Как позвонить трампу

В последнее время у меня много спрашивают: «А как написать или позвонить президенту США Трампу?». Нет ничего не возможного.

Адрес Трампа— При современном развитии печатного дела на Западе напечатать советский паспорт — это такой пустяк, что об этом смешно говорить… Один мой знакомый доходил до того, что печатал даже доллары. А вы знаете, как трудно подделать американские доллары? Там бумага с такими, знаете, разноцветными волосками. Нужно большое знание техники. Он удачно сплавлял их на московской черной бирже; потом оказалось, что его дедушка, известный валютчик, покупал их в Киеве и совершенно разорился, потому что доллары были все-таки фальшивые. Так что вы со своим паспортом тоже можете прогадать.

Ильф и Петров. «Двенадцать стульев»



Письмо Дональду Трампу можно написать по адресу:

Donald J. Trump President, Inc

C/O Trump Tower

725 5th Avenue

New York, NY 10022

Вы можете отправить письмо факсом в его организацию «Trump Organization»: (212) 935-0141.

Рабочий телефон «Trump Organization»: (212) 832-2000. Не забудьте, телефонный код США — 1. По нему можно уточнить адрес, куда лучше всего написать письмо Трампу.

У Дональда Трампа есть своя страница на Фейсбуке, на которую он регулярно заходит и делает публикации.

Адрес электронной почты Дональда Трампа: trump@trumporg.com.

Самый простой способ написать письмо Трампу — это отправить электронное сообщение на сайт Белого Дома, выбрав в списке получателя: «президент Трамп».

Есть такие варианты: связаться с ним через сайт https://www.donaldjt­rump.com/;

на этом сайте есть ссылки на соцсети, в которых представлен Дональд Трамп (Twitter: twitter.com/realdona­ldtrump; Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tru­mp); написать в Белый дом по адресу: https://www.whitehou­se.gov.

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A comprehensive list of contact methods for POTUS

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Whether you have a serious political question or you just want to drop a line to say hello, there are several tried and true ways to contact the President of the United States. We’ll cover all of your options, and also drop some knowledge when it comes to actually getting someone to respond. As a note, be aware that you might never receive a response, and if you do, it will likely be from a staff member rather than the President himself. Still, that shouldn’t stop you. Besides, you never know what will catch a world leader’s eye!

Things You Should Know

  • Mail a handwritten or typed letter to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.
  • Dial 1-202-456-1111 to leave a message for the President.
  • Use the White House Contact Page to send a message to the President using their online form.
  • Message the President on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter if you prefer to use social media.

Sample Letters to the President

  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 1


    Write your letter to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. If you write your letter by hand, be neat. You can also type and print your letter—it’s totally up to you. Write an honest and respectful letter, stating your thoughts clearly and reasonably.[1]
    The full address is:

    • The White House
      1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
      Washington, DC 20500
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 2


    Format the letter according to the White House rules. Use 8.5 by 11 in (22 by 28 cm) paper. If you’re going to handwrite the letter, use black ink and skip the fancy gel pens. Format your letter the same way you’d format a business letter.[2]

    • Put your name and address, including your email address, at the top right corner of the letter, with the date written out below that.
    • Use a formal salutation, such as, “Dear Mr. President,”
    • Close with a formal salutation, such as, “Most Respectfully,”
    • Print and sign your name.


  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 3


    Include a stamped return envelope and send your letter. If you want the President to reply to you, give them the return envelope they’ll need. Put you return address to the top left corner and put a stamp on the top right corner. On the return envelope, flip that and put your address in the middle.[3]

    • Take your letter to the nearest mailbox and ship it off!
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  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 5


    Dial 1-202-456-1111 to leave a comment for the President. The public comment line is designed for citizens who want to share an opinion or idea with the President. It’s run by volunteers who will record whatever you share and then send it to the relevant party (in your case, the President!).[4]

    • If you are an expert in some field and seriously want to talk to the President, reach out to the relevant Cabinet first. For example, an expert in teaching methods would need to contact the head of the Department of Education.
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 7


    Call 1-202-456-1414 to contact the White House’s switchboard. In theory, you’re only supposed to use this number if you have an extension or you’re on official business. But who’s to say you can’t give this number a shot if you want to speak to someone important? [5]

    • While a White House employee will pick up the phone if you can get through the robo menus, you aren’t going to have any luck getting Joe Biden on the phone.
  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 6


    Call 1-202-456-6213 if you require TTY accommodations. If you’re hard of hearing or you need transcript services, this is the number for you. It’s likely run by the folks in the switchboard room, but they’ll probably help you leave a comment.[6]

    • There’s also the White House visitor’s office number, which is 202-456-2121, but that’s unlikely who you want to contact unless you have questions about a tour.
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  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 9


    Visit the official White House Contact Page. This is probably the most efficient way to get a message across since the White House actively requests you use the online contact page. It’s also just faster, too. Open the contact page and enter the following information:[7]

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Home address
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 10


    Compose your message in the box at the bottom and send it. The White House website gives you about 300 words to say your piece. You can share your personal story, bring up concerns you may have, or even tell Mr. Biden your favorite knock knock joke. Remember to use the appropriate salutations, such as «Dear Mr. President,» and «Most Respectfully, Jane Jennings.»[8]

    • Make sure that under “Message Type” it says, “Contact the President.” You can also use this page to reach out to the Vice President, or ask a general question.
  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 9


    Check out that Presidential Greeting form if you want a letter from the President. If you’re here just because you want to prove you talked to the President, or you want the President to send your loved one a congratulatory note, you’re in luck. In that “Message Type” box, select “Request a Presidential Greeting.” You’ll be redirected to a new form. There, select the occasion and enter your personal details to ask the President to send you a letter.[9]

    • The odds are extremely high the letter you’ll get is just an autogenerated form letter, but hey, that’ll be our little secret.
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  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 12


    Log in to your preferred social media account. You can use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube to contact the White House or the President. If you don’t already have an account, sign up for a free account.[10]

    • Be aware that the President may not have time to personally respond to your message. You can totally get the attention of a staffer, though.
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 13


    Send a message to the President’s account. Write your message carefully and considerately. Avoid using inappropriate language or threats of any kind. Depending on the social media site, you can post using hashtags or handles, send a DM, or post directly on the President’s page or site.[11]

    • For Twitter, you can either use @WhiteHouse, @POTUS, or @JoeBiden.[12]
    • There are actually 3 different Facebook options: The White House, POTUS, or Joe Biden’s Personal Account.
    • On Instagram, message Joe Biden. There is no rotating POTUS account like there is on other platforms.
    • For YouTube, you can message the White House or Joe Biden’s channel.
  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 14


    Use neutral handles and hashtags in public comments. Use the handles @WhiteHouse and/or @POTUS, or the hashtags #WhiteHouse and/or #POTUS if you send public messages. The President’s personal accounts may stop being monitored, but the official White House and POTUS accounts all change hands when a new President is elected. Using the neutral handles and hashtags will help your messages stay visible.[13]

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Add New Question

  • Question

    How will I get to meet the POTUS?

    Community Answer

    You will have to talk with the congressperson who represents your congressional district, and then go through a three-month background check. Then you may qualify to meet the POTUS, and maybe the First Lady as well.

  • Question

    Will I get a faster response using email or regular mail?

    Community Answer

    You will get a faster response using email then regular mail.

  • Question

    What is the fastest way to contact the White House?

    Community Answer

    Use the White House website to send a message to the President. The site even states that this is the fastest way to contact POTUS.

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  • Do not expect to reach the President himself unless there is some special reason that he would want to speak to you. You will probably speak with a staff member. Most correspondence to the President is also handled by a staff member.

  • You can try emailing the president at president@whitehouse.gov or leaving a comment at comments@whitehouse.gov. However, the White House doesn’t include these email addresses on their website. Older, archived URLs mention these email addresses, but they’re not listed today. It’s likely that the White House staff no longer monitors or responds to emails.


  • Please be aware that you may not get a reply from the President or his staff.

  • Keep your letter, message, or call polite, professional, and appropriate. If it is judged to be threatening in any way, chances are very high that you will end up being investigated. Even if you’re not a US citizen, you can suffer consequences, like being forbidden from entering the country, including permanently.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

To contact the President of the United States, send a letter addressed to the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500. You can also try calling the White House by dialing 202-456-1111 and asking to speak with the President, although you may be directed to someone else. Also, you can submit a comment to the White House by visiting whitehouse.gov/contact. If all else fails, try tweeting at the President by including the handle @POTUS at the end of your tweet. If you want to learn what tone to use when you reach out to the President, keep reading!

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    «I wanted to email the President for an important reason. The White House website won’t allow me to write more than…» more

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A comprehensive list of contact methods for POTUS

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Whether you have a serious political question or you just want to drop a line to say hello, there are several tried and true ways to contact the President of the United States. We’ll cover all of your options, and also drop some knowledge when it comes to actually getting someone to respond. As a note, be aware that you might never receive a response, and if you do, it will likely be from a staff member rather than the President himself. Still, that shouldn’t stop you. Besides, you never know what will catch a world leader’s eye!

Things You Should Know

  • Mail a handwritten or typed letter to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.
  • Dial 1-202-456-1111 to leave a message for the President.
  • Use the White House Contact Page to send a message to the President using their online form.
  • Message the President on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter if you prefer to use social media.

Sample Letters to the President

  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 1


    Write your letter to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. If you write your letter by hand, be neat. You can also type and print your letter—it’s totally up to you. Write an honest and respectful letter, stating your thoughts clearly and reasonably.[1]
    The full address is:

    • The White House
      1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
      Washington, DC 20500
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 2


    Format the letter according to the White House rules. Use 8.5 by 11 in (22 by 28 cm) paper. If you’re going to handwrite the letter, use black ink and skip the fancy gel pens. Format your letter the same way you’d format a business letter.[2]

    • Put your name and address, including your email address, at the top right corner of the letter, with the date written out below that.
    • Use a formal salutation, such as, “Dear Mr. President,”
    • Close with a formal salutation, such as, “Most Respectfully,”
    • Print and sign your name.


  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 3


    Include a stamped return envelope and send your letter. If you want the President to reply to you, give them the return envelope they’ll need. Put you return address to the top left corner and put a stamp on the top right corner. On the return envelope, flip that and put your address in the middle.[3]

    • Take your letter to the nearest mailbox and ship it off!
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  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 5


    Dial 1-202-456-1111 to leave a comment for the President. The public comment line is designed for citizens who want to share an opinion or idea with the President. It’s run by volunteers who will record whatever you share and then send it to the relevant party (in your case, the President!).[4]

    • If you are an expert in some field and seriously want to talk to the President, reach out to the relevant Cabinet first. For example, an expert in teaching methods would need to contact the head of the Department of Education.
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 7


    Call 1-202-456-1414 to contact the White House’s switchboard. In theory, you’re only supposed to use this number if you have an extension or you’re on official business. But who’s to say you can’t give this number a shot if you want to speak to someone important? [5]

    • While a White House employee will pick up the phone if you can get through the robo menus, you aren’t going to have any luck getting Joe Biden on the phone.
  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 6


    Call 1-202-456-6213 if you require TTY accommodations. If you’re hard of hearing or you need transcript services, this is the number for you. It’s likely run by the folks in the switchboard room, but they’ll probably help you leave a comment.[6]

    • There’s also the White House visitor’s office number, which is 202-456-2121, but that’s unlikely who you want to contact unless you have questions about a tour.
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  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 9


    Visit the official White House Contact Page. This is probably the most efficient way to get a message across since the White House actively requests you use the online contact page. It’s also just faster, too. Open the contact page and enter the following information:[7]

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Home address
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 10


    Compose your message in the box at the bottom and send it. The White House website gives you about 300 words to say your piece. You can share your personal story, bring up concerns you may have, or even tell Mr. Biden your favorite knock knock joke. Remember to use the appropriate salutations, such as «Dear Mr. President,» and «Most Respectfully, Jane Jennings.»[8]

    • Make sure that under “Message Type” it says, “Contact the President.” You can also use this page to reach out to the Vice President, or ask a general question.
  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 9


    Check out that Presidential Greeting form if you want a letter from the President. If you’re here just because you want to prove you talked to the President, or you want the President to send your loved one a congratulatory note, you’re in luck. In that “Message Type” box, select “Request a Presidential Greeting.” You’ll be redirected to a new form. There, select the occasion and enter your personal details to ask the President to send you a letter.[9]

    • The odds are extremely high the letter you’ll get is just an autogenerated form letter, but hey, that’ll be our little secret.
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  1. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 12


    Log in to your preferred social media account. You can use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube to contact the White House or the President. If you don’t already have an account, sign up for a free account.[10]

    • Be aware that the President may not have time to personally respond to your message. You can totally get the attention of a staffer, though.
  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 13


    Send a message to the President’s account. Write your message carefully and considerately. Avoid using inappropriate language or threats of any kind. Depending on the social media site, you can post using hashtags or handles, send a DM, or post directly on the President’s page or site.[11]

    • For Twitter, you can either use @WhiteHouse, @POTUS, or @JoeBiden.[12]
    • There are actually 3 different Facebook options: The White House, POTUS, or Joe Biden’s Personal Account.
    • On Instagram, message Joe Biden. There is no rotating POTUS account like there is on other platforms.
    • For YouTube, you can message the White House or Joe Biden’s channel.
  3. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 14


    Use neutral handles and hashtags in public comments. Use the handles @WhiteHouse and/or @POTUS, or the hashtags #WhiteHouse and/or #POTUS if you send public messages. The President’s personal accounts may stop being monitored, but the official White House and POTUS accounts all change hands when a new President is elected. Using the neutral handles and hashtags will help your messages stay visible.[13]

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Add New Question

  • Question

    How will I get to meet the POTUS?

    Community Answer

    You will have to talk with the congressperson who represents your congressional district, and then go through a three-month background check. Then you may qualify to meet the POTUS, and maybe the First Lady as well.

  • Question

    Will I get a faster response using email or regular mail?

    Community Answer

    You will get a faster response using email then regular mail.

  • Question

    What is the fastest way to contact the White House?

    Community Answer

    Use the White House website to send a message to the President. The site even states that this is the fastest way to contact POTUS.

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Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.



  • Do not expect to reach the President himself unless there is some special reason that he would want to speak to you. You will probably speak with a staff member. Most correspondence to the President is also handled by a staff member.

  • You can try emailing the president at president@whitehouse.gov or leaving a comment at comments@whitehouse.gov. However, the White House doesn’t include these email addresses on their website. Older, archived URLs mention these email addresses, but they’re not listed today. It’s likely that the White House staff no longer monitors or responds to emails.


  • Please be aware that you may not get a reply from the President or his staff.

  • Keep your letter, message, or call polite, professional, and appropriate. If it is judged to be threatening in any way, chances are very high that you will end up being investigated. Even if you’re not a US citizen, you can suffer consequences, like being forbidden from entering the country, including permanently.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

To contact the President of the United States, send a letter addressed to the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500. You can also try calling the White House by dialing 202-456-1111 and asking to speak with the President, although you may be directed to someone else. Also, you can submit a comment to the White House by visiting whitehouse.gov/contact. If all else fails, try tweeting at the President by including the handle @POTUS at the end of your tweet. If you want to learn what tone to use when you reach out to the President, keep reading!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,661,396 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Asheer ash

    «I wanted to email the President for an important reason. The White House website won’t allow me to write more than…» more

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Who is Donald Trump’s phone number?

The former U.S. President Donald J. Trump may be difficult to reach out but he is just a message away. Please open this page and send your greetings, and concerns to him. Don’t forget to fill out your contact information to get back to you.

Donald Trump Mailing Address

As Donald Trump is no more U.S. President, his mailing address of the White House can’t be used anymore. However, please note down his new mailing address to send your greetings/love: Donald J. Trump, THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022, United States.

The former U.S. President Donald J. Trump also lives in his resort Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. The address is here: Donald J. Trump, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida.

Donald Trump Phone Number

The following phone numbers are old (You know!?, The White House), so don’t try at those numbers.

  • Donald Trump Phone Number: 202-456-1111
  • Donald Trump Contact Number: 202-456-1111
  • Telephone Number: As Above
  • Switchboard Number: 202-456-1414
  • Phone Number for Comments: 202-456-6213
  • Phone Number for Visitor’s Office: 202-456-2121
  • Fax Number: Not Available with us
  • Mobile Number: Not Available with us

Email Address and Official Website

Donald J. Trump is available through his official website online message form. Don’t forget to fill out your name, contact number, and email address. For more information, please visit his official website https://www.donaldjtrump.com/.

About Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the former US President, businessman and media personality. He is married to Melania Trump (m. 2005). His previous wives are, Marla Maples (m. 1993-1999), and Ivana Trump (m. 1977-1992). Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Barron Trump, Tiffany Trump, Eric Trump are his children from various marriages.

He owns very prominent properties in the US and across the world. For example, Trump Hotel Las Vegas, Trump Tower Manhattan NYC, Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach, Trump Taj Mahal Atlantic City, Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver, and many more.

Quick Facts About Donald Trump

Various important information about the POTUS is given below:

  • Daughter Names: Ivanka, Tiffany
  • Son Name: Barron, Eric
  • Wife Names: Ivana (1977-1992), Marla Maples (1993-1999), Melania (2005-current)
  • Height: 1.9m (Approx. 6.26 foot)
  • Birth date: June 14, 1946
  • Place of birth: Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, New York


Q1: Is Donald Trump Phone Number really used by him personally?
Answer: Are you kidding with us? The phone line is passed by various assistants and office workers and finally reached to the President.

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Barack Obama Phone Number
Joe Biden Phone Number

Американский президент Дональд Трамп предложил своим коллегам из других стран в случае необходимости связываться с ним по обычному мобильному телефону.

Трамп уже назвал свой номер телефона и разрешил звонить ему напрямую мексиканскому президенту Энрике Пенье Ньето, а также Джастину Трюдо, канадскому премьер-министру. Есть даже сведения о том, что Трюдо воспользовался этой возможностью.

Во Франции несколько источников рассказали, что их новый президент Эммануэль Макрон также обменялся с Трампом телефонами.

Между тем, в Штатах специалисты полагают, что предложение Трампа разговаривать по персональным телефонам входит в противоречие с дипломатическим протоколом и понижает необходимый уровень безопасности текущих переговоров американского лидера, который одновременно является и главнокомандующим ВС страны.

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Как позвонить Трампу. Номер мобильника президента США


Как позвонить Трампу. Номер мобильника президента США

Президент США Дональд Трамп дал номер своего мобильного телефона руководителям ряда иностранных государств и предложил звонить ему напрямую, чем нарушил дипломатический протокол и вызвал беспокойство службы безопасности. Об этом сообщает газета The Washington Post со ссылкой на бывших и нынешних американских должностных лиц.

Номер мобильного телефона Трампа получили президент Мексики и премьер-министр Канады, причем второй уже воспользовался им. Трамп также обменялся номерами мобильных телефонов с президентом Франции Эммануилем Макроном, рассказал газете французский представитель.

Каким бы мобильным телефоном ни пользовался президент за пределами надежно защищенных помещений, разговоры по нему могут быть перехвачены любыми компетентными спецслужбами, дружественными и не дружественными, сообщили изданию источники.

В ходе прошлогодней избирательной кампании Трамп критиковал свою соперницу от Демократической партии Хиллари Клинтон за пересылку служебных документов посредством незащищенной электронной почты.


Администрация, владелец данного сайта (домена), форума и редакция сайта за содержание статей, скопированных с других сайтов, газет, журналов, ЖЖ, интернет форумов, а также и высказывания пользователей на главной странице сайта, Форуме и Гостевой книге, ответственности не несут. Мы (администратор, владелец, редакция сайта) не согласны с мнением авторов публикаций, перепечаток, гиперссылок и на все события имеем свою точку зрения. Наше мнение, может не совпадать с мнением авторов

Дата Август 26th, 2019 Автор Hagurot

Телефон Дональда Трампа — чем пользуется самый эпатажный президент

телефон трампа

Как и любой современный человек, президент США идёт в ногу со временем, а без телефона поиск информации и быстрая коммуникация невозможны. Ниже ответим на вопрос: какой телефон у Дональда Трампа и какую роль он играет в его жизни?

Телефоны президента США Дональда Трампа

Дональд Трамп имеет два телефона, оба из которых — iPhone.

Телефоны президента США Дональда Трампа

Один из телефонов Трамп использует только для Твиттера и новостей.

Телефоны президента США Дональда Трампа

Второй телефон лишь для устного общения.

Известно, что одна из моделей, используемых президентом США — iPhone XS. Не стоит забывать и про стационарный телефон. По нему Трамп общается с министрами и президентами других стран.

Телефоны президента США Дональда Трампа

Также, несколько лет назад Трамп пользовался Nokia.

Телефоны президента США Дональда Трампа

Помимо этого президент США долгое время оставался приверженцем Samsung Galaxy S3.

Телефоны президента США Дональда ТрампаSamsung Galaxy S3

Служба Безопасности президента настаивала на частой смене телефонов, но безрезультатно.

Телефоны президента США Дональда Трампа

Известно, что Трамп полностью игнорирует безопасность своих мобильных, что намекает на отсутствие в них особо секретных сведений.

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