problem to the Office of the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration. The website to report fraud is https://www.ssa.gov/fraudreport/oig/public_fraud_reporting/form.htm.[4]

    • Calls that could signal potential identity theft include those that request your personal information, including your social security number or bank account numbers. The caller may say you owe medical bills or that you have debt that you don’t have and that you need to supply information to clear it up.
    • Scams that should be reported to the SSA include calls that state that they are representing the SSA and those that try to get your social security number from you.
  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 7


    Contact agencies and businesses that are named during the scam call. If the scammer names a specific company, it’s a good idea to call the customer service number of that actual company to let them know that their name is being used fraudulently. This is also true for a governmental agency. For instance, if someone calls you and wants your personal information for the census bureau, call the census bureau and tell them that someone is impersonating them for personal gain.[5]

    Tip: The correct number to call depends on the specific company. However, you can typically find the customer service number by doing an online search for the company’s name and the words «customer service.»

  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 8


    Make a report to your telephone provider to get scam calls blocked. If you keep getting scam calls, it’s a good idea to let the phone company know that the number is being used for illegal activity. Some providers can block the scammer’s number and may be able to work with the FCC to stop the scam from continuing with other people.

    • Call the general customer service number of your phone company and tell the operator that you are trying to report a number being used for a scam.
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  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 9


    Suspect a scam call if the person threatens you with legal action if you don’t pay them. There are many scam callers that claim to be with the IRS, a law enforcement, or a financial institution and use fear to get your money. They claim that unless you pay them you will be in legal trouble. These calls are scams and you should hang up the phone if you get one.[6]

  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 10


    Be suspicious of calls that claim you have won a prize or lottery. A classic phone scam is one that claims you won a prize and you just need to pay the shipping cost, taxes, or related fees to claim it. The scammer then asks for your financial information. If you get an unsolicited call like this, it is a scam and you should hang up the phone.[7]

    Warning: While it may be tempting to believe that you really have won a prize, remember that if you fall for a scam, it can cost you a lot more than you might have won.

  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 11


    Identify common things scammers say. There are a variety of standard lines that scammers use to lure you into giving them money or information. If you hear any of these lines, suspect a scam right away and hang up your phone:[8]

    • «You’ve been selected for a special offer.»
    • «Buy our product and get a special bonus prize.»
    • «You’ve won a valuable prize.»
    • «You’ve just won money in a lottery.»
    • «We’re looking for investors in a low risk, high return investment.»
    • «To get this great offer you need to make up your mind right away.»
    • «You trust me, don’t you?»
    • «There’s no need to check our company out with anyone.»
    • «We just need to put the shipping and handling charges on your credit card.»
  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 12


    Trust your instincts. Often scammers rely on making people feel guilty for suspecting a scam. However, if you get a call and something just doesn’t feel right, hang up the phone. Overall, it’s just always better to be safe than sorry.[9]

    • If you are suspicious of a call from a company but you’re scared that the caller might be telling the truth, simply tell them you are going hang up the phone and call the company yourself. If the caller is above board, they should have no problem with you doing this.
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  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 13


    Block individual numbers. If you keep getting unwanted calls on your smart phone from the same number, it’s possible to block the caller in the future. Go into your call records in your phone and tap the button that says «block this caller» or whatever other similar phrase your phone app uses. After you hit that button, the blocked number won’t be allowed to connect to your number.

    • In many cases, scammers use a wide variety of numbers to run their scams, so this technique won’t keep scammers at bay for long. However, it will make getting through slightly more difficult.
  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 14


    Block all unknown callers. If you are tired of getting calls from numbers you don’t know, set your smart phone up so it sends unknown callers straight to your voicemail. If you have a landline, you can call your phone provider and ask them to block unknown callers. Many scam callers will not stay on the line to leave a message and you will not have your phone ringing all the time with annoying scam calls.

    • The downside of this technique for blocking scam calls is that businesses you are dealing with will not be able to get a hold of you directly.
    • If your phone number is a business line, you may not be able to do this. It is a better technique for a personal phone line.
  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 15


    Put your phone number on the federal Do Not Call Registry. This is a national registry for those that live in the US and who do not want unsolicited calls. You can join this list by calling (888) 382-1222 or by registering online at https://www.donotcall.gov.[10]

    • There are a variety of organizations that are not required to follow the Do Not Call Registry. This includes organizations and businesses who have an established relationship with you, non-profit organizations, and those businesses or organizations that you have given contact permission to.

    Tip: If you do get calls after you put your number on the list, you can file a complaint with the FTC at https://www.ftc.gov/complaint or 1-888-382-1222.

  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 16


    Install call-blocking software on your smart phone. If you get scam calls continually, it’s probably worth your while to install an app that blocks unlisted and unnamed callers. These apps are available for most brands of smart phones and typically only have a small cost to purchase them.

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  • Question

    How can I report a scammer that keeps calling me?

    Scott Nelson, JD

    Scott Nelson, JD

    Police Sergeant, Mountain View Police Department

    Scott Nelson is a Police Sergeant with the Mountain View Police Department in California. He is also a practicing attorney for Goyette & Associates, Inc. where he represents public employees with a myriad of labor issues throughout the state. He has over 15 years of experience in law enforcement and specializes in digital forensics. Scott has received extensive training through the National Computer Forensics Institute and holds forensic certifications from Cellbrite, Blackbag, Axiom Forensics, and others. He earned a Master of Business Administration from the California State University Stanislaus and a Juris Doctorate from the Laurence Drivon School of Law.

    Scott Nelson, JD

    Police Sergeant, Mountain View Police Department

    Expert Answer

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    unlocking this expert answer.

    It really depends on where you live. The laws surrounding scam call reporting are constantly changing these days, so it can be kind of hard to figure out who you’re supposed to talk to. Your best bet is to call your local police department and ask them. They’ll direct you to the proper agency where you live.

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When you get a phone call and the person on the other end makes you promises that seem too good to be true or threatens you with legal action if you don’t pay them money, you are likely dealing with a scam. If you interact with someone like this, it’s important to report the scammer to the right people, so that the scammer can be stopped. First of all, the phone scam should be reported to governmental agencies and law enforcement authorities so that others are not duped into falling for the scam. You should also report the call to any companies or agencies that the scammer mentioned in their call so that they can help try to stop them as well.

  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 1


    Tip: It’s important to report phone scams to your consumer protection agency in part because accurate reports help them track patterns of fraud.

  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 2


    Contact the agency that oversees phone communications. In the US, this is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). You can report scam phone calls to the FCC through their online complaint form. By contacting the FCC, you are helping the agency to track down and disable numbers that are being used for illegal and fraudulent activities.[1]

    • The web address for the FCC online complaint form is: https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/115002234203-Unwanted-Calls-Phone-.


  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 3


    File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau if the scam is financial. Any scam call that attempts to get your financial information or is related to your mortgage, bank accounts, credit account, or loan risks your financial security. The complaint can be filed on their website.[2]

    • It is the job of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect your interests when it comes to this kind of scam.
    • Complaints can be filed at: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/.
  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 4


    Contact law-enforcement bureaus that deal with scams. Your local Attorney General’s office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are the law-enforcement agencies that deal with most scams. Call their general number or contact them online about scam calls that you have received.

    • The website to contact the FBI at is https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us.
    • Your Attorney General’s contact information can be found by doing an online search that includes the name of your state and the words «attorney general contact information.»
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  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 5


    Email the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if you have received scam calls impersonating them. There are a lot of phone scammers that say they are representatives of the IRS and that you need to pay the for back taxes or face arrest. If you get one of these calls, send the IRS an email at phishing@irs.gov with the subject line saying «IRS Phone Scam.» The email should contain:[3]

    • The caller’s telephone number
    • The telephone number you were told to call
    • A brief description of the call
    • The exact date and time that you received the call
    • Where you received the call (exact location and time zone)
  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 6


    Contact the Social Security Agency if you suspect identity theft. It is easiest to report this kind of problem to the Office of the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration. The website to report fraud is https://www.ssa.gov/fraudreport/oig/public_fraud_reporting/form.htm.[4]

    • Calls that could signal potential identity theft include those that request your personal information, including your social security number or bank account numbers. The caller may say you owe medical bills or that you have debt that you don’t have and that you need to supply information to clear it up.
    • Scams that should be reported to the SSA include calls that state that they are representing the SSA and those that try to get your social security number from you.
  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 7


    Contact agencies and businesses that are named during the scam call. If the scammer names a specific company, it’s a good idea to call the customer service number of that actual company to let them know that their name is being used fraudulently. This is also true for a governmental agency. For instance, if someone calls you and wants your personal information for the census bureau, call the census bureau and tell them that someone is impersonating them for personal gain.[5]

    Tip: The correct number to call depends on the specific company. However, you can typically find the customer service number by doing an online search for the company’s name and the words «customer service.»

  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 8


    Make a report to your telephone provider to get scam calls blocked. If you keep getting scam calls, it’s a good idea to let the phone company know that the number is being used for illegal activity. Some providers can block the scammer’s number and may be able to work with the FCC to stop the scam from continuing with other people.

    • Call the general customer service number of your phone company and tell the operator that you are trying to report a number being used for a scam.
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  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 9


    Suspect a scam call if the person threatens you with legal action if you don’t pay them. There are many scam callers that claim to be with the IRS, a law enforcement, or a financial institution and use fear to get your money. They claim that unless you pay them you will be in legal trouble. These calls are scams and you should hang up the phone if you get one.[6]

  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 10


    Be suspicious of calls that claim you have won a prize or lottery. A classic phone scam is one that claims you won a prize and you just need to pay the shipping cost, taxes, or related fees to claim it. The scammer then asks for your financial information. If you get an unsolicited call like this, it is a scam and you should hang up the phone.[7]

    Warning: While it may be tempting to believe that you really have won a prize, remember that if you fall for a scam, it can cost you a lot more than you might have won.

  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 11


    Identify common things scammers say. There are a variety of standard lines that scammers use to lure you into giving them money or information. If you hear any of these lines, suspect a scam right away and hang up your phone:[8]

    • «You’ve been selected for a special offer.»
    • «Buy our product and get a special bonus prize.»
    • «You’ve won a valuable prize.»
    • «You’ve just won money in a lottery.»
    • «We’re looking for investors in a low risk, high return investment.»
    • «To get this great offer you need to make up your mind right away.»
    • «You trust me, don’t you?»
    • «There’s no need to check our company out with anyone.»
    • «We just need to put the shipping and handling charges on your credit card.»
  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 12


    Trust your instincts. Often scammers rely on making people feel guilty for suspecting a scam. However, if you get a call and something just doesn’t feel right, hang up the phone. Overall, it’s just always better to be safe than sorry.[9]

    • If you are suspicious of a call from a company but you’re scared that the caller might be telling the truth, simply tell them you are going hang up the phone and call the company yourself. If the caller is above board, they should have no problem with you doing this.
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  1. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 13


    Block individual numbers. If you keep getting unwanted calls on your smart phone from the same number, it’s possible to block the caller in the future. Go into your call records in your phone and tap the button that says «block this caller» or whatever other similar phrase your phone app uses. After you hit that button, the blocked number won’t be allowed to connect to your number.

    • In many cases, scammers use a wide variety of numbers to run their scams, so this technique won’t keep scammers at bay for long. However, it will make getting through slightly more difficult.
  2. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 14


    Block all unknown callers. If you are tired of getting calls from numbers you don’t know, set your smart phone up so it sends unknown callers straight to your voicemail. If you have a landline, you can call your phone provider and ask them to block unknown callers. Many scam callers will not stay on the line to leave a message and you will not have your phone ringing all the time with annoying scam calls.

    • The downside of this technique for blocking scam calls is that businesses you are dealing with will not be able to get a hold of you directly.
    • If your phone number is a business line, you may not be able to do this. It is a better technique for a personal phone line.
  3. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 15


    Put your phone number on the federal Do Not Call Registry. This is a national registry for those that live in the US and who do not want unsolicited calls. You can join this list by calling (888) 382-1222 or by registering online at https://www.donotcall.gov.[10]

    • There are a variety of organizations that are not required to follow the Do Not Call Registry. This includes organizations and businesses who have an established relationship with you, non-profit organizations, and those businesses or organizations that you have given contact permission to.

    Tip: If you do get calls after you put your number on the list, you can file a complaint with the FTC at https://www.ftc.gov/complaint or 1-888-382-1222.

  4. Image titled Report Scam Numbers Step 16


    Install call-blocking software on your smart phone. If you get scam calls continually, it’s probably worth your while to install an app that blocks unlisted and unnamed callers. These apps are available for most brands of smart phones and typically only have a small cost to purchase them.

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  • Question

    How can I report a scammer that keeps calling me?

    Scott Nelson, JD

    Scott Nelson, JD

    Police Sergeant, Mountain View Police Department

    Scott Nelson is a Police Sergeant with the Mountain View Police Department in California. He is also a practicing attorney for Goyette & Associates, Inc. where he represents public employees with a myriad of labor issues throughout the state. He has over 15 years of experience in law enforcement and specializes in digital forensics. Scott has received extensive training through the National Computer Forensics Institute and holds forensic certifications from Cellbrite, Blackbag, Axiom Forensics, and others. He earned a Master of Business Administration from the California State University Stanislaus and a Juris Doctorate from the Laurence Drivon School of Law.

    Scott Nelson, JD

    Police Sergeant, Mountain View Police Department

    Expert Answer

    Support wikiHow by
    unlocking this expert answer.

    It really depends on where you live. The laws surrounding scam call reporting are constantly changing these days, so it can be kind of hard to figure out who you’re supposed to talk to. Your best bet is to call your local police department and ask them. They’ll direct you to the proper agency where you live.

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Телефонные звонки – один из популярных инструментов мошенника, который стремится завладеть вашими персональными данными. Какие уловки используют мошенники и как бороться с ними, рассказывают эксперты Центра цифровой экспертизы Роскачества.

На звонки с каких номеров лучше не отвечать?

Активность телефонных мошенников в 2020 году в России такая, что безопасным вариантом было бы вообще не отвечать на звонки с неизвестных номеров (если только это не предусматривает специфика вашей работы), поскольку вероятность того, что это мошенник или спам, весьма высока.

Куканов Антон.gif

Антон Куканов

руководитель Центра цифровой экспертизы Роскачества

– Если самим фактом ответа на звонок вы вреда не причините (история о том, что якобы нельзя отвечать словом «да», потому что украдут образец голоса и потом подтвердят денежный перевод, – всего лишь страшилка), то чего действительно делать не стоит, так это называть свои банковские данные – CVC-коды и коды из СМС. Ни один банк их спрашивать не будет.

Мошенники могут подменять номер

Мошенники с помощью специальных сервисов IP-телефонии могут подменять номер, который будет выглядеть как номер вашего банка. Чтобы не попасться на удочку, рекомендация одна: при малейших подозрениях прерывайте разговор и самостоятельно перезванивайте по номеру, указанному на обратной стороне карты.

Также не рекомендуется перезванивать на незнакомые номера, особенно на короткие, городские, с кодом, отличным от +7 и начинающимся на 8-809 (номера для оказания платных услуг). За это могут списать средства, а если вы в итоге станете жертвой мошенничества, то факт, что вы позвонили первым, будет не в вашу пользу.

Стимулировать перезвонить мошенники могут, моментально сбрасывая звонок после вызова, чтобы жертва не успела ответить.

Как проверить, что этот номер используют мошенники?

В большинстве случаев приложения – определители номера (в том числе их доступные бесплатные варианты) успешно справляются с тем, чтобы отметить звонок как подозрительный. База определителя пополняется за счет обратной связи пользователей. Мошенники звонят огромному количеству людей, и, как правило, используемый ими номер достаточно быстро оказывается помечен как вредоносный. Кроме мошенников, определители хорошо выявляют социологические опросы, спам, телемаркетинг банков и МФО.

Как избавиться от мошеннических звонков и спама по телефону — читайте ЗДЕСЬ.

Если вы даете определителю доступ к вашим контактам, нужно выбирать только известные и проверенные сервисы, которым вы доверяете, с хорошими отзывами и высоким рейтингом. Центр цифровой экспертизы Роскачества собирается в будущем проанализировать безопасность приложений – определителей номера.

Звонил мошенник? Обращайтесь в полицию

Если даже вы не поддались на уловки мошенника, его действия все равно преступление. Куда обращаться, если вам звонил злоумышленник? Если случилось так, что вы стали жертвой такого звонка или раскрыли умысел звонившего на стадии разговора, напишите заявление в органы полиции. И в том и в другом случае действия звонившего – это не что иное, как состав преступления, предусмотренного ст. 159 УК РФ «Мошенничество». И если в случае наступления ущерба – это оконченный состав и законченное преступление, то при попытке – это покушение на мошенничество, что также является предметом уголовного законодательства. В правоохранительных органах есть специализированные подразделения, занимающиеся делами, связанными с мошенничеством, совершенным посредством интернета или телефонии. 

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