Как позвонить лионель месси

Contact Details of Argentina National Team Player and Barcelona Club members Leo Messi such as Phone Number, House and Residence Address, Email Address, Social Media Contact Ids, and related information. Messi is a FIFA 2022 winner and he shares a photo of sleeping with the FIFA 2022 trophy on the bed as it was his desire to win FIFA before his retirement.

Leo Messi is an Argentina-born Football Player, who started playing football as a professional career at age of 13 years by joining a training club. Later, at age of 16, he switched to an international team club Barcelona in 2001. From 2001 he played for more than 23 years for Team Barcelona and won a number of Victories for the team. He also plays for the National Football Team of Argentina.

Furthermore, Messi mostly lives in two countries for his schedule and meetings as the Barcelona team is a Spain club whereas he is a national team player of Argentina. He is the wealthiest football player in the world and has millions of pounds as payroll from his profession. Leo Messi is now 35 years old and still playing very hard and victorious for his team.

Family Life:

He was born to Jorge Messi (father) and Celia María Cuccittini (mother) in Rosario, Argentina. Messi has three siblings, two brothers, and one sister. They are named Matias Messi, Rodrigo Messi, and Maria Sol Messi. He married a model and his long-lasting girlfriend Antonela Roccuzzo in 2017. So, they gave birth to three of their children. Messi and Antonella’s child names are Thiago Messi Roccuzzo, Mateo Messi Roccuzzo, and Ciro Messi Roccuzzo.

Leo Messi phone number, address, email, contact

Lionel Messi phone number, address, email, contact

Contact Leo Messi

Absolutely, you should contact the popular Sports celebrity, Leo Messi. He is a successful professional football player personality. In fact, there are various methods available to communicate with Messi as given below.

Leo Messi Phone Number Contact

So, if you are really going to contact Lionel Messi, then no doubt ringing a call to his phone is a great choice. However, here we tell you one thing, you have to dial Messi’s number correctly with standard country dialing code+45(number) to connect a call to his Argentina cell phone.

Footballer Lionel Messi Addresses

Popular Football Player of Barcelona Club Leo Messi Addresses includes Email address and house address details.

Email Address:

So, if you prefer email, then sending an email message to Messi is a perfect choice. Take Leo’s email id listed below and use your email account to send a well-written message to his e-address/email.

Email at: info@messi.com (official)

House Address:

More often, you can use Leo Messi’s house address for fan mail purposes. If you are unable to communicate with Lionel through other active channels then sending out postal mail to his house address is the best alternative. House Address is provided here.

Address: Lionel Messi, Barcelona Football Team Club, Barcelona City, Spain.

Lionel Messi’s Social Media Contact

Social Media accounts are best for communication and contact in real time these days. You can contact Leo through social media platforms using his ids for sending/receiving messages. Furthermore, Lionel is an active social media user on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Facebook. The address for these accounts is listed below.

Instagram Address: https://www.instagram.com/leomessi

Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/teammessi

YouTube Address: https://www.youtube.com/user/LeoMessi/

TikTok Address: not ready.

Facebok: https://web.facebook.com/leomessi

What’s up these day!

Leo Messi is planning to get retirement. However, due to some team suggestions and his ability to still survive as the number 1 football player, he delayed the plan for no time.

Messi Social Media Stats:

Instagram followers

Facebook Followers

Twitter Followers

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Lionel Messi is one of the world’s top soccer superstars. Fans around the globe look for a chance to meet the famous player in person for photographs, the chance to talk, or to watch a practice game. It might take time and some money for tickets, but it can be done by finding him at a match, meeting him in public, or contacting him on social media.

  1. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 1


    Find where the next game will be played. Travel to the destination to wait for a chance of seeing Lionel Messi. Before or after the match will be the best time to meet him. Try to catch him when he’s entering or leaving the arena.[1]

    • Many other fans will likely have the same idea as you, so it might be crowded.
    • Have your camera ready in case you can get a passing picture of Messi.
    • Lionel Messi may be protected by security who won’t let you near him, so you might need to get his attention from far away.
  2. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 2


    Continue going to matches, following the schedule. The more times you show up at a game, the more likely you are to find him. Become familiar with the place their vehicle parks at various stadiums, where they warm up, and where he can be found at various times.

    • It might take a few tries to see him at numerous games.
    • Travel to the games can be expensive, so be prepared with funds for tickets and travel.
    • Sometimes teams can be found eating together before or after a match. Figure out what kinds of restaurants the team goes to in order to better increase your chance of meeting Messi.


  3. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 3


    Get into a practice match or into the stadium before the game begins. You might be able to find Lionel Messi preparing for the match or hanging out before warming up. Look for a pattern in his activities or schedule. Keeping an eye on these places will be your best shot at finding him.

    • Access depends on the location of the event.
    • Some charities auction off tickets to meet and greets at practice matches.[2]
    • Be sure not to trespass or do anything illegal to get inside the stadium.
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 4


    Reach out to Lionel Messi directly through social media. Occasionally, the soccer superstar has replied to fans and those who aspire to meet him with understanding and grace. It’s a long shot, but being honest and trying to talk to him via social media may pay off.[3]

    • Try offering to help with one of his charity causes.
    • Be open and honest by telling Lionel Messi who you are and why meeting him would mean so much to you.
    • Take a risk and offer to take him out to eat if you’re ever in his hometown or after a game.
  2. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 5


    Follow or friend others close to Lionel Messi. They will have information about the superstar such as his hobbies, any clubs or stores they like to go to together, or other places he frequents. Find any public events where he may be a guest. Most profiles on Facebook have the friends list as public information, so find those who often comment on his posts, like his comments, or follow his tweets on Twitter. Pay attention to anyone who is tagged in photographs with him as well.

    • Watch for any events his friends might be attending. He might be there, too.
    • Look for any parties he could be attending with his friends.
    • Press conferences or interviews in public locations could provide prime opportunities to meet him in person.
    • Join one of the fan clubs on Facebook to talk with other fans who may about events Lionel Messi will be at in the future.
  3. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 6


    Like or follow Lionel Messi’s charities. Look for events the charities might be holding or awards banquets where Messi might attend. Watch their pages in case he messages them or posts updates.

    • Try to get tickets to charity events where he might be in attendance.
    • Volunteer or express interest in the charity work on Lionel Messi’s social media.
    • Watch for charity auctions where you could win a meet and greet with Lionel Messi.
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 7


    Follow the team’s schedule to find when Lionel Messi will be home. You can locate his home and the local stores or restaurants he may visit while home from the games. Find where he may be and wait for him to show up for a quick photo op if he isn’t busy.[4]

    • Check local laws for loitering if waiting in a single place.
    • Don’t get discouraged if you end up waiting a long time.
    • See if there are other fans waiting to meet him or paparazzi in the area. Follow them if they begin to move to another location.
  2. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 8


    Ask the owners or servers of restaurants if Lionel Messi eats there often. Find what times or days he frequents the place. You’ll be able to wait there for him if you know the details of his normal schedule.

    • Watch social media or news reports to find when or if Lionel Messi will be leaving the city or heading out into public.
    • If you do find Lionel Messi in public, he may have security with him. Avoid getting too close without permission.
    • Ask his security if you can approach for a photograph or to speak with Messi. Sometimes, Lionel Messi will speak with fans anyway.[5]
  3. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 9


    Monitor social media for updates on Lionel Messi’s location and plans. He may update his current location, take a picture of the food he’s eating, or the hotel he’s staying at. These clues will help you find him in the area.

    • He could update his location or ‘check in.’
    • Look for any pictures of his food or location.
    • Keep and eye out for any status updates or tweets about his plans for the day.
    • Monitor local news stations for interviews or special appearances.
  4. Advertisement

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Lionel Messi is one of the world’s top soccer superstars. Fans around the globe look for a chance to meet the famous player in person for photographs, the chance to talk, or to watch a practice game. It might take time and some money for tickets, but it can be done by finding him at a match, meeting him in public, or contacting him on social media.

  1. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 1


    Find where the next game will be played. Travel to the destination to wait for a chance of seeing Lionel Messi. Before or after the match will be the best time to meet him. Try to catch him when he’s entering or leaving the arena.[1]

    • Many other fans will likely have the same idea as you, so it might be crowded.
    • Have your camera ready in case you can get a passing picture of Messi.
    • Lionel Messi may be protected by security who won’t let you near him, so you might need to get his attention from far away.
  2. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 2


    Continue going to matches, following the schedule. The more times you show up at a game, the more likely you are to find him. Become familiar with the place their vehicle parks at various stadiums, where they warm up, and where he can be found at various times.

    • It might take a few tries to see him at numerous games.
    • Travel to the games can be expensive, so be prepared with funds for tickets and travel.
    • Sometimes teams can be found eating together before or after a match. Figure out what kinds of restaurants the team goes to in order to better increase your chance of meeting Messi.


  3. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 3


    Get into a practice match or into the stadium before the game begins. You might be able to find Lionel Messi preparing for the match or hanging out before warming up. Look for a pattern in his activities or schedule. Keeping an eye on these places will be your best shot at finding him.

    • Access depends on the location of the event.
    • Some charities auction off tickets to meet and greets at practice matches.[2]
    • Be sure not to trespass or do anything illegal to get inside the stadium.
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 4


    Reach out to Lionel Messi directly through social media. Occasionally, the soccer superstar has replied to fans and those who aspire to meet him with understanding and grace. It’s a long shot, but being honest and trying to talk to him via social media may pay off.[3]

    • Try offering to help with one of his charity causes.
    • Be open and honest by telling Lionel Messi who you are and why meeting him would mean so much to you.
    • Take a risk and offer to take him out to eat if you’re ever in his hometown or after a game.
  2. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 5


    Follow or friend others close to Lionel Messi. They will have information about the superstar such as his hobbies, any clubs or stores they like to go to together, or other places he frequents. Find any public events where he may be a guest. Most profiles on Facebook have the friends list as public information, so find those who often comment on his posts, like his comments, or follow his tweets on Twitter. Pay attention to anyone who is tagged in photographs with him as well.

    • Watch for any events his friends might be attending. He might be there, too.
    • Look for any parties he could be attending with his friends.
    • Press conferences or interviews in public locations could provide prime opportunities to meet him in person.
    • Join one of the fan clubs on Facebook to talk with other fans who may about events Lionel Messi will be at in the future.
  3. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 6


    Like or follow Lionel Messi’s charities. Look for events the charities might be holding or awards banquets where Messi might attend. Watch their pages in case he messages them or posts updates.

    • Try to get tickets to charity events where he might be in attendance.
    • Volunteer or express interest in the charity work on Lionel Messi’s social media.
    • Watch for charity auctions where you could win a meet and greet with Lionel Messi.
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 7


    Follow the team’s schedule to find when Lionel Messi will be home. You can locate his home and the local stores or restaurants he may visit while home from the games. Find where he may be and wait for him to show up for a quick photo op if he isn’t busy.[4]

    • Check local laws for loitering if waiting in a single place.
    • Don’t get discouraged if you end up waiting a long time.
    • See if there are other fans waiting to meet him or paparazzi in the area. Follow them if they begin to move to another location.
  2. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 8


    Ask the owners or servers of restaurants if Lionel Messi eats there often. Find what times or days he frequents the place. You’ll be able to wait there for him if you know the details of his normal schedule.

    • Watch social media or news reports to find when or if Lionel Messi will be leaving the city or heading out into public.
    • If you do find Lionel Messi in public, he may have security with him. Avoid getting too close without permission.
    • Ask his security if you can approach for a photograph or to speak with Messi. Sometimes, Lionel Messi will speak with fans anyway.[5]
  3. Image titled Meet Lionel Messi Step 9


    Monitor social media for updates on Lionel Messi’s location and plans. He may update his current location, take a picture of the food he’s eating, or the hotel he’s staying at. These clues will help you find him in the area.

    • He could update his location or ‘check in.’
    • Look for any pictures of his food or location.
    • Keep and eye out for any status updates or tweets about his plans for the day.
    • Monitor local news stations for interviews or special appearances.
  4. Advertisement

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Сергей Пиняев: позвонил бы Месси? Даже если бы у меня был его номер, Лео не взял бы трубку

21 декабря 2022, 12:30 МСК

Нападающий самарских «Крыльев Советов» Сергей Пиняев признался, что хотел бы пообщаться с форвардом «ПСЖ» и сборной Аргентины Лионелем Месси.

«Если бы был номер, позвонил бы Месси после победы на чемпионате мира? Даже если бы у меня был номер Месси, он бы всё равно не взял трубку. Мне кажется, он даже от самых близких друзей не брал бы. Зачем мне это делать? Я просто рад за Лео.

Что спросил бы? Да много что! Если бы была возможность поговорить, пообщаться, многое спросил бы. С ходу не могу ответить», — сказал Пиняев в беседе с корреспондентом «Чемпионата» Ильёй Никульниковым.

Напомним, Месси стал чемпионом мира в составе сборной Аргентины. В финале мундиаля 2022 года в Катаре Аргентина обыграла национальную команду Франции (3:3, 4:2 — по пенальти).

Телефон Лионеля Месси — чем пользуется знаменитый аргентинский футболист

какими устройствами пользуется футболист лионель месси

Поклонников всемирно известной футбольной звезды Лионеля Месси интересует в их кумире буквально все, в том числе многочисленные житейские детали, связанные с легендарным аргентинцем. Разумеется, не в последнюю очередь это относится к мобильнику, которым пользуется звезда.

Было бы наивно полагать, что один из богатейших футболистов современности не придумает что-нибудь такое, что бы кардинально отличало бы его смартфон от обычных, пусть и недешевых, телефонов.

телефон месси

И Лионель оправдал «надежды» своих почитателей — недавно он приобрел новый мобильник iPhone XSMax за 1300 евро, но путем ряда манипуляций довел его стоимость до 7000 евро.

iPhone XSMax

Во-первых, по его заказу смартфон iPhone XSMax покрыли 24-каратным золотом. Во-вторых, на заднике телефона выгравировали «десятку» – убежденным болельщикам «Барселоны» не надо напоминать, кто носит этот номер на своей футболке.

Какой телефон у Лионеля Месси

В-третьих, на корпусе появились эмблемы «Барсы» и сборной Аргентины. В-четвертых, внизу телефона Лионель Андрес Месси, благообразный семьянин и любящий отец, запечатлел имена своих жены и детей — Антонелла, Чиро, Тьяго, Маттео.

Какой телефон у Лионеля Месси

Но самое главное — когда-нибудь в будущем этот смартфон наверняка станет вожделенным лотом какого-нибудь респектабельного аукциона. Сегодня трудно даже вообразить, во сколько раз поднимется цена уникального «айфона», принадлежавшего великому спортсмену.

Любопытно, что звездный агрентинский бомбардир не так давно заключил рекламный контракт с китайской компанией Huawei — одним из главных конкурентов компании Apple, чей высокотехнологичный шедевр футболист озолотил на зависть состоятельных коллекционеров.

месси и хуавейКакой телефон у Лионеля Мессихуавей и месси

Но никаких мук совести это в душе аргентинского форварда совершенно не вызвало.

Впрочем, чему здесь удивляться — у богатых, как известно, свои причуды. Тем более у таких оригиналов по жизни, как старина Лионель Месси.

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14 февраля 09:50

У Жерара Пике спросили, контакт какого самого известного человека есть у него в телефоне: удивительно, но это не Месси😳😳😳

И даже не Роналду.


2 комментария Подписаться на блог

14 февраля 08:37
|Блог Гаспачо

Месси — лучший игрок в истории, но самый эффективный аргентинец — это Ди Мария: выиграл со сборной, все что можно, и всегда забивал в финалах🔥🔥🔥

Сегодня Анхель отмечает юбилей.


23 комментария Подписаться на блог

14 февраля 08:00|Sports.ru

Звездам «ПСЖ» и «Баварии» нельзя ошибаться, а вы можете – ставку 2000 р застрахуют


0 комментариев

14 февраля 01:44

ПСЖ — Бавария: прогноз на матч 14.02.2023, Лига чемпионов

ЛЧ возвращается.


1 комментарий Подписаться на блог

13 февраля|Sports.ru

22:57 Переговоры о контракте Месси с «ПСЖ» пройдут после матча с «Баварией». Лео хочет остаться|18

22:51 «Хотелось, чтобы Роналду еще 2-3 года поиграл в топ-лигах, он в отличной форме». Экс-президент «Реала» Кальдерон о Криштиану в «Аль-Насре»|31

13 февраля 20:28

Месси и игрок из Уругвая. Араухо назвал двух футболистов, которых хотел бы видеть в «Барсе»

Интересный выбор, Рональд.


0 комментариев Подписаться на блог

13 февраля 20:10
|Блог Буря в стакане

Лучшие по гол+пас в топ-5 лиг. Тут дуэты из «ПСЖ» (без Мбаппе) и «Наполи»

А еще очень много представителей Франции.


3 комментария Подписаться на блог

13 февраля|Sports.ru

19:20 Месси, Роналду, Мбаппе, Холанд, Бензема, Неймар, де Брюйне, Модрич, Педри, Каземиро, ван Дейк, Куртуа – среди претендентов на попадание в команду года ФИФА и FIFPro|154

13 февраля 18:29
|Блог Гаспачо

У Месси три пути. Жерар Ромеро рассказал, куда Лео может уйти из «ПСЖ» этим летом

Журналист уверен, что аргентинец не останется в Париже.


24 комментария Подписаться на блог

13 февраля|Sports.ru

17:25 Американские болельщики назвали Джордана величайшим спортсменом в истории. Брэди – 2-й, Али – 3-й, Леброн – 6-й, Месси – 8-й (Morning Consult)|299

17:10 Фото Месси, Мбаппе и Верратти – в заявке «ПСЖ» на матч с «Баварией» в ЛЧ |42

16:30 Месси – главный претендент на «Золотой мяч» по версии Goal. Мбаппе – 2-й, Холанд – 3-й, Рэшфорд – 6-й, Винисиус – 7-й, Хвича – 8-й|485

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Шаг 3

Вы увидите окно оплаты заказа. Выберите вид оплаты:

1. Банковской картой. Нажмите на логотипы «Visa, MasterCard, Мир», и у вас откроется безопасная платежная страница Яндекс.Кассы. Введите на ней данные вашей карты и завершите платеж.

2. Баланс мобильного. Нажмите на логотипы «Мегафон, МТС, Теле2, Билайн» и в течение 30 секунд вам придет бесплатное входящее сообщение, ответив на которое вы подтверждаете оплату (подробная инструкция будет в СМС-сообщении), абонентам остальных операторов система предложит отправить СМС самостоятельно, тем самым подтвердив оплату.

3. Сбербанк по номеру телефона. Нажмите на логотип «Сбербанк» и в течение 60 секунд вы получите смс с номера 900 для потверждения платежа. Ответьте на это сообщение!

Если вы не из России, вы можете оплатить услугу банковской картой Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners Club и JCB. Кликните на кнопку с логотипами, у вас откроется безопасная платежная страница Яндекс.Кассы, введите на ней данные вашей карты и завершите платеж.

Шаг 4

Сразу после оплаты Ваш заказ будет принят в работу. Как только получатель прослушает голосовое поздравление, Вам поступит одно сообщение, что Ваше поздравление успешно доставлено успешно доставлено! Вы всегда можете уточнить статус доставки заказа обратившись в поддержку по почте privet@audioprivet.ru

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