Китайский номер телефона примеры

Как позвонить в Китай из России и обратно: примеры китайских номеров телефонов

Российско-китайские экономически, политические и культурные связи постоянно развиваются. Предприниматели, студенты, научные сотрудники, бизнесмены постоянно ездят из Китая в Россию и обратно, поэтому важно поддерживать связь с родными и друзьями. Звонить можно и с мобильных, и городских телефонов. Звонок сделать просто, если правильно выполнять действия по набору нужного номера.


  • 1 Пример китайских номеров телефонов
  • 2 Как позвонить в Китай с городского (домашнего) телефона
  • 3 Как позвонить в Китай с мобильного телефона
  • 4 Коды крупных китайских городов
  • 5 Как позвонить из Китая в Россию

Пример китайских номеров телефонов

Как позвонить в Китай из России

Китайский номер телефона выглядит так:

+86 10 6764 5489, где:

  • +86 – код Китая, для примера, код России +7, Беларуси +375, Украины +380.
  • 10 – код города, в этом конкретном случае – код Пекина.
  • 6764 5489 – непосредственно сам номер.

Таким образом видим, что китайский городской номер телефона без учета кода состоит из 8 цифр.

Что касается номера мобильного телефона, он может выглядеть следующим образом:

+86 150 2686 1779, где

  • +86 – код Китая.
  • 140 – код мобильного оператора, в этом конкретном случае – код China Mobile.
  • 2686 1779 – непосредственно сам номер.

Обратите внимание, что в Китае существует несколько операторов сотовой связи, каждый из которых имеет свои коды.

  • China Mobile – коды 147, 150-152, 158, 159, 182, 183, 187, 188, 1571, 1572, 1574.
  • China Telecom – 133, 153, 180, 189, 1349.
  • China Unicom – 130, 131, 145, 186, 156, 155.

Как позвонить в Китай из России и обратно

Как позвонить в Китай с городского (домашнего) телефона

Позвонить в Китай из России можно как со стационарного, так и мобильного телефона. Чтобы позвонить в Китай с городского телефона необходимо набирать номер в следующей последовательности:

8 10 86 10 [код города или оператора] 6764 5489 [номер абонента]

  • 8 – выход на междугороднюю линию, которая позволит выйти на международную линию связи.
  • 10 – выход на международную линию.
  • 86 – код Китая.
  • 10 – код города или оператора, в нашем примере указан код города Пекин.
  • 6764 5489 – номер абонента.

В общем виде набор номера будет выглядеть так:

8 (гудок) 10-86-хх-хххххххх

Коды крупных китайских городов можно найти ниже.

Как позвонить в Китай с мобильного телефона

Как позвонить в Китай из России

Для совершения звонков в любой город Китайской Народной Республики, выполняются такие действия:

  • Сначала вводят код +86 – код Китая.
  • Далее вводится код города или мобильного оператора, например, 10, если звоните на городской телефон в Пекине
  • Потом – номер абонента.

В общем виде набранный с мобильного китайский номер будет выглядеть так:


С мобильных телефонов, как и с городских, просто звонить на номера экстренных служб. Тут набирать длинные цифровые комбинации не надо, достаточно ввести всего несколько цифр. В частности, для вызова в Китае скорую помощь необходимо ввести на мобильном 120, для вызова полицейской службы – 110. Пожарные на место происшествия приедут, если набрать 119, дорожно-транспортная служба полиции на место ДТП, если вызвать ее по номеру 122.

Коды крупных китайских городов

Только большие насаленные пункты в Китайской Народной Республике имеют собственные телефонные коды. У самых крупных городов такие обозначения:

  • Гонконг – 852.
  • Гуангжоу – 20.
  • Макао – 853.
  • Пекин – 10.
  • Таньцзинь – 22.
  • Чангжоу – 519.
  • Шанхай – 21.

Как позвонить из Китая в Россию

Звонить из КНР за границу, в том числе в российские города, просто. Порядок действий зависит от типа связи. Для звонков с городских/стационарных телефонов надо выполнить ряд последовательных действий:

  • Код выход на международную линию, обозначающийся в международной классификации «00».
  • Код города или сотового оператора, с которым звонящий хочет связаться.
  • Городской номер абонента.

Например, гражданину РФ, временно находящемуся в Пекине, надо позвонить в Москву. Он должен набрать 00 (7) 495 7774542, где 00 – выход из Китая на международную линию, 7 – код страны (в нашем случае России), 495 – код города (в данном случае, Москва), 7774542 – номер абонента.

С мобильных телефонов из Китая в Российскую Федерацию также просто позвонить, только не надо набирать «00».

Достаточно ввести +7 (911) 5557888, где +7 – международный код России, 911 – код Питера, а 5557888 – номер МТС.

Всегда надо правильно набирать последовательность цифр, чтобы быстро получить доступ к нужному абоненту в России. Посмотреть телефонный код города, если звонок необходимо сделать на стационарный номер в РФ, можно в Интернете или на сайте города.

China telephone numbers

CHN orthographic.svg
Country China
Continent Asia
Regulator MIIT
Type Open
Access codes
Country calling code +86
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

Telephone numbers in China are organized according to the Chinese Telephone Code Plan. The numerical formats of landlines and mobile phones are different: landlines have area codes, whereas mobile phones do not. In major cities, landline numbers consist of a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit inner number. In other places, landline numbers consist of a three-digit area code followed by a seven- or eight-digit internal number. The numbers of mobile phones consist of eleven digits.

When one landline is used to dial another landline within the same area, it is not necessary to specify the area code. The target number must be prepended between different regions with the trunk prefix, which is 0.

Calling a mobile phone from a landline requires the addition of the «0» in front of the mobile phone number if they are not in the same area. Mobile to landline calls requires the «0» and the area code if the landline is not within the same place. Mobile to mobile calls does not require the «0» outside mainland China.

The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are not part of this numbering plan and use the country codes +852 and +853, respectively.

Mobile phones[edit]

In mainland China, mobile phone numbers have 11 digits in the format 1xx-XXXX-XXXX (except for 140–144, which are 13-digit IoT numbers), in which the first three digits (13x to 19x) designate the mobile phone service provider.

Before GSM, mobile phones had 6-digit (later upgraded to 7-digit) numbers starting with nine. They had the same numbering format as fixed-line telephones. Those numbers were eventually translated into 1390xx9xxx, where xx were local identifiers.

The oldest China Mobile GSM numbers were ten digits long and started with 139 in 1994, the second oldest 138 in 1997, and 137, 136, 135 in 1999. The oldest China Unicom numbers started with 130 in 1995, the second oldest at 131 in 1998. Keeping the same number over time is somewhat associated with the stability and reliability of the owner. The 5th to the seventh digit sometimes relates to age and location.

China’s mobile phone numbers upgraded from 10-digit to 11-digit, with 0 added after 13x, and thus HLR code became 4-digit long to expand the capacity of the seriously fully crowded numbering plan.

In 2006, 15x numbers were introduced.In late 2008, 18x and 14x (for data plans or IoT) were introduced. In late 2013, 17x were introduced. In 2017, 16x and 19x were introduced.

In December 2016, each cell phone number was required to be consigned to a real name in mainland China.

In November 2010, MIIT has started the trial mobile number portability service in Tianjin and Hainan, in 2012 the trial has extended to Jiangxi, Hubei and Yunan provinces. In 10 November 2019, all provinces started accepting MNP requests for all mobile providers, except for technical difficults, the MVNO phones, satellite phones and IoT phones.

Mobile service providers can be identified by the first three or four digits as follows:

Prefix Provider Network
2G 3G 4G 5G
10641 (13 digits) China Unicom (VNO for IoT purposes) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
130–132 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
133 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
134(0–8) China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1349 Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
135–139 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
140 (13 digits) reserved for China Unicom (IoT), due to NR technical difficults, no 1400(0-9) numbers will be provided N/A
141 (13 digits) China Telecom (IoT)
currently only 1410(0-9) are used, the rest, 141(10-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
142–143 (13 digits) reserved for future IoT carriers N/A
144 (13 digits) China Mobile (IoT)
currently only 1440(0-9) and 1441(0-9) are used, the rest, 144(20-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
145 China Unicom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 145 number, but can also be used to connect 3G network
146 China Unicom (IoT) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
147 China Mobile (formerly Data-plans only)
Used for «one SIM with dual-number» service of China Mobile Hong Kong in Mainland
148 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
149 China Telecom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 149 number, but can also be used to connect 2G network
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
150–152 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
153 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
154 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
155–156 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
157 China Mobile
also used for CM wireless landlines
158–159 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
161 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
162 China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
164 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
165 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
166 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
167 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(0-2) China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
1703 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1704 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(5-6) China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
170(7-9) China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
171 China Unicom (VNO)
also used by Hong Kong 3 as sub-number of their SIM cards in Mainland
172 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
173 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
174(00-05) Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
174(06-12) MIIT Emergency Communication Support Center emergency mobile call
174(13-89) reserved for satellite phones N/A
1749 Inmarsat2 Satellite
175–176 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
177 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
178 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
180–181 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
182–184 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
185–186 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
187–188 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
189–191 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
192 China Broadnet N/A LTE NR
193 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
194 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
195 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
196 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
197–198 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
199 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR

1 – China Unicom before 2009

2 – Operated by China Transport Telecommunication Information Group Co., Ltd.

3 – TD-SCDMA networks are being deprecated by China Mobile since c.2020

4 – GSM networks are being deprecated by China Unicom since c.2020

5 – CDMA2000 networks are being deprecated by China Telecom since c.2020

Calling formats[edit]

To call phone numbers in China one of the following formats is used:

  • For fixed phones:

xxx xxxx | xxxx xxxx Calls within the same area code

0yyy xxx xxxx | 0yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from other areas within China

+86 yyy xxx xxxx | +86 yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from outside China

  • For mobile phones:

1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobile phones within China

+86 1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobiles from outside China

Area 1 – Capital Operation Center[edit]

The prefix one is used exclusively by the national capital, Beijing Municipality.

  • Beijing – 10 (formerly 1, abolished after GSM was introduced, to avoid conflict with mobile phone numbers with prefix 0 added (e.g. 0139-xxxx-xxxx))

Area 2 – Country Communication System Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the municipalities of Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing, as well as several major cities with early access to telephones. These cities have upgraded to an 8-number system in the past decade[when?].
All telephone numbers are 8-digit in these areas.

  • Guangzhou – 20
  • Shanghai – 21
  • Tianjin – 22
  • Chongqing – 23 3
  • Shenyang, Tieling, Fushun, Benxi – 24 4
  • Nanjing – 25
  • Wuhan, Huarong District of Ezhou – 27
  • Chengdu, Meishan, Ziyang – 28 5
  • Xi’an, Xianyang – 29 6

3 — Formerly 811, 814, 819, 810, abolished 1997.
4 — Formerly 410, 413, abolished 2011,[1] and 414, abolished in 2014.
5 — Formerly 832, 833, abolished 2010.[2]
6 — Formerly 910, abolished 2006.[3]

It’s still unclear whether 26 will be provided or not, some local materials say that it’s reserved for Taiwan (especially its capital Taipei), but currently they use +886.[4] Some proposals from planned independent cities (Chinese: 计划单列市) to get rights to operate 026 were also unsuccessful.[5][6]

Area 3 – Northern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi and Henan.

Hebei – 31x 33x[edit]

Shanxi (山西) – 34x 35x[edit]

Henan – 37x 39x[edit]

8 — Formerly 378, abolished.
9 — Formerly 397 for 7 east counties, abolished.

Area 4 – Northeastern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, and the provinces in Northeast China (Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang). Additionally, numbers starting 400 are shared-pay (callers are charged local rate anywhere in the country) numbers[citation needed].

Liaoning – 41x 42x[edit]

Jilin – 43x 44x[edit]

10 — except Gongzhuling which still uses 434 of Siping
11 — Hunchun formerly 440, abolished

12 — Meihekou, Liuhe, Huinan formerly 448, abolished

Heilongjiang – 45x 46x[edit]

13 -Acheng formerly 450, abolished.
14 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Inner Mongolia – 47x 48x[edit]

15 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Area 5 – Eastern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong (predominantly), Anhui, Zhejiang and Fujian.

Jiangsu – 51x 52x[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Jiangsu.

16 — Changshu. Kunshan, Zhangjiagang and Taicang are formerly 520, abolished.

Shandong – 53x 54x[edit]

Anhui – 55x 56x[edit]

17 — Formerly 565 for Chaohu prefectural city era (i.e. before 2011), later splitted as: Hefei’s 551 for Juchao district (now county-level Chaohu) and Lujiang county, Wuhu’s 553 for Wuwei and Shenxiang Town of He county (now part of Jiujiang district), and Ma’anshan’s 555 for He county (except Shenxiang) and Hanshan county.
18 — Split from Fuyang in 2000, no new area code allocated.

Zhejiang – 57x 58x[edit]

Fujian – 59x 50x[edit]

19 — Kinmen, Matsu, and Wuchiu are under Taiwanese government control, and hence use international calling code of +886.

Area 6 – Supplement for Shandong(63x), Guangdong(66x), Yunnan(69x)[edit]

All area codes with prefix 6 were assigned in recent years. This prefix (+866) previously was reserved for Taiwan, which is now assigned (+886).[7]

Shandong – 63x[edit]

While most areas in Shandong use the prefix 53x 54x, some sites also use the prefix 6.

  • Weihai – 631
  • Zaozhuang – 632
  • Rizhao – 633
  • Liaocheng – 635

Laiwu was using 634, now merged to Jinan’s 531, former numbers are re-prefixxed as 5317 when merging.

Guangdong – 66x[edit]

While most areas in Guangdong use the prefix 75x and 76x, some sites also use the prefix 6. The provincial capital Guangzhou uses code 20.

  • Shanwei – 660
  • Yangjiang – 662[8]
  • Jieyang – 663
  • Maoming – 668

Chaoyang county-level city was using 661, now changed to 754 after splitted to Chaoyang and Chaonan districts and join Shantou.

Yunnan – 69x[edit]

While most areas in Yunnan use the prefix 87x and 88x, a couple of areas also use the prefix 6.

  • Xishuangbanna – 691
  • Dehong – 692

Area 7 – Central-Southern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the central provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong (predominantly), Jiangxi, and the autonomous region of Guangxi.

Hubei – 71x 72x[edit]

20 — except Huarong district which uses Wuhan’s 27.

Hunan – 73x 74x[edit]

21 — Formerly 733, abolished.
22 — Formerly 732, abolished.

Guangdong – 75x 76x[edit]

23 — Shunde formerly 765, abolished.

Guangxi – 77x 78x[edit]

24 — Split from Wuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
25 — Split from Liuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
26 — Split from Yulin Prefecture, original area code inherited.
27 — Split from Nanning Prefecture, original area code inherited.

Jiangxi – 79x 70x[edit]

Area 8 -Southwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Sichuan, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan (predominantly) and the autonomous region of Tibet.

Sichuan – 81x 82x 83x[edit]

Guizhou – 85x 86x[edit]

28 — Formerly 852, 853, abolished 2014.[9]

Yunnan – 87x 88x[edit]

29 — Dongchuan formerly 881, incorporated into 871
30 — also de-facto used by Wa State of  Myanmar

Tibet/Xizang – 89(1–7)[edit]

Hainan – 898[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Hainan.

Formerly (most likely before 2000), Sanya, Wuzhishan, Lingshui, Ledong, Baoting and Qiongzhong were 899, Danzhou, Dongfang, Lingao, Baisha and Changjiang were 890.

Area 9 – Northwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for northwestern regions including the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai, as well as the autonomous regions of Ningxia and Xinjiang.

Shaanxi (陕西) – 91x 92x[edit]

Gansu – 93x 94x[edit]

31 — Shared area code due to small size.

Ningxia – 95x 96x[edit]

Qinghai – 97x 98x[edit]

32 — Area under the administration of Golmud uses 979, other landlines within the prefecture use 977.

Xinjiang – 99x 90x[edit]

33 — except Wusu and Dushanzi District which use Kuytun’s 992.
34 — except Shawan county which uses Shihezi’s 993, and Hoboksar county which uses Karamay’s 990.

Emergency numbers[edit]

From within Mainland China, the following emergency numbers are used:

  • 110 – Police (12110 for SMS to police, not for calling, 95110 for maritime policies[note 1], 96110 to report frauds)
  • 119 – Fire brigade (12119 for forest fire in some regions)
  • 120 – Ambulance
  • 122 – Traffic accident (incorporated into 110 in some cities) (12122 on expressways)
  • 999 – Privately operated ambulance (Beijing ONLY, calls outside Beijing is 010-999)

In most cities, the emergency numbers assist in Mandarin Chinese and English.

Starting from 2012 in Shenzhen, an implemented system upgrade to unify three emergency reporting services into one number, 110. A similar approach is being installed in more cities in China to make them more convenient.

Dialing 112, 911, and 999 (outside Beijing without area code 010) plays a recording message about the correct emergency numbers in Chinese and English twice: «For police, dial 110. To report a fire, dial 119. For ambulance, dial 120. To report a traffic accident, dial 122.» on China Mobile and China Unicom phones, NO SERVICES will be redirected. The error messages «Number does not exist» will be played on China Telecom phones, and NO SERVICES will be redirected. However, some local report said that in sometimes, only within Beijing, China Unicom landlines and mobile phones call 010-112 may be successful as reporting service for call failures.


From within Mainland China, the following special numbers are used:

  • 100xx – Telecommunications Customer Service
    • 10000 for China Telecom, formerly 1000
    • 10010 for China Unicom, 10015 for auditing CU’s services, formerly 1001
    • 10020-10049 for VNOs
    • 10085 for China Mobile
    • 10086 for China Mobile (formerly 1860), 10050 for Tietong, 10080 for auditing CM’s services, 1008611 for directly checking phone bills
    • 10096 for China Tower
    • 10099 for China Broadnet
  • 106 – SMS access code
  • 11185 – Post (11183 for their EMS)
  • 114 – Directory assistance, operate by China Unicom for the northern 10 provinces, and China Telecom for the southern 21 provinces, China Unicom also operates 116114, and China Telecom 118114 that the operations are same as 114
  • 116xxx – Premium service of China Unicom (e.g. 116114)
  • 118xxx – Premium service of China Telecom (e.g. 118114)
  • 12114 – SMS name and address standard trial platform, not for calling
  • 12117 – Speaking clock
  • 12121 – Weather
  • 12123 – Traffic police services
  • 123xx – Government service, 12345 is the general number for all services below, that may be transited by 12345 operators upon kind of requests:
  • 124x – Carrier Identification Code (formerly 190/196/197, abolished in 2018, to create space for mobile phone numbers.)
  • 125xx – Premium service of China Mobile (e.g. 12580 for China Mobile’s Directory assistance)
  • 179xx + target number followed – VoIP (e.g. 17901-133-0000-0000, 1790 for China Telecom, 1791 for China Unicom, and 1795 for China Mobile)
  • 400 xxx xxxx, 800 xxx xxxx – business numbers
    • Differences: bills for 400 numbers are paid by both originating and terminating callers, and support calling from both landlines and mobile phones (usually 400-1/7 operate by China Mobile, 400-0/6 operate by China Unicom, 400-8/9 operate by China Telecom); bills for 800 numbers are just paid by terminating callers, but for non-landline users, mostly only China Telecom mobile phones may call 800 phones, because nearly all 800 phones are operated by China Telecom
    • 400-881-0000 for auditing China Telecom’s services
  • 95xxx, 95xxxx, 95105xxx— Service number (nationally)
  • 955xx – Bank, Insurance, Airlines service hotline, (nationally, ex. 95588 – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) )
  • 96xxx, 96xxxx – Service number (locally, area code needed for calls from other provinces or autonomous region or province-level municipality.)

(ex. 962288 in Shanghai – Shanghai foreigner assistant hotline, outside Shanghai people should dial 021-962288, or they will receive an error message or undesired service message)


  • 20x (mainly 200 and 201) – was used for IC telephone service, to be reserved for mobile phones
  1. ^ +86-10-68995110 when located at EEZs or public seas, where mobile signals are unable to provide
  2. ^ SMS only, calling 12345 for this purpose will be hung up, with a SMS instruction returned
  3. ^ a b c d e calling center merged with 12345, but numbers and service seats still work
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n calling center and seats merged with 12345, but numbers still work
  5. ^ remote users are only able to receive phones from 12340, they can’t directly call this number

International Access Code[edit]

The international access code from the PRC is 00. This must also be used for calls to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau from the Chinese mainland, together with their separate international codes, as follows:

place! Prefix
(All countries) 00 CountryCode AreaCode SubscriberCode
Taiwan 00 886 xxx xxx xxx[10]
Hong Kong 00 852 xxxx xxxx[11]
Macau 00 853 xxxx xxxx[12]
NANP 00 1 xxx xxx xxxx
UK 00 44 xxxxxxxxxx
Japan 00 81 xxxxxxxxx

See also[edit]

  • Telecommunications in China
  • Telephone numbers in Hong Kong
  • Telephone numbers in Macau
  • Toll-free telephone number, China


  1. ^ «沈阳、抚顺、铁岭正式开始共用»024″长途区号-搜狐新闻».
  2. ^ «成都眉山资阳三地将共用长途区号028_新闻中心_新浪网».
  3. ^ «西安咸阳今夜电话同区号-搜狐新闻».
  4. ^ «中国的区号为什么缺026?_话题广场_评论频道_腾讯网». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2014-05-21. Retrieved 2018-07-13.
  5. ^ «区号026争夺与台北猜想». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2007-10-22. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  6. ^ «026区号之争民间热议官方低调 长株潭并未申报». Sohu News. 2009-01-14. Retrieved 2022-09-05.
  7. ^ The story of Taiwan’s calling code Archived 2016-02-08 at the Wayback Machine, Taipei Times, October 5, 2010
  8. ^ Nanhai No.1 & Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Museum Archived 2016-10-11 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ «贵阳遵义安顺实现通信同城化 共享区号0851».
  10. ^ China Vista Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Eugene Law, China Intercontinental Press, 2004, page 519
  11. ^ China International Business: The Monthly Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, P.R.C Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 7–12, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, 2002
  12. ^ China Law Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 1–6, 2008, page 50
  • «ITU allocations list». ITU-T. Archived from the original on 2009-08-02.

External links[edit]

  • «Chinese Mobile Phone Directory» (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2012-10-24.
China telephone numbers

CHN orthographic.svg
Country China
Continent Asia
Regulator MIIT
Type Open
Access codes
Country calling code +86
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

Telephone numbers in China are organized according to the Chinese Telephone Code Plan. The numerical formats of landlines and mobile phones are different: landlines have area codes, whereas mobile phones do not. In major cities, landline numbers consist of a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit inner number. In other places, landline numbers consist of a three-digit area code followed by a seven- or eight-digit internal number. The numbers of mobile phones consist of eleven digits.

When one landline is used to dial another landline within the same area, it is not necessary to specify the area code. The target number must be prepended between different regions with the trunk prefix, which is 0.

Calling a mobile phone from a landline requires the addition of the «0» in front of the mobile phone number if they are not in the same area. Mobile to landline calls requires the «0» and the area code if the landline is not within the same place. Mobile to mobile calls does not require the «0» outside mainland China.

The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are not part of this numbering plan and use the country codes +852 and +853, respectively.

Mobile phones[edit]

In mainland China, mobile phone numbers have 11 digits in the format 1xx-XXXX-XXXX (except for 140–144, which are 13-digit IoT numbers), in which the first three digits (13x to 19x) designate the mobile phone service provider.

Before GSM, mobile phones had 6-digit (later upgraded to 7-digit) numbers starting with nine. They had the same numbering format as fixed-line telephones. Those numbers were eventually translated into 1390xx9xxx, where xx were local identifiers.

The oldest China Mobile GSM numbers were ten digits long and started with 139 in 1994, the second oldest 138 in 1997, and 137, 136, 135 in 1999. The oldest China Unicom numbers started with 130 in 1995, the second oldest at 131 in 1998. Keeping the same number over time is somewhat associated with the stability and reliability of the owner. The 5th to the seventh digit sometimes relates to age and location.

China’s mobile phone numbers upgraded from 10-digit to 11-digit, with 0 added after 13x, and thus HLR code became 4-digit long to expand the capacity of the seriously fully crowded numbering plan.

In 2006, 15x numbers were introduced.In late 2008, 18x and 14x (for data plans or IoT) were introduced. In late 2013, 17x were introduced. In 2017, 16x and 19x were introduced.

In December 2016, each cell phone number was required to be consigned to a real name in mainland China.

In November 2010, MIIT has started the trial mobile number portability service in Tianjin and Hainan, in 2012 the trial has extended to Jiangxi, Hubei and Yunan provinces. In 10 November 2019, all provinces started accepting MNP requests for all mobile providers, except for technical difficults, the MVNO phones, satellite phones and IoT phones.

Mobile service providers can be identified by the first three or four digits as follows:

Prefix Provider Network
2G 3G 4G 5G
10641 (13 digits) China Unicom (VNO for IoT purposes) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
130–132 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
133 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
134(0–8) China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1349 Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
135–139 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
140 (13 digits) reserved for China Unicom (IoT), due to NR technical difficults, no 1400(0-9) numbers will be provided N/A
141 (13 digits) China Telecom (IoT)
currently only 1410(0-9) are used, the rest, 141(10-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
142–143 (13 digits) reserved for future IoT carriers N/A
144 (13 digits) China Mobile (IoT)
currently only 1440(0-9) and 1441(0-9) are used, the rest, 144(20-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
145 China Unicom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 145 number, but can also be used to connect 3G network
146 China Unicom (IoT) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
147 China Mobile (formerly Data-plans only)
Used for «one SIM with dual-number» service of China Mobile Hong Kong in Mainland
148 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
149 China Telecom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 149 number, but can also be used to connect 2G network
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
150–152 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
153 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
154 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
155–156 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
157 China Mobile
also used for CM wireless landlines
158–159 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
161 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
162 China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
164 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
165 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
166 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
167 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(0-2) China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
1703 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1704 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(5-6) China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
170(7-9) China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
171 China Unicom (VNO)
also used by Hong Kong 3 as sub-number of their SIM cards in Mainland
172 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
173 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
174(00-05) Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
174(06-12) MIIT Emergency Communication Support Center emergency mobile call
174(13-89) reserved for satellite phones N/A
1749 Inmarsat2 Satellite
175–176 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
177 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
178 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
180–181 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
182–184 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
185–186 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
187–188 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
189–191 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
192 China Broadnet N/A LTE NR
193 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
194 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
195 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
196 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
197–198 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
199 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR

1 – China Unicom before 2009

2 – Operated by China Transport Telecommunication Information Group Co., Ltd.

3 – TD-SCDMA networks are being deprecated by China Mobile since c.2020

4 – GSM networks are being deprecated by China Unicom since c.2020

5 – CDMA2000 networks are being deprecated by China Telecom since c.2020

Calling formats[edit]

To call phone numbers in China one of the following formats is used:

  • For fixed phones:

xxx xxxx | xxxx xxxx Calls within the same area code

0yyy xxx xxxx | 0yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from other areas within China

+86 yyy xxx xxxx | +86 yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from outside China

  • For mobile phones:

1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobile phones within China

+86 1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobiles from outside China

Area 1 – Capital Operation Center[edit]

The prefix one is used exclusively by the national capital, Beijing Municipality.

  • Beijing – 10 (formerly 1, abolished after GSM was introduced, to avoid conflict with mobile phone numbers with prefix 0 added (e.g. 0139-xxxx-xxxx))

Area 2 – Country Communication System Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the municipalities of Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing, as well as several major cities with early access to telephones. These cities have upgraded to an 8-number system in the past decade[when?].
All telephone numbers are 8-digit in these areas.

  • Guangzhou – 20
  • Shanghai – 21
  • Tianjin – 22
  • Chongqing – 23 3
  • Shenyang, Tieling, Fushun, Benxi – 24 4
  • Nanjing – 25
  • Wuhan, Huarong District of Ezhou – 27
  • Chengdu, Meishan, Ziyang – 28 5
  • Xi’an, Xianyang – 29 6

3 — Formerly 811, 814, 819, 810, abolished 1997.
4 — Formerly 410, 413, abolished 2011,[1] and 414, abolished in 2014.
5 — Formerly 832, 833, abolished 2010.[2]
6 — Formerly 910, abolished 2006.[3]

It’s still unclear whether 26 will be provided or not, some local materials say that it’s reserved for Taiwan (especially its capital Taipei), but currently they use +886.[4] Some proposals from planned independent cities (Chinese: 计划单列市) to get rights to operate 026 were also unsuccessful.[5][6]

Area 3 – Northern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi and Henan.

Hebei – 31x 33x[edit]

Shanxi (山西) – 34x 35x[edit]

Henan – 37x 39x[edit]

8 — Formerly 378, abolished.
9 — Formerly 397 for 7 east counties, abolished.

Area 4 – Northeastern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, and the provinces in Northeast China (Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang). Additionally, numbers starting 400 are shared-pay (callers are charged local rate anywhere in the country) numbers[citation needed].

Liaoning – 41x 42x[edit]

Jilin – 43x 44x[edit]

10 — except Gongzhuling which still uses 434 of Siping
11 — Hunchun formerly 440, abolished

12 — Meihekou, Liuhe, Huinan formerly 448, abolished

Heilongjiang – 45x 46x[edit]

13 -Acheng formerly 450, abolished.
14 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Inner Mongolia – 47x 48x[edit]

15 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Area 5 – Eastern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong (predominantly), Anhui, Zhejiang and Fujian.

Jiangsu – 51x 52x[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Jiangsu.

16 — Changshu. Kunshan, Zhangjiagang and Taicang are formerly 520, abolished.

Shandong – 53x 54x[edit]

Anhui – 55x 56x[edit]

17 — Formerly 565 for Chaohu prefectural city era (i.e. before 2011), later splitted as: Hefei’s 551 for Juchao district (now county-level Chaohu) and Lujiang county, Wuhu’s 553 for Wuwei and Shenxiang Town of He county (now part of Jiujiang district), and Ma’anshan’s 555 for He county (except Shenxiang) and Hanshan county.
18 — Split from Fuyang in 2000, no new area code allocated.

Zhejiang – 57x 58x[edit]

Fujian – 59x 50x[edit]

19 — Kinmen, Matsu, and Wuchiu are under Taiwanese government control, and hence use international calling code of +886.

Area 6 – Supplement for Shandong(63x), Guangdong(66x), Yunnan(69x)[edit]

All area codes with prefix 6 were assigned in recent years. This prefix (+866) previously was reserved for Taiwan, which is now assigned (+886).[7]

Shandong – 63x[edit]

While most areas in Shandong use the prefix 53x 54x, some sites also use the prefix 6.

  • Weihai – 631
  • Zaozhuang – 632
  • Rizhao – 633
  • Liaocheng – 635

Laiwu was using 634, now merged to Jinan’s 531, former numbers are re-prefixxed as 5317 when merging.

Guangdong – 66x[edit]

While most areas in Guangdong use the prefix 75x and 76x, some sites also use the prefix 6. The provincial capital Guangzhou uses code 20.

  • Shanwei – 660
  • Yangjiang – 662[8]
  • Jieyang – 663
  • Maoming – 668

Chaoyang county-level city was using 661, now changed to 754 after splitted to Chaoyang and Chaonan districts and join Shantou.

Yunnan – 69x[edit]

While most areas in Yunnan use the prefix 87x and 88x, a couple of areas also use the prefix 6.

  • Xishuangbanna – 691
  • Dehong – 692

Area 7 – Central-Southern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the central provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong (predominantly), Jiangxi, and the autonomous region of Guangxi.

Hubei – 71x 72x[edit]

20 — except Huarong district which uses Wuhan’s 27.

Hunan – 73x 74x[edit]

21 — Formerly 733, abolished.
22 — Formerly 732, abolished.

Guangdong – 75x 76x[edit]

23 — Shunde formerly 765, abolished.

Guangxi – 77x 78x[edit]

24 — Split from Wuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
25 — Split from Liuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
26 — Split from Yulin Prefecture, original area code inherited.
27 — Split from Nanning Prefecture, original area code inherited.

Jiangxi – 79x 70x[edit]

Area 8 -Southwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Sichuan, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan (predominantly) and the autonomous region of Tibet.

Sichuan – 81x 82x 83x[edit]

Guizhou – 85x 86x[edit]

28 — Formerly 852, 853, abolished 2014.[9]

Yunnan – 87x 88x[edit]

29 — Dongchuan formerly 881, incorporated into 871
30 — also de-facto used by Wa State of  Myanmar

Tibet/Xizang – 89(1–7)[edit]

Hainan – 898[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Hainan.

Formerly (most likely before 2000), Sanya, Wuzhishan, Lingshui, Ledong, Baoting and Qiongzhong were 899, Danzhou, Dongfang, Lingao, Baisha and Changjiang were 890.

Area 9 – Northwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for northwestern regions including the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai, as well as the autonomous regions of Ningxia and Xinjiang.

Shaanxi (陕西) – 91x 92x[edit]

Gansu – 93x 94x[edit]

31 — Shared area code due to small size.

Ningxia – 95x 96x[edit]

Qinghai – 97x 98x[edit]

32 — Area under the administration of Golmud uses 979, other landlines within the prefecture use 977.

Xinjiang – 99x 90x[edit]

33 — except Wusu and Dushanzi District which use Kuytun’s 992.
34 — except Shawan county which uses Shihezi’s 993, and Hoboksar county which uses Karamay’s 990.

Emergency numbers[edit]

From within Mainland China, the following emergency numbers are used:

  • 110 – Police (12110 for SMS to police, not for calling, 95110 for maritime policies[note 1], 96110 to report frauds)
  • 119 – Fire brigade (12119 for forest fire in some regions)
  • 120 – Ambulance
  • 122 – Traffic accident (incorporated into 110 in some cities) (12122 on expressways)
  • 999 – Privately operated ambulance (Beijing ONLY, calls outside Beijing is 010-999)

In most cities, the emergency numbers assist in Mandarin Chinese and English.

Starting from 2012 in Shenzhen, an implemented system upgrade to unify three emergency reporting services into one number, 110. A similar approach is being installed in more cities in China to make them more convenient.

Dialing 112, 911, and 999 (outside Beijing without area code 010) plays a recording message about the correct emergency numbers in Chinese and English twice: «For police, dial 110. To report a fire, dial 119. For ambulance, dial 120. To report a traffic accident, dial 122.» on China Mobile and China Unicom phones, NO SERVICES will be redirected. The error messages «Number does not exist» will be played on China Telecom phones, and NO SERVICES will be redirected. However, some local report said that in sometimes, only within Beijing, China Unicom landlines and mobile phones call 010-112 may be successful as reporting service for call failures.


From within Mainland China, the following special numbers are used:

  • 100xx – Telecommunications Customer Service
    • 10000 for China Telecom, formerly 1000
    • 10010 for China Unicom, 10015 for auditing CU’s services, formerly 1001
    • 10020-10049 for VNOs
    • 10085 for China Mobile
    • 10086 for China Mobile (formerly 1860), 10050 for Tietong, 10080 for auditing CM’s services, 1008611 for directly checking phone bills
    • 10096 for China Tower
    • 10099 for China Broadnet
  • 106 – SMS access code
  • 11185 – Post (11183 for their EMS)
  • 114 – Directory assistance, operate by China Unicom for the northern 10 provinces, and China Telecom for the southern 21 provinces, China Unicom also operates 116114, and China Telecom 118114 that the operations are same as 114
  • 116xxx – Premium service of China Unicom (e.g. 116114)
  • 118xxx – Premium service of China Telecom (e.g. 118114)
  • 12114 – SMS name and address standard trial platform, not for calling
  • 12117 – Speaking clock
  • 12121 – Weather
  • 12123 – Traffic police services
  • 123xx – Government service, 12345 is the general number for all services below, that may be transited by 12345 operators upon kind of requests:
  • 124x – Carrier Identification Code (formerly 190/196/197, abolished in 2018, to create space for mobile phone numbers.)
  • 125xx – Premium service of China Mobile (e.g. 12580 for China Mobile’s Directory assistance)
  • 179xx + target number followed – VoIP (e.g. 17901-133-0000-0000, 1790 for China Telecom, 1791 for China Unicom, and 1795 for China Mobile)
  • 400 xxx xxxx, 800 xxx xxxx – business numbers
    • Differences: bills for 400 numbers are paid by both originating and terminating callers, and support calling from both landlines and mobile phones (usually 400-1/7 operate by China Mobile, 400-0/6 operate by China Unicom, 400-8/9 operate by China Telecom); bills for 800 numbers are just paid by terminating callers, but for non-landline users, mostly only China Telecom mobile phones may call 800 phones, because nearly all 800 phones are operated by China Telecom
    • 400-881-0000 for auditing China Telecom’s services
  • 95xxx, 95xxxx, 95105xxx— Service number (nationally)
  • 955xx – Bank, Insurance, Airlines service hotline, (nationally, ex. 95588 – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) )
  • 96xxx, 96xxxx – Service number (locally, area code needed for calls from other provinces or autonomous region or province-level municipality.)

(ex. 962288 in Shanghai – Shanghai foreigner assistant hotline, outside Shanghai people should dial 021-962288, or they will receive an error message or undesired service message)


  • 20x (mainly 200 and 201) – was used for IC telephone service, to be reserved for mobile phones
  1. ^ +86-10-68995110 when located at EEZs or public seas, where mobile signals are unable to provide
  2. ^ SMS only, calling 12345 for this purpose will be hung up, with a SMS instruction returned
  3. ^ a b c d e calling center merged with 12345, but numbers and service seats still work
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n calling center and seats merged with 12345, but numbers still work
  5. ^ remote users are only able to receive phones from 12340, they can’t directly call this number

International Access Code[edit]

The international access code from the PRC is 00. This must also be used for calls to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau from the Chinese mainland, together with their separate international codes, as follows:

place! Prefix
(All countries) 00 CountryCode AreaCode SubscriberCode
Taiwan 00 886 xxx xxx xxx[10]
Hong Kong 00 852 xxxx xxxx[11]
Macau 00 853 xxxx xxxx[12]
NANP 00 1 xxx xxx xxxx
UK 00 44 xxxxxxxxxx
Japan 00 81 xxxxxxxxx

See also[edit]

  • Telecommunications in China
  • Telephone numbers in Hong Kong
  • Telephone numbers in Macau
  • Toll-free telephone number, China


  1. ^ «沈阳、抚顺、铁岭正式开始共用»024″长途区号-搜狐新闻».
  2. ^ «成都眉山资阳三地将共用长途区号028_新闻中心_新浪网».
  3. ^ «西安咸阳今夜电话同区号-搜狐新闻».
  4. ^ «中国的区号为什么缺026?_话题广场_评论频道_腾讯网». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2014-05-21. Retrieved 2018-07-13.
  5. ^ «区号026争夺与台北猜想». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2007-10-22. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  6. ^ «026区号之争民间热议官方低调 长株潭并未申报». Sohu News. 2009-01-14. Retrieved 2022-09-05.
  7. ^ The story of Taiwan’s calling code Archived 2016-02-08 at the Wayback Machine, Taipei Times, October 5, 2010
  8. ^ Nanhai No.1 & Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Museum Archived 2016-10-11 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ «贵阳遵义安顺实现通信同城化 共享区号0851».
  10. ^ China Vista Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Eugene Law, China Intercontinental Press, 2004, page 519
  11. ^ China International Business: The Monthly Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, P.R.C Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 7–12, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, 2002
  12. ^ China Law Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 1–6, 2008, page 50
  • «ITU allocations list». ITU-T. Archived from the original on 2009-08-02.

External links[edit]

  • «Chinese Mobile Phone Directory» (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2012-10-24.

Китайская народная республика (КНР) расположена на востоке азиатского континента. На сегодняшний день это государство развивается и укрепляет экономические, а так же политические отношения с Российской Федерацией. Приведенная ниже информация будет полезной для тех, кому необходимо позвонить из России в Китай.

Всекитайский съезд Коммунистической партии Китая

Как позвонить в КНР из России

Чтобы совершить звонок по телефону в другую страну, следует выполнить ряд инструкций. Необходимо узнать кодовое значение государства, в котором находится абонент. Телефонный код Китая – 86. Далее алгоритм действий будет зависеть от вида связи, благодаря которой будет совершен звонок.

Последовательность набора вызовов

Рассмотрим подробнее ряд индексов, которые пригодятся для выхода на международную линию из России.

Наиболее часто используются:

  • «8» – международный. Применим только в Российской Федерации, в других государствах используют иные системы перехода на связь международного уровня.
  • «10» – индекс для заграничных звонков. Подходит для абонентов ОАО «Ростелекома». Другим операторам присвоены соотвествующие коды.
  • 86 – указывает, что страна, принимающая вызов – это Китай;
  • 9 – цифра, которую используют в РФ, что бы звонить из офисов на городские телефоны.

Благодаря таким знакам можно совершать звонки в Россию.

Звонки по сотовой связи в КНР

Перед тем как позвонить в Китай с мобильного телефона, необходимо убедиться в правильности набора номера.

Если вызов будет адресован на мобильный, то комбинация будет выглядеть так: + 86 – «код, присвоенный сотовому оператору» — «номер телефона конкретного абонента».

Как позвонить в КНР из России

Звонить с мобильного на домашний: + 86 – «городское кодовое значение» — «местный номер абонента телефона».

Примечание: вызовы, которые начинаются со знака «плюс», предназначены для средств связи, разработанных по GMS-стандарту, заменяя кодовые цифры для получения соединения с линиями международного статуса, а 86 – это комбинация, которая идентифицирует КНР.

Звонки со стационарных аппаратов в КНР

Перед тем как позвонить в Китай с городского телефона, необходимо узнать правильную последовательность номерного знака.

Если вызов будет исходить с домашнего телефонного аппарата на аналогичный китайский, то комбинация будет иметь следующий вид: 8 — 10 – 86 – «код города» — «номер телефона стационарного аппарата».

Если звонок необходимо совершить со стационарного аппарата на сотовый, то комбинация будет набрана по такой схеме: 8 — 10 – 86 – «Код, присвоенный сотовому оператору» — «номер телефона конкретного абонента».

Возможен вариант вызовов из российских офисов в КНР. Для этого следует вначале набрать цифру 9. Пример: 9 — 8 – 10 – 86 – «код, присвоенный мобильному оператору » — «номер телефона конкретного абонента».

Как позвонить в КНР из России

Примечание: в данном виде соединений знак «+» в начале вызова не используется, так как он не предназначен для звонков со стационарных аппаратов.

Городские кодовые значения

В Китайской Народной Республике административное деление состоит из трех уровней: провинции, уезды и волости. Городам, с определенным количеством населения присваивают уникальный индекс. Коды телефонов самых больших городов имеют такие значения:

  • Пекин – 10;
  • Шанхай – 21;
  • Тяньцзинь – 22;
  • Гонконг – 852
  • Макао – 853

В таблице приведен подробный список городских телефонных кодов.

Город Код города Длина номера телефона Тип связи
Ёнгжоу 746 ******* Телефон
Акесу 997 ******* Телефон
Алашанзуоки 483 ******* Телефон
Алетай 906 ******* Телефон
Анканг 915 ******* Телефон
Анквинг 556 ******* Телефон
Аншан 412 ******* Телефон
Аншун 853 ******* Телефон
Анянг 372 ******* Телефон
Атуши 908 ******* Телефон
Бажонг 827 ******* Телефон
Байзе 776 ******* Телефон
Байин 943 ******* Телефон
Байченг 436 ******* Телефон
Байшан 439 ******* Телефон
Банге 8067 **** Телефон
Баодинг 311 ******** Телефон
Баодинг 312 ******** Телефон
Баожи 917 ******* Телефон
Баотоу 472 ******* Телефон
Баошан 875 ******* Телефон
Бейхай 779 ******* Телефон
Бенгбу 552 ******* Телефон
Бенкси 414 ******* Телефон
Бижие 857 ******* Телефон
Бинжоу 543 ******* Телефон
Боле 909 ******* Телефон
Вейнань 913 ******* Телефон
Вейфанг 536 ******* Телефон
Вейхай 631 ******* Телефон
Венжоу 577 ******** Телефон
Веншан 876 ******* Телефон
Вуду 939 ******* Телефон
Вужонг 953 ******* Телефон
Вужоу 774 ******* Телефон
Вукси 510 ******** Телефон
Вуланхаоте 482 ******* Телефон
Вухай 473 ******* Телефон
Вухай 510 ******* Телефон
Вухан 27 ******** Телефон
Вуху 553 ******* Телефон
Ганжоу 797 ******* Телефон
Геер 897 ******* Телефон
Гежиу 873 ******* Телефон
Герму 979 ******* Телефон
Гонгхе 974 ******* Телефон
Гуанган 826 ******* Телефон
Гуангжоу 20 ******** Телефон
Гуилин 773 ******* Телефон
Гуйянг 851 ******* Телефон
Гуян 954 ******* Телефон
Гянгуян 839 ******* Телефон
Дажоу 818 ******* Телефон
Даквинг 459 ******* Телефон
Дали 872 ******* Телефон
Далиан 411 ******** Телефон
Дандонг 415 ******* Телефон
Датонг 352 ******* Телефон
Дежоу 534 ******* Телефон
Делингха 977 ******* Телефон
Деянг 838 ******* Телефон
Джилин 432 ******* Телефон
Дингкси 932 ******* Телефон
Донгинг 546 ******* Телефон
Донгуан 769 ******** Телефон
Донгшенг 477 ******* Телефон
Дуюн 854 ******* Телефон
Ежоу 711 ******* Телефон
Енши 718 ******* Телефон
Жада 8071 **** Телефон
Жангджиакоу 313 ******** Телефон
Жанге 936 ******* Телефон
Жангжиажи 744 ******* Телефон
Жангжиакоу 312 ******** Телефон
Жангжоу 596 ******* Телефон
Жанжианг 759 ******* Телефон
Жаоквинг 758 ******* Телефон
Жаотонг 870 ******* Телефон
Женгжоу 371 ******** Телефон
Женжианг 511 ******** Телефон
Жиагедакви 457 ******* Телефон
Жиаксинг 573 ******** Телефон
Жиали 8063 **** Телефон
Жиамуси 454 ******* Телефон
Жиан 796 ******* Телефон
Жиангмен 750 ******* Телефон
Жиаозуо 391 ******* Телефон
Жикси 467 ******* Телефон
Жикуань 937 ******* Телефон
Жинадежен 798 ******* Телефон
Жинан 531 ******** Телефон
Жингжоу 716 ******* Телефон
Жингмен 724 ******* Телефон
Жингхонг 691 ******* Телефон
Жинжоу 416 ******* Телефон
Жининг 474 ******* Телефон
Жининг 537 ******* Телефон
Жинхуа 579 ******** Телефон
Жинчанг 935 ******* Телефон
Жинченг 356 ******* Телефон
Жиужианг 792 ******* Телефон
Жишоу 743 ******* Телефон
Жонгба 8029 **** Телефон
Жонгдиан 887 ******* Телефон
Жонгжанг 760 ******** Телефон
Жонгжанг 76022 ****** Телефон
Жонгжанг 76023 ****** Телефон
Жонгжанг 76084 ****** Телефон
Жонгжанг 76085 ****** Телефон
Жонгжанг 76086 ****** Телефон
Жонгжанг 76087 ****** Телефон
Жонгжанг 76088 ****** Телефон
Жоукоу 394 ******* Телефон
Жужоу 731 ******** Телефон
Жумадиан 396 ******* Телефон
Жухай 756 ******* Телефон
Заожуанг 632 ******* Телефон
Зибо 533 ******* Телефон
Зигонг 813 ******* Телефон
Зиянг 28 ******* Телефон
Зиянг 832 ******* Телефон
Зуни 852 ******* Телефон
Иингкоу 417 ******* Телефон
Ингтан 701 ******* Телефон
Ининг 999 ******* Телефон
Ичанг 717 ******* Телефон
Каили 855 ******* Телефон
Кайфенг 378 ******* Телефон
Каламайи 990 ******* Телефон
Кангдинг 836 ******* Телефон
Кангжоу 316 ******** Телефон
Кангжоу 317 ******* Телефон
Каши 998 ******* Телефон
Кванжоу 595 ******** Телефон
Квиквихар 452 ******* Телефон
Квингдао 532 ******** Телефон
Квингуан 763 ******* Телефон
Квинжоу 777 ******* Телефон
Квинхуангдао 335 ******* Телефон
Квитайхе 464 ******* Телефон
Ксиамен 592 ******* Телефон
Ксиангфан 710 ******* Телефон
Ксианнинг 715 ******* Телефон
Ксиантао 728 ******* Телефон
Ксиань 29 ******** Телефон
Ксианянг 29 ******** Телефон
Ксиаоган 712 ******* Телефон
Ксилинхаоте 479 ******* Телефон
Ксингтай 319 ******* Телефон
Ксингтан 731 ******** Телефон
Ксингуи 859 ******* Телефон
Ксинжоу 350 ******* Телефон
Ксининг 971 ******* Телефон
Ксинксианг 373 ******* Телефон
Ксиню 790 ******* Телефон
Ксинянг 376 ******* Телефон
Ксичанг 834 ******* Телефон
Ксужоу 516 ******** Телефон
Ксучанг 374 ******* Телефон
Куерле 996 ******* Телефон
Кужинг 874 ******* Телефон
Кужоу 570 ******* Телефон
Куйтун 992 ******* Телефон
Кунминг 871 ******* Телефон
Лайву 634 ******* Телефон
Лангфанг 315 ******** Телефон
Лангфанг 316 ******** Телефон
Ланжоу 931 ******* Телефон
Лешан 833 ******* Телефон
Лиаёнг 419 ******* Телефон
Лиань 564 ******* Телефон
Лианюнганг 518 ******** Телефон
Лиаоян 437 ******* Телефон
Лижианг 888 ******* Телефон
Линжи 894 ******* Телефон
Линий 539 ******* Телефон
Линканг 883 ******* Телефон
Линксиа 930 ******* Телефон
Линфен 357 ******* Телефон
Линхе 478 ******* Телефон
Лиоченг 635 ******* Телефон
Лиужоу 772 ******* Телефон
Лиуку 886 ******* Телефон
Лиупаншуй 858 ******* Телефон
Лиши 358 ******* Телефон
Лишуи 578 ******* Телефон
Лиянг 663 ******* Телефон
Лонгян 597 ******* Телефон
Лоуди 738 ******* Телефон
Лужоу 830 ******* Телефон
Лукси 692 ******* Телефон
Луохе 395 ******* Телефон
Луоянг 379 ******** Телефон
Лхаса 891 ******* Телефон
Мааншань 555 ******* Телефон
Маерканг 837 ******* Телефон
Маквин 975 ******* Телефон
Маоминг 668 ******* Телефон
Мейжоу 753 ******* Телефон
Мейхекау 435 ******* Телефон
Мейхекау 448 ******* Телефон
Мейшан 28 ******* Телефон
Мианянг 816 ******* Телефон
Муданжанг 453 ******* Телефон
Найдонг 893 ******* Телефон
Наку 896 ******* Телефон
Нанжинг 25 ******** Телефон
Наннинг 771 ******* Телефон
Нанпинг 599 ******* Телефон
Нантонг 513 ******** Телефон
Нанчанг 791 ******* Телефон
Нанчонг 817 ******* Телефон
Нанянг 377 ******** Телефон
Нейжианг 832 ******* Телефон
Ниеронг 8065 **** Телефон
Нима 8081 **** Телефон
Нингбо 574 ******** Телефон
Нингде 593 ******* Телефон
Панжин 427 ******* Телефон
Панжихуа 812 ******* Телефон
Пекин 10 ******** Телефон
Пинган 972 ******* Телефон
Пингдингшан 375 ******* Телефон
Пингксианг 799 ******* Телефон
Пинглианг 933 ******* Телефон
Пулан 8060 **** Телефон
Путян 594 ******* Телефон
Пуянг 393 ******* Телефон
Рижао 633 ******* Телефон
Риказе 892 ******* Телефон
Санменксиа 398 ******* Телефон
Санминг 598 ******* Телефон
Симао 879 ******* Телефон
Сипинг 434 ******* Телефон
Сонгян 438 ******* Телефон
Сужоу 512 ******** Телефон
Сужоу 557 ******* Телефон
Суининг 825 ******* Телефон
Суйжоу 722 ******* Телефон
Суйхуа 455 ******* Телефон
Сукиан 527 ******** Телефон
Суоксиань 8078 **** Телефон
Тайан 538 ******* Телефон
Тайжоу 523 ******** Телефон
Тайжоу 576 ******** Телефон
Тайюань 351 ******* Телефон
Тангшан 314 ******** Телефон
Тангшан 315 ******** Телефон
Таченг 901 ******* Телефон
Тианжин 22 ******** Телефон
Тианшуи 938 ******* Телефон
Тиелинг 24 ******* Телефон
Тиелинг 410 ******* Телефон
Тоглиао 475 ******* Телефон
Тонглинг 562 ******* Телефон
Тонгрен 856 ******* Телефон
Тонгрен 973 ******* Телефон
Тонгхуа 435 ******* Телефон
Тонгчуан 919 ******* Телефон
Тулуфан 995 ******* Телефон
Уйбин 831 ******* Телефон
Уйчун 458 ******* Телефон
Уйчун 795 ******* Телефон
Уйянг 737 ******* Телефон
Урумчи 991 ******* Телефон
Фангченгганг 770 ******* Телефон
Фошан 757 ******** Телефон
Фужоу 591 ******** Телефон
Фужоу 794 ******* Телефон
Фуксин 418 ******* Телефон
Фушун 24 ******* Телефон
Фушун 413 ******* Телефон
Фуянг 558 ******* Телефон
Хайкоу 898 ******** Телефон
Хайлаер 470 ******* Телефон
Хайян 970 ******* Телефон
Хами 902 ******* Телефон
Хангжоу 571 ******** Телефон
Хандан 29 ******** Телефон
Хандан 310 ******* Телефон
Ханжонг 916 ******* Телефон
Ханчум 440 ******* Телефон
Харбин 451 ******** Телефон
Хеби 392 ******* Телефон
Хеганг 454 ******* Телефон
Хеганг 468 ******* Телефон
Хезе 530 ******* Телефон
Хезуо 941 ******* Телефон
Хейхе 456 ******* Телефон
Хейян 762 ******** Телефон
Хенгшуи 318 ******* Телефон
Хенгянг 734 ******* Телефон
Хетиан 903 ******* Телефон
Хефей 551 ******* Телефон
Хечи 778 ******* Телефон
Хсифенг 934 ******* Телефон
Хуайбей 561 ******* Телефон
Хуайвинь 597 ******* Телефон
Хуайнань 554 ******* Телефон
Хуайхуа 745 ******* Телефон
Хуангганг 713 ******* Телефон
Хуангчуань 397 ******* Телефон
Хуангшань 559 ******* Телефон
Хуангши 714 ******* Телефон
Хуанченг 563 ******* Телефон
Хуаян 517 ******** Телефон
Хужоу 572 ******* Телефон
Хуйжоу 752 ******* Телефон
Хулудао 429 ******* Телефон
Хунчун 433 ******* Телефон
Хухехаоте 471 ******* Телефон
Чангде 736 ******* Телефон
Чангду 895 ******* Телефон
Чангжи 355 ******* Телефон
Чангжи 994 ******* Телефон
Чангжоу 519 ******** Телефон
Чангчун 431 ******** Телефон
Чангша 731 ******** Телефон
Чаоху 565 ******* Телефон
Чаоху 765 ******* Телефон
Чаоянг 421 ******* Телефон
Чаоянг 661 ******** Телефон
Чаоянг 754 ******** Телефон
Чаоянг 7548 ******* Телефон
Чаоянг 7548 ******* Телефон
Ченгде 313 ******** Телефон
Ченгде 314 ******** Телефон
Ченгду 28 ******** Телефон
Ченжоу 735 ******* Телефон
Чижоу 566 ******* Телефон
Чифенг 476 ******* Телефон
Чонгвинг 8237 ****** Телефон
Чонгквинг 23 ******** Телефон
Чужоу 550 ******* Телефон
Чуксионг 878 ******* Телефон
Шанвей 660 ******* Телефон
Шангжоу 914 ******* Телефон
Шангквиу 370 ******* Телефон
Шанграо 793 ******* Телефон
Шантоу 754 ******** Телефон
Шантоу 7548 ******* Телефон
Шантоу 7548 ******* Телефон
Шанхай 21 ********(**) Телефон
Шаогиан 751 ******* Телефон
Шаожоу 768 ******* Телефон
Шаоксинг 575 ******** Телефон
Шаоянг 739 ******* Телефон
Шенжа 8068 **** Телефон
Шенжен 755 ******** Телефон
Шенянг 24 ******** Телефон
Шиджиажуанг 311 ******** Телефон
Шижиажуанг 310 ******* Телефон
Шизуйшан 952 ******* Телефон
Шихези 993 ******* Телефон
Шиян 719 ******* Телефон
Шонгвей 955 ******* Телефон
Шоушан 580 ******* Телефон
Шуангху 8070 **** Телефон
Шуангяшан 469 ******* Телефон
Шунде 757 ******** Телефон
Шундэ 765 ******* Телефон
Шуожоу 349 ******* Телефон
Юеянг 730 ******* Телефон
Юинчуан 951 ******* Телефон
Юкси 877 ******* Телефон
Юлин 775 ******* Телефон
Юлинь 912 ******* Телефон
Юнфу 766 ******* Телефон
Юнченг 359 ******* Телефон
Юси 354 ******* Телефон
Юшу 976 ******* Телефон
Яан 835 ******* Телефон
Янань 911 ******* Телефон
Янгжианг 662 ******* Телефон
Янгжоу 514 ******** Телефон
Янгкян 353 ******* Телефон
Янжи 433 ******* Телефон
Янтай 535 ******* Телефон
Янченг 515 ******** Телефон

Если совершать исходящий вызов внутри государства, то данного индекса вначале комбинации будет достаточно.

Коды, присвоенные мобильным операторам

Как и в большинстве стран, мобильные телефонные номера в Китае начинаются с индекса конкретного оператора. На рынке КНР выделяют три ведущих компании, предоставляющих сотовую связь. Каждой из них в связи с большим количеством абонентов присвоено несколько мобильных кодов:

  1. China Mobile – 147, 150, 151, 152, 1571, 1572, 1574, 158, 159, 182, 183, 187, 188.
  2. China Telecom – 133, 1349, 153, 180, 189.
  3. China Unicom – 130, 131, 145, 155, 156, 186.

У данных мобильных операторов примерно равноценные тарифные планы на стоимость звонков, но лидером по предоставлению интернета является компания «China Unicom».

Как позвонить в КНР из России

Телефоны экстренных служб

Для оперативной связи в Китае есть ряд коротких цифровых комбинаций, они подразделяются на группы:

  • Основные:

120 – Услуги скорой медицинской помощи;

110 – Вызов полицейской службы;

12110 – Сообщение смс для полиции;

119 – Вызов пожарных машин на место происшествия.

  • Дополнительные:

114 – Стол справок и номеров телефона;

122 – Подраздел полиции, специализирующийся на дорожно-транспортных происшествиях;

12395 – Служба для спасения при водных происшествиях;

12306 – Информационный центр железной дороги;

950137 – Служба гражданской авиации.

Как позвонить в КНР из России

  • Горячие линии мобильных операторов:

10086 – Mobile China

10010 – Unicom China;

10000 – Telecom China.

  • Служба экстренной помощи иностранцам в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах:
  • В Шанхае звонить по телефону 6-439-0630;
  • Для Гуанчжоу: 8-667-7422.
  • Тел. номер Посольства Российской Федерации в Пекине:

+86 (10) 6532-1381, где «(10)» — это код идентификации Пекина.

Как позвонить в КНР из России

  • Отдел консульства при Посольстве:

+86(10) 65-32-1267. Время приема: понедельник – пятница, с 15:00 до 17:00.

  • Тел. номер генерального консульства РФ в Шанхае:

+86(21)6324-8383; +86(21)6324-2682. Время приема: с понедельника по среду – с 14:00 до 17:00, в пятницу с 14:00 до 16:00.

  • Для связи с аэропортами:

010-96158 — Международный аэропорт в Пекине;

021-96990 — Шанхайский Международный аэропорт Пудун.

  • Горячие линии самых крупных авиакомпаний для решения вопросов различного характера:

95583 — компания «Air China»;

95530 — Компания «China Eastern Airline»;

400-669-5539 — компания «Southern Airlines».

Зная эти номера можно быстро совершить любой звонок.

Как позвонить в КНР из России

Телефонные коды других систем связи

В Китае существует несколько платных линий, выйти на которые можно следующими способами:

  • 400 — «семизначный номер»;
  • 4008 — «шестизначный номер»;
  • 95 — «трехзначный номер».

При соединениях с помощью этих индексов, стоимость разговора оплачивает исходящий абонент.

Правила набора номеров телефона

В Китае приняты стандартные нормы перехода на связь различных уровней:

  • +86 – международный идентификатор КНР;
  • 00 – Префикс международного звонка из КНР;
  • 0 – Префикс междугороднего звонка внутри страны.

Эти же нормы используются в большинстве государств мира.


Будьте внимательны при наборе необходимой комбинации, и собеседник на другом конце провода не заставит себя долго ждать.

Как позвонить в Китай из России и в Россию из Китая


  • 1 Как звонить в Китай из России
    • 1.1 С городского телефона
    • 1.2 С сотового телефона
  • 2 Как звонить из Китая в Россию
    • 2.1 Со стационарного телефона
    • 2.2 С мобильного телефона
  • 3 Телефонные коды городов Китая
  • 4 Коды мобильных операторов Китая

Связь для современного туриста является важным пунктом. Собираясь в Китай, лучше заранее узнать правила набора телефонных номеров и кодов для связи с Россией в обоих направлениях, чтобы звонить мог как сам турист, так и его родственники, оставшиеся на родине.

Флаг Китая

Как звонить в Китай из России

Можно звонить в Китай со стационарного или мобильного телефонов. В обоих случаях вам достаточно знать местный китайский номер телефона абонента и информацию, изложенную ниже.

Код телефона Китая: 86

В конце данной статьи вы найдете необходимые для звонков коды городов и коды мобильных операторов Китая.

С городского телефона

Для начала узнаем о том, как позвонить в Китай со стационарного телефона из России. Для этого нужно набрать комбинацию:

8 – код выхода на международное соединение – 86 – код города или мобильного оператора – номер абонента


  • Вам нужно позвонить в Китай с городского телефона из РФ. Вызываемый абонент живет в Пекине и у него городской телефон. Для звонка нужно набрать: 8-10-86-10-12345678
  • Чтобы позвонить с городского телефона из Москвы абоненту сотового оператора China Telecom в Гуанчжоу, необходимо набрать: 8-58-86-133-12345678

Если вы используете городскую связь не от Ростелекома, то после 8 нужно использовать не 10, а другой префикс:

Оператор стационарного телефона Код
Ростелеком 10
Арктел 26
Синтерра 27
Комстар-ОТС 28
Совинтел (Билайн) 56
ТрансТелеКом 57
МТТ 58
Эквант (Orange) 59

С сотового телефона

Для совершения звонка с мобильного из России в Китай нужно набирать:

+ 86 – код города или мобильного оператора – номер абонента


  • Если вы хотите позвонить с сотового из Владивостока на городской в Шанхай, то наберите: +86-21-12345678
  • Для звонка с мобильного из Красноярска абоненту китайского сотового оператора China Unicom нужно набрать: +86-331-12345678

Как звонить из Китая в Россию

Если в Китае находитесь вы и вам нужно связаться с Россией, то в зависимости от типа телефона, который у вас под рукой, порядок действий описан ниже.

Со стационарного телефона

Чтобы позвонить из Китая в Россию с городского (стационарного) телефона следует набрать:

00 7 код города или мобильного оператора номер российского телефона

где 00 — код выхода не международную линию.


  • Чтобы позвонить в Россию абоненту Теле2 в Москву с городского телефона из Пекина, наберите: 00-7-958-1234567
  • Чтобы позвонить с мобильного из Шанхая на городской во Южно-Сахалинск, нужно набрать: 00-7-4242-123456

С мобильного телефона

Чтобы с мобильного телефона из Китая позвонить человеку в РФ нужно набрать:

+7 код города или сотового оператора номер абонента


  • Для звонка из Гуанчжоу с мобильного на городской в Москву звонящему следует набирать: +7-495-1234567
  • Если нужно с местного мобильного телефона из Китая позвонить на мобильный абоненту МТС в Санкт-Петербург, необходимо набрать: +7-911-1234567

Телефонные коды городов Китая

Город Код города Китая Город Код города Китая
Аньлу 712 Тайюань 351
Аньту 433 Таншань 315
Аньхуа 737 Таньинь 372
Аньцзи 572 Таонань 436
Аньшунь 853 Тумын 433
Байлинмяо 476 Тунлин 562
Байцюань 452 Тунлу 571
Баодин 312 Тяньцзинь 22
Баотоу 472 Уган 739
Бицзе 857 Уи 579
Бэйань 456 Уси 512
Ванкуй 455 Ухань 27
Ванцин 433 Учан 563
Вэйсянь 313 Учан 451
Ганьнань 452 Учжоу 774
Гаочэн 311 Учуань 471
Гуандэ 563 Уян 395
Гуанчжоу 20 Фейчэн 538
Гуйян 735 Фуань 593
Гулан 935 Фудин 593
Гучэн 318 Фуцзинь 454
Дамин 310 Фучжоу 591
Данту 511 Фушунь 413
Даньян 717 Фуян 571
Дунгуань 769 Фыньян 358
Дункоу 739 Хайкоу 898
Дуньхуа 433 Хайлинь 453
Дэцин 572 Хайлунь 455
Есянь 375 Хайфын 660
Иань 452 Ханчжоу 571
Иньчуань 951 Ханьдань 310
Итун 434 Харбин 451
Карамай 990 Хойлай 663
Каши 998 Хотан 903
Куньмин 871 Хошань 565
Кэдун 452 Хуаань 596
Кэшань 452 Хуадянь 432
Лайу 634 Хуайлай 313
Ланси 455 Хуасянь 372
Ланци 563 Хух-Хото 471
Ланьчжоу 931 Хучжоу 572
Линбао 398 Хэби 392
Линьань 571 Хэлун 433
Линьин 395 Хэфей 551
Линьли 736 Цзенсянь 359
Линьси 476 Цзеси 663
Линьсянь 372 Цзеян 663
Линьфын 357 Цзиань 435
Лисянь 736 Цзинань 531
Лишу 434 Цзиндэ 563
Лиюань 731 Цзинсянь 563
Лунхай 596 Цзинсянь 318
Лунхой 739 Цзиси 563
Лунцзин 433 Цзисянь 318
Лунцзян 452 Цзишоу 743
Лунцюань 578 Цзяньдэ 571
Луншен 773 Цзяохе 432
Луньян 597 Цингань 455
Луфын 660 Цинсянь 310
Лухэ 660 Циньхуандао 335
Лучжай 772 Цисянь 392
Люхе 448 Цпин 597
Лючен 778 Цюаньчжоу 773
Лянцзян 591 Цюаньчжоу 595
Ляншуйцзян 738 Цюйчжоу 310
Ляньчэн 597 Чайчжен 832
Ляньюань 738 Чанлэ 591
Ляньюньган 518 Чансин 572
Маньян 816 Чантин 597
Минган 370 Чанту 410
Миншуй 455 Чанцин 531
Мянчи 398 Чанчжи 355
Нанчан 791 Чанчжоу 519
Нанчун 817 Чанчунь 431
Наньдань 778 Чанша 731
Наньин 771 Чаоань 768
Ниндэ 593 Чаоян 661
Нинлин 370 Чжаланьтунь 470
Нуньцзян 456 Чжанпин 597
Нэхэ 452 Чжанпу 596
Няньлэ 393 Чжанчжоу 596
Паньши 432 Чжаоань 596
Пекин 10 Чжаодун 451
Пиннань 593 Чжаопин 774
Пинхэ 596 Чженхэ 599
Пинцзян 730 Чжолу 313
Пиньинь 531 Чжуншань 760
Саньмин 598 Чжэнчжоу 371
Саньмынся 398 Чжэньцзян 511
Санья 899 Чжэчэн 370
Сиань 29 Чоачжоу 768
Синго 527 Чуньань 571
Синин 971 Чэнбу 739
Синьнин 739 Чэнду 28
Синьсин 766 Чэньси 7425
Синьсян 373 Шанхай 21
Синьсянь 317 Шанхан 597
Синьтай 538 Шаньвей 660
Синьхуа 738 Шаоу 599
Сипу 593 Шеньян 24
Сишуй 713 Шицзячжуан 311
Суйлэн 455 Шиши 595
Суйнин 739 Шуанляо 434
Суйчан 578 Шуанфын 738
Суньу 456 Шуанчен 451
Сучжоу 512 Шэсянь 310
Сюйчжоу 516 Юйнань 766
Сяи 370 Юнфу 766
Сянчэн 374 Юнчунь 595
Сяньнин 715 Юнчэн 370
Сянью 594 Юньсяо 596
Сяошань 571 Якши 470
Тайкан 394 Янчунь 662
Тайлай 452 Яньцюань 353

Коды мобильных операторов Китая

Оператор Код сотового оператора Китая
China Mobile 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 147, 150, 151, 152, 1571, 1572, 1574, 158, 159, 182, 183, 187, 188
China Telecom 133, 1349, 153, 180, 189
China Unicom 130, 131, 132, 145, 155, 156, 186

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China telephone numbers

CHN orthographic.svg
Country China
Continent Asia
Regulator MIIT
Type Open
Access codes
Country calling code +86
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

Telephone numbers in China are organized according to the Chinese Telephone Code Plan. The numerical formats of landlines and mobile phones are different: landlines have area codes, whereas mobile phones do not. In major cities, landline numbers consist of a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit inner number. In other places, landline numbers consist of a three-digit area code followed by a seven- or eight-digit internal number. The numbers of mobile phones consist of eleven digits.

When one landline is used to dial another landline within the same area, it is not necessary to specify the area code. The target number must be prepended between different regions with the trunk prefix, which is 0.

Calling a mobile phone from a landline requires the addition of the «0» in front of the mobile phone number if they are not in the same area. Mobile to landline calls requires the «0» and the area code if the landline is not within the same place. Mobile to mobile calls does not require the «0» outside mainland China.

The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are not part of this numbering plan and use the country codes +852 and +853, respectively.

Mobile phones[edit]

In mainland China, mobile phone numbers have 11 digits in the format 1xx-XXXX-XXXX (except for 140–144, which are 13-digit IoT numbers), in which the first three digits (13x to 19x) designate the mobile phone service provider.

Before GSM, mobile phones had 6-digit (later upgraded to 7-digit) numbers starting with nine. They had the same numbering format as fixed-line telephones. Those numbers were eventually translated into 1390xx9xxx, where xx were local identifiers.

The oldest China Mobile GSM numbers were ten digits long and started with 139 in 1994, the second oldest 138 in 1997, and 137, 136, 135 in 1999. The oldest China Unicom numbers started with 130 in 1995, the second oldest at 131 in 1998. Keeping the same number over time is somewhat associated with the stability and reliability of the owner. The 5th to the seventh digit sometimes relates to age and location.

China’s mobile phone numbers upgraded from 10-digit to 11-digit, with 0 added after 13x, and thus HLR code became 4-digit long to expand the capacity of the seriously fully crowded numbering plan.

In 2006, 15x numbers were introduced.In late 2008, 18x and 14x (for data plans or IoT) were introduced. In late 2013, 17x were introduced. In 2017, 16x and 19x were introduced.

In December 2016, each cell phone number was required to be consigned to a real name in mainland China.

In November 2010, MIIT has started the trial mobile number portability service in Tianjin and Hainan, in 2012 the trial has extended to Jiangxi, Hubei and Yunan provinces. In 10 November 2019, all provinces started accepting MNP requests for all mobile providers, except for technical difficults, the MVNO phones, satellite phones and IoT phones.

Mobile service providers can be identified by the first three or four digits as follows:

Prefix Provider Network
2G 3G 4G 5G
10641 (13 digits) China Unicom (VNO for IoT purposes) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
130–132 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
133 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
134(0–8) China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1349 Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
135–139 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
140 (13 digits) reserved for China Unicom (IoT), due to NR technical difficults, no 1400(0-9) numbers will be provided N/A
141 (13 digits) China Telecom (IoT)
currently only 1410(0-9) are used, the rest, 141(10-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
142–143 (13 digits) reserved for future IoT carriers N/A
144 (13 digits) China Mobile (IoT)
currently only 1440(0-9) and 1441(0-9) are used, the rest, 144(20-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
145 China Unicom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 145 number, but can also be used to connect 3G network
146 China Unicom (IoT) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
147 China Mobile (formerly Data-plans only)
Used for «one SIM with dual-number» service of China Mobile Hong Kong in Mainland
148 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
149 China Telecom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 149 number, but can also be used to connect 2G network
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
150–152 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
153 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
154 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
155–156 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
157 China Mobile
also used for CM wireless landlines
158–159 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
161 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
162 China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
164 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
165 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
166 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
167 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(0-2) China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
1703 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1704 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(5-6) China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
170(7-9) China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
171 China Unicom (VNO)
also used by Hong Kong 3 as sub-number of their SIM cards in Mainland
172 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
173 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
174(00-05) Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
174(06-12) MIIT Emergency Communication Support Center emergency mobile call
174(13-89) reserved for satellite phones N/A
1749 Inmarsat2 Satellite
175–176 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
177 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
178 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
180–181 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
182–184 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
185–186 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
187–188 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
189–191 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
192 China Broadnet N/A LTE NR
193 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
194 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
195 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
196 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
197–198 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
199 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR

1 – China Unicom before 2009

2 – Operated by China Transport Telecommunication Information Group Co., Ltd.

3 – TD-SCDMA networks are being deprecated by China Mobile since c.2020

4 – GSM networks are being deprecated by China Unicom since c.2020

5 – CDMA2000 networks are being deprecated by China Telecom since c.2020

Calling formats[edit]

To call phone numbers in China one of the following formats is used:

  • For fixed phones:

xxx xxxx | xxxx xxxx Calls within the same area code

0yyy xxx xxxx | 0yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from other areas within China

+86 yyy xxx xxxx | +86 yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from outside China

  • For mobile phones:

1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobile phones within China

+86 1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobiles from outside China

Area 1 – Capital Operation Center[edit]

The prefix one is used exclusively by the national capital, Beijing Municipality.

  • Beijing – 10 (formerly 1, abolished after GSM was introduced, to avoid conflict with mobile phone numbers with prefix 0 added (e.g. 0139-xxxx-xxxx))

Area 2 – Country Communication System Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the municipalities of Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing, as well as several major cities with early access to telephones. These cities have upgraded to an 8-number system in the past decade[when?].
All telephone numbers are 8-digit in these areas.

  • Guangzhou – 20
  • Shanghai – 21
  • Tianjin – 22
  • Chongqing – 23 3
  • Shenyang, Tieling, Fushun, Benxi – 24 4
  • Nanjing – 25
  • Wuhan, Huarong District of Ezhou – 27
  • Chengdu, Meishan, Ziyang – 28 5
  • Xi’an, Xianyang – 29 6

3 — Formerly 811, 814, 819, 810, abolished 1997.
4 — Formerly 410, 413, abolished 2011,[1] and 414, abolished in 2014.
5 — Formerly 832, 833, abolished 2010.[2]
6 — Formerly 910, abolished 2006.[3]

It’s still unclear whether 26 will be provided or not, some local materials say that it’s reserved for Taiwan (especially its capital Taipei), but currently they use +886.[4] Some proposals from planned independent cities (Chinese: 计划单列市) to get rights to operate 026 were also unsuccessful.[5][6]

Area 3 – Northern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi and Henan.

Hebei – 31x 33x[edit]

Shanxi (山西) – 34x 35x[edit]

Henan – 37x 39x[edit]

8 — Formerly 378, abolished.
9 — Formerly 397 for 7 east counties, abolished.

Area 4 – Northeastern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, and the provinces in Northeast China (Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang). Additionally, numbers starting 400 are shared-pay (callers are charged local rate anywhere in the country) numbers[citation needed].

Liaoning – 41x 42x[edit]

Jilin – 43x 44x[edit]

10 — except Gongzhuling which still uses 434 of Siping
11 — Hunchun formerly 440, abolished

12 — Meihekou, Liuhe, Huinan formerly 448, abolished

Heilongjiang – 45x 46x[edit]

13 -Acheng formerly 450, abolished.
14 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Inner Mongolia – 47x 48x[edit]

15 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Area 5 – Eastern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong (predominantly), Anhui, Zhejiang and Fujian.

Jiangsu – 51x 52x[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Jiangsu.

16 — Changshu. Kunshan, Zhangjiagang and Taicang are formerly 520, abolished.

Shandong – 53x 54x[edit]

Anhui – 55x 56x[edit]

17 — Formerly 565 for Chaohu prefectural city era (i.e. before 2011), later splitted as: Hefei’s 551 for Juchao district (now county-level Chaohu) and Lujiang county, Wuhu’s 553 for Wuwei and Shenxiang Town of He county (now part of Jiujiang district), and Ma’anshan’s 555 for He county (except Shenxiang) and Hanshan county.
18 — Split from Fuyang in 2000, no new area code allocated.

Zhejiang – 57x 58x[edit]

Fujian – 59x 50x[edit]

19 — Kinmen, Matsu, and Wuchiu are under Taiwanese government control, and hence use international calling code of +886.

Area 6 – Supplement for Shandong(63x), Guangdong(66x), Yunnan(69x)[edit]

All area codes with prefix 6 were assigned in recent years. This prefix (+866) previously was reserved for Taiwan, which is now assigned (+886).[7]

Shandong – 63x[edit]

While most areas in Shandong use the prefix 53x 54x, some sites also use the prefix 6.

  • Weihai – 631
  • Zaozhuang – 632
  • Rizhao – 633
  • Liaocheng – 635

Laiwu was using 634, now merged to Jinan’s 531, former numbers are re-prefixxed as 5317 when merging.

Guangdong – 66x[edit]

While most areas in Guangdong use the prefix 75x and 76x, some sites also use the prefix 6. The provincial capital Guangzhou uses code 20.

  • Shanwei – 660
  • Yangjiang – 662[8]
  • Jieyang – 663
  • Maoming – 668

Chaoyang county-level city was using 661, now changed to 754 after splitted to Chaoyang and Chaonan districts and join Shantou.

Yunnan – 69x[edit]

While most areas in Yunnan use the prefix 87x and 88x, a couple of areas also use the prefix 6.

  • Xishuangbanna – 691
  • Dehong – 692

Area 7 – Central-Southern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the central provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong (predominantly), Jiangxi, and the autonomous region of Guangxi.

Hubei – 71x 72x[edit]

20 — except Huarong district which uses Wuhan’s 27.

Hunan – 73x 74x[edit]

21 — Formerly 733, abolished.
22 — Formerly 732, abolished.

Guangdong – 75x 76x[edit]

23 — Shunde formerly 765, abolished.

Guangxi – 77x 78x[edit]

24 — Split from Wuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
25 — Split from Liuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
26 — Split from Yulin Prefecture, original area code inherited.
27 — Split from Nanning Prefecture, original area code inherited.

Jiangxi – 79x 70x[edit]

Area 8 -Southwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Sichuan, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan (predominantly) and the autonomous region of Tibet.

Sichuan – 81x 82x 83x[edit]

Guizhou – 85x 86x[edit]

28 — Formerly 852, 853, abolished 2014.[9]

Yunnan – 87x 88x[edit]

29 — Dongchuan formerly 881, incorporated into 871
30 — also de-facto used by Wa State of  Myanmar

Tibet/Xizang – 89(1–7)[edit]

Hainan – 898[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Hainan.

Formerly (most likely before 2000), Sanya, Wuzhishan, Lingshui, Ledong, Baoting and Qiongzhong were 899, Danzhou, Dongfang, Lingao, Baisha and Changjiang were 890.

Area 9 – Northwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for northwestern regions including the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai, as well as the autonomous regions of Ningxia and Xinjiang.

Shaanxi (陕西) – 91x 92x[edit]

Gansu – 93x 94x[edit]

31 — Shared area code due to small size.

Ningxia – 95x 96x[edit]

Qinghai – 97x 98x[edit]

32 — Area under the administration of Golmud uses 979, other landlines within the prefecture use 977.

Xinjiang – 99x 90x[edit]

33 — except Wusu and Dushanzi District which use Kuytun’s 992.
34 — except Shawan county which uses Shihezi’s 993, and Hoboksar county which uses Karamay’s 990.

Emergency numbers[edit]

From within Mainland China, the following emergency numbers are used:

  • 110 – Police (12110 for SMS to police, not for calling, 95110 for maritime policies[note 1], 96110 to report frauds)
  • 119 – Fire brigade (12119 for forest fire in some regions)
  • 120 – Ambulance
  • 122 – Traffic accident (incorporated into 110 in some cities) (12122 on expressways)
  • 999 – Privately operated ambulance (Beijing ONLY, calls outside Beijing is 010-999)

In most cities, the emergency numbers assist in Mandarin Chinese and English.

Starting from 2012 in Shenzhen, an implemented system upgrade to unify three emergency reporting services into one number, 110. A similar approach is being installed in more cities in China to make them more convenient.

Dialing 112, 911, and 999 (outside Beijing without area code 010) plays a recording message about the correct emergency numbers in Chinese and English twice: «For police, dial 110. To report a fire, dial 119. For ambulance, dial 120. To report a traffic accident, dial 122.» on China Mobile and China Unicom phones, NO SERVICES will be redirected. The error messages «Number does not exist» will be played on China Telecom phones, and NO SERVICES will be redirected. However, some local report said that in sometimes, only within Beijing, China Unicom landlines and mobile phones call 010-112 may be successful as reporting service for call failures.


From within Mainland China, the following special numbers are used:

  • 100xx – Telecommunications Customer Service
    • 10000 for China Telecom, formerly 1000
    • 10010 for China Unicom, 10015 for auditing CU’s services, formerly 1001
    • 10020-10049 for VNOs
    • 10085 for China Mobile
    • 10086 for China Mobile (formerly 1860), 10050 for Tietong, 10080 for auditing CM’s services, 1008611 for directly checking phone bills
    • 10096 for China Tower
    • 10099 for China Broadnet
  • 106 – SMS access code
  • 11185 – Post (11183 for their EMS)
  • 114 – Directory assistance, operate by China Unicom for the northern 10 provinces, and China Telecom for the southern 21 provinces, China Unicom also operates 116114, and China Telecom 118114 that the operations are same as 114
  • 116xxx – Premium service of China Unicom (e.g. 116114)
  • 118xxx – Premium service of China Telecom (e.g. 118114)
  • 12114 – SMS name and address standard trial platform, not for calling
  • 12117 – Speaking clock
  • 12121 – Weather
  • 12123 – Traffic police services
  • 123xx – Government service, 12345 is the general number for all services below, that may be transited by 12345 operators upon kind of requests:
  • 124x – Carrier Identification Code (formerly 190/196/197, abolished in 2018, to create space for mobile phone numbers.)
  • 125xx – Premium service of China Mobile (e.g. 12580 for China Mobile’s Directory assistance)
  • 179xx + target number followed – VoIP (e.g. 17901-133-0000-0000, 1790 for China Telecom, 1791 for China Unicom, and 1795 for China Mobile)
  • 400 xxx xxxx, 800 xxx xxxx – business numbers
    • Differences: bills for 400 numbers are paid by both originating and terminating callers, and support calling from both landlines and mobile phones (usually 400-1/7 operate by China Mobile, 400-0/6 operate by China Unicom, 400-8/9 operate by China Telecom); bills for 800 numbers are just paid by terminating callers, but for non-landline users, mostly only China Telecom mobile phones may call 800 phones, because nearly all 800 phones are operated by China Telecom
    • 400-881-0000 for auditing China Telecom’s services
  • 95xxx, 95xxxx, 95105xxx— Service number (nationally)
  • 955xx – Bank, Insurance, Airlines service hotline, (nationally, ex. 95588 – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) )
  • 96xxx, 96xxxx – Service number (locally, area code needed for calls from other provinces or autonomous region or province-level municipality.)

(ex. 962288 in Shanghai – Shanghai foreigner assistant hotline, outside Shanghai people should dial 021-962288, or they will receive an error message or undesired service message)


  • 20x (mainly 200 and 201) – was used for IC telephone service, to be reserved for mobile phones
  1. ^ +86-10-68995110 when located at EEZs or public seas, where mobile signals are unable to provide
  2. ^ SMS only, calling 12345 for this purpose will be hung up, with a SMS instruction returned
  3. ^ a b c d e calling center merged with 12345, but numbers and service seats still work
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n calling center and seats merged with 12345, but numbers still work
  5. ^ remote users are only able to receive phones from 12340, they can’t directly call this number

International Access Code[edit]

The international access code from the PRC is 00. This must also be used for calls to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau from the Chinese mainland, together with their separate international codes, as follows:

place! Prefix
(All countries) 00 CountryCode AreaCode SubscriberCode
Taiwan 00 886 xxx xxx xxx[10]
Hong Kong 00 852 xxxx xxxx[11]
Macau 00 853 xxxx xxxx[12]
NANP 00 1 xxx xxx xxxx
UK 00 44 xxxxxxxxxx
Japan 00 81 xxxxxxxxx

See also[edit]

  • Telecommunications in China
  • Telephone numbers in Hong Kong
  • Telephone numbers in Macau
  • Toll-free telephone number, China


  1. ^ «沈阳、抚顺、铁岭正式开始共用»024″长途区号-搜狐新闻».
  2. ^ «成都眉山资阳三地将共用长途区号028_新闻中心_新浪网».
  3. ^ «西安咸阳今夜电话同区号-搜狐新闻».
  4. ^ «中国的区号为什么缺026?_话题广场_评论频道_腾讯网». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2014-05-21. Retrieved 2018-07-13.
  5. ^ «区号026争夺与台北猜想». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2007-10-22. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  6. ^ «026区号之争民间热议官方低调 长株潭并未申报». Sohu News. 2009-01-14. Retrieved 2022-09-05.
  7. ^ The story of Taiwan’s calling code Archived 2016-02-08 at the Wayback Machine, Taipei Times, October 5, 2010
  8. ^ Nanhai No.1 & Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Museum Archived 2016-10-11 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ «贵阳遵义安顺实现通信同城化 共享区号0851».
  10. ^ China Vista Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Eugene Law, China Intercontinental Press, 2004, page 519
  11. ^ China International Business: The Monthly Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, P.R.C Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 7–12, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, 2002
  12. ^ China Law Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 1–6, 2008, page 50
  • «ITU allocations list». ITU-T. Archived from the original on 2009-08-02.

External links[edit]

  • «Chinese Mobile Phone Directory» (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2012-10-24.
China telephone numbers

CHN orthographic.svg
Country China
Continent Asia
Regulator MIIT
Type Open
Access codes
Country calling code +86
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

Telephone numbers in China are organized according to the Chinese Telephone Code Plan. The numerical formats of landlines and mobile phones are different: landlines have area codes, whereas mobile phones do not. In major cities, landline numbers consist of a two-digit area code followed by an eight-digit inner number. In other places, landline numbers consist of a three-digit area code followed by a seven- or eight-digit internal number. The numbers of mobile phones consist of eleven digits.

When one landline is used to dial another landline within the same area, it is not necessary to specify the area code. The target number must be prepended between different regions with the trunk prefix, which is 0.

Calling a mobile phone from a landline requires the addition of the «0» in front of the mobile phone number if they are not in the same area. Mobile to landline calls requires the «0» and the area code if the landline is not within the same place. Mobile to mobile calls does not require the «0» outside mainland China.

The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are not part of this numbering plan and use the country codes +852 and +853, respectively.

Mobile phones[edit]

In mainland China, mobile phone numbers have 11 digits in the format 1xx-XXXX-XXXX (except for 140–144, which are 13-digit IoT numbers), in which the first three digits (13x to 19x) designate the mobile phone service provider.

Before GSM, mobile phones had 6-digit (later upgraded to 7-digit) numbers starting with nine. They had the same numbering format as fixed-line telephones. Those numbers were eventually translated into 1390xx9xxx, where xx were local identifiers.

The oldest China Mobile GSM numbers were ten digits long and started with 139 in 1994, the second oldest 138 in 1997, and 137, 136, 135 in 1999. The oldest China Unicom numbers started with 130 in 1995, the second oldest at 131 in 1998. Keeping the same number over time is somewhat associated with the stability and reliability of the owner. The 5th to the seventh digit sometimes relates to age and location.

China’s mobile phone numbers upgraded from 10-digit to 11-digit, with 0 added after 13x, and thus HLR code became 4-digit long to expand the capacity of the seriously fully crowded numbering plan.

In 2006, 15x numbers were introduced.In late 2008, 18x and 14x (for data plans or IoT) were introduced. In late 2013, 17x were introduced. In 2017, 16x and 19x were introduced.

In December 2016, each cell phone number was required to be consigned to a real name in mainland China.

In November 2010, MIIT has started the trial mobile number portability service in Tianjin and Hainan, in 2012 the trial has extended to Jiangxi, Hubei and Yunan provinces. In 10 November 2019, all provinces started accepting MNP requests for all mobile providers, except for technical difficults, the MVNO phones, satellite phones and IoT phones.

Mobile service providers can be identified by the first three or four digits as follows:

Prefix Provider Network
2G 3G 4G 5G
10641 (13 digits) China Unicom (VNO for IoT purposes) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
130–132 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
133 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
134(0–8) China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1349 Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
135–139 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
140 (13 digits) reserved for China Unicom (IoT), due to NR technical difficults, no 1400(0-9) numbers will be provided N/A
141 (13 digits) China Telecom (IoT)
currently only 1410(0-9) are used, the rest, 141(10-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
142–143 (13 digits) reserved for future IoT carriers N/A
144 (13 digits) China Mobile (IoT)
currently only 1440(0-9) and 1441(0-9) are used, the rest, 144(20-99) are reserved for future 5G IoT card plans
145 China Unicom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 145 number, but can also be used to connect 3G network
146 China Unicom (IoT) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
147 China Mobile (formerly Data-plans only)
Used for «one SIM with dual-number» service of China Mobile Hong Kong in Mainland
148 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
149 China Telecom (formerly Data-plans only)
only new TD-LTE, LTE-FDD, LTE-A or NR wireless network card users may got a new 149 number, but can also be used to connect 2G network
cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
150–152 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
153 China Telecom1 cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
154 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
155–156 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
157 China Mobile
also used for CM wireless landlines
158–159 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
161 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
162 China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
164 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
165 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
166 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
167 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(0-2) China Telecom (VNO) cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
1703 China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
1704 China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
170(5-6) China Mobile (VNO) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
170(7-9) China Unicom (VNO) GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
171 China Unicom (VNO)
also used by Hong Kong 3 as sub-number of their SIM cards in Mainland
172 China Mobile (IoT) GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
173 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
174(00-05) Chinasat (operated by China Telecom) Satellite
174(06-12) MIIT Emergency Communication Support Center emergency mobile call
174(13-89) reserved for satellite phones N/A
1749 Inmarsat2 Satellite
175–176 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
177 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
178 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
180–181 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
182–184 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
185–186 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
187–188 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
189–191 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
192 China Broadnet N/A LTE NR
193 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR
194 reserved for future mobile carriers N/A
195 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
196 China Unicom GSM4 WCDMA LTE NR
197–198 China Mobile GSM TD-SCDMA3 LTE NR
199 China Telecom cdmaOne CDMA20005 LTE NR

1 – China Unicom before 2009

2 – Operated by China Transport Telecommunication Information Group Co., Ltd.

3 – TD-SCDMA networks are being deprecated by China Mobile since c.2020

4 – GSM networks are being deprecated by China Unicom since c.2020

5 – CDMA2000 networks are being deprecated by China Telecom since c.2020

Calling formats[edit]

To call phone numbers in China one of the following formats is used:

  • For fixed phones:

xxx xxxx | xxxx xxxx Calls within the same area code

0yyy xxx xxxx | 0yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from other areas within China

+86 yyy xxx xxxx | +86 yyy xxxx xxxx Calls from outside China

  • For mobile phones:

1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobile phones within China

+86 1nn xxxx xxxx Calls to mobiles from outside China

Area 1 – Capital Operation Center[edit]

The prefix one is used exclusively by the national capital, Beijing Municipality.

  • Beijing – 10 (formerly 1, abolished after GSM was introduced, to avoid conflict with mobile phone numbers with prefix 0 added (e.g. 0139-xxxx-xxxx))

Area 2 – Country Communication System Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the municipalities of Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing, as well as several major cities with early access to telephones. These cities have upgraded to an 8-number system in the past decade[when?].
All telephone numbers are 8-digit in these areas.

  • Guangzhou – 20
  • Shanghai – 21
  • Tianjin – 22
  • Chongqing – 23 3
  • Shenyang, Tieling, Fushun, Benxi – 24 4
  • Nanjing – 25
  • Wuhan, Huarong District of Ezhou – 27
  • Chengdu, Meishan, Ziyang – 28 5
  • Xi’an, Xianyang – 29 6

3 — Formerly 811, 814, 819, 810, abolished 1997.
4 — Formerly 410, 413, abolished 2011,[1] and 414, abolished in 2014.
5 — Formerly 832, 833, abolished 2010.[2]
6 — Formerly 910, abolished 2006.[3]

It’s still unclear whether 26 will be provided or not, some local materials say that it’s reserved for Taiwan (especially its capital Taipei), but currently they use +886.[4] Some proposals from planned independent cities (Chinese: 计划单列市) to get rights to operate 026 were also unsuccessful.[5][6]

Area 3 – Northern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi and Henan.

Hebei – 31x 33x[edit]

Shanxi (山西) – 34x 35x[edit]

Henan – 37x 39x[edit]

8 — Formerly 378, abolished.
9 — Formerly 397 for 7 east counties, abolished.

Area 4 – Northeastern China Operation Center[edit]

These are area codes for the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, and the provinces in Northeast China (Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang). Additionally, numbers starting 400 are shared-pay (callers are charged local rate anywhere in the country) numbers[citation needed].

Liaoning – 41x 42x[edit]

Jilin – 43x 44x[edit]

10 — except Gongzhuling which still uses 434 of Siping
11 — Hunchun formerly 440, abolished

12 — Meihekou, Liuhe, Huinan formerly 448, abolished

Heilongjiang – 45x 46x[edit]

13 -Acheng formerly 450, abolished.
14 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Inner Mongolia – 47x 48x[edit]

15 — Jiagedaqi and Songling are de facto under the administration of the Daxing’anling
Prefecture, uses 457.

Area 5 – Eastern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong (predominantly), Anhui, Zhejiang and Fujian.

Jiangsu – 51x 52x[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Jiangsu.

16 — Changshu. Kunshan, Zhangjiagang and Taicang are formerly 520, abolished.

Shandong – 53x 54x[edit]

Anhui – 55x 56x[edit]

17 — Formerly 565 for Chaohu prefectural city era (i.e. before 2011), later splitted as: Hefei’s 551 for Juchao district (now county-level Chaohu) and Lujiang county, Wuhu’s 553 for Wuwei and Shenxiang Town of He county (now part of Jiujiang district), and Ma’anshan’s 555 for He county (except Shenxiang) and Hanshan county.
18 — Split from Fuyang in 2000, no new area code allocated.

Zhejiang – 57x 58x[edit]

Fujian – 59x 50x[edit]

19 — Kinmen, Matsu, and Wuchiu are under Taiwanese government control, and hence use international calling code of +886.

Area 6 – Supplement for Shandong(63x), Guangdong(66x), Yunnan(69x)[edit]

All area codes with prefix 6 were assigned in recent years. This prefix (+866) previously was reserved for Taiwan, which is now assigned (+886).[7]

Shandong – 63x[edit]

While most areas in Shandong use the prefix 53x 54x, some sites also use the prefix 6.

  • Weihai – 631
  • Zaozhuang – 632
  • Rizhao – 633
  • Liaocheng – 635

Laiwu was using 634, now merged to Jinan’s 531, former numbers are re-prefixxed as 5317 when merging.

Guangdong – 66x[edit]

While most areas in Guangdong use the prefix 75x and 76x, some sites also use the prefix 6. The provincial capital Guangzhou uses code 20.

  • Shanwei – 660
  • Yangjiang – 662[8]
  • Jieyang – 663
  • Maoming – 668

Chaoyang county-level city was using 661, now changed to 754 after splitted to Chaoyang and Chaonan districts and join Shantou.

Yunnan – 69x[edit]

While most areas in Yunnan use the prefix 87x and 88x, a couple of areas also use the prefix 6.

  • Xishuangbanna – 691
  • Dehong – 692

Area 7 – Central-Southern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the central provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong (predominantly), Jiangxi, and the autonomous region of Guangxi.

Hubei – 71x 72x[edit]

20 — except Huarong district which uses Wuhan’s 27.

Hunan – 73x 74x[edit]

21 — Formerly 733, abolished.
22 — Formerly 732, abolished.

Guangdong – 75x 76x[edit]

23 — Shunde formerly 765, abolished.

Guangxi – 77x 78x[edit]

24 — Split from Wuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
25 — Split from Liuzhou Prefecture, original area code inherited.
26 — Split from Yulin Prefecture, original area code inherited.
27 — Split from Nanning Prefecture, original area code inherited.

Jiangxi – 79x 70x[edit]

Area 8 -Southwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for the provinces of Sichuan, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan (predominantly) and the autonomous region of Tibet.

Sichuan – 81x 82x 83x[edit]

Guizhou – 85x 86x[edit]

28 — Formerly 852, 853, abolished 2014.[9]

Yunnan – 87x 88x[edit]

29 — Dongchuan formerly 881, incorporated into 871
30 — also de-facto used by Wa State of  Myanmar

Tibet/Xizang – 89(1–7)[edit]

Hainan – 898[edit]

All telephone numbers are 8-digit in Hainan.

Formerly (most likely before 2000), Sanya, Wuzhishan, Lingshui, Ledong, Baoting and Qiongzhong were 899, Danzhou, Dongfang, Lingao, Baisha and Changjiang were 890.

Area 9 – Northwestern China Operating Center[edit]

These are area codes for northwestern regions including the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai, as well as the autonomous regions of Ningxia and Xinjiang.

Shaanxi (陕西) – 91x 92x[edit]

Gansu – 93x 94x[edit]

31 — Shared area code due to small size.

Ningxia – 95x 96x[edit]

Qinghai – 97x 98x[edit]

32 — Area under the administration of Golmud uses 979, other landlines within the prefecture use 977.

Xinjiang – 99x 90x[edit]

33 — except Wusu and Dushanzi District which use Kuytun’s 992.
34 — except Shawan county which uses Shihezi’s 993, and Hoboksar county which uses Karamay’s 990.

Emergency numbers[edit]

From within Mainland China, the following emergency numbers are used:

  • 110 – Police (12110 for SMS to police, not for calling, 95110 for maritime policies[note 1], 96110 to report frauds)
  • 119 – Fire brigade (12119 for forest fire in some regions)
  • 120 – Ambulance
  • 122 – Traffic accident (incorporated into 110 in some cities) (12122 on expressways)
  • 999 – Privately operated ambulance (Beijing ONLY, calls outside Beijing is 010-999)

In most cities, the emergency numbers assist in Mandarin Chinese and English.

Starting from 2012 in Shenzhen, an implemented system upgrade to unify three emergency reporting services into one number, 110. A similar approach is being installed in more cities in China to make them more convenient.

Dialing 112, 911, and 999 (outside Beijing without area code 010) plays a recording message about the correct emergency numbers in Chinese and English twice: «For police, dial 110. To report a fire, dial 119. For ambulance, dial 120. To report a traffic accident, dial 122.» on China Mobile and China Unicom phones, NO SERVICES will be redirected. The error messages «Number does not exist» will be played on China Telecom phones, and NO SERVICES will be redirected. However, some local report said that in sometimes, only within Beijing, China Unicom landlines and mobile phones call 010-112 may be successful as reporting service for call failures.


From within Mainland China, the following special numbers are used:

  • 100xx – Telecommunications Customer Service
    • 10000 for China Telecom, formerly 1000
    • 10010 for China Unicom, 10015 for auditing CU’s services, formerly 1001
    • 10020-10049 for VNOs
    • 10085 for China Mobile
    • 10086 for China Mobile (formerly 1860), 10050 for Tietong, 10080 for auditing CM’s services, 1008611 for directly checking phone bills
    • 10096 for China Tower
    • 10099 for China Broadnet
  • 106 – SMS access code
  • 11185 – Post (11183 for their EMS)
  • 114 – Directory assistance, operate by China Unicom for the northern 10 provinces, and China Telecom for the southern 21 provinces, China Unicom also operates 116114, and China Telecom 118114 that the operations are same as 114
  • 116xxx – Premium service of China Unicom (e.g. 116114)
  • 118xxx – Premium service of China Telecom (e.g. 118114)
  • 12114 – SMS name and address standard trial platform, not for calling
  • 12117 – Speaking clock
  • 12121 – Weather
  • 12123 – Traffic police services
  • 123xx – Government service, 12345 is the general number for all services below, that may be transited by 12345 operators upon kind of requests:
  • 124x – Carrier Identification Code (formerly 190/196/197, abolished in 2018, to create space for mobile phone numbers.)
  • 125xx – Premium service of China Mobile (e.g. 12580 for China Mobile’s Directory assistance)
  • 179xx + target number followed – VoIP (e.g. 17901-133-0000-0000, 1790 for China Telecom, 1791 for China Unicom, and 1795 for China Mobile)
  • 400 xxx xxxx, 800 xxx xxxx – business numbers
    • Differences: bills for 400 numbers are paid by both originating and terminating callers, and support calling from both landlines and mobile phones (usually 400-1/7 operate by China Mobile, 400-0/6 operate by China Unicom, 400-8/9 operate by China Telecom); bills for 800 numbers are just paid by terminating callers, but for non-landline users, mostly only China Telecom mobile phones may call 800 phones, because nearly all 800 phones are operated by China Telecom
    • 400-881-0000 for auditing China Telecom’s services
  • 95xxx, 95xxxx, 95105xxx— Service number (nationally)
  • 955xx – Bank, Insurance, Airlines service hotline, (nationally, ex. 95588 – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) )
  • 96xxx, 96xxxx – Service number (locally, area code needed for calls from other provinces or autonomous region or province-level municipality.)

(ex. 962288 in Shanghai – Shanghai foreigner assistant hotline, outside Shanghai people should dial 021-962288, or they will receive an error message or undesired service message)


  • 20x (mainly 200 and 201) – was used for IC telephone service, to be reserved for mobile phones
  1. ^ +86-10-68995110 when located at EEZs or public seas, where mobile signals are unable to provide
  2. ^ SMS only, calling 12345 for this purpose will be hung up, with a SMS instruction returned
  3. ^ a b c d e calling center merged with 12345, but numbers and service seats still work
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n calling center and seats merged with 12345, but numbers still work
  5. ^ remote users are only able to receive phones from 12340, they can’t directly call this number

International Access Code[edit]

The international access code from the PRC is 00. This must also be used for calls to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau from the Chinese mainland, together with their separate international codes, as follows:

place! Prefix
(All countries) 00 CountryCode AreaCode SubscriberCode
Taiwan 00 886 xxx xxx xxx[10]
Hong Kong 00 852 xxxx xxxx[11]
Macau 00 853 xxxx xxxx[12]
NANP 00 1 xxx xxx xxxx
UK 00 44 xxxxxxxxxx
Japan 00 81 xxxxxxxxx

See also[edit]

  • Telecommunications in China
  • Telephone numbers in Hong Kong
  • Telephone numbers in Macau
  • Toll-free telephone number, China


  1. ^ «沈阳、抚顺、铁岭正式开始共用»024″长途区号-搜狐新闻».
  2. ^ «成都眉山资阳三地将共用长途区号028_新闻中心_新浪网».
  3. ^ «西安咸阳今夜电话同区号-搜狐新闻».
  4. ^ «中国的区号为什么缺026?_话题广场_评论频道_腾讯网». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2014-05-21. Retrieved 2018-07-13.
  5. ^ «区号026争夺与台北猜想». Tencent News. Archived from the original on 2007-10-22. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  6. ^ «026区号之争民间热议官方低调 长株潭并未申报». Sohu News. 2009-01-14. Retrieved 2022-09-05.
  7. ^ The story of Taiwan’s calling code Archived 2016-02-08 at the Wayback Machine, Taipei Times, October 5, 2010
  8. ^ Nanhai No.1 & Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Museum Archived 2016-10-11 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ «贵阳遵义安顺实现通信同城化 共享区号0851».
  10. ^ China Vista Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Eugene Law, China Intercontinental Press, 2004, page 519
  11. ^ China International Business: The Monthly Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, P.R.C Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 7–12, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, 2002
  12. ^ China Law Archived 2022-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, Issues 1–6, 2008, page 50
  • «ITU allocations list». ITU-T. Archived from the original on 2009-08-02.

External links[edit]

  • «Chinese Mobile Phone Directory» (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 2012-10-24.

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