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Sonic Boom

Three Minutes or Less

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«Three Minutes or Less«[3] is the ninety-seventh episode in the Sonic Boom television series. It first aired on 18 April 2017 in France and on 30 September 2017 in the United States.


Sonic becomes a delivery boy for Meh Burger, guaranteeing he’ll make all deliveries in under 3 minutes, but Dr. Eggman gets in the way.[4]



  • Badniks
    • Bee Bot (multiple)
    • Beetle Bot
    • Crab Bot (multiple)
    • Mantis Bot (x2)
    • Motobug (x2)
    • Scorpion Bot
  • Ball Bot (x3)
  • Ballot Stuffer Bot
  • Bike Chain Bandit (mentioned)
  • Burnbot
  • Child Monkey
  • Comedy Chimp
  • Councilman McMeh[5] (only appearance)
  • Cowbot
  • Cubot
  • D.B. Platypus
  • Dave the Intern
  • Decimator Bot (cameo)
  • Dr. Eggman
  • Fastidious Beaver
  • Fire Bot
  • Gogobas
    • Gogoba Chief
  • Lady Goat
  • Lady Walrus
  • Leroy the Turtle
  • Mayor Fink
  • Mega
  • Mike the Ox (mentioned)
  • Mr. Slate
  • Obliterator Bot
  • Octopus Bot
  • Old Monkey
  • Orbot
  • Team Sonic
    • Amy Rose
    • Knuckles the Echidna
    • Miles «Tails» Prower
    • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Stunt Bear No. 1
  • Vacuum Bot
  • Walrus Male
  • Wild Cat
  • Wolfie

Races and species:

  • Animal people
  • Human


  • Sonic Boom World
    • Earth
      • Dr. Eggman’s Lair
      • Seaside Island
        • Amy’s House
        • Eggman’s secret underground bunker
        • Gogoba Village
        • Hedgehog Village
          • Village Center
            • Meh Burger


  • Amy’s Hammer
  • Chili dogs
  • Communicator
  • Meh Burger
  • Wrist controller


  • Eggmobile


It is a beautiful day on Seaside Island, and Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles are in Amy’s House watching Marsupial Crime Unit on the television. As Sonic talks about his enjoyment of the show’s main character, a commercial from Meh Burger featuring Comedy Chimp appears on the TV. In it, Comedy Chimp announces to the viewers that Meh Burger now delivers take-out to the customers, and that their orders will be free if not delivered in thirty minutes or less. This prompts Sonic to call Meh Burger on the telephone and order four titular Meh Burgers for the gang. Although Team Sonic expect their order to arrive within the allotted time, they find nothing arriving at Amy’s House as time passes. Eventually, Tails begins building a house of cards while Amy watches Sonic and Knuckles compete at thumb wrestling, arm wrestling, and regular wrestling.

Three hours later, Dave the Intern finally arrives at the door with their order, now cold. While Sonic is displeased at the time it took Dave to arrive, he takes solace in knowing that the order is free. As Dave prepares to depart, he leaves Sonic with a comment card and asks him to be dishonest and give him a positive review. On the back of this card, Sonic notices that a focus group is going to meet up tomorrow to review Meh Burger’s delivery service, which Amy is excited about. The next day, Team Sonic joins the focus group at Meh Burger. At the helm of the group is D.B. Platypus, who asks them to rate Meh Burger’s delivery service from «remarkable» to «exemplary». Thinking it is a joke, Sonic boasts that he could handle the deliveries in three minutes or less. Hearing this from behind a one-way mirror, Mr. Slate makes his entrance and offers Sonic a job at Meh Burger. Sonic blatantly refuses to work there, even if Mr. Slate pays him. Having no plans to pay Sonic for his service however, Mr. Slate instead offers him a free chili dog for every successful delivery. This offer prompts Sonic to agree to Mr. Slate’s proposal.

After receiving his Meh uniform from Dave, Sonic receives his first delivery. Dave warns Sonic that the customers are cheapskates, but Sonic proves him wrong by delivering the order in less than a second and returning with tips. After finishing his complementary chili dogs, Sonic receives three additional deliveries. Sonic quickly takes off and arrives at his first stop: the Old Monkey’s house. There, the elderly simian wastes Sonic’s time by looking for his billfold (which he happened to have in his hands). For his next delivery, Sonic finds himself (much to his confusion) bringing a Meh Meal for two to Amy’s. Greeting Sonic at the door, Amy invites Sonic inside her house where she has set up a romantic dinner table while explaining that she had ordered the meal for the two of them, having hoped that Sonic could take a break from work and eat with her. Flustered, Sonic agrees to it. Being pressed for time, however, Sonic eats his burger in a flash and takes off, much to Amy’s disappointment. Despite these delays, though, Sonic brings the deliveries to their buyers with time to spare, thus earning himself a plate of chili dogs. However, Dave tells Sonic the chili dogs are non-transferable when he tries to share them with his friends, leaving Sonic (who is not too upset about it) to eat them on his own.

Later at Eggman’s lair, Dr. Eggman is getting ready to watch Hedgehog Abbey with some sandwiches prepared by Orbot and Cubot when a commercial from Meh Burger featuring Sonic appears on TV. In it, Sonic promises delivers from Meh Burger in three minutes or less, or the orders will be free. When Orbot and Cubot then arrived with Eggman’s meal, the doctor knocks the plate away and announces he now wants a Meh Burger, delivered to him by Sonic. Even more so, he wants Sonic to be late with his delivery so he can get it for free and enjoy Sonic’s humiliating over failing his own delivery policy.

When Sonic arrives at Eggman’s lair with the doctor’s order, Eggman fakes that the order is missing stuff, all so Sonic will waste time going back to Meh Burger. However, Sonic counters all his bluffs with lightning-fast corrections. Back at Meh Burger later on, Sonic is sent out on a delivery, but returns when the address he is given turns out to be non-existent. Sitting nearby, Eggman accidentally reveals himself to be behind this prank order to Sonic when he giggles. Confronting Eggman, Sonic makes the doctor pay up. Had enough, Eggman returns to his lair where he shows Orbot and Cubot his plan to for absolute chaos. Although the plan basically just involves Eggman attacking Sonic when he leaves Meh Burger to delay him, Eggman tells his unimpressed lackeys that there is more to it.

Back at Meh Burger, Sonic is given three deliveries to three different parts of Seaside Island. Dave doubts Sonic can handle that in three minutes, but Sonic is not worried. Upon leaving Meh Burger however, Sonic gets attacked by Bee Bots, Crab Bots and Eggman in his Eggmobile. Fortunately for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy arrive on the scene and hold off the Badniks. As Sonic makes his escape, Eggman chases after him in the Eggmobile, but crashes into a tree. Sonic’s first delivery soon after takes him to Gogoba Village (where it is revealed that Orbot was the one who placed the order). Sonic hands the order over to the Gogoba Chief, who accepts it despite the circumstances, but also guilt-trips Sonic into dividing the meal among the Gogobas and giving him a discount. Sonic subsequently runs through the Village Center on his way to deliver the next order, but encounters both Eggman and Obliterator Bot, who has taken Fastidious Beaver and Leroy the Turtle hostage in a cage. His confidence not wavering, Sonic spills mayo on the windshield of the Eggmobile. As Eggman tries to rub it off, he loses control of his Eggmobile and accidentally shoots down Obliterator Bot and his hostages’ cage, thus allowing Leroy and Fastidious to escape. After that, Sonic arrives at Eggman’s secret underground bunker. Inside it is Cubot, who refuses to open the door and stalls Sonic with meaningless chat. Losing patience, Sonic knocks down the door and makes Cubot pay for the delivery.

With only one minute left before his deadline, Sonic arrives at Eggman’s lair to deliver the last order, only to be met by almost every robot Eggman has created. From inside his lair, Eggman gloats to Sonic about his impending victory, but Sonic is certain he can make his way through all the robots and penetrate the lair’s defense in time. However, Sonic soon finds himself short on time and starts looking for a way into the lair, where he spots Orbot and Cubot entering the lair through a secret tunnel. Inside the lair, Eggman is ecstatic about how he has beaten Sonic, as he only has a few seconds left. However, in the last second, Sonic arrives before Eggman, much to the doctor’s grief. Hearing that Sonic followed Orbot and Cubot through his tunnel, Eggman turns his anger to lackeys, who defend themselves by saying that he had to take the tunnel since there was a battle outside. Regardless, Sonic has Eggman pay up and leaves him to eat in pity.

As thanks for his outstanding work, Mr. Slate awards Sonic with extra chili dogs. After eating them however, Sonic starts to feel ill. Realizing he has had too much of a good thing, Sonic decides to quit his job, something which Dave is not upset about. A new commercial featuring Comedy Chimp airs soon after, where Comedy Chimp announces Meh Burger’s new delivery policy: you get it when you get it.


  • Meh Burger still has the Robot Employee they got from Tails in «Robot Employees».


  • In Sonic’s Meh Burger commercial, Stunt Bear No. 1 can be seen moving its lips as it if is talking, despite this character having been established as a regular animal incapable of speech.
  • In the scenes where Eggman’s lineup of robots at his lair is shown, a piece of Seaside Island can be spotted on the right side of the screen.
  • During the part where Sonic smiles at his ten chili dogs, one of the chili dogs at the bottom row is missing.
  • Tail’s card tower reuses the same seven cards over and over.

Title in other languages

Language Title Translation
French En moins de trois minutes In less than three minutes
Italian Solo tre minuti Just three minutes
Polish Błyskawiczna dostawa Instant delivery
Portuguese (Brazil) Três Minutos ou Menos Three Minutes or Less
Portuguese (Portugal)
Spanish (Latin America) En tres minutos o menos In three minutes or less
Russian Три минуты Three minutes


  • This episode was originally scheduled to air on 16 September 2017 in the United States.[3] However, due to production issues, its air date got postponed and replaced with a rerun of «Vector Detector».[6]
  • As Bill Freiberger did not yet have access to the episode’s title card, he instead released a screenshot on Twitter as a teaser nine days before this episode aired on Boomerang.[2] He later released the title card five days before the episode aired.[7]
  • Hedgehog Abbey is a reference to the British drama show Downtown Abbey.
    • The same show (Hedgehog Abbey) was first mentioned back in «Aim Low».
  • Councilman McMeh might be a parody of Mayor McCheese.
  • This is the only episode where one of the Stunt Bears has appeared without its partner.
  • This episode marks the only time Lady Goat’s name has been mentioned on the show.
  • Tails does not have any dialogue during the whole episode.


  1. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (29 October 2016). Archived from the original on 11 May 2021. Retrieved on 29 October 2016. «Tailooey Fan: Jack Fletcher is still the dubbing director and Natalys Raut-Sieuzac is still the director in Season? / Bill Freiberger: Jack Fletcher is the voice director. Natalys Raut-Sieuzac is the director. / Tailooey Fan: In season two too? / Bill Freiberger: Yes, Jack Fletcher is the voice director and Natalys Raut-Sieuzac is the director in season 2 of #sonicboom.»
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2
    Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (21 August 2017). Retrieved on 21 August 2017. «Bill Freiberger: There isn’t a title card yet but here’s a sneak peak at next Saturday’s #SonicBoom Ep. 226 «3 Minutes or Less» written by Freddie Gutierrez»
  3. 3.0 3.1
    Sonic Boom: Three Minutes or Less. Zap2it.com. Retrieved on 30 August 2017.

  4. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (28 September 2017). Retrieved on 28 September 2017. «Bill Freiberger: 226: Sonic becomes a delivery boy for Meh Burger, guaranteeing he’ll make all deliveries in under 3 minutes, but Dr. Eggman gets in the way.»

  5. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (23 September 2017). Retrieved on 23 September 2017. «Gabriella Caballero‏: Who is this the costume with the burger man? / Bill Freiberger: Councilman McMeh.»

  6. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (10 September 2017). Retrieved on 15 September 2017. «Bill Freiberger: Yes. I didn’t show next week’s because I don’t think it will be 30 Minutes or Less. That one won’t be finished in time.»

  7. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (25 September 2017). Retrieved on 25 September 2017. «Bill Freiberger: Hey gang! Here’s the title card for Ep 226 «Three Minutes or Less» written by Freddie Gutierrez.»

<< Previous episode

Sonic Boom

Three Minutes or Less

Next episode >>

«Three Minutes or Less«[3] is the ninety-seventh episode in the Sonic Boom television series. It first aired on 18 April 2017 in France and on 30 September 2017 in the United States.


Sonic becomes a delivery boy for Meh Burger, guaranteeing he’ll make all deliveries in under 3 minutes, but Dr. Eggman gets in the way.[4]



  • Badniks
    • Bee Bot (multiple)
    • Beetle Bot
    • Crab Bot (multiple)
    • Mantis Bot (x2)
    • Motobug (x2)
    • Scorpion Bot
  • Ball Bot (x3)
  • Ballot Stuffer Bot
  • Bike Chain Bandit (mentioned)
  • Burnbot
  • Child Monkey
  • Comedy Chimp
  • Councilman McMeh[5] (only appearance)
  • Cowbot
  • Cubot
  • D.B. Platypus
  • Dave the Intern
  • Decimator Bot (cameo)
  • Dr. Eggman
  • Fastidious Beaver
  • Fire Bot
  • Gogobas
    • Gogoba Chief
  • Lady Goat
  • Lady Walrus
  • Leroy the Turtle
  • Mayor Fink
  • Mega
  • Mike the Ox (mentioned)
  • Mr. Slate
  • Obliterator Bot
  • Octopus Bot
  • Old Monkey
  • Orbot
  • Team Sonic
    • Amy Rose
    • Knuckles the Echidna
    • Miles «Tails» Prower
    • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Stunt Bear No. 1
  • Vacuum Bot
  • Walrus Male
  • Wild Cat
  • Wolfie

Races and species:

  • Animal people
  • Human


  • Sonic Boom World
    • Earth
      • Dr. Eggman’s Lair
      • Seaside Island
        • Amy’s House
        • Eggman’s secret underground bunker
        • Gogoba Village
        • Hedgehog Village
          • Village Center
            • Meh Burger


  • Amy’s Hammer
  • Chili dogs
  • Communicator
  • Meh Burger
  • Wrist controller


  • Eggmobile


It is a beautiful day on Seaside Island, and Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles are in Amy’s House watching Marsupial Crime Unit on the television. As Sonic talks about his enjoyment of the show’s main character, a commercial from Meh Burger featuring Comedy Chimp appears on the TV. In it, Comedy Chimp announces to the viewers that Meh Burger now delivers take-out to the customers, and that their orders will be free if not delivered in thirty minutes or less. This prompts Sonic to call Meh Burger on the telephone and order four titular Meh Burgers for the gang. Although Team Sonic expect their order to arrive within the allotted time, they find nothing arriving at Amy’s House as time passes. Eventually, Tails begins building a house of cards while Amy watches Sonic and Knuckles compete at thumb wrestling, arm wrestling, and regular wrestling.

Three hours later, Dave the Intern finally arrives at the door with their order, now cold. While Sonic is displeased at the time it took Dave to arrive, he takes solace in knowing that the order is free. As Dave prepares to depart, he leaves Sonic with a comment card and asks him to be dishonest and give him a positive review. On the back of this card, Sonic notices that a focus group is going to meet up tomorrow to review Meh Burger’s delivery service, which Amy is excited about. The next day, Team Sonic joins the focus group at Meh Burger. At the helm of the group is D.B. Platypus, who asks them to rate Meh Burger’s delivery service from «remarkable» to «exemplary». Thinking it is a joke, Sonic boasts that he could handle the deliveries in three minutes or less. Hearing this from behind a one-way mirror, Mr. Slate makes his entrance and offers Sonic a job at Meh Burger. Sonic blatantly refuses to work there, even if Mr. Slate pays him. Having no plans to pay Sonic for his service however, Mr. Slate instead offers him a free chili dog for every successful delivery. This offer prompts Sonic to agree to Mr. Slate’s proposal.

After receiving his Meh uniform from Dave, Sonic receives his first delivery. Dave warns Sonic that the customers are cheapskates, but Sonic proves him wrong by delivering the order in less than a second and returning with tips. After finishing his complementary chili dogs, Sonic receives three additional deliveries. Sonic quickly takes off and arrives at his first stop: the Old Monkey’s house. There, the elderly simian wastes Sonic’s time by looking for his billfold (which he happened to have in his hands). For his next delivery, Sonic finds himself (much to his confusion) bringing a Meh Meal for two to Amy’s. Greeting Sonic at the door, Amy invites Sonic inside her house where she has set up a romantic dinner table while explaining that she had ordered the meal for the two of them, having hoped that Sonic could take a break from work and eat with her. Flustered, Sonic agrees to it. Being pressed for time, however, Sonic eats his burger in a flash and takes off, much to Amy’s disappointment. Despite these delays, though, Sonic brings the deliveries to their buyers with time to spare, thus earning himself a plate of chili dogs. However, Dave tells Sonic the chili dogs are non-transferable when he tries to share them with his friends, leaving Sonic (who is not too upset about it) to eat them on his own.

Later at Eggman’s lair, Dr. Eggman is getting ready to watch Hedgehog Abbey with some sandwiches prepared by Orbot and Cubot when a commercial from Meh Burger featuring Sonic appears on TV. In it, Sonic promises delivers from Meh Burger in three minutes or less, or the orders will be free. When Orbot and Cubot then arrived with Eggman’s meal, the doctor knocks the plate away and announces he now wants a Meh Burger, delivered to him by Sonic. Even more so, he wants Sonic to be late with his delivery so he can get it for free and enjoy Sonic’s humiliating over failing his own delivery policy.

When Sonic arrives at Eggman’s lair with the doctor’s order, Eggman fakes that the order is missing stuff, all so Sonic will waste time going back to Meh Burger. However, Sonic counters all his bluffs with lightning-fast corrections. Back at Meh Burger later on, Sonic is sent out on a delivery, but returns when the address he is given turns out to be non-existent. Sitting nearby, Eggman accidentally reveals himself to be behind this prank order to Sonic when he giggles. Confronting Eggman, Sonic makes the doctor pay up. Had enough, Eggman returns to his lair where he shows Orbot and Cubot his plan to for absolute chaos. Although the plan basically just involves Eggman attacking Sonic when he leaves Meh Burger to delay him, Eggman tells his unimpressed lackeys that there is more to it.

Back at Meh Burger, Sonic is given three deliveries to three different parts of Seaside Island. Dave doubts Sonic can handle that in three minutes, but Sonic is not worried. Upon leaving Meh Burger however, Sonic gets attacked by Bee Bots, Crab Bots and Eggman in his Eggmobile. Fortunately for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy arrive on the scene and hold off the Badniks. As Sonic makes his escape, Eggman chases after him in the Eggmobile, but crashes into a tree. Sonic’s first delivery soon after takes him to Gogoba Village (where it is revealed that Orbot was the one who placed the order). Sonic hands the order over to the Gogoba Chief, who accepts it despite the circumstances, but also guilt-trips Sonic into dividing the meal among the Gogobas and giving him a discount. Sonic subsequently runs through the Village Center on his way to deliver the next order, but encounters both Eggman and Obliterator Bot, who has taken Fastidious Beaver and Leroy the Turtle hostage in a cage. His confidence not wavering, Sonic spills mayo on the windshield of the Eggmobile. As Eggman tries to rub it off, he loses control of his Eggmobile and accidentally shoots down Obliterator Bot and his hostages’ cage, thus allowing Leroy and Fastidious to escape. After that, Sonic arrives at Eggman’s secret underground bunker. Inside it is Cubot, who refuses to open the door and stalls Sonic with meaningless chat. Losing patience, Sonic knocks down the door and makes Cubot pay for the delivery.

With only one minute left before his deadline, Sonic arrives at Eggman’s lair to deliver the last order, only to be met by almost every robot Eggman has created. From inside his lair, Eggman gloats to Sonic about his impending victory, but Sonic is certain he can make his way through all the robots and penetrate the lair’s defense in time. However, Sonic soon finds himself short on time and starts looking for a way into the lair, where he spots Orbot and Cubot entering the lair through a secret tunnel. Inside the lair, Eggman is ecstatic about how he has beaten Sonic, as he only has a few seconds left. However, in the last second, Sonic arrives before Eggman, much to the doctor’s grief. Hearing that Sonic followed Orbot and Cubot through his tunnel, Eggman turns his anger to lackeys, who defend themselves by saying that he had to take the tunnel since there was a battle outside. Regardless, Sonic has Eggman pay up and leaves him to eat in pity.

As thanks for his outstanding work, Mr. Slate awards Sonic with extra chili dogs. After eating them however, Sonic starts to feel ill. Realizing he has had too much of a good thing, Sonic decides to quit his job, something which Dave is not upset about. A new commercial featuring Comedy Chimp airs soon after, where Comedy Chimp announces Meh Burger’s new delivery policy: you get it when you get it.


  • Meh Burger still has the Robot Employee they got from Tails in «Robot Employees».


  • In Sonic’s Meh Burger commercial, Stunt Bear No. 1 can be seen moving its lips as it if is talking, despite this character having been established as a regular animal incapable of speech.
  • In the scenes where Eggman’s lineup of robots at his lair is shown, a piece of Seaside Island can be spotted on the right side of the screen.
  • During the part where Sonic smiles at his ten chili dogs, one of the chili dogs at the bottom row is missing.
  • Tail’s card tower reuses the same seven cards over and over.

Title in other languages

Language Title Translation
French En moins de trois minutes In less than three minutes
Italian Solo tre minuti Just three minutes
Polish Błyskawiczna dostawa Instant delivery
Portuguese (Brazil) Três Minutos ou Menos Three Minutes or Less
Portuguese (Portugal)
Spanish (Latin America) En tres minutos o menos In three minutes or less
Russian Три минуты Three minutes


  • This episode was originally scheduled to air on 16 September 2017 in the United States.[3] However, due to production issues, its air date got postponed and replaced with a rerun of «Vector Detector».[6]
  • As Bill Freiberger did not yet have access to the episode’s title card, he instead released a screenshot on Twitter as a teaser nine days before this episode aired on Boomerang.[2] He later released the title card five days before the episode aired.[7]
  • Hedgehog Abbey is a reference to the British drama show Downtown Abbey.
    • The same show (Hedgehog Abbey) was first mentioned back in «Aim Low».
  • Councilman McMeh might be a parody of Mayor McCheese.
  • This is the only episode where one of the Stunt Bears has appeared without its partner.
  • This episode marks the only time Lady Goat’s name has been mentioned on the show.
  • Tails does not have any dialogue during the whole episode.


  1. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (29 October 2016). Archived from the original on 11 May 2021. Retrieved on 29 October 2016. «Tailooey Fan: Jack Fletcher is still the dubbing director and Natalys Raut-Sieuzac is still the director in Season? / Bill Freiberger: Jack Fletcher is the voice director. Natalys Raut-Sieuzac is the director. / Tailooey Fan: In season two too? / Bill Freiberger: Yes, Jack Fletcher is the voice director and Natalys Raut-Sieuzac is the director in season 2 of #sonicboom.»
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2
    Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (21 August 2017). Retrieved on 21 August 2017. «Bill Freiberger: There isn’t a title card yet but here’s a sneak peak at next Saturday’s #SonicBoom Ep. 226 «3 Minutes or Less» written by Freddie Gutierrez»
  3. 3.0 3.1
    Sonic Boom: Three Minutes or Less. Zap2it.com. Retrieved on 30 August 2017.

  4. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (28 September 2017). Retrieved on 28 September 2017. «Bill Freiberger: 226: Sonic becomes a delivery boy for Meh Burger, guaranteeing he’ll make all deliveries in under 3 minutes, but Dr. Eggman gets in the way.»

  5. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (23 September 2017). Retrieved on 23 September 2017. «Gabriella Caballero‏: Who is this the costume with the burger man? / Bill Freiberger: Councilman McMeh.»

  6. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (10 September 2017). Retrieved on 15 September 2017. «Bill Freiberger: Yes. I didn’t show next week’s because I don’t think it will be 30 Minutes or Less. That one won’t be finished in time.»

  7. Bill Freiberger on Twitter. Twitter (25 September 2017). Retrieved on 25 September 2017. «Bill Freiberger: Hey gang! Here’s the title card for Ep 226 «Three Minutes or Less» written by Freddie Gutierrez.»

Соник Бум

Соник Бум

FHD (1080p)

Sonic Boom
11 мин.

Рейтинг Myserial.org

3.4 / 5

Жанр: Приключения, Фантастика, Фэнтези, Семейный, Комедия, Боевик

В ролях: Роджер Крэйг Смит, Коллин О’Шонесси, Синди Робинсон, Трэвис Уиллингэм, Майк Поллок, Кирк Торнтон, Ника Футтерман, Уолли Вингерт, Йоханнес Оливер Хэмм, Билл Фрейбергер

Информация о сериале

  • Год: 2014
  • Страна: США, Франция
  • Сезон: 1-2
  • Режиссер: Наталис Раут Сьозак

Сюжет сериала Соник Бум

Когда-то была игра для консоли Денди, где Соник был главным героем. Старшее поколение наверняка хорошо его помнит. Так почему бы сейчас не подарить детям этого отважного и отважного героя, ставшего участником известного современного мультсериала?
Помимо уже известного ёжика по имени Соник, появятся и другие персонажи, такие как Ехидна, Лисица и Ежик, которые будут постоянно сталкиваться с коварным и хитрым противником — доктором Эгманом.
У наших героев фантастическое оружие и ультрасовременные космические корабли, которые будут стрелять настоящими галактическими пулями.
К тому же сам наш Соник — отличный воин6 он быстр, храбр, силен, а также очень резок, причем не только внешне, но и внутренне, ибо у него непоколебимый и твердый характер. Кстати, наш Соник потрясающе быстр! Он бежит почти с космической скоростью.
Все эти исключительно положительные качества всей команды Соника помогают героям, доктору и его безумным изобретениям вроде роботов — сражаться с киборгами с огромной силой.
Но дружба, хитрость, отвага, отвага и самая современная униформа всегда дают Сонику и его верным друзьям преимущество.

Смотреть онлайн сериал Соник Бум (2014) все серии подряд. Продолжительность каждой серии — 11 мин. Доступно качество для просмотра HD720 и FullHD 1080p. Страна съёмок сериала — США, Франция. Сериал производства студии — Без студии.
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Соник Бум

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  • Какая скорость у Соника?
  • Какая компания придумала Соника 4 буквы?
  • Кто озвучивает Соника в России?

Ivo Robotnik), известный как До́ктор Э́ггман (яп. ドクター・エッグマン Докута: Эггуман, англ. Doctor Eggman) — главный злодей серии Sonic the Hedgehog, созданной Sonic Team, а также связанной с ней продукции, будь то мультипликационные сериалы, комиксы и т.

Кто охотился за Соником?

Доктор Айво Роботник, более известный как доктор Эггман (Dr. Ivo «Eggman» Robotnik) — главный злодей известной вселенной Sonic the Hedgehog, и заклятый враг сверхзвукового ёжика Соника, желающий захватить мир и построить свою собственную Империю Эггмана или Роботниклэнд.

Как зовут друга Соника?

Майлз Пра́уэр, более известный по прозвищу Тейлз (англ. Tails — «Хвостатый») — 8-летний двухвостый лис, являющийся лучшим другом и большим фанатом Соника.

Как зовут подружку Соника?

Эми Роуз (яп. エミー・ローズ Эми: Ро:дзу, англ. Amy Rose) — «самопровозглашенная» подружка Соника.

Что за животное Соник?

Sonic the Hedgehog) — главный персонаж серии видеоигр Sonic the Hedgehog от компании Sega, а также созданных на её основе комиксов, мультсериалов и полнометражных фильмов. Соник — синий антропоморфный ёж, созданный художником Наото Осимой, программистом Юдзи Накой и дизайнером Хирокадзу Ясухарой.

Кто такой Sonic Экзе?

Exetior) — один из героев серии игр «Sonic. … Он — архидемон, который сбежал из своего заключения из-за постоянных вспышек Мастера изумруда и укрылся в теле ежа Соника.

Кто такой Sonic XZ?

Sonic X) — аниме-сериал, созданный компанией TMS Entertainment по мотивам видеоигр серии Sonic the Hedgehog от японской компании Sega.

Сколько лет ежу Шедоу?

Также ёж не подвержен процессу старения, хотя ему хронологически более 50 лет. Ростом персонаж равен 100 сантиметрам, вес — 35 килограммам. Шэдоу был создан на космической колонии АРК как высшая форма жизни. Там же он дружил с девушкой по имени Мария — внучкой его создателя профессора Джеральда Роботника.

Как зовут друзей Соника бум?

Приключения ёжика Соника и его друзей. Соник будет сражаться со своим ненавистным врагом доктором Эггманом, а помогать ему будут неизменные друзья: лисёнок Тейлза, ехидна Наклза, ежиха Эми Роуз и барсучиха Стикс.

Сколько лет Сонику и Эми?

Комиксы Кроме игр, Эми Роуз появляется в серии комиксов Sonic the Hedgehog от Archie Comics. Её дебют состоялся в № 25, выпущенном в июне 1995 года. В ранних номерах комикса внешний вид ежихи аналогичен дизайну, используемому в Sonic the Hedgehog CD, а её возраст, как и в игре, составляет 8 лет.

Как позвонить сонику бум?

  1. 8 800 234-49-23. Бесплатно по России
  2. +7 495 128-55-11. Для Москвы

Какая скорость у Соника?

Дело в том, что в игре «Sonic Unleashed» наш герой всё же приближается к заветной скорости (скорость Соника — 321 м/с; скорость звука — 340.29 м/с), «недотягивая» лишь на 19 м/с.

Какая компания придумала Соника 4 буквы?

Sonic Team (яп. ソニックチーム Соникку Ти:му), также известна как Global Entertainment и Sega AM8 — компания, которая специализируется на разработке компьютерных игр. Наиболее известна как разработчик серии игр Sonic the Hedgehog. Считается первым по значимости разработчиком в Sega.

Кто озвучивает Соника в России?

Михаил Тихонов — русский актер дубляжа, известный по озвучкам зарубежных фильмов, мультсериалов, игр. Среди них оказался и Sonic X (в нем он был и режиссером дубляжа), в котором Михаил озвучил Соника и некоторых второстепенных персонажей.

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Sonic BoomГалерея

Sonic Boom (рус. Соник Бум, яп. ソニックトゥーンSonikku Tūn) — это американо-французский CGI-анимационный телесериал, разработанный компанией «Sega of America» в сотрудничестве с OuiDo! Productions, основанные на франшизе видеоигр «Sonic the Hedgehog», созданной компанией Sega. «Sonic Boom» является пятым анимационным телесериалом, основанный на франшизе ежа Соника, второй, разработанный компанией Sega после «Sonic X», и первый в истории телесериал во франшизе, который производится в компьютерной анимации и в высоком разрешении.

Премьера сериала состоялась 8 ноября 2014 года в США на канале «Cartoon Network» и вышла 19 ноября во Франции на канале «Canal J». Мультсериал стартовал весной 2015 года на французской детской сети «Gulli», а затем последовал международный запуск во многих других странах. Серия является частью франшизы или же спин-оффом «Sonic Boom», которая также состоит из пяти видеоигр, серии комиксов и линии игрушек.

Мультсериал ориентирован на детей, подростков и взрослых, и сосредотачивается вокруг ежа Соника и его друзей Тейлза, Эми, Наклза и Стикс, а также их бесконечного поиска приключений и их сражений с их заклятым врагом доктором Эггманом. Другие персонажи, как новые, так и старые, также присоединяются к ансамблю.

Было объявлено, что серия будет доступна для потоковой передачи от «Hulu» к концу мая 2016 года и стартовала с 18 мая. Из-за того, что «Hulu» является эксклюзивным сервисом в США, а «Sonic Boom» в настоящее время является эксклюзивным для «Hulu», серия была доступна для потоковой передачи за пределами США на «Netflix» с 23 декабря 2016 года. 19 ноября 2017 года в «Hulu» был добавлен второй сезон мультсериала. Первый сезон сериала стал доступен для покупки с цифровых витрин 6 ноября 2018 года. 16 марта 2019 года было объявлено, что второй сезон также стал доступен для цифровой покупки.

На территории России сериал дублировался на телеканале «Карусель». Показ первой серии был проведён 5 марта 2016 года.


Действие мультфильма разворачивается в широко открытом мире на Seaside Island, где большинство персонажей живут в деревне и вокруг неё. Остров имеет обширный ландшафт, наполненый джунглями, горами, подводными тоннелями, облачными городами и всевозможными другими средами. На нём живут ёж Соник и его друзья: Майлз «Тейлз» Прауэр, ехидна Наклз, Эми Роуз и барсучиха Стикс. Банда проводит свои дни, пытаясь предотвратить злые (и часто безумные) планы доктора Эггмана, который стремится захватить остров, а затем и весь мир. В этом ансамбле комедии, которая высмеивает приключенческое повествование, Соник сталкивается с регулярными трудностями, включая приспешников Эггмана, роботов Орбота и Кубота, злых лакеев и гигантских роботов-монстров.


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