Как позвонить новая зеландия

Кратко о том как звонить в Новую Зеландию

C мобильного в Новую Зеландию из России

+ 64 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]

С стационарного в Новую Зеландию из России

8 10 64 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]

С домашнего вНовую Зеландию из России

8 10 64 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]

Из офиса в Новую Зеландию из России

9 8 10 64 [код города | код оператора] + [номер телефона]

Важные заметки при наборе номера

  • 8 — код выхода на межгородскую связь
  • 10 — код выхода на международную связь
  • 64 — телефонный код Новой Зеландии
  • 9 — как правило, данный код применяется для выхода на городскую связь

Инструкция на английском языке можно получить по ссылке:
how to call New Zealand

Как позвонить в Новую Зеландию и ее города

С мобильного телефона из России в Новую Зеландию

Способ набора:   8 10 64
номер абонента
  +7 10 64 номер абонента
3 примера: +7 10 649158681
    8 10 647514691
  +7 8 10 64593250

С городского телефона из России в Новую Зеландию

Способ набора:   8 10 64 номер абонента
  +7 10 64 номер абонента
3 примера: +7 10 648283933
    8 10 643968731
  +7 8 10 641957176

Из офиса в России в Новую Зеландию

Способ набора: 9 8 10 64 номер абонента
  9 8 10 64 номер абонента
3 примера: 9 8 10 648657728
  9 8 10 642840074
  9 8 10 647406418

Список городов и информации Новой Зеландии
(Код 64)

Как звонить в Новую Зеландию из России и обратно


  • 1 Как звонить в Новую Зеландию из России
    • 1.1 Со стационарного телефона
    • 1.2 С мобильного телефона
  • 2 Как звонить из Новой Зеландии в Россию
    • 2.1 С городского телефона
    • 2.2 С сотового телефона
  • 3 Телефонные коды городов Новой Зеландии
  • 4 Коды мобильных операторов Новой Зеландии

Алгоритм набора цифр при звонках в Новую Зеландию из России и в обратном направлении прост, но не зная его, дозвониться нужному человеку не получится. Из этой статьи вы узнаете порядок действий для совершения телефонных звонков между двумя странами с наглядными примерами.

Флаг Новой Зеландии

Как звонить в Новую Зеландию из России

С точки зрения типа устройства, с которого вы будете звонить, варианта два: использование стационарного и мобильного телефонов.

Телефонный код Новой Зеландии: 64

Информация о кодах новозиландских городов и операторов связи приведена в конце данной статьи.

Со стационарного телефона

Чтобы совершить звонок в Новую Зеландию из России с городского (стационарного) телефона нужно набрать:

8 – префикс международной связи – 64 – код города или мобильного оператора – номер абонента

Обратите внимание, что префикс для выхода на международное соединение зависит от используемого оператора стационарной связи и его можно взять из таблицы:

Оператор стационарного телефона Код
Ростелеком 10
Арктел 26
Синтерра 27
Комстар-ОТС 28
Совинтел (Билайн) 56
ТрансТелеКом 57
МТТ 58
Эквант (Orange) 59


  • При необходимости позвонить из Владивостока со стационарного телефона ТрансТелеКом на городской номер в Веллингтон, следует набрать: 8-57-64-4-123-45-67
  • Если вам нужно позвонить из Москвы с городского телефона Ростелеком абоненту сотового оператора Vodafone в Гамильтон, то используйте комбинацию: 8-10-64-21-12-34-56

С мобильного телефона

Для совершения звонка с мобильного из России в Новую Зеландию нужно набирать:

+ 64 – код города или мобильного оператора – номер абонента


  • Вы хотите позвонить с мобильного из Санкт-Петербурга в Гисборн на городской. Наберите: +64-6-123-45-67
  • Чтобы с мобильного из Москвы позвонить на сотовый абоненту оператора Black + White в Данидин. Используйте: +64-28-123-45-67

Как звонить из Новой Зеландии в Россию

Ну а как быть в обратной ситуации, когда в Новой Зеландии находитесь вы и вам нужно связаться с человеком из РФ? Аналогичным образом разберем порядок действий при использовании как мобильного, так и городского телефонов.

Напоминаю, что 7 — это код страны при международных звонках в Россию.

С городского телефона

Чтобы позвонить из Новой Зеландии в Россию с городского (стационарного) телефона следует набрать:

00 – 7 – код города или мобильного оператора – номер абонента

00 — это код выхода не международную линию.


  • Чтобы позвонить в Россию абоненту МТС Москва со стационарного телефона из Веллингтона следует набрать: 00-7-910-123-45-67
  • Для совершения вызова с мобильного из Окленда на городской в Красноярск нужно набрать: 00-7-391-123-45-67

С сотового телефона

Чтобы с мобильного телефона из Новой Зеландии позвонить человеку в РФ нужно набрать:

+ 7 – код города или мобильного оператора – номер абонента


  • С использованием сим-карты Indochina Telecom нужно позвонить из Гамильтона на городской в Москву: +7-495-123-45-67
  • С мобильного из Гисборна звоним на сотовый абоненту Мегафон в Омск: +7-929-123-45-67

Телефонные коды городов Новой Зеландии

Город Код города
Ашбертон 3
Бленем 3
Веллингтон 4
Гамильтон 7
Гисборн 6
Гор 3
Данидин 3
Инверкаргилл 3
Крайстчерч 3
Литтелтон 3
Мартон 6
Мастерстон 6
Нейпир 6
Нельсон 3
Нью-Плимут 6
Окленд 9
Палмерстон-Норт 6
Роторуа 7
Тауранга 7
Тимару 3

Коды мобильных операторов Новой Зеландии

Оператор Код сотового оператора
Black + White 28
CallPlus 28
Compass 280
M2 2885
NZ Communications 240
Now 2896
Orcon 20
Skinny Mobile 204
Slingshot 282
Telecom 27
Teletraders 283
Telstra Clear 29
Two Degrees 22
Vodafone 21

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Телефонные коды городов
Новой Зеландии . Обратите внимание, некоторые города могут иметь несколько кодов, тогда коды указаны через запятую. Телефонные коды других стран смотрите на странице коды стран

Порядок набора телефонного номера для Новой Зеландии (код 64 = код Новой Зеландии)

Как позвонить в Новую Зеландию?

С городского: 8-гудок-10-64-(код города)-(телефонный номер абонента)*

С городского (внутри страны): 8-гудок-(код города)-(телефонный номер абонента)

С мобильного: +64-(код города)-(номер телефона абонента)**

* при звонке из страны с кодом «64» код страны (из которой совершаете звонок совпадает с кодом страны куда хотите позвонить) в большинстве случаев нужно опускать, так же как и код выхода на международную связь (код 10 — код выхода на международную связь, код зависит от оператора связи)

** набирать «+» или «8» перед кодом страны, зависит от мобильного оператора.

Наименование Код страны Код города
Ашбертон 64 (3)
Бленем 64 (3)
Веллингтон 64 (4)
Гамильтон 64 (7)
Гисборн 64 (6)
Гор 64 (3)
Данидин 64 (3)
Инверкаргилл 64 (3)
Крайстчерч 64 (3)
Литтелтон 64 (3)
Мартон 64 (6)
Мастерстон 64 (6)
Нейпир 64 (6)
Нельсон 64 (3)
Нью-Плимут 64 (6)
Окленд 64 (9)
Палмерстон-Норт 64 (6)
Роторуа 64 (7)
Тауранга 64 (7)
Тимару 64 (3)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New Zealand and Pitcairn Islands telephone numbers

New Zealand (orthographic projection).svg

New Zealand

Country New Zealand and Pitcairn Islands
Continent Oceania
Type semi-open
NSN length 8 (landline)
9 (most mobile)
Format (0x) xxx xxxx
(0xx) xxx xxxx
(0xxx) xxx xxx
Access codes
Country calling code 64
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

The New Zealand telephone numbering plan describes the allocation of telephone numbers in New Zealand and the Pitcairn Islands.


By the 1970s, New Zealand’s telephone network consisted primarily of step-by-step telephone exchanges or, in the main centres, a mixture of rotary and step-by-step exchanges, with a few rural areas still served by manual exchanges. Local telephone number lengths varied from 3 to 6 digits depending on the size of exchange and population of the local calling area. Numerous complex dialling instructions appeared in the front of telephone books explaining the number sequences needed to reach subscribers in local «free calling» areas, and in a few cases for short-distance toll calls (usually to the local city or town), which were recorded on manually read meters in some step-by-step local exchanges. Local calls were free (and still are for residential customers). Long distance (toll) calls required the manual intervention of an operator, who had access to toll circuits, either via an operator’s cord board or a toll exchange (switch). Access to the toll operator was by dialling 0. Local directory service could be accessed via 100, telephone faults via 120, and emergency services by dialling 111.

Crossbar exchanges were installed from the 1970s, and electronic exchanges from 1982.

Subscriber toll dialling (the historical codes)[edit]

Subscriber toll dialling (STD) was introduced in the New Zealand telephone network in the mid-1970s, a result of the introduction of NEC crossbar-based toll exchanges and their ability to perform number translation. One still needed to dial 0 to make a toll call, but instead of calling the operator, one could then dial the STD number directly. Access to the operator was via 010, while other service numbers remained unchanged.

The original STD codes were numbered roughly south to north, with a few exceptions. A complete list of STD codes from 1987 is below:

Location Exchange code STD code
Ahaura AU 027 23
Ahipara APA Connect via operator
Ahititi AHI 067 25
Akaroa AO Connect via operator
Albury ABY 0505 5
Alexandra AL 0294
Alfredton ALF 0650 28
Amberley AY 0504
Apiti APA 063 284
Aria AIA 0813 77
Arrowtown AW 0294
Arthurs Pass AHP 0516 34
Arundel ARD 056 33
Ashburton ARD 053
Ashhurst AHI 063 284
Ashley Clinton ASC 0728 56
Ashwick Flat AWF 0505 4
Ataahua AHA 03 290
Atiamuri ATM 074 38
Auckland AK 09
Auroa ARU 062 25
Awakino AWK 067 29
Awanui AAI 0889
Balclutha BL 0299
Balfour BAL 020
Barrytown BTN 027 21
Belfast BEL 03 23
Benneydale BDE 0813 48
Bideford BID 059 24
Blairlogie BLI 059 23
Blenheim BM 057
Bluff BLF 021 37
Bombay BOB 085 20
Brighton BGN 024
Brightwater BGW 054
Broadwood BRW Connect via operator
Browns BN 021 37
Brunswick BSK 064 21
Bulls BSK 0652
Bunnythorpe BUN 063 284
Burnham BHN 03 256
Cambridge CB 071
Carterton CI 0593
Cave CAV 056 23
Centre Bush CEN 021 360
Cheltenham CAM 063 289
Chertsey CY 053 22
Cheviot CT 05138
Christchurch CH 03
Clandeboye CDB 056 22
Clarence bridge CLB 0513
Claris CLR Connect via operator
Clevedon CDB 09 2928
Clinton CO 0299
Clyde CYD 0294 42
Collingwood CW 0524
Colville CLV 0843 56
Colyton COL 063 287
Coromandel CLB 0843
Cromwell CMW 0294
Culverden CVD 0515
Cust CU 0502 25
Dannevirke DV 0653
Darfield DRF 0516 34
Dargaville DRL 0884
Diamond Harbour DHB 03 294
Dipton DIP 0228
Dobson DOB 027 25
Donnellys Crossing DCG Connect via operator
Dorie DOR 053 20
Douglas DS 0663 27
Drummond DMD 021 362
Dunback DBK 024 850
Dunedin DN 024
Dunrobin DUR 020 40
Dunsandel DSD 03 23
Duntroon DUN 0297 22
Duvauchelle DBK Connect via operator
Edendale EDD 0223
Egmont Village EGV 067 22
Eketahuna EKA 0650 5
Elsthorpe ELP 0728 64
Elstow ELS 0819 20
Eltham ELT 0663 4
Fairlie FK 0505
Featherston FN 0553
Feilding FG 063
Fordell FDL 064 27
Fox Glacier FXR Connect via operator
Foxton FXR 069
Franz Josef Glacier FJG Connect via operator
Galatea GAL 073 64
Garston GTN 022 83
Geraldine GD 056
Gisborne GS 079
Gladstone GLS 059 27
Glenavy GL 0519 23
Glenbrook GLB 085 33
Glen Murray GMY 085
Glen Oroua GNO 063 297
Glenroy GLY 0516 66
Glentunnel GLU 0516 67
Gordonton GOR 071 293
Gore GG 020
Governors Bay GOV 03 299
Granity GC 0289
Greenpark GPK 03 292
Greymouth GM 027
Greytown GN 0553
Haast HAS Connect via operator
Halcombe HAL 063 288
Halfmoon Bay HMB 021 360
Hamilton HN 071
Hampden HA 0297 25
Hanmer Springs HP 0515
Harihari HRI Connect via operator
Hastings HBN 070
Havelock HV 057
Hawarden HAW 0504
Hawera HW 062
Hedgehope HGH 021
Helensville HL 0880
Henley HY 024 21
Herekino HKO Connect via operator
Heriot HRT 020
Hibiscus Coast HBC 09 42
Highbank HIG 053 21
Hikuai HKK 0843 47
Hikurangi HG 089 25
Hikutaia HKA 0816 24
Hilderthorpe HIT 0297 23
Hilton HIL 056 34
Himatangi HIM 063 299
Hinds HDS 053
Hinuera HIN 0818 26
Hoe-o-Tainui HOI 0819 27
Hokitika HK Connect via operator
Hororata HO 0516 68
Houhora HRO Connect via operator
Huia HR 09 8118
Hunterville HVL 0652
Huntly HLY 0817
Hunua HUN 09 2924
Hyde HYD 0294
Ikawai IKI 0519 26
Inangahua Junction INJ Connect via operator
Inglewood ID 067
Invercargill IN 021
Irwell IRW 03 241
Kaeo KAO Connect via operator
Kaharoa KHA 073 23
Kahutara KAH 0553 27
Kaiapoi KI 03 27
Kaiaua KAA 085 22
Kai Iwi KW 064 29
Kaikohe KHO 0887
Kaikoura KK 0513
Kaingaroa Forest KFR 073 39
Kaipara Flats KF 0846 25
Kairanga KAN 063 290
Kaitaia KTA Connect via operator
Kaitangata KNA 0299 29
Kaiwaka KWK 0846
Kaponga KPO 0663 26
Karaka KA 09 2927
Karamea KM 0289 26
Katikati KT 075
Kaukapakapa KPA 0880
Kawakawa KV Connect via operator
Kawau Island KAU 0846 24
Kawerau KEU 076
Kawhia KWA 082 25
Kekerengu KG 057 20
Kerepehi KPE 0816 22
Kerikeri KC 0887
Kimbolton KIM 063 285
Kiokio KIO 0813 31
Kirikopuni KIN Connect via operator
Kirwee KWI 0516 36
Kiwitahi KIW 0819 24
Kohukohu KOU 0887 55
Kowhitirangi KOG Connect via operator
Kumara KUA 027 29
Kurow KOW 0298 8
Lake Coleridge LCR 0516 65
Lake Tekapo LTK 0505 6
Lawrence L Connect via operator
Le Bons Bay LBS Connect via operator
Leeston LSN 03 243
Lepperton LEP 067 20
Levin LVN 069
Lichfield LLD 081 426
Linton LTN 063
Little Akaloa LKA Connect via operator
Little River LRV 03
Loburn LBN 0502 28
Lochmara LOB 057
Lower Moutere LMO 0524 77
Lumsden LMS 0228
Lyttelton LYT 03 28
Maheno MHO 0297 28
Mahia MH 0724 25
Maihiihi MIH 0813 32
Makikihi MAK 0519 25
Makirikiri MIK 064 25
Makuri MRI 0650 23
Mamaku MMK 073 25
Mamaranui MMI 0884 36
Manaia MA 062 4
Manakau MNK 069 26
Manapouri MPR 0229 6
Manawaru MNW 0819 29
Mangakahia MGL 089 31
Mangakino MKO 0814
Mangamahu MAG 064 22
Mangamuka Bridge MBG 0887 67
Mangatangi MTP 085 27
Mangaweka MGA 0658 25
Mangawhai MWI 0846
Mangonui MGI 0889
Manurewa MNR 09
Manutuke MKE 079 28
Mapua MPX 054
Maraekakaho MKK 070 789
Maraetotara MAO 070 787
Maramarua MMR 085 25
Martinborough MBA 0553
Marton ML 0652
Maruia MIA 054 38
Masterton MS 059
Matamata MAM 0818
Matangi MTG 071 295
Mataroa MRT 0658 27
Mataura MT 020 3
Matawai MWD 079 24
Matiere MTW 0812 27
Maungakaramea MGK 089 23
Maungatapere MPE 089
Maungatautari MG 071 272
Maungati MAN 056 29
Maungaturoto MAU Connect via operator
Mauriceville MV 059 25
Maxwell MX 064 23
Mayfield MFD 053
Mercer MRI 085 26
Methven MVN 053
Middlemarch MDL 024 26
Midhirst MID 0663 28
Milford Sound MFS Connect via operator
Millers Flat MFL 0294 46
Milton MI 0299 7
Mokauiti MKJ 0813 76
Mokihinui MKN 0289 21
Morrinsville MOV 0819
Morven MRN 0519 27
Mosgiel MSI 024 89
Mossburn MOB 0228
Motea MOE 0653 25
Motu MTM 079 35
Motueka MU 0524
Motukarara MOT 03 297
Mt Cook MCK 056 21
Mt Maunganui MMN 075
Mt Ruapehu MRP 0812 23
Mt Somers MSM 053 39
Murchison MAT 054
Murupara MUP 073
Napier NA 070
National Park NAT 0812 22
Nelson NN 054
Netherton NRN 0816 23
New Plymouth NU 067
Ngahere NE 027 24
Ngakuru NR 073 32
Ngarua NGU 0819 23
Ngaruawahia NT 071 24
Ngatapa NGB 079 39
Ngatea NGT 0843
Ngatimoti NGI 0524 68
Ngunguru NG 089 33
Nightcaps NGC 0225 27
Norsewood NWD 0653 28
Nuhaka NK 0724 28
Oakleigh OKL 089 22
Oakura OKR 067
Oamaru OU 0297 22
Ohaeawai OW 0887 68
Ohai OIH 0225 26
Ohakune OKN 0658
Ohangai OHG 062 22
Ohaupo OHP 071 296
Ohingaiti ONG 0652 29
Ohoka OHK 0502 26
Ohura OR 0812 28
Okatawa OKI 062 26
Okaihau OAH 0887
Okains Bay OKS Connect via operator
Okato OTO 067
Okawa OOK 070 783
Okere Falls OF 073 24
Okiwi OKW Connect via operator
Okoia OIA 064 24
Okoroire OKO 081 424
Omakau OMU 0294 43
Omakere OMK 0728 63
Omarama OMM 0298 4
Omihi OMI 0504 45
Onewhero ONH 085 28
Ongarue OGU 0812 25
Opiki OPK 063 291
Opononi OPN 0887 58
Opotiki OP 076
Opunake OK 0661
Orama OFT Connect via operator
Orawia OWI 0225 25
Orepuki ORP 021
Orini ORN 0817 44
Ormondville OV 0653 27
Otaki OT 069
Otamauri OAR 070 782
Otane OTN 0728 63
Otaua OTM 085 32
Otautau OAU 0225 25
Otematata OMT 0298 2
Otewa OTW 0813 30
Otipua OTU 056 24
Otira OTI 027 20
Otorohanga OHA 0813 3
Oturehua OEA 0294 45
Outram ORA 024 20
Owaka OAK 0299 29
Owhango OWN 0812 26
Oxford OX 0502
Paekakariki PAE 058
Paeroa POA 0816
Pahiatua PHA 0650
Paihia PIH 0885
Palmerson PL 024
Palmerston North PM 063
Panetapu PNT 082 22
Papakura PAK 09
Paparimu PPM 09 2925
Paparoa PAP Connect via operator
Paraparaumu PRM 058
Parawera PWA 082 27
Parnassus PAN 05132
Paroa PAR 027 26
Parua Bay PAB 089 21
Patea PA 062 3
Patearoa PTA 0294 47
Patetongs PTE 0819 28
Patoka PTO 070 298
Patumahoe PHO 085
Patutahi PHI 079 27
Peebles PBL 0297 27
Peria PER Connect via operator
Picton PN 057
Picton Sounds PTS 057
Pigeon Bay PGB Connect via operator
Piopio PIO 0813
Pirinoa PIN 0553 28
Pirongia PIR 082 28
Pohangina POH 063 294
Pokuru POK 082 23
Pollok POL 085 30
Pongaroa POG 0650 26
Port Chalmers PC 024 72
Port Fitzroy PTF Connect via operator
Port Waikato POW 085 29
Puahue PUA 082 21
Puhoi PUH 0846 20
Pukeatua PTU 082 24
Pukehina PE 075
Pukekawa PW 085 24
Pukekohe PUK 085
Pukerau PAU 020 23
Puketurua PUE 081 425
Putaruru PUT 0814
Queenstown Q 0294
Raetihi RET 0658
Raglan RAG 071
Rahotu RHU 0661
Rai Valley RAI 054
Rakaia RAK 053
Ranfurly RNF 0294
Rangiora RR 0502
Rangiotu RNU 063 296
Rangitaiki RGT 074 42
Rangiwahia RGW 063 282
Raupunga RPG 0724 26
Rawene RWN 0887 57
Redwood Valley RDV 054 20
Reefton RN 027 28
Reporoa REO 073
Rerewhakaaitu REW 073 36
Richmond RDV 054 4
Rissington RSN 070 295
Riversdale RVD 020
Riverton RI 021
Rolleston ROL 03
Rongotea RON 063
Ross RS Connect via operator
Rotoiti ROI 073 27
Rotoma ROM 073 20
Roto-o-Rangi ROO 071 271
Rotongaro ROG 0817 66
Rotorua RO 073
Rotowaro ROW 0817 68
Roxburgh R 0294
Ruakaka RUK 089
Ruakawakawa RKW 09
Ruatangata RTG 089 35
Ruatoria RUT 079
Ruawai RUW 0884
Runanga RUN 027 27
Russell RL 0885
Sales SAS 0887 75
St Andrews STA 056 26
St Arnaud SA 054 36
Sanson SN 063 293
Scargill SCG 0504 43
Sefton SEF 0502 29
Shannon SHN 069
Sheffield SD 0516 38
Southbridge SOU 03 242
South Kaipara Head SKH 0880 2
Spencerville SPE 03 298
Spring Creek SCK 057 25
Springburn SB 053 30
Springdale SDL 0819 22
Springfield SPF 0516 37
Springston SPN 03 296
Stratford SFD 0663
Strathmore STM 0663 23
Studholme-Willowbridge STJ 0519 28
Sumner SUM 03 28
Taheke THK 0887 56
Tahuna THN 0819 25
Taihape TPE 0658
Taipuha TPP Connect via operator
Tairua TAR 0843
Tai Tapu TAA 03 296
Takaka TAK 0524
Takapau TPU 0728
Tapanui TP 020
Tapawera TPW 054
Tapora TPR 0846 21
Tapu TAP 0843 74
Tarata TTA 067 21
Tariki TAI 0663 24
Tarras (five-digit) TRS 0294
Tarras (three-digit) TRS 029 453
Tasman TSM 0524 76
Tauhei TAE 0819 26
Taumarunui TMN 0812
Taupiri TPI 0817 45
Taupo TPO 074
Tauranga TG 075
Tauwhare TWE 071 290
Te Akau TEF 071
Te Anau TNU 0229
Te Anga TEG 0813 67
Te Araroa TRL 079 44
Te Aroha THR 0819
Te Awamutu TAW 082
Te Hauke THU 070 788
Te Kaha TKE 076 52
Te Kao TAO Connect via operator
Te Karaka TKK 079 23
Te Kauwhata TUW 0817
Te Kawa TEK 082 26
Te Kopuru TKP 0884 37
Te Kuiti TKT 0813
Temuka TKE 056 21
Te Pahu TAU 071 269
Te Pohue THE 070 291
Te Poi TEP 0818 27
Te Puia Springs TPS 079 46
Te Puke TPV 075
Te Puru TUP 0843
Thames TH 0843
The Key TEY 0229 5
Thornbury TY 021
Thorpe THP 054 31
Tikitiki TII 079 43
Tokokino TKO 0728 65
Timaru TU 056
Tinui TN 059 26
Tirau TIR 0814
Titirangi TGN 09 817
Tokanui TKG 021 398
Toko TO 0663 22
Tokomaru TOK 063 298
Tokomaru Bay TKY 079 45
Tokoroa TOB 0814
Tolaga Bay TGB 079 26
Towai TOI 089 34
Tryphena TYP Connect via operator
Tuai TUB 0724 23
Tuakau TKU 085
Tuatapere TTE 0225
Turakina TUA 0652 26
Turangi TGI 074 6
Tutira TTI 070 297
Twizel TWL 056 20
Umawera UR 0887
Upper Moutere UMO 054 21
Urenui URE 054 21
Uruti UTI 067
Waerenga WGA 0817 67
Waianiwa WAU 021 392
Waiau WU 0515
Waiau Pa WAF 085 21
Waihao Downs WNS 0519 22
Waihaorunga WIO 0519 24
Waiharara WHR Connect via operator
Waihau Bay WBA 076 53
Waiheke WH 09 72
Waihi WAH 0816 3
Waihi Beach WBH 0816
Waihopai Valley WHV 057 24
Waikaia WJA 020 27
Waikaka WKK 020 22
Waikanae WAE 058
Waikite WTK 073 31
Waikoikoi WOK 020 26
Waikouaiti WK 024
Waima WMA 0887 53
Waimahaka WMK 021 399
Waimamaku WUK 0887 54
Waimana WMN Connect via operator
Waimangaroa WMG 0289 27
Waimarama WRM 070 786
Waimate WE 0519
Waimauku WM 09
Waimiha WMH Connect via operator
Wainuioru WUR 059 22
Waiotahi WHI 076 54
Waiotira WTR 089 29
Waiouru WIR 0658
Waipahi WPI 020 28
Waipara WPR 0504 46
Waipawa WI 0728
Waipori Falls WPS 024 24
Waipu WD 089
Waipukurau W 0728
Wairau Valley WRU 057 22
Wairoa WA 0724
Waitahuna WNA Connect via operator
Waitakaruru WKG 0843
Waitara WT 067
Waitati WTI 024 22
Waiterimu WTE 0817 65
Waitoa WTO 0819 21
Waituna West WNL 063 286
Waiuku WKU 085
Wakanui WNU 053 23
Wakefield WLD 054
Walton WLN 0818 28
Wanaka WNK 0294 3
Wanganui WGA 064
Waotu WAO 081 422
Ward WB 057 20
Wardville WAD 0818 25
Warkworth WW 0846
Waverley WV 064
Weber WEB 0653 26
Wellington WN 04
Wellsford WFD 0846 3
Westerfield WSF 053 25
Westport WP 0289
Whakapara WKP 089 39
Whakatane WHK 076
Whangaaehu WGU 064 26
Whangamata WGM 0816
Whangamomona WMM 0663 25
Whangara WGH 079 22
Whangarei WR 089
Whangarei Heads WRH 089 32
Whangaruru WHN 089 36
Whataroa WAA Connect via operator
Whatatutu WTA 079 21
Whenuakite WEN 0843 63
Whitianga WHT 0843
Willowbank WLB 020 21
Willowby WIL 053 26
Winchmore WCM 053 24
Windsor WSR 0297 26
Winton WO 021
Woodbury WRY 056 32
Woodend WND 0502
Woodville WDV 0650
Wyndham WYD 0223

STD codes were assigned with larger areas having short STD codes (e.g. Auckland — 09), while smaller areas had longer STD codes and shorter local numbers (e.g. Shannon — 06927). The total number length, that is STD code and local number excluding the first 0, usually totalled seven digits, but could vary up to nine, as exchanges often increased the length of local numbers to accommodate new lines.


With the introduction of NEC stored program control exchanges in the New Zealand telephone network during the 1980s, and the rapid growth in demand, the breakup of the New Zealand Post Office and the creation of Telecom, local telephone numbers were standardised to seven digits. In many parts of the country, the old area code was incorporated into the new number, however in some areas the numbers changed completely.

Town/City Old number New number
Whangarei (089) xx-xxx (09) 43x-xxxx
New Plymouth (067) xx-xxx (06) 75x-xxxx
Upper Hutt (04) 2xx-xxx (04) 52x-xxxx
Porirua (04) 3xx-xxx (04) 23x-xxxx
Lower Hutt (04) 6xx-xxx (04) 56x-xxxx
Wellington North (04) 7xx-xxx (04) 47x-xxxx
Wellington South (04) 8xx-xxx (04) 38x-xxx
Nelson (054) xx-xxx (03) 54x-xxxx
Kaikoura (0513) xxxx (03) 319-xxxx
Dunedin (024) xxx-xxx (03) 4xx-xxxx
Invercargill (021) xx-xxx (03) 21x-xxxx

At the same time, the opportunity was taken to move directory service from 100 to 018 and charge for directory service calls. The justification for doing so was the introduction of a directory service computer system that gave access to current New Zealand telephone number listings, not just those printed in the telephone book, and the need for a separate user pays revenue stream for Telecom Directory Services, which was separate to the 5 regional (local) telephone companies, TNI and Telecom Mobile that Telecom had split itself into, as part of the sale of Telecom and deregulation of New Zealand telecommunications services.

Since 1993, land-line telephone numbers in New Zealand consist of a single-digit area code and a seven-digit local number, of which the first three digits generally specify the exchange and the final four specify the subscriber’s unique line at that exchange.

International number lengths[edit]

The long-distance trunk prefix, 0, which is prepended to national numbers, is not part of the international number.

The minimum number length after the international prefix is three digits. Most numbers, other than service numbers have at least eight digits.

The maximum number length after the international prefix is nine digits, except numbers starting with 210 (which have ten digits).

Present numbering plan[edit]

New Zealand follows an open numbering plan. The country code is 64. The long distance dialing prefix is 0 and the international prefix is 00.


New Zealand landline phone numbers have a total of eight digits, excluding the leading 0: a one-digit area code, and a seven-digit phone number (e.g. 09 700 1234), beginning with a digit between 2 and 9 (but excluding 900, 911, and 999 due to misdial guards).
There are five regional area codes: 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9. These must be dialled, along with the domestic trunk prefix, when calling a recipient outside the local calling area of which the caller is located. For example, one calling Dunedin from Christchurch must dial 03, even though Christchurch is 03 as well.

The combined domestic trunk prefix[1] and area codes are:[2]

  • 02 409 for Ross Dependency (Year-round direct dial access to Scott Base & U.S. McMurdo Station — Summer-only access to Zucchelli Station )
  • 03 for the entire South Island and the Chatham Islands
  • 04 for the Wellington metro area and Kapiti Coast district (excluding Otaki)
  • 06 for Taranaki, Manawatū-Whanganui (excluding Taumarunui and National Park), Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne, the Wairarapa, and Otaki.
  • 07 for the Waikato (excluding Tuakau and Pokeno) and the Bay of Plenty
  • 09 for Auckland, Northland, Tuakau and Pokeno.

Mobile phones[edit]

Telephone numbers for mobile phones begin with 02, followed by seven to nine digits (usually eight). The first few digits after the 02 indicate the original mobile network that issued the number.

Telephone numbers must always be dialled in full for mobile phones. In the late 1990s however, Telecom mobile phones could dial other Telecom mobile phones without the (then) 025 prefix, making 025 act like a landline area code.

02X Dialing Code for New Zealand[3]

Prefix Network Number length Notes
Vocus This Code Block was previously allocated to Orcon Internet
0203 Voyager Formerly owned by Accelero
0204 Skinny 6 or 7 digits This Code Block was granted to Spark in exchange for the Code Block 028 6 on 15 April 2011
0205 Vodafone
0206 Voyager Internet
0207 TeamTalk Unallocatable as of 5 December 2013
0208 TeamTalk Unallocatable as of 5 December 2013
0209 TeamTalk Unallocatable as of 5 December 2013
021 Vodafone 6 to 8 digits 6 digits were originally assigned to on-account customers only; 7 digits are assigned to prepay customers only.
022 2degrees 7 digits 2degrees was launched in August 2009.
023 Unused Owned by Vodafone
024 Unused Protected by Management Committee 30 January 2009 to preserve the potential code expansion option.
025 Unused 6 or 7 digits Was used by Telecom New Zealand until it was shut down on 31 March 2007. All numbers have now migrated to 027 (7-digit), with older 025 numbers prefixed with 4 (e.g. 027-4xx-xxxx). Telecom told existing 025 subscribers that their new number was simply their old number with ‘0274’ in front.[citation needed] While technically correct, it is misleading and has resulted in numbers being incorrectly shown in advertising as «0274 xxx xxx». «0274» is not a valid dialing code.
026 0 Formerly Team Talk This Code Block is active and in use but is marked «Unallocatable» as Teamtalk is not a current member of the NAD; this does not impact routing. This Code Block is not subject to LMNP.
026 1
026 2
026 3
026 4
026 8
026 9
Spark New Zealand 7 digits Used for calling Fleetlink or other trunked radios from a phone line. Used for Paging service until shutdown in 2017
027 Spark New Zealand 7 digits Formerly Telecom New Zealand
027 0 Vodafone
028 0 Compass Communications
028 CallPlus or Black + White
028 4 Two Degrees Mobile This Code Block was allocated to Two Degrees Mobile in exchange for 0266 on 17 July 2015, Warehouse Mobile launched on 28 November 2015 as an MVNO on 2Degrees Mobile
028 85 Vodafone Previously allocated to M2 Limited and was transferred to Vodafone on 6 November 2013. MVNO on Vodafone
028 86 Vodafone Previously allocated to M2 NZ Limited and was Transferred to Vodafone on 6 November 2013
028 89 2Talk 7 digits
028 96 NOW Previously called Airnet NZ Ltd
029 TelstraClear (Vodafone) Vodafone acquired TelstraClear in 2012

The introduction of mobile number portability on 1 April 2007 meant that an increasing number of mobiles would be operating on a different network from that which originally assigned the number.
To find out whether a particular number belongs to a specific network provider, one can text the mobile number of interest to 300. It is a free service provided by 2degrees. A reply will be sent to verify whether the number is operating on their network or not. As of September 2019, this service will work for Vodafone and Spark Active.

Other numbers[edit]

Toll-free and premium-rate calls[edit]

Toll-free numbers begin with 0508 or 0800,[2] followed by usually six but sometimes seven digits.
Premium-rate services use the code 0900 followed by five digits (some with six digits).
Local-rate numbers, such as Internet access numbers, have the prefix 08xx, and are usually followed by five digits.

  • 0508 Tollfree sold by many network operators (originally launched by Clear Communications as a competitor to the then Telecom-only 0800 range)
  • 0800 Tollfree sold by many network operators (originally only available to Telecom NZ, now known as Spark)
  • 08xy Various non-geographic services
    • 083210 Call Minder answerphone service
    • 08322 Infocall numbers
    • 0867 Dial-up Internet numbers (retired)
  • 0900 Premium rate services[4]

Service numbers[edit]

Numbers beginning with 01 are for operator services.

  • 010 National Operator
  • 0170 International Operator
  • 0172 International Directory Service
  • 018 National Directory Service

The «1» codes are used for local services, including activating exchange features. The emergency services number is «111».

  • 105 Police non-emergency number.
  • 111 Emergency Services Operator (all telephones; forwarded to Fire, Police or Ambulance as required).
  • 112 Emergency Services Operator for GSM Mobiles (only) — not advertised.
  • 11x Not allocatable. Used internally for specific emergency services.
  • 12x Spark repair and sales services.
  • 1319 Various uses, mainly exchange service.

The mobile network also recognises telephone numbers starting with *, including:

  • *123 Spark Mobile Sales and Service
  • *200 2degrees Mobile Sales & Service
  • *222 Automobile Association Roadside Service
  • *500 Coastguard Marine Assistance
  • *555 Traffic Safety Services (Police non-emergency traffic calls)

Text message numbers for mobile phones are 3 or 4 digits long.

Other useful numbers[edit]

  • 07 832 0000 — automated information (free call) who your toll provider is
  • 1956 — reads back the number the user is calling from (includes the area code «3» 7654321). (not TelstraClear/Vodafone)
  • 1957 — reads back the number the user is calling from (without the area code e.g. 7654321). (not TelstraClear/Vodafone)
  • 1958 — sends back the number the user is calling from in DTMF tones. (not TelstraClear/Vodafone)
  • 511 — reads back the number the user is calling from (TelstraClear/Vodafone only)
  • 083201234 — reads back the pilot number of the line the user is calling from (if calling from a business line in a stepping group) or the individual number on the Telstra/Vodafone network.
  • 083201231 — reads back the pilot number as above, with area code.
  • 083201232 — returns the DTMF tones of the line called from.
  • 137 — ringer test (ringback number); Pick up phone handset, dial 137, hang up, the phone will ring, pick up handset to cancel.[a]
  • 0196 — Dialed before numbers to show caller ID if it is disabled for outgoing calls on number you are calling from.
  • 0197 — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party. (not Spark currently, possibly discontinued for others)
  • #31# — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party.
  • *32 — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party. (TelstraClear/Vodafone only)
  • *67 — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party. (Voyager)

Fictional numbers[edit]

New Zealand has no dedicated series of fictional telephone numbers. Television shows and movies generally use any available range of numbers (e.g. the TVNZ soap opera Shortland Street uses the unassigned (09) 4299 number range.).

Proposed area codes[edit]

In the future (particularly by the 2030s), there are additional proposed area codes of New Zealand separating for most regions: 02 (for Southland, West Coast and Tasman District), 05 (for Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne and Wairarapa), 07 (for Waikato) and 08 (for the Bay of Plenty).[citation needed]

See also[edit]

  • List of dialling codes in New Zealand
  • Telecommunications in New Zealand


  1. ^ «ITU allocations list». ITU.int.
  2. ^ a b «Aotearoa Number Register». NAD. Retrieved 25 December 2022.
  3. ^ «Number Register — NAD».
  4. ^ Naden, Liam (17 January 2019). «Telephone Area Codes in New Zealand». TripSavvy. Retrieved 7 March 2020.


  1. ^ Apparently not now in use (May 2021)

External links[edit]

  • Ministry of Economic Development information to ITU
  • Number Administration Deed (NAD)
    • Number Register maintained by the NAD (Current information)
  • Telephone Numbering Scheme Archived 20 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine, Access Codes Allocation Archived 20 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine and National Toll Codes Archived 20 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine from Telecom New Zealand website Archived 18 January 2014 at the Wayback Machine (Older information)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New Zealand and Pitcairn Islands telephone numbers

New Zealand (orthographic projection).svg

New Zealand

Country New Zealand and Pitcairn Islands
Continent Oceania
Type semi-open
NSN length 8 (landline)
9 (most mobile)
Format (0x) xxx xxxx
(0xx) xxx xxxx
(0xxx) xxx xxx
Access codes
Country calling code 64
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

The New Zealand telephone numbering plan describes the allocation of telephone numbers in New Zealand and the Pitcairn Islands.


By the 1970s, New Zealand’s telephone network consisted primarily of step-by-step telephone exchanges or, in the main centres, a mixture of rotary and step-by-step exchanges, with a few rural areas still served by manual exchanges. Local telephone number lengths varied from 3 to 6 digits depending on the size of exchange and population of the local calling area. Numerous complex dialling instructions appeared in the front of telephone books explaining the number sequences needed to reach subscribers in local «free calling» areas, and in a few cases for short-distance toll calls (usually to the local city or town), which were recorded on manually read meters in some step-by-step local exchanges. Local calls were free (and still are for residential customers). Long distance (toll) calls required the manual intervention of an operator, who had access to toll circuits, either via an operator’s cord board or a toll exchange (switch). Access to the toll operator was by dialling 0. Local directory service could be accessed via 100, telephone faults via 120, and emergency services by dialling 111.

Crossbar exchanges were installed from the 1970s, and electronic exchanges from 1982.

Subscriber toll dialling (the historical codes)[edit]

Subscriber toll dialling (STD) was introduced in the New Zealand telephone network in the mid-1970s, a result of the introduction of NEC crossbar-based toll exchanges and their ability to perform number translation. One still needed to dial 0 to make a toll call, but instead of calling the operator, one could then dial the STD number directly. Access to the operator was via 010, while other service numbers remained unchanged.

The original STD codes were numbered roughly south to north, with a few exceptions. A complete list of STD codes from 1987 is below:

Location Exchange code STD code
Ahaura AU 027 23
Ahipara APA Connect via operator
Ahititi AHI 067 25
Akaroa AO Connect via operator
Albury ABY 0505 5
Alexandra AL 0294
Alfredton ALF 0650 28
Amberley AY 0504
Apiti APA 063 284
Aria AIA 0813 77
Arrowtown AW 0294
Arthurs Pass AHP 0516 34
Arundel ARD 056 33
Ashburton ARD 053
Ashhurst AHI 063 284
Ashley Clinton ASC 0728 56
Ashwick Flat AWF 0505 4
Ataahua AHA 03 290
Atiamuri ATM 074 38
Auckland AK 09
Auroa ARU 062 25
Awakino AWK 067 29
Awanui AAI 0889
Balclutha BL 0299
Balfour BAL 020
Barrytown BTN 027 21
Belfast BEL 03 23
Benneydale BDE 0813 48
Bideford BID 059 24
Blairlogie BLI 059 23
Blenheim BM 057
Bluff BLF 021 37
Bombay BOB 085 20
Brighton BGN 024
Brightwater BGW 054
Broadwood BRW Connect via operator
Browns BN 021 37
Brunswick BSK 064 21
Bulls BSK 0652
Bunnythorpe BUN 063 284
Burnham BHN 03 256
Cambridge CB 071
Carterton CI 0593
Cave CAV 056 23
Centre Bush CEN 021 360
Cheltenham CAM 063 289
Chertsey CY 053 22
Cheviot CT 05138
Christchurch CH 03
Clandeboye CDB 056 22
Clarence bridge CLB 0513
Claris CLR Connect via operator
Clevedon CDB 09 2928
Clinton CO 0299
Clyde CYD 0294 42
Collingwood CW 0524
Colville CLV 0843 56
Colyton COL 063 287
Coromandel CLB 0843
Cromwell CMW 0294
Culverden CVD 0515
Cust CU 0502 25
Dannevirke DV 0653
Darfield DRF 0516 34
Dargaville DRL 0884
Diamond Harbour DHB 03 294
Dipton DIP 0228
Dobson DOB 027 25
Donnellys Crossing DCG Connect via operator
Dorie DOR 053 20
Douglas DS 0663 27
Drummond DMD 021 362
Dunback DBK 024 850
Dunedin DN 024
Dunrobin DUR 020 40
Dunsandel DSD 03 23
Duntroon DUN 0297 22
Duvauchelle DBK Connect via operator
Edendale EDD 0223
Egmont Village EGV 067 22
Eketahuna EKA 0650 5
Elsthorpe ELP 0728 64
Elstow ELS 0819 20
Eltham ELT 0663 4
Fairlie FK 0505
Featherston FN 0553
Feilding FG 063
Fordell FDL 064 27
Fox Glacier FXR Connect via operator
Foxton FXR 069
Franz Josef Glacier FJG Connect via operator
Galatea GAL 073 64
Garston GTN 022 83
Geraldine GD 056
Gisborne GS 079
Gladstone GLS 059 27
Glenavy GL 0519 23
Glenbrook GLB 085 33
Glen Murray GMY 085
Glen Oroua GNO 063 297
Glenroy GLY 0516 66
Glentunnel GLU 0516 67
Gordonton GOR 071 293
Gore GG 020
Governors Bay GOV 03 299
Granity GC 0289
Greenpark GPK 03 292
Greymouth GM 027
Greytown GN 0553
Haast HAS Connect via operator
Halcombe HAL 063 288
Halfmoon Bay HMB 021 360
Hamilton HN 071
Hampden HA 0297 25
Hanmer Springs HP 0515
Harihari HRI Connect via operator
Hastings HBN 070
Havelock HV 057
Hawarden HAW 0504
Hawera HW 062
Hedgehope HGH 021
Helensville HL 0880
Henley HY 024 21
Herekino HKO Connect via operator
Heriot HRT 020
Hibiscus Coast HBC 09 42
Highbank HIG 053 21
Hikuai HKK 0843 47
Hikurangi HG 089 25
Hikutaia HKA 0816 24
Hilderthorpe HIT 0297 23
Hilton HIL 056 34
Himatangi HIM 063 299
Hinds HDS 053
Hinuera HIN 0818 26
Hoe-o-Tainui HOI 0819 27
Hokitika HK Connect via operator
Hororata HO 0516 68
Houhora HRO Connect via operator
Huia HR 09 8118
Hunterville HVL 0652
Huntly HLY 0817
Hunua HUN 09 2924
Hyde HYD 0294
Ikawai IKI 0519 26
Inangahua Junction INJ Connect via operator
Inglewood ID 067
Invercargill IN 021
Irwell IRW 03 241
Kaeo KAO Connect via operator
Kaharoa KHA 073 23
Kahutara KAH 0553 27
Kaiapoi KI 03 27
Kaiaua KAA 085 22
Kai Iwi KW 064 29
Kaikohe KHO 0887
Kaikoura KK 0513
Kaingaroa Forest KFR 073 39
Kaipara Flats KF 0846 25
Kairanga KAN 063 290
Kaitaia KTA Connect via operator
Kaitangata KNA 0299 29
Kaiwaka KWK 0846
Kaponga KPO 0663 26
Karaka KA 09 2927
Karamea KM 0289 26
Katikati KT 075
Kaukapakapa KPA 0880
Kawakawa KV Connect via operator
Kawau Island KAU 0846 24
Kawerau KEU 076
Kawhia KWA 082 25
Kekerengu KG 057 20
Kerepehi KPE 0816 22
Kerikeri KC 0887
Kimbolton KIM 063 285
Kiokio KIO 0813 31
Kirikopuni KIN Connect via operator
Kirwee KWI 0516 36
Kiwitahi KIW 0819 24
Kohukohu KOU 0887 55
Kowhitirangi KOG Connect via operator
Kumara KUA 027 29
Kurow KOW 0298 8
Lake Coleridge LCR 0516 65
Lake Tekapo LTK 0505 6
Lawrence L Connect via operator
Le Bons Bay LBS Connect via operator
Leeston LSN 03 243
Lepperton LEP 067 20
Levin LVN 069
Lichfield LLD 081 426
Linton LTN 063
Little Akaloa LKA Connect via operator
Little River LRV 03
Loburn LBN 0502 28
Lochmara LOB 057
Lower Moutere LMO 0524 77
Lumsden LMS 0228
Lyttelton LYT 03 28
Maheno MHO 0297 28
Mahia MH 0724 25
Maihiihi MIH 0813 32
Makikihi MAK 0519 25
Makirikiri MIK 064 25
Makuri MRI 0650 23
Mamaku MMK 073 25
Mamaranui MMI 0884 36
Manaia MA 062 4
Manakau MNK 069 26
Manapouri MPR 0229 6
Manawaru MNW 0819 29
Mangakahia MGL 089 31
Mangakino MKO 0814
Mangamahu MAG 064 22
Mangamuka Bridge MBG 0887 67
Mangatangi MTP 085 27
Mangaweka MGA 0658 25
Mangawhai MWI 0846
Mangonui MGI 0889
Manurewa MNR 09
Manutuke MKE 079 28
Mapua MPX 054
Maraekakaho MKK 070 789
Maraetotara MAO 070 787
Maramarua MMR 085 25
Martinborough MBA 0553
Marton ML 0652
Maruia MIA 054 38
Masterton MS 059
Matamata MAM 0818
Matangi MTG 071 295
Mataroa MRT 0658 27
Mataura MT 020 3
Matawai MWD 079 24
Matiere MTW 0812 27
Maungakaramea MGK 089 23
Maungatapere MPE 089
Maungatautari MG 071 272
Maungati MAN 056 29
Maungaturoto MAU Connect via operator
Mauriceville MV 059 25
Maxwell MX 064 23
Mayfield MFD 053
Mercer MRI 085 26
Methven MVN 053
Middlemarch MDL 024 26
Midhirst MID 0663 28
Milford Sound MFS Connect via operator
Millers Flat MFL 0294 46
Milton MI 0299 7
Mokauiti MKJ 0813 76
Mokihinui MKN 0289 21
Morrinsville MOV 0819
Morven MRN 0519 27
Mosgiel MSI 024 89
Mossburn MOB 0228
Motea MOE 0653 25
Motu MTM 079 35
Motueka MU 0524
Motukarara MOT 03 297
Mt Cook MCK 056 21
Mt Maunganui MMN 075
Mt Ruapehu MRP 0812 23
Mt Somers MSM 053 39
Murchison MAT 054
Murupara MUP 073
Napier NA 070
National Park NAT 0812 22
Nelson NN 054
Netherton NRN 0816 23
New Plymouth NU 067
Ngahere NE 027 24
Ngakuru NR 073 32
Ngarua NGU 0819 23
Ngaruawahia NT 071 24
Ngatapa NGB 079 39
Ngatea NGT 0843
Ngatimoti NGI 0524 68
Ngunguru NG 089 33
Nightcaps NGC 0225 27
Norsewood NWD 0653 28
Nuhaka NK 0724 28
Oakleigh OKL 089 22
Oakura OKR 067
Oamaru OU 0297 22
Ohaeawai OW 0887 68
Ohai OIH 0225 26
Ohakune OKN 0658
Ohangai OHG 062 22
Ohaupo OHP 071 296
Ohingaiti ONG 0652 29
Ohoka OHK 0502 26
Ohura OR 0812 28
Okatawa OKI 062 26
Okaihau OAH 0887
Okains Bay OKS Connect via operator
Okato OTO 067
Okawa OOK 070 783
Okere Falls OF 073 24
Okiwi OKW Connect via operator
Okoia OIA 064 24
Okoroire OKO 081 424
Omakau OMU 0294 43
Omakere OMK 0728 63
Omarama OMM 0298 4
Omihi OMI 0504 45
Onewhero ONH 085 28
Ongarue OGU 0812 25
Opiki OPK 063 291
Opononi OPN 0887 58
Opotiki OP 076
Opunake OK 0661
Orama OFT Connect via operator
Orawia OWI 0225 25
Orepuki ORP 021
Orini ORN 0817 44
Ormondville OV 0653 27
Otaki OT 069
Otamauri OAR 070 782
Otane OTN 0728 63
Otaua OTM 085 32
Otautau OAU 0225 25
Otematata OMT 0298 2
Otewa OTW 0813 30
Otipua OTU 056 24
Otira OTI 027 20
Otorohanga OHA 0813 3
Oturehua OEA 0294 45
Outram ORA 024 20
Owaka OAK 0299 29
Owhango OWN 0812 26
Oxford OX 0502
Paekakariki PAE 058
Paeroa POA 0816
Pahiatua PHA 0650
Paihia PIH 0885
Palmerson PL 024
Palmerston North PM 063
Panetapu PNT 082 22
Papakura PAK 09
Paparimu PPM 09 2925
Paparoa PAP Connect via operator
Paraparaumu PRM 058
Parawera PWA 082 27
Parnassus PAN 05132
Paroa PAR 027 26
Parua Bay PAB 089 21
Patea PA 062 3
Patearoa PTA 0294 47
Patetongs PTE 0819 28
Patoka PTO 070 298
Patumahoe PHO 085
Patutahi PHI 079 27
Peebles PBL 0297 27
Peria PER Connect via operator
Picton PN 057
Picton Sounds PTS 057
Pigeon Bay PGB Connect via operator
Piopio PIO 0813
Pirinoa PIN 0553 28
Pirongia PIR 082 28
Pohangina POH 063 294
Pokuru POK 082 23
Pollok POL 085 30
Pongaroa POG 0650 26
Port Chalmers PC 024 72
Port Fitzroy PTF Connect via operator
Port Waikato POW 085 29
Puahue PUA 082 21
Puhoi PUH 0846 20
Pukeatua PTU 082 24
Pukehina PE 075
Pukekawa PW 085 24
Pukekohe PUK 085
Pukerau PAU 020 23
Puketurua PUE 081 425
Putaruru PUT 0814
Queenstown Q 0294
Raetihi RET 0658
Raglan RAG 071
Rahotu RHU 0661
Rai Valley RAI 054
Rakaia RAK 053
Ranfurly RNF 0294
Rangiora RR 0502
Rangiotu RNU 063 296
Rangitaiki RGT 074 42
Rangiwahia RGW 063 282
Raupunga RPG 0724 26
Rawene RWN 0887 57
Redwood Valley RDV 054 20
Reefton RN 027 28
Reporoa REO 073
Rerewhakaaitu REW 073 36
Richmond RDV 054 4
Rissington RSN 070 295
Riversdale RVD 020
Riverton RI 021
Rolleston ROL 03
Rongotea RON 063
Ross RS Connect via operator
Rotoiti ROI 073 27
Rotoma ROM 073 20
Roto-o-Rangi ROO 071 271
Rotongaro ROG 0817 66
Rotorua RO 073
Rotowaro ROW 0817 68
Roxburgh R 0294
Ruakaka RUK 089
Ruakawakawa RKW 09
Ruatangata RTG 089 35
Ruatoria RUT 079
Ruawai RUW 0884
Runanga RUN 027 27
Russell RL 0885
Sales SAS 0887 75
St Andrews STA 056 26
St Arnaud SA 054 36
Sanson SN 063 293
Scargill SCG 0504 43
Sefton SEF 0502 29
Shannon SHN 069
Sheffield SD 0516 38
Southbridge SOU 03 242
South Kaipara Head SKH 0880 2
Spencerville SPE 03 298
Spring Creek SCK 057 25
Springburn SB 053 30
Springdale SDL 0819 22
Springfield SPF 0516 37
Springston SPN 03 296
Stratford SFD 0663
Strathmore STM 0663 23
Studholme-Willowbridge STJ 0519 28
Sumner SUM 03 28
Taheke THK 0887 56
Tahuna THN 0819 25
Taihape TPE 0658
Taipuha TPP Connect via operator
Tairua TAR 0843
Tai Tapu TAA 03 296
Takaka TAK 0524
Takapau TPU 0728
Tapanui TP 020
Tapawera TPW 054
Tapora TPR 0846 21
Tapu TAP 0843 74
Tarata TTA 067 21
Tariki TAI 0663 24
Tarras (five-digit) TRS 0294
Tarras (three-digit) TRS 029 453
Tasman TSM 0524 76
Tauhei TAE 0819 26
Taumarunui TMN 0812
Taupiri TPI 0817 45
Taupo TPO 074
Tauranga TG 075
Tauwhare TWE 071 290
Te Akau TEF 071
Te Anau TNU 0229
Te Anga TEG 0813 67
Te Araroa TRL 079 44
Te Aroha THR 0819
Te Awamutu TAW 082
Te Hauke THU 070 788
Te Kaha TKE 076 52
Te Kao TAO Connect via operator
Te Karaka TKK 079 23
Te Kauwhata TUW 0817
Te Kawa TEK 082 26
Te Kopuru TKP 0884 37
Te Kuiti TKT 0813
Temuka TKE 056 21
Te Pahu TAU 071 269
Te Pohue THE 070 291
Te Poi TEP 0818 27
Te Puia Springs TPS 079 46
Te Puke TPV 075
Te Puru TUP 0843
Thames TH 0843
The Key TEY 0229 5
Thornbury TY 021
Thorpe THP 054 31
Tikitiki TII 079 43
Tokokino TKO 0728 65
Timaru TU 056
Tinui TN 059 26
Tirau TIR 0814
Titirangi TGN 09 817
Tokanui TKG 021 398
Toko TO 0663 22
Tokomaru TOK 063 298
Tokomaru Bay TKY 079 45
Tokoroa TOB 0814
Tolaga Bay TGB 079 26
Towai TOI 089 34
Tryphena TYP Connect via operator
Tuai TUB 0724 23
Tuakau TKU 085
Tuatapere TTE 0225
Turakina TUA 0652 26
Turangi TGI 074 6
Tutira TTI 070 297
Twizel TWL 056 20
Umawera UR 0887
Upper Moutere UMO 054 21
Urenui URE 054 21
Uruti UTI 067
Waerenga WGA 0817 67
Waianiwa WAU 021 392
Waiau WU 0515
Waiau Pa WAF 085 21
Waihao Downs WNS 0519 22
Waihaorunga WIO 0519 24
Waiharara WHR Connect via operator
Waihau Bay WBA 076 53
Waiheke WH 09 72
Waihi WAH 0816 3
Waihi Beach WBH 0816
Waihopai Valley WHV 057 24
Waikaia WJA 020 27
Waikaka WKK 020 22
Waikanae WAE 058
Waikite WTK 073 31
Waikoikoi WOK 020 26
Waikouaiti WK 024
Waima WMA 0887 53
Waimahaka WMK 021 399
Waimamaku WUK 0887 54
Waimana WMN Connect via operator
Waimangaroa WMG 0289 27
Waimarama WRM 070 786
Waimate WE 0519
Waimauku WM 09
Waimiha WMH Connect via operator
Wainuioru WUR 059 22
Waiotahi WHI 076 54
Waiotira WTR 089 29
Waiouru WIR 0658
Waipahi WPI 020 28
Waipara WPR 0504 46
Waipawa WI 0728
Waipori Falls WPS 024 24
Waipu WD 089
Waipukurau W 0728
Wairau Valley WRU 057 22
Wairoa WA 0724
Waitahuna WNA Connect via operator
Waitakaruru WKG 0843
Waitara WT 067
Waitati WTI 024 22
Waiterimu WTE 0817 65
Waitoa WTO 0819 21
Waituna West WNL 063 286
Waiuku WKU 085
Wakanui WNU 053 23
Wakefield WLD 054
Walton WLN 0818 28
Wanaka WNK 0294 3
Wanganui WGA 064
Waotu WAO 081 422
Ward WB 057 20
Wardville WAD 0818 25
Warkworth WW 0846
Waverley WV 064
Weber WEB 0653 26
Wellington WN 04
Wellsford WFD 0846 3
Westerfield WSF 053 25
Westport WP 0289
Whakapara WKP 089 39
Whakatane WHK 076
Whangaaehu WGU 064 26
Whangamata WGM 0816
Whangamomona WMM 0663 25
Whangara WGH 079 22
Whangarei WR 089
Whangarei Heads WRH 089 32
Whangaruru WHN 089 36
Whataroa WAA Connect via operator
Whatatutu WTA 079 21
Whenuakite WEN 0843 63
Whitianga WHT 0843
Willowbank WLB 020 21
Willowby WIL 053 26
Winchmore WCM 053 24
Windsor WSR 0297 26
Winton WO 021
Woodbury WRY 056 32
Woodend WND 0502
Woodville WDV 0650
Wyndham WYD 0223

STD codes were assigned with larger areas having short STD codes (e.g. Auckland — 09), while smaller areas had longer STD codes and shorter local numbers (e.g. Shannon — 06927). The total number length, that is STD code and local number excluding the first 0, usually totalled seven digits, but could vary up to nine, as exchanges often increased the length of local numbers to accommodate new lines.


With the introduction of NEC stored program control exchanges in the New Zealand telephone network during the 1980s, and the rapid growth in demand, the breakup of the New Zealand Post Office and the creation of Telecom, local telephone numbers were standardised to seven digits. In many parts of the country, the old area code was incorporated into the new number, however in some areas the numbers changed completely.

Town/City Old number New number
Whangarei (089) xx-xxx (09) 43x-xxxx
New Plymouth (067) xx-xxx (06) 75x-xxxx
Upper Hutt (04) 2xx-xxx (04) 52x-xxxx
Porirua (04) 3xx-xxx (04) 23x-xxxx
Lower Hutt (04) 6xx-xxx (04) 56x-xxxx
Wellington North (04) 7xx-xxx (04) 47x-xxxx
Wellington South (04) 8xx-xxx (04) 38x-xxx
Nelson (054) xx-xxx (03) 54x-xxxx
Kaikoura (0513) xxxx (03) 319-xxxx
Dunedin (024) xxx-xxx (03) 4xx-xxxx
Invercargill (021) xx-xxx (03) 21x-xxxx

At the same time, the opportunity was taken to move directory service from 100 to 018 and charge for directory service calls. The justification for doing so was the introduction of a directory service computer system that gave access to current New Zealand telephone number listings, not just those printed in the telephone book, and the need for a separate user pays revenue stream for Telecom Directory Services, which was separate to the 5 regional (local) telephone companies, TNI and Telecom Mobile that Telecom had split itself into, as part of the sale of Telecom and deregulation of New Zealand telecommunications services.

Since 1993, land-line telephone numbers in New Zealand consist of a single-digit area code and a seven-digit local number, of which the first three digits generally specify the exchange and the final four specify the subscriber’s unique line at that exchange.

International number lengths[edit]

The long-distance trunk prefix, 0, which is prepended to national numbers, is not part of the international number.

The minimum number length after the international prefix is three digits. Most numbers, other than service numbers have at least eight digits.

The maximum number length after the international prefix is nine digits, except numbers starting with 210 (which have ten digits).

Present numbering plan[edit]

New Zealand follows an open numbering plan. The country code is 64. The long distance dialing prefix is 0 and the international prefix is 00.


New Zealand landline phone numbers have a total of eight digits, excluding the leading 0: a one-digit area code, and a seven-digit phone number (e.g. 09 700 1234), beginning with a digit between 2 and 9 (but excluding 900, 911, and 999 due to misdial guards).
There are five regional area codes: 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9. These must be dialled, along with the domestic trunk prefix, when calling a recipient outside the local calling area of which the caller is located. For example, one calling Dunedin from Christchurch must dial 03, even though Christchurch is 03 as well.

The combined domestic trunk prefix[1] and area codes are:[2]

  • 02 409 for Ross Dependency (Year-round direct dial access to Scott Base & U.S. McMurdo Station — Summer-only access to Zucchelli Station )
  • 03 for the entire South Island and the Chatham Islands
  • 04 for the Wellington metro area and Kapiti Coast district (excluding Otaki)
  • 06 for Taranaki, Manawatū-Whanganui (excluding Taumarunui and National Park), Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne, the Wairarapa, and Otaki.
  • 07 for the Waikato (excluding Tuakau and Pokeno) and the Bay of Plenty
  • 09 for Auckland, Northland, Tuakau and Pokeno.

Mobile phones[edit]

Telephone numbers for mobile phones begin with 02, followed by seven to nine digits (usually eight). The first few digits after the 02 indicate the original mobile network that issued the number.

Telephone numbers must always be dialled in full for mobile phones. In the late 1990s however, Telecom mobile phones could dial other Telecom mobile phones without the (then) 025 prefix, making 025 act like a landline area code.

02X Dialing Code for New Zealand[3]

Prefix Network Number length Notes
Vocus This Code Block was previously allocated to Orcon Internet
0203 Voyager Formerly owned by Accelero
0204 Skinny 6 or 7 digits This Code Block was granted to Spark in exchange for the Code Block 028 6 on 15 April 2011
0205 Vodafone
0206 Voyager Internet
0207 TeamTalk Unallocatable as of 5 December 2013
0208 TeamTalk Unallocatable as of 5 December 2013
0209 TeamTalk Unallocatable as of 5 December 2013
021 Vodafone 6 to 8 digits 6 digits were originally assigned to on-account customers only; 7 digits are assigned to prepay customers only.
022 2degrees 7 digits 2degrees was launched in August 2009.
023 Unused Owned by Vodafone
024 Unused Protected by Management Committee 30 January 2009 to preserve the potential code expansion option.
025 Unused 6 or 7 digits Was used by Telecom New Zealand until it was shut down on 31 March 2007. All numbers have now migrated to 027 (7-digit), with older 025 numbers prefixed with 4 (e.g. 027-4xx-xxxx). Telecom told existing 025 subscribers that their new number was simply their old number with ‘0274’ in front.[citation needed] While technically correct, it is misleading and has resulted in numbers being incorrectly shown in advertising as «0274 xxx xxx». «0274» is not a valid dialing code.
026 0 Formerly Team Talk This Code Block is active and in use but is marked «Unallocatable» as Teamtalk is not a current member of the NAD; this does not impact routing. This Code Block is not subject to LMNP.
026 1
026 2
026 3
026 4
026 8
026 9
Spark New Zealand 7 digits Used for calling Fleetlink or other trunked radios from a phone line. Used for Paging service until shutdown in 2017
027 Spark New Zealand 7 digits Formerly Telecom New Zealand
027 0 Vodafone
028 0 Compass Communications
028 CallPlus or Black + White
028 4 Two Degrees Mobile This Code Block was allocated to Two Degrees Mobile in exchange for 0266 on 17 July 2015, Warehouse Mobile launched on 28 November 2015 as an MVNO on 2Degrees Mobile
028 85 Vodafone Previously allocated to M2 Limited and was transferred to Vodafone on 6 November 2013. MVNO on Vodafone
028 86 Vodafone Previously allocated to M2 NZ Limited and was Transferred to Vodafone on 6 November 2013
028 89 2Talk 7 digits
028 96 NOW Previously called Airnet NZ Ltd
029 TelstraClear (Vodafone) Vodafone acquired TelstraClear in 2012

The introduction of mobile number portability on 1 April 2007 meant that an increasing number of mobiles would be operating on a different network from that which originally assigned the number.
To find out whether a particular number belongs to a specific network provider, one can text the mobile number of interest to 300. It is a free service provided by 2degrees. A reply will be sent to verify whether the number is operating on their network or not. As of September 2019, this service will work for Vodafone and Spark Active.

Other numbers[edit]

Toll-free and premium-rate calls[edit]

Toll-free numbers begin with 0508 or 0800,[2] followed by usually six but sometimes seven digits.
Premium-rate services use the code 0900 followed by five digits (some with six digits).
Local-rate numbers, such as Internet access numbers, have the prefix 08xx, and are usually followed by five digits.

  • 0508 Tollfree sold by many network operators (originally launched by Clear Communications as a competitor to the then Telecom-only 0800 range)
  • 0800 Tollfree sold by many network operators (originally only available to Telecom NZ, now known as Spark)
  • 08xy Various non-geographic services
    • 083210 Call Minder answerphone service
    • 08322 Infocall numbers
    • 0867 Dial-up Internet numbers (retired)
  • 0900 Premium rate services[4]

Service numbers[edit]

Numbers beginning with 01 are for operator services.

  • 010 National Operator
  • 0170 International Operator
  • 0172 International Directory Service
  • 018 National Directory Service

The «1» codes are used for local services, including activating exchange features. The emergency services number is «111».

  • 105 Police non-emergency number.
  • 111 Emergency Services Operator (all telephones; forwarded to Fire, Police or Ambulance as required).
  • 112 Emergency Services Operator for GSM Mobiles (only) — not advertised.
  • 11x Not allocatable. Used internally for specific emergency services.
  • 12x Spark repair and sales services.
  • 1319 Various uses, mainly exchange service.

The mobile network also recognises telephone numbers starting with *, including:

  • *123 Spark Mobile Sales and Service
  • *200 2degrees Mobile Sales & Service
  • *222 Automobile Association Roadside Service
  • *500 Coastguard Marine Assistance
  • *555 Traffic Safety Services (Police non-emergency traffic calls)

Text message numbers for mobile phones are 3 or 4 digits long.

Other useful numbers[edit]

  • 07 832 0000 — automated information (free call) who your toll provider is
  • 1956 — reads back the number the user is calling from (includes the area code «3» 7654321). (not TelstraClear/Vodafone)
  • 1957 — reads back the number the user is calling from (without the area code e.g. 7654321). (not TelstraClear/Vodafone)
  • 1958 — sends back the number the user is calling from in DTMF tones. (not TelstraClear/Vodafone)
  • 511 — reads back the number the user is calling from (TelstraClear/Vodafone only)
  • 083201234 — reads back the pilot number of the line the user is calling from (if calling from a business line in a stepping group) or the individual number on the Telstra/Vodafone network.
  • 083201231 — reads back the pilot number as above, with area code.
  • 083201232 — returns the DTMF tones of the line called from.
  • 137 — ringer test (ringback number); Pick up phone handset, dial 137, hang up, the phone will ring, pick up handset to cancel.[a]
  • 0196 — Dialed before numbers to show caller ID if it is disabled for outgoing calls on number you are calling from.
  • 0197 — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party. (not Spark currently, possibly discontinued for others)
  • #31# — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party.
  • *32 — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party. (TelstraClear/Vodafone only)
  • *67 — Dialled before any normal phone number disables caller ID for the receiving party. (Voyager)

Fictional numbers[edit]

New Zealand has no dedicated series of fictional telephone numbers. Television shows and movies generally use any available range of numbers (e.g. the TVNZ soap opera Shortland Street uses the unassigned (09) 4299 number range.).

Proposed area codes[edit]

In the future (particularly by the 2030s), there are additional proposed area codes of New Zealand separating for most regions: 02 (for Southland, West Coast and Tasman District), 05 (for Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne and Wairarapa), 07 (for Waikato) and 08 (for the Bay of Plenty).[citation needed]

See also[edit]

  • List of dialling codes in New Zealand
  • Telecommunications in New Zealand


  1. ^ «ITU allocations list». ITU.int.
  2. ^ a b «Aotearoa Number Register». NAD. Retrieved 25 December 2022.
  3. ^ «Number Register — NAD».
  4. ^ Naden, Liam (17 January 2019). «Telephone Area Codes in New Zealand». TripSavvy. Retrieved 7 March 2020.


  1. ^ Apparently not now in use (May 2021)

External links[edit]

  • Ministry of Economic Development information to ITU
  • Number Administration Deed (NAD)
    • Number Register maintained by the NAD (Current information)
  • Telephone Numbering Scheme Archived 20 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine, Access Codes Allocation Archived 20 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine and National Toll Codes Archived 20 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine from Telecom New Zealand website Archived 18 January 2014 at the Wayback Machine (Older information)

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Новая Зеландия

Как звонить в Новую Зеландию

Приведенная ниже таблица поможет Вам ответить на вопрос как позвонить в Новую Зеландию.
В варианте 4 Вы можете сами выбрать страну, из которой желаете звонить в Новую Зеландию.

C стационарного телефона из России на городской номер в Новую Зеландию:
8 — гудок — 10 — 64 — код города — местный телефонный номер абонента в Новой Зеландии (примеры)
C сотового телефона GSM на мобильный зарегистрированный в Новой Зеландии:
+ 64 — мобильный номер телефона
Из России с городского телефона на сотовый Новой Зеландии:
8 — гудок — 10 — 64 — телефонный номер сотового телефона (обратите внимание, что код Новой Зеландии — 64 не входит в телефонный номер, его следует набирать отдельно)
C городского (и некоторых мобильных) из других стран в Новую Зеландию:
В данном случае без примера не обойтись

Как позвонить в Новую Зеландию с стационарного телефона на мобильный или с сотового на стационарный, думаю, понятно инстинктивно.

Практика показала, что инстинкт развит у всех по разному, поэтому пишу более подробно.

Для того, чтобы позвонить в Новую Зеландию необходимо набрать 8 — это значит, что звонок не является местным. Следует дождаться гудок. После нужно набрать 10 — это говорит, что звонок будет международным и далее будет указан телефонный код Новой Зеландии.

+ знак, который используется в мобильных телефонах стандарта GSM для замены кода международного доступа из любой страны.

Сразу следует оговориться, что 10-это выход на международное соединение для ОАО «Ростелекома».
Для других операторов код выхода на международное соединение будет другим.
Например 56 — ООО «СЦС Совинтел», 57 — ЗАО «Компания ТрансТелеКом», 58 — ОАО «МТТ», 59 — ООО «Эквант».

Внимание: цифра 8 и далее код выхода на международное соединение, описанные выше, применимы только для России.
В других странах принята иная система выхода на международную линию.

Потом следует набрать международный телефонный код страны (телефонный код Новой Зеландии — 64). На данном этапе набора номера мы вышли во внутреннюю телефонную сеть
Новой Зеландии.

Теперь остается только набрать телефонный код города, в который мы хотим позвонить,
и наконец, местный номер телефона абонента Новой Зеландии.

Как позвонить из Новой Зеландии

Если Вас интересует, как звонить из Новой Зеландии, то следующие рекомендации будут незаменимы.

Внутренний звонок, т.е. из одного города Новой Зеландии в другой:
0 — номер телефона
C городского из Новой Зеландии в Россию:
На городской: 00 — 7 — код города — городской номер в РФ
На мобильный: 00 — 7 — сотовый номер в РФ
C мобильного из Новой Зеландии:
Следует уточнить у оператора связи
Cо стационарного из Новой Зеландии в другую страну:
Выберите страну, в которую хотите позвонить
00 — код страныкод городаномер телефона

А Вы знаете
международный код Реюньон или
как позвонить в Кыргызстан?

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Как позвонить нмт
  • Как позвонить на телефон на котором нет денег
  • Как позвонить нло
  • Как позвонить на телефон который на беззвучном режиме со звуком
  • Как позвонить нихромовую спираль