Обновлено: 13.02.2023
Билл Шифр – властитель разума, умный и весьма непочтительный к людям. Простому человеку он покажется странным, это проявляется в его скорой раздражительности и неадекватности поведения. Как он выглядит, привычки, манеру поведения можно узнать, посмотрев мультфильм «Гравити фолз». Ещё из него можно узнать, как вызвать Билла Шифра. Это сделать легко с помощью прочтения заклинания и соблюдения некоторого ритуала.
Для чего вызывают Билла Шифра
Некоторые вызывают Билла Шифра из простого любопытства. Это те молодые люди, которые привыкли всё видеть своими глазами, может, потому, что интересно же посмотреть, получится или нет. Хорошо, если не получится, в этом случае можно посмеяться и забыть.
А если все-таки получится, что делать тогда? Вы сильно рискуете разозлить этого не совсем уравновешенного персонажа. Для любого действия нужна цель. В данном случае нужно точно знать, для чего это нужно, да и нужно ли вообще. Зачем вам чужие мысли? Что вам своих мало?
Как вызвать Билла Шифра, хотят узнать и те, кто точно уверен, для какой цели они это делают. Например, у них есть желание проникнуть в чужое сознание и выяснить интересующие факты из прошлого или даже будущего. В настоящее время некоторые молодые люди проделывают ритуалы, с помощью которых вызывают Билла Шифра. Хочется ли этому персонажу, чтобы его вызывали? Поставьте себя на его место: было бы вам приятно если бы вас постоянно дёргали? Поэтому если нет необходимости, то лучше не знать, как вызвать Билла Шифра.
«Треугольник», который знает всё
В сюжете мультсериала Билл Шифр – демон, способный извлекать любую информацию, проникая в разум и сознание человека. Кроме того, он умен, обладает множеством сверхспособностей и своеобразным чувством юмора.
Выглядит демон непривычно: парящий в воздухе треугольник желтого цвета с тонкими конечностями, глядящий на мир единственным «всевидящим оком». Из предметов гардероба у Билла имеются черный цилиндр и такого же цвета галстук-бабочка.
Шифр – персонаж злобный и неоднозначный, его часто называют главным антагонистом мультсериала. Но, несмотря на это, зрителям злодей полюбился. Сегодня у Билла Сайфера внушительный фанклуб, он — персонаж многочисленных рисунков и фанфиков, а сувенирная продукция с его изображением отлично продается. И, конечно, живой интерес у поклонников вызвал описанный в мультсериале ритуал, поясняющий, как вызвать Билла Сайфера.
Кроме портрета (фотографии) будущей «жертвы» Шифра, для ритуала обязательно нужны:
- свечи (любые) в количестве 9 штук;
- красная шариковая ручка;
- компания, состоящая из гостей вечеринки, решительно настроенных на вызов демона;
- хорошая дикция человека, проводящего ритуал.
Теперь можно переходить непосредственно к тому, как вызвать Билла Сайфера на свою вечеринку. Красной ручкой на фотографии или портрете тщательно зачеркиваются глаза «жертвы». Восемь свечей из девяти устанавливаются вокруг фотографии (портрета) и зажигаются, перед тем как вызвать Билла Сайфера. Заклинание нужно произнести без ошибки, четко и не запинаясь. Звучит оно так:
«Треангулум, энтангулум. Венифорис доминос вентиум. Венифорис венитизариум!»
И, кстати, правильно исполненный ритуал вовсе не означает, что перед собравшимися немедленно возникнет «треугольный парень» — увидеть этого гостя нельзя. Зато можно исполнить задуманное.
Как он выглядит
Чтобы его узнать, давайте опишем внешность этого своеобразного существа, и вы будете уверены, что перед вами именно оно. На вид это обыкновенный треугольник, скорее, пирамида, но не совсем простой. Во-первых, у него всего-навсего один глаз, находящийся посередине. Само треугольное тело ярко-жёлтое. Ничего вам не напоминает? Правильно, это Всевидящее Око. Сверху и снизу глаз имеет ресницы, причём верхних четыре, а нижних три (иногда их бывает четыре).
У него две тоненькие чёрные ножки, которыми он практически не пользуется, так как движется по воздуху. Скажем больше, это не совсем живое существо. Он бесплотен, иначе как он может передвигаться по воздуху без крыльев. Руки не закреплены и находятся в движении. Не удивляйтесь, если увидите их снизу. Они, как и ноги, чёрного цвета и похожи, скорее, на чёрточки. Как вызвать Билла Шифра в реальной жизни и узнать его сразу? У него нет одежды, но он несомненный франт, так как у него есть галстук-бабочка и временами, парящий над остренькой макушкой цилиндр — тонкий и чёрный.
Как вызвать Билла Сайфера в реальной жизни: способы, описание ритуалов, заклинания
Мистические ритуалы, проводимые в шутку или всерьез, — довольно популярное развлечение на молодежных вечеринках или тематических праздниках. Есть где разгуляться фантазии: в загадочной атмосфере с горящими свечами и таинственными символами можно как следует пощекотать нервы, призывая какое-либо потустороннее создание: чертиков, фею, Пиковую Даму. Или предсказать будущее, приглашая через зеркало суженого. Среди множества описаний ритуалов наверняка можно обнаружить и способ, как вызвать Билла Сайфера.
У этого мистического существа немало поклонников во всем мире. Но для тех, кто слышит о нем впервые, сначала стоит рассказать немного о том, кто такой этот Билл Сайфер.
Реально ли его вызвать
На свете есть огромное количество существ, которые радикально отличаются от нас. Это гномы, домовые, духи и прочие сущности. Об этом известно уже давно. Люди, которые верят в потустороннее, вызывают и общаются с ними. Так же можно пообщаться с властителем разума. Как вызвать Билла Шифра в реальной жизни, возможно ли это? Если можно сделать с другими, почему нельзя с Биллом? Для этого необходимо знать, как он выглядит.
Характер коварного существа
Это весьма неуравновешенное существо. Многие называют его сумасшедшим, да он и сам признает это, своеобразно растолковывая свои поступки, которые трудно объяснить здравомыслящему человеку. Как вызвать Билла Шифра в реальной жизни и быть уверенным, что он не гневается? Ведь во время гнева он очень опасен и может навредить человеку вызвавшему его. Когда он разъярён, то меняет цвет тела с жёлтого на красный, а его глаз краснеет и начинает светиться.
Способы победить Билла в Гравити Фолз!
Всем привет. Вот-вот выйдет последняя серия Гравити Фолзи, и сегодня я поделюсь своими вариантами над тем, как можно победить Билла. Итак, поехали:
Вариант №1-Возможно победить Била удастся с помощью этого фрагмента из дневника. Хоть его и унесло ветром в неизвестное направление(возможно прямиком в хижину чудес)
Вариант№2-Билл Шифр не переносит синтезированную музыку.Если учитывать, что Зайлер и Крас(на фото)которые заставили его страдать в серии Мозгоскрёбы перебрались в нашу вселенную(из воображения Мейбл), то можно предполагать их дуэт с Мейбл выведет из строя злого треугольника.
Возможно пока этот дуэт отвлекает Билла, Диппер будет читать что-то вроде заклинания против треугольной нечести и его дружков.
Вариант№4-Дядя Стэнли «удачно» бросит кость с бесконечными гранями(если эту кость вообще возможно обмануть) и попавшийся вариант будет не в пользу Билла.
Вариант№5-Билл Шифр возвратит Стэнфорда в нормальное состояние, чтобы узнать как «тусить» за пределами Гравити Фолз, и тому удастся сбежать в хижину(куда Бил вроде как не может проникнуть) и подготовившись закончить всё хэппи-эндом. Ведь именно он знает как одолеть жёлтого в шляпе.
Демон в подарок: как сделать Билла?
Но как быть, если «треугольник» на вечеринку так и не явился? Значит, надо сделать его своими руками! Сувенир в виде Сайфера, сделанный своими руками, может стать забавным подарком на вечеринку в честь празднования Хэллоуина или другу — фанату Gravity Falls. Самый распространенный вариант рукоделия предполагает описание того, как сделать Билла Сайфера из ткани или из бумаги.
Быстро создать бумажного Сайфера можно, к примеру, распечатав шаблон на принтере (см. ниже) и соединив фигурку с помощью бумажного клея. Такими демонами из бумаги можно украсить праздничный стол вместо фигурки из салфетки, а в конце вечера презентовать каждому гостю Билла на память.
Флисовый или плюшевый Билл Сайфер потребует затратить на свое создание больше времени и финансов, зато результат получится намного долговечнее. Потребуется мягкая ткань желтого и черного цвета, нитки, набивочный материал (вата, синтепон и прочее). Для удобства можно сделать шаблон для раскроя: равнобедренный треугольник из плотной бумаги нужного размера. Далее нужно раскроить детали будущего сувенира: из желтой ткани два одинаковых треугольника, из черной — полоски для рук и ног, две заготовки для шляпы, бабочка. После того как приготовления закончены, шьем Сайфера в таком порядке:
- Прежде чем сшивать, на переднюю часть Билла нашивается галстук и око. Глаз можно сделать в виде аппликации из кусочков черной и белой ткани, нашить из пайеток либо вышить черными и белыми нитками.
- Руки, ноги и шляпа сшиваются, их тоже можно набить наполнителем.
- Тело сшивают с изнаночной стороны, сразу пришивая внутрь ноги и руки, оставляя отверстие для набивочного материала.
- Поделку аккуратно вывернуть через отверстие, наполнить синтепоном (ватой), зашить отверстие.
- Декорировать Билла шляпой.
Не важно, какой Билл Шифр украсит своим присутствием мистическую вечеринку. В любом случае «треугольный парень» сделает развлечение необычным и, без сомнения, запомнится всем гостям праздника.
Как вызвать Билла Шифра из «Гравити фолс»
Те, кто хочет увидеть Билла Шифра, должны помнить, что выполнив обряд заклинания, вы заключаете с ним соглашение. Если вы этого не сделаете, то вся сила его гнева и негодования обрушится на несчастного. И кто знает, что может с вами произойти.
И всё-таки, как вызвать Билла Шифра? Заклинание, произнесённое правильно, должно в этом помочь. Для проведения обряда возьмите фото или нарисованный портрет того, кого вы отдадите в жертву Биллу. Далее, понадобятся восемь свечей, расставленных вокруг фотографии.
Красным вычеркните жертве глаза и начинайте читать слова: Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium! Из ваших глаз польётся синий свет, а небо посереет. Вот в этот момент нужно 10 раз прошептать backwards message. Тут медленно начнет появляться треугольник, на котором откроется глаз. Теперь с легкостью проникайте в мозг жертвы, но помните: «Не сотвори зла другому, и тебе не будет».
Как говорить голосом билла шифра в реальной жизни
Зачем нужен Билл?
Итак, Шифр, или Сайфер, всезнающий и абсолютно сумасшедший демон, который даже не скрывает собственного безумия. Как и, главное, зачем его нужно вызывать?
Ритуал проводят для того, чтобы получить сведения из подсознания «жертвы». Объектом может стать любой человек, от которого требуется получить какую-либо информацию, но при условии, что удалось раздобыть фотографию или портрет «жертвы». Демон должен проникнуть в самые глубины ее разума и считать оттуда сведения из прошлого и будущего.
Помощь Билла далеко не безвозмездна. От призывающего он обязательно потребует заключить с ним сделку. Условия могут быть самыми неожиданными. Причем свою часть обязательств Сайфер обязательно исполнит, даже если «партнер» уже передумал. Оказать ответную услугу демону тоже придется, иначе Билл разозлится и очень изощренно отомстит. Тем более что в гневе он страшен: начинает светиться красным и обладает разрушительными силами. Об этом следует вспомнить, перед тем как вызвать Билла Сайфера в реальной жизни.
Gravity Falls — мультсериал о паранормальных явлениях
Билл Сайфер (он же Билл Шифр) – отрицательный персонаж из Gravity Falls, мультипликационного сериала в жанре фэнтези. История о близнецах Пайнс, проводящих лето в тихом городке Гравити-Фоллз, вышла на экраны в 2012 году. Каждая серия мультфильма наполнена приключениями в духе мистических сказок, смешными и не всегда детскими шутками и потусторонними существами, населяющими окрестности загадочного города. Один из них – Билл Сайфер, которого много лет назад призвал родственник брата и сестры Пайнс.
Вслед за Сайфером. Как проникнуть в сознание?
Получить нужные сведения можно, последовав за всезнающим Биллом в разум и сознание «жертвы». Но для этого недостаточно знать, как вызвать Билла Сайфера. Придется провести ещё один ритуал.
Для этого нужен человек с фотографии, то есть собственно «жертва», в чей разум предполагалось проникнуть. Вокруг лежащего на полу «объекта» устанавливаются полукругом и зажигаются уже все девять свечей, приготовленных для ритуала. Как заманить человека для подобной процедуры и тем более убедить его прилечь в окружении горящих свечей, информации, к сожалению, нет. Видимо, речь идет о добровольце, согласном на подобный эксперимент. Далее человек, вызвавший Билла, должен положить руку на голову «объекта» и произнести:
«Фидентус омниум. Магистер ментиум. Магнезиум ад хаминем. Магнум опус. Хабеас корпус. Инсептус ноланус овератус. Магистер ментиум. Магистер ментиум. Магистер ментиум».
Все слова следует произносить так же четко, как и предыдущее заклинание. Вслед за этим, как утверждают создатели мультсериала, смельчаку, призвавшему Билла, откроется прошлое и будущее и много другой полезной информации. Словом, всё, ради чего и требовалось узнать, как вызвать Билла Сайфера.
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1 способ.
Немного истории про него.
Существует огромное количество духов, гномов и прочих существ, которых можно вызвать. Некоторых призывают только для того чтобы посмотреть на что-либо необычное, а некоторых для того, чтобы они исполнили их желания или в чем-то помогли.
Билл Сайфер - демон разума. Он может добыть любую информацию из сознания любого человека, знает прошлое и будущее. В большинстве случаев безопасен, но очень легко приходит в ярость. Чтобы он выполнил ваше желание, нужно заключить с ним сделку. И если не выполнить его условия, в будущем он может отомстить.
Чтобы его вызвать, надо взять фотографию жертвы, зачеркнуть глаза красной ручкой, поставить вокруг 8 свечей, зажечь их и прочитать заклинание: "Треангулум, энтангулум. Венифорис доминос вентиум. Венифорис венитизариум".
После вызова и соглашения сделки, демона увидеть нельзя, но можно последовать за ним в разум жертвы. Надо расставить вокруг нее 9 свечей полукругом, зажечь их и, держа руку на голове жертвы, прочитать заклинание "Фидентус омниум. Магистер ментиум. Магнезиум ад хаминем. Магнум опус. Хабеас корпус. Инсептус ноланус овератус. Магистер ментиум. Магистер ментиум. Магистер ментиум".
Вот решила написать вызов дорито. Ребят я тут думаю что может мне несколько книг положить в черновики? Какие из них?
1. Новые проблемы Себастьяна.
2. Демоны в моём классе.
3. Аниме.
4. Вызовы.
5. Гости из ада.
6. Я и мои приключения в аниме сервамп.
7. Картинки и арты.Или может быть мне написать новую книгу под названием " мои идеи для книг"? Как вы думаете что лучше? Пишите в комментариях. Ваша Мари!
Билл Шифр – властитель разума, умный и весьма непочтительный к людям. Простому человеку он покажется странным, это проявляется в его скорой раздражительности и неадекватности поведения. Как он выглядит, привычки, манеру поведения можно узнать, посмотрев мультфильм «Гравити фолз». Ещё из него можно узнать, как вызвать Билла Шифра. Это сделать легко с помощью прочтения заклинания и соблюдения некоторого ритуала.
Для чего вызывают Билла Шифра
Некоторые вызывают Билла Шифра из простого любопытства. Это те молодые люди, которые привыкли всё видеть своими глазами, может, потому, что интересно же посмотреть, получится или нет. Хорошо, если не получится, в этом случае можно посмеяться и забыть.
А если все-таки получится, что делать тогда? Вы сильно рискуете разозлить этого не совсем уравновешенного персонажа. Для любого действия нужна цель. В данном случае нужно точно знать, для чего это нужно, да и нужно ли вообще. Зачем вам чужие мысли? Что вам своих мало?
Как вызвать Билла Шифра, хотят узнать и те, кто точно уверен, для какой цели они это делают. Например, у них есть желание проникнуть в чужое сознание и выяснить интересующие факты из прошлого или даже будущего. В настоящее время некоторые молодые люди проделывают ритуалы, с помощью которых вызывают Билла Шифра. Хочется ли этому персонажу, чтобы его вызывали? Поставьте себя на его место: было бы вам приятно если бы вас постоянно дёргали? Поэтому если нет необходимости, то лучше не знать, как вызвать Билла Шифра.
Реально ли его вызвать
На свете есть огромное количество существ, которые радикально отличаются от нас. Это гномы, домовые, духи и прочие сущности. Об этом известно уже давно. Люди, которые верят в потустороннее, вызывают и общаются с ними. Так же можно пообщаться с властителем разума. Как вызвать Билла Шифра в реальной жизни, возможно ли это? Если можно сделать с другими, почему нельзя с Биллом? Для этого необходимо знать, как он выглядит.
Как он выглядит
Чтобы его узнать, давайте опишем внешность этого своеобразного существа, и вы будете уверены, что перед вами именно оно. На вид это обыкновенный треугольник, скорее, пирамида, но не совсем простой. Во-первых, у него всего-навсего один глаз, находящийся посередине. Само треугольное тело ярко-жёлтое. Ничего вам не напоминает? Правильно, это Всевидящее Око. Сверху и снизу глаз имеет ресницы, причём верхних четыре, а нижних три (иногда их бывает четыре).
У него две тоненькие чёрные ножки, которыми он практически не пользуется, так как движется по воздуху. Скажем больше, это не совсем живое существо. Он бесплотен, иначе как он может передвигаться по воздуху без крыльев. Руки не закреплены и находятся в движении. Не удивляйтесь, если увидите их снизу. Они, как и ноги, чёрного цвета и похожи, скорее, на чёрточки. Как вызвать Билла Шифра в реальной жизни и узнать его сразу? У него нет одежды, но он несомненный франт, так как у него есть галстук-бабочка и временами, парящий над остренькой макушкой цилиндр — тонкий и чёрный.
Характер коварного существа
Это весьма неуравновешенное существо. Многие называют его сумасшедшим, да он и сам признает это, своеобразно растолковывая свои поступки, которые трудно объяснить здравомыслящему человеку. Как вызвать Билла Шифра в реальной жизни и быть уверенным, что он не гневается? Ведь во время гнева он очень опасен и может навредить человеку вызвавшему его. Когда он разъярён, то меняет цвет тела с жёлтого на красный, а его глаз краснеет и начинает светиться.
Как вызвать Билла Шифра из «Гравити фолс»
Те, кто хочет увидеть Билла Шифра, должны помнить, что выполнив обряд заклинания, вы заключаете с ним соглашение. Если вы этого не сделаете, то вся сила его гнева и негодования обрушится на несчастного. И кто знает, что может с вами произойти.
И всё-таки, как вызвать Билла Шифра? Заклинание, произнесённое правильно, должно в этом помочь. Для проведения обряда возьмите фото или нарисованный портрет того, кого вы отдадите в жертву Биллу. Далее, понадобятся восемь свечей, расставленных вокруг фотографии.
Красным вычеркните жертве глаза и начинайте читать слова: Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium! Из ваших глаз польётся синий свет, а небо посереет. Вот в этот момент нужно 10 раз прошептать backwards message. Тут медленно начнет появляться треугольник, на котором откроется глаз. Теперь с легкостью проникайте в мозг жертвы, но помните: «Не сотвори зла другому, и тебе не будет».
Дикий квест.
Окончание любимого шоу – это всегда грустно. Но создатели сериалов и шоу часто радуют фанатов «прощальными подарками»: бонусными эпизодами-эпилогами, финальными полными метрами, на худой конец благодарственными твитами. Но мало кто устраивает поиск сокровищ по всему миру почти в прямом эфире.
Да, Алекс Хирш – создатель диснеевского сериала «Гравити Фолз» – умеет преподносить сюрпризы как никто другой. Вместо прощания он подарил летнее приключение, но не Дипперу и Мейбл в поселении Гравити Фолз, а фанатам сериала во всем мире. Подсказки разбросали и в России, и Америке, и в Японии. А счастливчики, что дошли до финала, нашли коробку с подарками и настоящую статую Сайфера. Конечно, они пожали ему руку и заключили контракт.
Один из призов «охоты» можете получить и вы, но вместо блуждания по миру и отгадывания головоломок вам нужно просто дойти до конца этого текста.
Начинаем путешествие
Охота стартовала, когда шоу еще не закончилось. Если вы терпеливо дождались конца титров финальной серии, то увидели, что там пару секунд мелькает фото (не рисунок) статуи главного антагониста, Билла Сайфера.
Наученные тем, что в каждой серии обычно скрывается немало пасхалок, загадок и шифров, фанаты предположили, что и фото мелькнуло не просто так. Самая очевидная догадка – что статуя действительно существует и ждет, пока ее найдут. Сами создатели никак не комментировали этот снимок, а на вопросы не отвечали. Предположения так и оставались лишь теорией до 21 июля 2016 года. В этот день Алекс Хирш выложил в твиттере не слишком понятную с первого взгляда картинку, подписал под ней «Да начнется игра» и приложил очередной шифр.
Первая часть головоломки привела фанатов… в Россию. Красные буквы после расшифровки складывались в слово «Россия», а кусочек в середине слева, как оказалось, был частью планировки Казанского Собора. Там и обнаружили следующую подсказку.
Это была записка:
«Наконец-то игра может начаться,
Так что меняй свои рубли на йены.
Поверни налево, когда будешь у двери храма.
Когда достигнешь статуи, поверни налево снова.
В крайнем левом углу сзади
Находится информация, что тебе не хватает.
Меч и серп являются подсказкой
Статуя Шифра зовет тебя».
Пришла очередь японских фанатов искать подсказки. Перечитав твиттер Хирша, они нашли храм, куда тот ездил. Там фанаты обнаружили табличку с мечом, серпом и очередным шифром, который теперь указывал на Америку, в Атланту. А потом что-то пошло не так.
И дальше пошли проблемы
В Атланте нашли следующую подсказку: объявление о пропаже свинки Пухли, на котором также был указан телефонный номер и криптограмма. Но главная проблема была не в сложности шифра: бумага размякла из-за дождя, шифр было тяжело разобрать.
Но фанатам сериала не привыкать к сложностям. Они разгадали шифр и позвонили по телефону, где услышали заглавную тему сериала «Секретные материалы» и реверсивное сообщение.
«Привет, это дядя Стэн, и у меня есть загадка для вас! Что имеет две ноги днем, четыре ночью и… Ну, это красное и белое, и, ну… Не знаю, я не очень хорош в загадках. Оно в Очерском дворе, ясно? Следующая подсказка в Очерском дворе. Это, э-э, большое старое здание на Род-Айленд. И если вы пойдете вверх по лестнице, то увидите на стене кучу фотографий монахинь. Вам надо рассмотреть одну из этих картин. Там, где сестра Мэри Хильда Майли. Настоящая ворчунья, эта монахиня. Приподнимите картинку, чтобы найти ключ за монахиней, понятно? И все. И это, будьте осторожны с картиной. Не сломайте ее. Не хочу, чтобы кто-нибудь попал в неприятности, поняли? Вы же не хотите, чтобы старина Стэн отправился в тюрьму. Короче, отправьтесь туда, загляните за монахиню, найдите штуку и, эм, всегда? Будьте заг… ищите загадки! Все, да, я правда сделал это? Отлично».
Но-о-о-о… никакой подсказки в Очерском дворе не оказалось. Университет, на территории которого находилось здание, судя по всему, уничтожил подсказку. Алексу пришлось выкручиваться: подкладывать новые наводки и через шифры в твиттере просить участвующих вернутся туда, где они находили прошлые подсказки. И все обошлось – скоро «охота» снова встала на ранее проложенные рельсы. Следующие несколько шифров показывали координаты разных городов Америки, все шло спокойно и без проблем. За это время к и так масштабной «охоте» даже присоединилась сестра Алекса Ариэль и актер, озвучивший Диппера!
Поиски шли бойко, шифры разгадывали один за другим, пока все не застопорилось на Лос-Анжелесе. Там фанаты нашли мешок с пазлом на 2000 кусочков. Этот пазл потрепал нервы участников сильнее, чем некоторые шифры – пришлось даже делать виртуальную версию головоломки. Хирш дал несколько подсказок через твиттер и пообещал, что если фанаты соберут настоящий (а не только виртуальный) пазл, то он выложит пилотный выпуск сериала.
Серьезное заявление, ведь раньше Алекс надеялся, что «публика никогда не увидит пилот, потому что это месиво, а показывать его – то же, что показывать неловкие фото с выпускного из школы».
И знаете что? Слово он сдержал! Но с небольшим нюансом. О нем чуть позже, а пока что не останавливаемся.
Идем дальше, находим новые координаты. На месте разгаданных мест обнаруживаем банки с глазами, а под ними еще загадки, которые приводят к другим криптограммам. В один момент вместо шифра находим кусок карты – с пунктирной линией и крестиком. Все как на настоящей карте сокровищ.
Присоединяем этот кусок к са-а-а-амой первой подсказке, картинке из твиттера Хирша, с которой все началось, разгадываем еще несколько криптограмм – и бежим в Ридспот.
Там и находим ту самую статую из сериала. Привет, Билл!
Охота подошла к концу! Но сюрпризы еще не закончились
Но статуя – это еще не все. На том же месте есть и сундук, где было еще много-много всего. Пластиковые монеты и камни, рубли и йены, копия Третьего Дневника с рисунками Хирша, корона, повязка с подписью «Мэр Гравити Фолз», музыкальная шкатулка, играющая основную тему сериала, мини-статуэтка Билла, рисунки, которые видно только под ультрафиолетом.
В сундуке также была записка, в которой Алекс Хирш провозглашал первого нашедшего мэром Гравити Фолз. После этого человек, который первый запостил в твиттере фото статуи Билла, сменил имя пользователя на OfficialGFMayor (офиц. аккаунт мэра Гравити Фолз). Рядом лежала флешка, на которой находились аудиопоздравление от дядюшки Стэна, песни в его исполнении и один интересный текстовый файл.
Помните, мы говорили о том, что один из призов вы можете сейчас получить сами? А о том, что Хирш пообещал выложить пилот сериала за собранный реальный пазл? Он не соврал.
Он выложил его вот на этот сайт. Но есть нюанс: пилот хоть и выпущен, но для доступа к нему требуется юзернейм и пароль. Их-то мы и получаем из того самого файла! Поэтому без лишних промедлений вводим RETURNBACKWARDS как юзернейм, TOTHEPASTAGAINTHREE − как пароль. И смотрим обещанный пилот.
Хороший способ отпраздновать годовщину одного из лучших мультсериалов, разве нет?
Гений превратил Skyrim в «Ведьмак 3» с помощью сотни модов. Получилось очень похоже!
Трогательная пасхалка в Starfield: здесь есть марсоход, который «бросили умирать» в 2019 году
Билла (Billa). .
Телефонный код — + 251 57
Кратко про набор
C мобильного в Билла из России
+ 251 57 номер телефона
Из офиса в Билла из России
9 8 10 251 57 < номер телефона>
С стационарного или домашнего номера в Билла из России
8 10 251 57 < номер телефона>
Важные заметки при наборе номера
- 8 — код выхода на межгородскую связь
- 10 — код выхода на международную связь
- 251 — международный телефонный код Эфиопия
- 57 — телефонный код
- 9 — как правило, данный код применятся для выхода на городскую связь
Как позвонить в Билла
С мобильного телефона из России в Билла
С городского телефона из России в Билла
Из офиса в России в Билла
“ | Remember: reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEEEE!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher’s most famous quote. |
“ | It’s time we do a little redecorating! I could really use a castle of some kind! And how about some bubbles of pure madness? This party never stops! Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside down and I reign supreme! Welcome, one and all, to WEIRDMAGEDDON! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher bringing forth Weirdmageddon. |
“ | Listen Ford, if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension will be free. Anything will be possible. I’ll remake a fun world, a better world. A party that never ends with a host that never dies. No more restrictions, no more laws! You’d be one of us, all powerful, greater than anything you can ever imagine. And all I need is your help! | „ |
~ Bill trying to convince Ford to help him. |
Bill Cipher is the main antagonist of the Disney XD series Gravity Falls. He is an immensely powerful dream demon from the Second Dimension who means to bring about the end of the world by opening a rift between his Nightmare Realm and the real world. He is the archenemy of Dipper and Stanford Pines.
He has been running amok in Gravity Falls, Oregon, since being summoned by Stanford over thirty years ago. Bill is also known for his mysterious demeanor, disregard for mortal life, sadistic humor, and desire for total chaos. He is also the former best friend of Stanford Pines.
He was voiced by the series’ creator Alex Hirsch, who also voiced Grunkle Stan, Soos, Old Man McGucket, Jeff, and Dippy Fresh.
Little was known about Bill before his time in Gravity Falls, although there are hints about his past, including the statements made by the show’s creator himself. Trillions of years prior to the events of the series, Bill Cipher lived in a second dimension, however he despised living there and described it as a world of «flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams.» Bill eventually burned it along with everyone he’s ever known, including his own parents, before taking over a boiling, shifting intergalactic foam between dimensions—a lawless, unstable crawl space known as the Nightmare Realm, and becoming a leader of a gang with many monsters who obeyed his will. Unfortunately, the Nightmare Realm was fated to eventually self-destruct due to it’s lawlessness and lack of any consistent physics or rules. After learning about a prophecy that stated he could merge the Nightmare Realm with the third dimension, Bill manipulated countless humans over the time in order to become a physical being and liberate that dimension as well. That said despite his deparved nature, Bill did have some fondness for his world, and wanted to restore it for selfish reasons.
In the episode «Weirdmageddon: Part 1», Bill reveals he has been trapped in a decaying dimension, «waiting for a new universe» to call his own, for one-trillion years (this dimension was later stated by Bill to be the 2nd Dimension). Ford Pines, Bill’s main enemy, stated in an earlier episode that he’s older than the Milky Way (which is 13.2 billion years old). Assuming that he’s old enough to have recalled one-trillion years of mental torment, this would mean he’s older than our dimension by at least 987 billion years. In that same episode, Bill also referred to the populace of Gravity Falls as «single lifespanned», meaning he may have had numerous lifespans, and he may have either lived through those 1 trillion years in different lifespans, or he may have had lifespans before his time in the dimension. Other than his possible age, his «early life» (if whatever he is even has a definitive «life»), is completely unknown. One could assume that’s he’s been tormenting various dimensions for millions of years.
Season 1
Before his debut in the episode Dreamscaperers, Bill Cipher made a cameo in the background of numerous episodes as drawings on the walls, card backings, and even in a single frame of the opening sequence, and being alluded to by series creator Alex Hirsch for the length of the season, before finally debuting in the penultimate episode.
In that episode, the first season’s main antagonist, Li’l Gideon, summoned him using a ritual found in Journal #2 to have him steal the combination to Stan Pines’ safe via invading his mind. Bill made a deal with Gideon, saying that if he found the memory containing the combination, Gideon would help him with his plans, probably by Bill possessing his body. Later on, after the protagonists found their own way into Stan’s mind with Journal #3, they met Bill where he warned them to keep out of it, and showed his strength by blasting a hole in Dipper’s chest, sending Mabel a few seconds into the future, and blinking two characters she was thinking about into existence before flying into the shack in Stan’s mind. The trio followed him to try and find the memory before he could, and when they did Soos offered to destroy it with his strength, but revealed he was actually Bill in disguise, who took the memory to read it to Gideon.
However, Mabel and Soos caught up with him while Dipper looked for a personal memory, being able to knock the memory into the Bottomless Pit from the episode of the same name through one of Stan’s other memories. Seeing this, Gideon called off the deal and switched to “Plan B”, which enraged Bill to the point of growing into his ‘angry form’ and surrounding the room in flames, cornering the protagonists atop a giant stone Stan, where he tortured them by making them experience their worst nightmares. After killing Mabel’s two dream characters and threatening to do the same to Mabel and Soos, Dipper arrived just in time, having been taught by Stan in the personal memory that they can do whatever they can think in the Mindscape. They then used this to fight and overpower Bill.
Before they could defeat him though, Bill teleported them all to a blank white space, proving he was still far more powerful. But instead of killing them he stated he was impressed by them, letting them live since they might be useful later. He gave them a warning that a darkness was approaching and that everything they cared about would change. He promptly teleported away, saying he’d be watching them until then.
Season 2
Bill later returned in the Season 2 episode Sock Opera, where he offered to help Dipper find the password to The Author’s laptop in return for a ‘favor’. Dipper denied his offer and Bill disappeared, telling him he’d be back when he was ready to change his mind. He later reappeared when Dipper failed too many times to guess the password, forcing the computer to erase all its data after a countdown. During the countdown, Bill returned in front of Dipper, stating Dipper looked desperate and reprised his offer, taking advantage of Dipper’s desperation and telling him that he only wanted a puppet. Dipper tried to resist, saying the puppets were for Mabel’s sock puppet play, but Bill was able to convince him by asking him what she had done for him lately, reminding Dipper of how much he’s sacrificed for her without her doing anything in return.
Dipper finally agreed to the deal, only for Bill to remove his soul from his body and possess it, making Dipper the ‘puppet’. He then smashed the laptop and proceeded to express his joy and ‘test’ his new body by slapping it in the face. Upon being asked why he had broken his word, Bill revealed that Dipper was getting too close to major secrets and that he didn’t need the boy getting in his way. He then left to destroy Journal #3 to stop him for good. After Mabel unknowingly told ‘Bipper’ (a term used referring to Bill Cipher when he possesses Dipper) she was using the journal as a prop in her play, he convinced her to let him play a part in it in order to get closer to the book. Dipper followed him there though and was able to tell Mabel what happened, and she went to get the book.
However she was confronted by Bipper, who threatened to drop Mabel from the catwalk and ruin her play if she didn’t hand over the journal. Mabel almost gives him the journal and he asks her who would sacrifice everything they’ve worked towards for their sibling. Mabel responded by telling him Dipper sacrificed for her, and returns it by throwing the play. Mabel and Bipper had then fought onstage, with him easily overpowering her. However, she exploits Dippers body’s weaknesses, such as the fact that he hadn’t slept in more than 50 or so hours and is able to defeat him. With the body exhausted to the point of unconsciousness, Bill is thrown out of Dipper’s body and Dipper takes it back. The twins share a moment, but Bill possesses one of the sock puppets, telling them they can’t stop him. Mabel sets off the fireworks used in her play, destroying the puppet and forcing him once more into retreat.
Bill appeared a third time for a short cameo at the end of «Northwest Mansion Mystery». After Old Man McGucket fixed the laptop and warned Dipper that the end of the world was coming and that they had to stop it, the screen panned off to a tapestry with a black and red Bill on it gazing over a burning landscape, alluding that Bill was what was to cause the apocalypse.
While not specifically present, Bill was clearly referenced numerous times in the episode «A Tale of Two Stans», first when a younger Fiddleford McGucket spoke the ominous phrase «When Gravity Falls and Earth becomes sky, fear the Beast with just One Eye», and again when Ford, Stan’s brother, inspected his shape out of suspicion of him being possessed by Bill, notably by checking the give away eye shape with a flashlight.
He then made another direct, though off-screen appearance at the end of the episode «The Stanchurian Candidate», when Gideon attempted re-summoning him from his prison cell to strike another deal, possibly to destroy the Pines family in exchange for a host to possess in Gideon.
Bill finally made his third appearance in the episode «The Last Mabelcorn», where he came to Ford in a dream, establishing their past relationship and warning Stanford that he was coming. In response, Stanford had Mabel retrieve Unicorn Hair in order to cast a spell that would protect the Mystery Shack from Bill Cipher. In the meantime, Stanford showed Dipper a machine that would scan their thoughts and shield their minds from the demon as a last resort in case Mabel failed. Curious of Ford’s thoughts and his history with Bill, Dipper attached the machine to Ford in his sleep and saw that he was dreaming of Bill and Ford making a deal. In his horror, Dipper also knocked over the curtains on the walls, revealing the room to have once been a shrine to Bill as many paintings of him hang from the walls and statues of him stand in the corners. Because of this Dipper believes Ford to be possessed by Bill, or worse, in league with him, to the point of almost using the Memory Eraser on him. Ford proves he’s still on their side though and reveals his history with Bill. Apparently, Stanford hit a roadblock in his research of Gravity Falls, but found writing in a cave depicting a being of knowledge that could help him, leading him to summon him.
Bill first appeared to Stanford in a dream, where he seemed to be affable and friendly, offering a game of chess and «Dream Tea». Bill lied to Ford, telling him he was a muse that chose a brilliant mind to inspire every century. In his flattery Ford made a deal with Bill, that in exchange for total access to Ford’s mind Bill would help Ford by telling him to build the portal. But when McGucket was sucked into the portal (in Journal 3 it is revealed that McGucket saw Bill Cipher removing his exoskeleton to feed), Bill’s true plans were revealed and the triangle exposed as a malevolent, insane monster. It is learned he was going to use the portal to open a gateway between the Nightmare Realm he exists in and the physical world, allowing him to achieve physical form and unleash his fellow demons, in his own words «teach this dimension how to party». It is also revealed that Bill is older than «anything in our universe», and that Bill had been manipulating history by making deals with people throughout time, apparently for the sole purpose of one day creating the portal. Ford tells Dipper this is why they must protect the Dimensional Rift, and that if they worked together they could be the last people to be tricked by Bill. After the spell is successful, Ford tells Dipper that anyone inside the bubble surrounding the shack would be safe from Bill’s influence. However, Bill is watching them from his dimension, and decides that if he can’t affect anyone in the Mystery Shack, he would have to look for his next pawn on the outside as a series of images of the rest of the cast flash over his eye.
Bill next appeared in «Dipper and Mabel VS The Future», where he possessed Blendin Blandin in order to have a vessel to destroy the rift. Using Blendin, he convinced Mabel to steal the rift for him by promising her that he can extend summer for her with it for as long as she wanted. As it turns out, the rift is in Dipper’s backpack (which Mabel took by accident). Upon receiving the rift from Mabel, Bill promptly smashes it on the ground, opening the gateway to the Nightmare Realm. Leaving Blendin’s body, the episode ends with Bill laughing triumphantly at Ford and Dipper as he makes his entrance into the world and ignites «Weirdmageddon».
In «Weirdmageddon — Part 1«, Bill finally attains a physical form and frees Teeth, Pyronica, Paci-Fire, 8 Ball, Amorphous Shape, Keyhole, Kryptos, Hectorgon and Xanthar from his dimension. He then wreaks havoc on the town of Gravity Falls and turns it into an apocalyptic, nonsensical wasteland while declaring that he intends to do this to the entire universe. Dipper and Ford then enact a plan to take out Bill with a quantum destabilizer, but fail due to the abnormal environment. After being captured by Bill, Ford is offered the chance to join him, but is turned into a golden backscratcher by the demon after refusing. Dipper tries to stop Bill, but his lack of information of the dream demon causes him to be easily defeated. Bill then proceeds to burn all three journals and mocks Dipper of his effort of being a hero, saying that those who try to become heroes always end up destroyed by Bill himself. Bill then sicks his henchmen, 8-Ball and Teeth, on the boy to eat him and flies up to his new, floating castle to party with his crew. After three days of non-stop partying, Bill is confronted by Time Baby and his police force, who came to arrest him for both using the body of Blendin Blandin for his scheme and to stop his plans for good. Unfortunately, Bill is unfazed and promptly kills Time Baby and his police squad by disintegrating them, much to the shock of Blendin, who escapes away.
Meanwhile, Dipper, after escaping from 8-Ball and Teeth, is on the search for his sister, Mabel, who Bill imprisoned in order to honor his deal with Gideon (who he also broke out of jail). After a confrontation with Dipper and Wendy, Gideon calls upon Bill’s minions to take them and Soos to the dungeon in Bill’s castle. After being convinced by Dipper that Mabel will never love him and that he can’t force her to, a newly reformed Gideon decides to help aid in his former enemy’s cause by giving him the key to Mabel’s imprisonment bubble. He and his prison goons then leave to confront Bill and his minions.
In «Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality», Bill have captured much of Gravity Falls’ residents and petrified them to form his own throne of human agony for his enjoyment. He taps a fork on Golden Ford to grab the partying monsters’ attention, and announces that they will now unleash their chaos on the whole world. As all other monsters take to the skies to spread destruction, they slam into an invisible forcefield without warning, much to Bill’s complete anger. He figures out that their chaos has formed a barrier around Gravity Falls, the only area they can currently reside in, meaning that they can’t spread their destruction throughout the world. Upon learning of this, Bill realizes that this might be more difficult that he thought. Paci-Fire complains that he broke something, and Bill angrily retorts, «WALK IT OFF!».
Upset by this turn of events, Bill considers getting Ford ‘out of retirement’, believing that the latter may have the answer to breaking down the barrier. He then finds out from Keyhole that Gideon and his goons let Dipper, Wendy, and Soos into Mabel’s bubble. Bill simply laughs, explaining how the bubble is his most diabolical trap of all. He tells Keyhole to fetch Gideon and his goons as he prepares to expand his world upon Earth, and later, the universe. After Gideon and his goons are caught, Bill proceeds to punish Gideon by locking him up in a bird cage and forcing him to cute dancing non-stop in sailor’s suit while the prison goons end up being petrified and added into Bill’s throne, much to Gideon’s dismay.
In «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back the Falls», Bill releases Ford from his frozen petrified state to gain knowledge about the forcefield that’s keeping him in Gravity Falls. Ford admits that he knows of a certain equation that will collapse the barrier, but angrily refuses to tell it, knowing that it would result the end of the world. Bill establishes that he comes from a flat dimension which at some point he somehow destroyed his home dimension, including his family (hinted back in the 2015 Bill Cipher AMA on Reddit). Ford refuses to cooperate with him, which instantly tests Bill’s patience. Bill starts torturing Ford in order to get the answer to his dilemma, though Ford stands his ground despite the painful torture. As soon as the Pines family and their resistance group made a giant robot to fight their way to the Fearamid, Bill orders his henchmaniacs to fight the resistance, but they fail as the townspeople worked together to take down most of the henchmaniacs. As Ford compliments Dipper and Mabel for a job well done, Bill finally decides to torture both kids in order to coerce Ford into giving him the equation to collapse the barrier. He takes matters into his own hands and tries to destroy the robot, but with no success, due to the Mystery Shack being protected by unicorn hair that Dipper and Ford enforced back in «The Last Mabelcorn». The robot tears out Bill’s eye, where he complains to the resistance on how long it will take for it to regenerate, which allows the twins and several citizens to arrive to the Fearamid and release all the petrified citizens (including Ford, Gideon, and the prison goons). Unfortunately, as soon as Bill regenerates a new eye, he instantly finds the robot’s weak spot and uses it to take down the robot easily.
The Pines family unites with some of the other townspeople in order to learn about Bill’s weakness. They learn about the Bill Cipher Wheel and tried to use in order to defeat Bill for good, but it fails, as Stan refuses to hold hands with Ford due to bearing a grudge and holding some resentment for his twin brother over the whole portal incident. This allows Bill and his remaining henchmaniacs to finally gang up on against the townspeople. After trapping Ford and Stan, Bill transforms Soos, Wendy, McGucket, Pacifica, Robbie, and Gideon into tapestries in his lair when they try to gang up on him. Dipper and Mabel risk their lives by angering Bill with their pranks in order to distract him, and he transforms into a horrifying multi-tiered being in his rage to hunt them down once and for all, while Stan and Ford try to figure an alternative solution.
When Bill finally captures Dipper and Mabel, he ponders on who to kill first, which finally forced a desperate Ford to surrender himself and reluctantly propose a deal: he will let Bill get access to his mind for the equation to collapse the barrier in return for letting the twins and his brother go free. Bill gladly accepts the deal and instantly leaves his physical form to enter Ford’s mind. However, it turns out Ford and Stan switched clothes and imitated each other, and Bill ends up in Stan’s mind, where Stan taunts him for falling for the trick. Realizing this, Bill angrily calls off the deal, implying that he will kill both Stan and the kids in order to demoralize Ford into giving the equation to break the barrier. However, anticipating that Bill would double-cross them, Stan allows Ford to reluctantly use the Blind Eye Society’s mind-erasing weapon to wipe out Stan’s memories to defeat Bill for good. As such, Bill gets locked within Stan’s mind as the dreamscape and living room of the Mystery Shack burn in flames thanks to the mind-erasing weapon. Bill at first, expresses his delight that he took over Bill’s mind, but he soon realilzes he gets conned. After trying to call off the deal, a terrified Bill pleads for mercy by appealing to Stan’s greedy nature with riches and power, but Stan angrily refuses by pointing out that Bill has harmed the Pines family too much to deserve any mercy. As Bill begins to glitch, he furiously cries out at Stan and rushes at him, but Stan retaliates by calling out Bill for his actions towards his family before punching Bill directly in the eye, obliterating the screaming dream demon and shattering him into pieces, erasing him from existence and ending his reign of terror just before Stan’s memories are completely wiped out.
Right after, everyone that Bill transformed into tapestries are free as Weirdmageddon immediately soon winds to an end when both the Henchmaniacs and the chaos are forcibly sucked back into the Nightmare Realm, from where they had came. The entire valley and town of Gravity Falls is then restored as everything returns back to the way it was before the whole tragedy even began. Shortly after, the only thing left of the event was Bill’s petrified body that was seen lying isolated somewhere deep within the woods and is now one with nature itself. Whether Bill’s petrified body was left there forever to be claimed by the weeds of the forest or was recovered by someone is beyond anyone’s speculation.
Following his demise, Ford and the Twins soon find Stan out in the open, but sadly, he has no idea who they are, Ford then explains to them that Stan bravely sacrifice himself to defeat Bill, in order to save them and everyone else. However with the help from both Dipper and Mabel Pines, they were able to restore their loving uncle as he slowly remembers more and more about himself and his family. Sometime after the event, things have fully returned to normal in Gravity Falls, Oregon. Stan had already recovered from his amnesia and the Pines family were declared heroes.
Foreshadowed Return
Although erased from existence, there are possible hints that Bill could somehow possibly return or resurrect; while interrogating Ford at the Fearamid, he sings “We Will Meet Again”. Right after the closing credits, the lifeless statue of Bill is seen for a brief moment in real-life as part of the new game, Cipher Hunt, and in a non-canonical book titled «Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates’ Treasure!«, where the Twins go through time, one enormous thing that is speculated is that the canon secret could be Dipper and Mabel’s encounter with the Axolotl in «the time and space between time and space”, a giant talking axolotl, lets each of them ask him a question (which Mabel accidentally wasted hers). Dipper asks him «what [does he] know about Bill Cipher” to which he replies with a poem: Sixty degrees that come in threes. Watches from within birch trees. Saw his own dimension burn. Misses home and can’t return. Says he’s happy. He’s a liar. Blame the arson for the fire. If he wants to shirk the blame, He’ll have to invoke my name. One way to absolve his crime. A different form, a different time.
This suggests that when, before being erased from reality in the series finale, Bill gives a message that when reversed says «A.X.O.L.O.T.L.! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!», he is actually invoking the Axolotl for redemption for his crime, and that there is one way to get absolved: he has to take «a different form» in «a different time». This all implied the possibilities that Bill may get resurrected after another series of generations to come. However, it’s unknown if Bill truly sought redemption given his crimes.
Bill is a floating yellow triangle with a single cat-like eye in the center (though sometimes near the upper corner; also known as the Eye of Providence), a black bow tie and a top hat, and thin black limbs. He is sometimes seen holding a yellow or black cane as well. Bill’s body also flashes when he speaks, as he has no actual mouth.
However, when angered, his color is inverted, with his eye turning black, outline turning white and yellow turning a glowing red, although his form can change to that which is desired at will. A tapestry hanging from the wall in «Northwest Mansion Mystery» depicts him as black or ash gray instead of yellow and with red-eye. In «The Last Mabelcorn», he appears for a few moments as black with a yellow eye. As seen in the finale, he also sometimes changes colors when distressed.
In the three-part series finale «Weirdmageddon», Bill assumes multiple three-dimensional forms, including a black multi-tiered and multi-armed pyramid, a three-dimensional version of his default yellow form (including a giant version), and his most horrifying and terrible form of all, that of a colossal red multi-tiered pyramid with eight different glowing limbs resembling a spider, sharp teeth and tongues erupting from his body, and a black eye with a lizard-like yellow pupil, which he assumes during the final battle as he hunts down Dipper and Mabel Pines.
As he is being erased and speaking his hidden resurrection spell, he transforms into several different forms in an attempt to escape, including his angry red form, a stone-like form with two stone pyramids which could rotate with one eye on each side that also rotate and a stone block having his arms and bow tie, a distorted form with several green eyes and limbs, flashing between yellow, pink, blue, and orange, before finally assuming his black form with red-eye as seen on the tapestry. When Stanley punches him, he briefly flashes back to his default yellow form before being wiped out completely.
While possessing a person, that person’s body will take on a pale tone to their skin, and their eyes will appear to be yellow with black slits, similar to his own.
If necessary, both Bill’s yellow main portion and the eye can portray images similarly to a television screen, all of which are seemingly what he is thinking about at the time.
He was originally supposed to be green.
“ | To Bill, it’s just a game, but to us, it would mean the end of our world. | „ |
~ Ford describing Bill’s view on destroying the World. |
At first, Bill seems to be a charming and charismatic figure, willing to help people with their problems while making deals with them, but this easily changes within minutes of his debut, especially when he reveals his true nature: that of a highly intelligent and manipulative psychopath, who only wants to benefit himself. Because of his harmless appearance and charismatic nature, he often enjoys playing games with people, either to make himself more trustworthy or because he likes manipulating people, regarding how easily they fall into his traps. It also gives whoever doesn’t know his true nature the false impression that he isn’t evil, though Bill is actually a heartless monster.
He usually speaks with a high-pitched voice with a synthesized effect, but when furious or expressive, it becomes deep and inarticulate similar to traditional demon depictions. However, his voice gets deeper when he is angry. When he gets mad, Bill becomes full of rage, attacking without mercy and at for the most part, stops fooling around.
Bill seems to display symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. Symptoms include lying, feeling no remorse, and showing hostility and sadism. A bit of a running gag is whenever somebody calls him insane, Bill will proudly agree with them.
He is also very masochistic, as he enjoys hurting himself, as he tortures Dipper’s body while possessing it, and has no problem killing or hurting children like Dipper and Mabel. An expert manipulator and a masterful liar, he is clearly capable of fooling others into trusting him long enough for him to betray them in a heartbeat and is falsely affable enough to influence others into playing pawns or making deals with him (which he will almost always double-cross to his advantage).
However, while an easily angered madman, he is also highly authoritative, perspicacious, influential, and decisive, knowing when to pull out of a fight. As of «The Last Mabelcorn», Bill is shown to be far more than simply a sadistic psychopath; he is an extremely calculating and diabolical mastermind. Sometimes, even those who are aware of how depraved he is falling for his charm.
Bill is also known for his complete disregard of rules and morals, as he considers laws and physics to be quite senseless and he doesn’t even care about the consequences of his actions that can endanger the fabric of existence, as he considers the idea of destroying the Earth as a mere game to him. He dedicated his own existence of spreading complete chaos and his selfish philosophy of doing whatever he wants without care for consequences. This makes him more of a psychopathic child despite his age.
However, in his final moments, Bill is shown to be absolutely terrified of dying as seen when being exploited by his own weakness. He may have some guilt about destroying his homeworld and killing his owns parents, as seen in Axolotl: «I wish to go home but can’t return». He seemingly hates perverts, shown when a fan asked him if his triangular sides were equilateral or not, Bill replied: «THAT’S A SICK QUESTION YOU PERVERT.» His madness might stem from the restrictions of his own homeworld, as shown when he talks with Stanford. However, this does not serve as an excuse for his crimes, because it only shows how heinous he really is, and highlights his desire for utter madness with no restrictions.
Powers and Abilities
“ | You’re making a mistake!! I’ll give you anything: money, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy, PLEASE! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher describing his abilities while pleading for mercy to Stan. |
While Bill is vastly powerful and competent, he cannot normally interact with the physical world while trapped inside the Nightmare Realm. He is able to observe the world, but not influence it, as he can only appear to people in dreams, being virtually omnipotent within the dreamscape. Bill can also act by making a pact with a willing vessel, but in doing this he is subject to all the constraints of the vessel body and cannot use his own power to reshape the world at will. He also has a great vast of knowledge available, claiming he knows «lots of things». However, he doesn’t know everything in the universe.
When Bill Cipher escapes the Nightmare Realm, he becomes able to use his full power within the real world, and his power seems to be almost limitless, possibly next to godlike. He is able to reshape reality and everything in it to his will and can even defeat similarly powerful entities such as Time Baby.
On the brink of defeat, he offered Stanley Pines «his own galaxy», implying that his power could potentially be on a cosmic scale. However, he has some weaknesses. Namely, he cannot escape the weirdness-attracting bubble around Gravity Falls on his own and lack the knowledge of how to undo the bubble, and he is unable to use his powers directly on objects that are protected by a barrier of unicorn hair.
Also, he cannot possess someone as long as the host refuses to shake his hand. In the mindscape, Bill is nothing less a thought which means if Bill was in someone’s mind that is about to be erased, he will be erased along with it, presumably this will annihilate him from existence but there is evidence that he may survive even this, though greatly weakened and possibly unable to return to the physical world.
“ | Oh, oh, Gravity Falls, it is good to be back! Name’s Bill Cipher, and I take it you’re some kind of living ventriloquist dummy? [laughs] Just kidding, I know who you are, Gideon! (Gideon: W-what are you? H-how do you know my name?) Oh, I know lots of things! (*voice changes*) Lots of things… | „ |
~ Bill Cipher after he is summoned. |
“ | Ah, Stan’s family, we meet at last. Question Mark, Shooting Star, Pine Tree, I had a hunch I might bump into you! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher meets Dipper, Mabel and Soos. |
“ | You’re out of your league, kids. Turn around now before you see something you might regret. | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | It’s funny how dumb you are! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | Boy, you kids sure are gullible! I knew you’d lead me straight to the code! It’s funny how dumb you are! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | YOU! You can’t even imagine what you just cost me! Do you have any idea what I’m like (voices changes to a low, demonic tone) when I’m MAD???!!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher’s villainous breakdown. |
“ | EAT NIGHTMARES!!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher before attacking Mabel, Soos, Xyler and Craz. |
“ | I’ve been impressed with you guys. You’re more clever than you look. Especially the fat one. (Soos: (to Mabel) He’s talking about you.) So I’m gonna let you kids off the hook. You might come in handy later. (in his low voice): BUT KNOW THIS: (changes back to normal voice): a darkness approaches. A day will come in the future where everything you care about will change…until then I’ll be watching you! I’ll be watching you… | „ |
~ Bill Cipher foreshadowing the Weirdmageddon event. |
“ | I think I know a guy! | „ |
~ Bill when he appears in front of Dipper. |
“ | Well well well! You’re awfully persistent, Pine Tree! Hats off to you! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher to Dipper. |
“ | Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | It was just a job, kid! No hard feelings! I’ve been keeping an (becomes bigger and voice becomes lower): EYE ON YOU (normal size and voice): since then, and I must say I’m impressed! | „ |
~ Bill, feigning admiration for Dipper. |
“ | You deserve a prize! Here, have a head that’s always screaming! | „ |
~ Bill, giving Dipper a screaming head. |
“ | Hahaha… The point is, I like you. How’s about you let me give you a hint, huh? I only ask for a small — FAVOR — in return. | „ |
~ Bill, offering Dipper a hint to the laptop’s password in exchange for a favor. |
“ | Right, you «defeated me». Well if you ever change your mind I’ll be here for you, ready to make a deal. Hey, wanna hear my impression of you in about three seconds? AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! | „ |
~ Bill, before leaving Dipper. |
“ | Well, well, well. Someone’s looking desperate. | „ |
~ Bill, after Dipper exceeds the password attempts on the laptop. |
“ | I can help you, kid. You just need to hear out my demands. | „ |
~ Bill, offering his help to Dipper once again. |
“ | (Dipper: Uh, what crazy thing do you want anyway? To eat my soul? To rip out my teeth? Are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something?) Yeesh, kid, relax. All I want is a puppet! (Dipper: A puppet? What are you playing at?) Everyone loves puppets. And it looks to me that you’ve got a surplus. | „ |
~ Bill, telling Dipper all he wants is a puppet. |
“ | Seems to me one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe. Besides, what’s your sister done for you, lately? How many times have you sacrificed for her, huh? And when has she ever returned the favor? Tick tock, kid. | „ |
~ Bill, manipulating Dipper. |
“ | (Dipper: So which puppet are you going to pick?) Hmm, let’s see… eenie… meanie.. miney… YOU! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher takes Dipper’s body. |
“ | Sorry, kid but you’re MY puppet, now! AAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! | „ |
~ Bill, after taking over Dipper’s body. |
“ | Man, it has been so long since I’ve inhabited a body. (slaps himself in the face) Woo! (slaps the other cheek) Woo! Haha! Pain is hilarious!! And two eyes? This thing’s deluxe! | „ |
~ Bill, harming Dipper’s body. |
“ | Look kid, you’ve been getting way too close to figuring out some major answers. I’ve got big plans comin’ and I don’t need you getting in my way. Destroying that laptop was a cinch. Now I just need to destroy your journal. Race ya to the bottom of the stairs! | „ |
~ Bill telling Dipper he plans to destroy his journal to keep him from messing with his plans. |
“ | Heh! welcome to the mindscape, kid! Without a vessel to possess, you’re basically a ghost! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher telling Dipper that he is now basically a ghost right now. |
“ | (Dipper: I’m gonna stop you!) But how can you stop me… if you don’t exist? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher to Dipper. |
“ | Aw, nothing like the theater, huh toots? Hey Soos, wanna hear the exact time and date of your death? | „ |
~ Bill (in Dipper’s body) to Wendy and Soos. |
“ | Shh! You wouldn’t want to ruin the show… Whoops! It’s slipping! How’s about you hand that book over? (Mabel: No way! This is Dipper’s! I’d never give it away!) Hmm, you didn’t seem to have a problem taking it for your own play, ditching him when he needed you. So come to your senses. Give me the book or your play is ruined. (Mabel sighs and begins to hand over the journal.) There it is. I mean, who would sacrifice everything they’ve worked for just for their dumb sibling? (Mabel: Dipper would.) Huh? | „ |
~ Bill, trying to get Mabel to hand over Dipper journal and almost succeeds, until Mabel remembers everything Dipper has done for her. |
“ | You can’t stop me! I’m a being of pure energy with no weakness! | „ |
~ Bill to Mabel. |
“ | Ah! What is this feeling? (Wheezing) My body is burning! I can’t move these stupid noodle legs! Curse you, useless flesh sticks! Body…shutting down… must…scratch… mosquito bites… Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa.. hey! | „ |
~ Bill, getting tried out due to Dipper’s body suffering from fatigue, and then gets flung out of his body altogether. |
“ | This isn’t the last you’ll hear of me! Big things are coming! You can’t stop me! | „ |
~ Bill’s last lines in «Sock Opera». |
“ | Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well! Aren’t you a sight for sore eye! Stanford Filbrick Pines, my old pal! | „ |
~ Bill to Ford. |
“ | Oh, quit playing dumb, IQ! You knew I’d be back! You think shutting down that portal could stop what I have planned? I’ve been making deals, chatting with old friends, preparing for the big day! You can’t keep that rift safe forever. You’ll slip up, and when you do…! | „ |
~ Bill telling Ford he will get his hands on the rift. |
“ | (Ford: Get out of here! You have no dominion in our world!) Maybe not right now, but things change, Stanford Pines! Things… change. | „ |
~ Bill to Ford. |
“ | Hiya, smart guy! Woah, don’t have a heart attack, you’re not 92 yet. | „ |
~ Bill’s first words to Ford. |
“ | Name’s Bill! And your name’s Stanford Pines, the man who changed the world, but I’m getting ahead of ourselves; let’s relax! Care for a game of interdimensional chess? Have a cup of tea. | „ |
~ Bill, pretending to be friendly to Ford. |
“ | (Ford: Bill! You lied to me! Where does that portal really lead?) Ho ho-looks like Mr. Brainiac finally got smart! Let’s just say that when that portal finishes charging up, your dimension is gonna learn how to PARTY! Right, guys?! | „ |
~ Bill revealing his true colors to Ford. |
“ | A deal’s a deal, Sixer! You can’t stop a bridge between our worlds from coming, but it would be fun to watch you try! Cute even! | „ |
~ Bill to Ford. |
“ | I guess I can’t possess anyone inside the shack, so I’ll just have to find my next pawn on the (Voice gets lower:) OUTSIDE. | „ |
~ Bill, deciding to possess someone outside the shack. |
“ | At last! At long, long last! The gate between worlds has opened! The event 1 billion years prophesied has come to pass! The day has come! THE WORLD IS FINALLY MINE! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | Oh, it’s happening. It’s finally happening! Physical form? Don’t mind if I DO! | „ |
~ Bill, upon gaining physical form. |
“ | Alright, listen up, you one-lifespan, three-dimensional, five-sense skin puppets! For 1 trillion years I’ve been trapped in my own decaying dimension, waiting for a new universe to call my own. Name’s Bill! But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher to Gravity Falls as Weirdmageddon begins. |
“ | Now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares I call my friends. 8 Ball! Kryptos! The being whose name must never be said! Haha, what the heck. It’s Zanthar. Then of course there’s also Teeth, Keyhole, Hectorgon, Amorphous Shape, Pyronica, Paci-Fire, and these guys. This is our town now, boys! | „ |
~ Bill, introducing his minions. |
“ | Well, well, well, and here I thought today couldn’t get any BETTER. | „ |
~ Bill, upon noticing Ford. |
“ | Good old six-fingers. I’ve been waiting an (Deep voice:) ETERNITY (Normal voice:) to have a chat face to face. | „ |
~ Bill to Ford upon capturing him. |
“ | Everyone, this Armageddon wouldn’t be possible without help from our friend here. Give him a six-fingered hand! | „ |
~ Bill telling him minions Ford is to thank for Weirdmageddon. |
“ | This brainiac is the one who built the portal in the first place! Now don’t look so sour, Fordsy. It’s not too late to join me. With that extra finger, you’d fit right in with my freaks. | „ |
~ Bill mocking Ford and offering him a place among his minions. |
“ | Now isn’t. This. (With a deep voice along with his normal voice:) INTERESTING? (Normal voice:) My old puppet is back for an encore. | „ |
~ Bill, after Dipper stands up to him. |
“ | You think you can stop me? Go ahead, Pine Tree, show me what you’ve got. (Dipper: I…uh… I… uh…) I UM I. Do it, kid. Do some brilliant thing that takes me down right now. Whaddya got, Pine Tree, everyone’s waiting. DO IT. (Dipper: Augh, BILL! (His fist hits a force field in front of Bill’s eye and he is thrown backward into a tree; he rubs his head) Ugh…) That’s right. Don’t be a hero, kid. (Waves Ford) This is what happens to heroes in my world. (Burns the Journals) (Dipper: NO!! THE JOURNALS!!) Not much of a threat now, are you? | „ |
~ Bill, goading Dipper into attacking him, then burning then journals after Dipper’s attack fails. |
“ | Now can anyone remind me why we came here? (8 Ball: To get WEIRD!) THAT’S RIGHT! VIP party at the Fearamid. Oh, and 8 Ball, Teeth, you’ve earned a treat, have the kid for a snack. | „ |
~ Bill telling his minions they are going to party at the Fearamid, and telling 8 Ball and Teeth to eat Dipper. |
“ | Hahahaha! Go nuts, guys! When we’re done partying, I unveil Phase 2. | „ |
~ Bill, during his VIP party. |
“ | (Lolph: Open up! This is the police. Time Police.) Just play it cool, ditch the time-punch. Let me do the talking. | „ |
~ Bill upon hearing the time police at the door. |
“ | (Time Baby: Hear this, Cipher!) Ugh, Time Baby. (Time Baby: If your rip in this dimension continues, it could destroy the very fabric of existence! Surrender now, or face my tantrum!) Oh, no, a tantrum! Whatever will a do about that HOW ‘BOUT THIS?? BOOM. | „ |
~ Bill, killing Time Baby. |
“ | Ladies, gentlemen, that creature with like 87 different faces. (Creature with 88 different faces: 88 different faces!) Whoa-ho, sorry — touchy subject. Anyways, it’s been fun turning Gravity Falls inside out, rounding up all its terrified citizens and then stacking them into this massive throne of frozen human agony. Don’t worry, they’re not conscious anymore. Probably. (Lazy Susan: Uh, my omelettes. They-they have friendly faces.) Whoops. Hehe, back, back you go there. But Gravity Falls is just the beginning. It’s time to take our chaos worldwide! Alright boys, to the corners of the Earth. Set the world aflame with your weirdness. This dimension is ours! Ah, global domination. I could get used to — (the demons hit an invisible shield and fall down) … WHAT??!!! (pokes invisible shield) Hmm, this might be more complicated than I thought. (Paci-Fire: I think I broke something.) Walk it off! | „ |
~ Bill, ordering his minions to spreed their weirdness worldwide, only to discover there is a barrier keeping all of them, including himself inside Gravity Falls. |
“ | Alright, can anyone explain to me why, even with our newfound INFINITE POWER, none of us can escape the borders of this STUPID HICK TOWN!!!! There’s some kind of force field keeping us in, but who would know how to fix it? Hmm. Maybe someone needs to come out of retirement. | „ |
~ Bill angry at not being able to leave Gravity Fall, but after composing himself he realizes that Ford might know how to disable the barrier. |
“ | (Keyhole: Bill! Uh, sorry, Boss, but Gideon let the Pines family escape! They’re inside Mabel’s bubble as we speak!) Buddy, Mabel’s bubble is the most diabolical trap I’ve ever created. It would take a will of titanium not to give into its temptation. Fetch me Gideon and take the rest of the day off. Things just got a little more interesting. | „ |
~ Keyhole informs Bill the Dipper and his friends are inside Mabel bubble, but Bill says he is not worried due to how powerful a trap the bubble is. |
“ | 🎵We’ll meet again. Don’t know where. Don’t know when. Oh, I know we’ll meet again, some sunny day.🎵 | „ |
~ Bill Cipher singing. |
“ | Ah, sharp as ever, Fordsy. As you may have noticed…I’ve recently had a (Voice echoing:) multi-dimensional makeover. I control space, matter, and now that that dumb baby’s out of the way, time itself! But I wasn’t always this way. You think those chains are tight? Imagine living in the second dimension, flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams. I liberated my dimension, Stanford, and I’m here to liberate yours. There’s just one hitch. As it turns out, my weirdness can’t escape the magical confines of this town. There’s something keeping me in. | „ |
~ Bill Cipher, revealing where he came from to Ford while telling for some reason he is stuck in Gravity Falls. |
“ | Listen, Ford, if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension will be free. Anything will be possible. I’ll remake a fun world— a better world! A party that never ends with a host that never dies! No more restrictions! No more laws! You’d be one of us. All-powerful. Greater than anything you’ve imagined! And all I need is your help. | „ |
~ Bill offering Ford Godhood in exchange for the equation to escape Gravity Falls. |
“ | You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be. Everyone has a weakness, tough guy! I’ll make you talk! It’s only a matter of time. | „ |
~ Bill, telling Ford he will torture him for the equation. |
“ | So the mortals are trying to fight back, huh. Adorable! Henchmaniacs, you know what to do! Take them out! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | Guys, seriously? You had, like, one job to do here. | „ |
~ Bill, after his Henchmaniacs are defeated. |
“ | (Ford: Bravo, Dipper and Mabel!) Well, would you look at that. Those kids really care about you, and you care about them…(*Voice turns deep*) DON’T YOU?! (Ford: What are you…. Oh. Oh no.) Perhaps torturing those kids will make you TALK!! | „ |
~ Bill planning to torture both Dipper and Mabel to coerce Ford into helping him. |
“ | Aah! My eye! Do you have any idea how long it takes to regenerate that?!? | „ |
~ Bill, after his eye is torn out by the Shacktron. |
“ | What the… Hey, Achilles! Nice work with the HEEL! FORE! | „ |
~ Bill, ripping off the Shacktron’s leg then hitting it with it. |
“ | Oh no, it’s Bill! Right? Isn’t that what you’re all thinking? Hey, Gideon, why aren’t you dancing? Chop chop, huh? | „ |
~ Bill, discovering the heroes in his castle. |
“ | Ha ha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn’t you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn’t work if you don’t all hold hands? And what’s better, you’ve brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy CIRCLE! | „ |
~ Bill, destroying the Zodiac Circle. |
“ | You guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can’t get along? | „ |
~ Bill to Stan and Ford. |
“ | Not so fast. You two wait here! (Turns red and grows six arms) I’ve got some children I need to make into corpses. (Deep voice:) Seeya real soon. | „ |
~ Bill, trapping Stan and Ford before transforming into his most powerful form and chasing Dipper and Mabel. |
“ | When I get my hands on you kids, I’m gonna DISASSEMBLE YOUR MOLECULES! You’ve tricked me for the last time! | „ |
~ Bill, while chasing Dipper and Mabel. |
“ | All right, Ford, time’s up! I’ve got the kids. I think I’m gonna kill one of them now just for the HECK of it!! EENIE… MEENIE… MINEEE… YOU!!!!» | „ |
~ Bill about to kill Dipper and Mabel with a snap of his fingers. |
“ | HAHAHAHA! Oh, even when you’re about to die, you Pines twins can’t get along. | „ |
~ Bill mocking Ford and Stan. |
“ | Oh, I’m here. I’m finally here! Look at this place: a perfect, calm, orderly void. Gotta hand it to ya, Ford. You really know how to clear your m— WHAT?! | „ |
~ Bill, after seemingly entering Ford’s mind, only to discover he actually entered Stan’s instead. |
“ | WHAT?! The deal’s off!! What the…No, no, no, no! | „ |
~ Bill, trying to call off the deal, only to be trapped in Stan’s mind. |
“ | Y-you idiot! Don’t you realize you’re destroying your own mind, too?! | „ |
~ Bill, pointing out to Stan the memory gun will erase his mind too. |
“ | Let me outta here! LET ME OUT! Why isn’t this working?! | „ |
~ Bill, trying to escape Stan’s crumbling mind. |
“ | (Stan: Hey, look at me. Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon! You’re a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family!) You’re making a mistake!! I’ll give you anything: money, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy, PLEASE! (starts to glitch) NO!! What’s HAPPENING TO ME?!!! NRUTER YAM I TAHT REWOP TNIECNA EHT EKOVNI I, NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM, L.T.O.L.O.X.A!!!! SSSTTTAAAANNNNNNNNNNNLLLLEEYYY—AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! | „ |
~ Bill’s last words right before being destroyed by Stanley. Notice that when putting the message backwards, Bill’s «gibberish» changes to «A.X.O.L.O.T.L., MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN, I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN!». |
“ | Note to self: Possessing people is hilarious! To think of all the sensations I’ve been missing out on- burning, stabbing, drowning. It’s like a buffet tray of fun! Once I destroy that journal, I’ll enjoy giving this body its grand finale- by throwing it off the water tower! Best of all, people will just think Pine Tree lost his mind, and his mental form will wander in the mindscape forever. Want to join him, Shooting Star? | „ |
~ Note left by «Bipper» and discovered by Mabel after the events of «Sock Opera», revealing that Bill planned to kill Dipper if his plan succeeded and make it look like a suicide; as seen in the book Gravity Falls: Journal 3. |
- Contrary to popular belief, Bill Cipher cannot be identified as male or female, as he is a being above the concept of gender or race. He also claims his home dimension has 14 billion different gender identities and there is paperwork involved in determining the sexual orientation and he’s not exactly been keeping track of his. That said, he does sound like a male which combined with his name, are the reasons people assume he is one.
- Bill Cipher’s line, «A.X.O.L.O.T.L., MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN, I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN!», is reversed. He may have said it that way because he does not want Stanley (or anyone, for that matter) to be aware that he could come back.
- The AXOLOTL itself appears in a “hidden page” from the book Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates’ Treasure!: Select Your Own Choose-Venture, which can be viewed by decoding a cipher that shows a link to Disney XD’s website, (the link being: www.disneyxd.com/awrongturn) the page is about Dipper and Mabel meeting the Axolotl.
- His full name is likely a reference to the Beale ciphers; encrypted manuscripts which are said to lead to a great, hidden treasure and which only one of three have been decoded.
- This is entirely possible as codes and ciphers are hidden all throughout the series.
- Bill can be summoned if one were to recite an incantation found in Journal 2.
- He is based on The Eye of Providence, a common symbol allegedly used by the Illuminati (which is theorized to follow the New World Order concept), as creator Alex Hirsch confirmed in the Special «Behind the Pines» stating: «What if I took the triangle off the back of the dollar bill, dress him up in a top hat, and stupid little arms and legs, and named him Bill after the dollar?».
- However, it is currently unknown why he was based on the Eye of Providence, although it is likely because the Eye is meant to be representative of God watching over everyone, lending over to Bill being nigh omniscient and watching the series’ events unfold.
- This is also mentioned in one of the Journals, where someone (presumably Ford) has scribbled a note, saying, «He’s in my wallet!», and sketched the seal from a dollar bill.
- Various things were discovered about Bill Cipher during a Reddit AMA, including the fact of him once having a family, having something to do with Gompers in the past, and his favorite music being 10 hours of Rising Shepard Tone. The AMA also revealed that Bill Cipher thinks in capital letters.
- His backstory parallels Flatland, a mathematical novella written by Edwin Abbott Abbott about a flat world where the shapes live, and the more sides they have, the higher the position they got in their society (thus circles are the highest, and triangles are the lowest). Bill refers to this on his AMA when saying «Edwin Abbott Abbott has a decent idea». It is implied that a similar case happened in his home dimension which would explain his thirst for power, as since he is a triangle, Bill had no power in his world. Evidence of this is when Ford visits a similar dimension called Exwhylia during his interdimensional trip when he disappeared for 30 years, which also has a similar case.
- It was never made clear what Bill truly is. While he is called a «demon» by other characters, creator Alex Hirsch has confirmed that this is just a name for lack of better description. Ford even states that no one knows really what he is. Because of his reality-warping abilities and bizarre nature, it is likely that he is inspired by the Outer Gods of Lovecraftian lore.
- A memorial statue of Bill can be seen at one point in the graphic novel Gravity Falls: Lost Legends with the caption «He was the WORST».
- Bill’s top hat is not an accessory or article of clothing; it is actually part of his body. This can be seen in the episode «Weirdmageddon Part 1» when Stanford shoots his quantum destabilizer gun at Bill and misses, hitting his hat and revealing flesh and bones within.
- Bill originally had a villain song titled «It’s Gonna Get Weird», but the song was cut due to time restraints. A demo version is sung by Neil Cicierega still exists and was released on his Tumblr.
- Given his lack of a mouth, Bill Cipher is one of the very few Disney Villains who doesn’t have an Evil Grin of his own. However, Bill does have one while possessing Dipper (as Blipper) in «Sock Opera» and while possessing Blendin Blandin in «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future».
- According to the author, Bill had a very bad relationship with his family, which could have contributed to his nature.
- Bill has had several cameo appearances in Justin Roiland’s hit animated series Rick and Morty. In the episode «Big Trouble in Little Sanchez», he is briefly seen on a computer monitor. Bill is also seen in «The Wedding Squanchers» on a screen when Rick Sanchez is being studied by both Nuptia 4 and the Galactic Federation.
- In the Rick and Morty episode «Morty’s Mind Blowers», where it’s discovered that Rick Sanchez secretly stores Morty’s memories, there are two memories labeled «Stanford» and «Bill C». It’s very likely that they are memories of encounters with Ford and Bill Cipher, since the two series are considered to occur in the same multiverse, and both Ford and Bill, as well as Morty, have traveled between dimensions.
- Bill Cipher originally had a much smaller role, being a minor comic relief by invading Dipper’s dreams and yelling conspiracy theories. That idea was scrapped, and Bill was made into the main antagonist.
- Bill was originally supposed to be green. That was changed, as Alex didn’t want people to make jokes about him being a leaf.
- Ironically, people started making jokes that he is a Dorito.
“ | Remember: reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEEEE!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher’s most famous quote. |
“ | It’s time we do a little redecorating! I could really use a castle of some kind! And how about some bubbles of pure madness? This party never stops! Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside down and I reign supreme! Welcome, one and all, to WEIRDMAGEDDON! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher bringing forth Weirdmageddon. |
“ | Listen Ford, if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension will be free. Anything will be possible. I’ll remake a fun world, a better world. A party that never ends with a host that never dies. No more restrictions, no more laws! You’d be one of us, all powerful, greater than anything you can ever imagine. And all I need is your help! | „ |
~ Bill trying to convince Ford to help him. |
Bill Cipher is the main antagonist of the Disney XD series Gravity Falls. He is an immensely powerful dream demon from the Second Dimension who means to bring about the end of the world by opening a rift between his Nightmare Realm and the real world. He is the archenemy of Dipper and Stanford Pines.
He has been running amok in Gravity Falls, Oregon, since being summoned by Stanford over thirty years ago. Bill is also known for his mysterious demeanor, disregard for mortal life, sadistic humor, and desire for total chaos. He is also the former best friend of Stanford Pines.
He was voiced by the series’ creator Alex Hirsch, who also voiced Grunkle Stan, Soos, Old Man McGucket, Jeff, and Dippy Fresh.
Little was known about Bill before his time in Gravity Falls, although there are hints about his past, including the statements made by the show’s creator himself. Trillions of years prior to the events of the series, Bill Cipher lived in a second dimension, however he despised living there and described it as a world of «flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams.» Bill eventually burned it along with everyone he’s ever known, including his own parents, before taking over a boiling, shifting intergalactic foam between dimensions—a lawless, unstable crawl space known as the Nightmare Realm, and becoming a leader of a gang with many monsters who obeyed his will. Unfortunately, the Nightmare Realm was fated to eventually self-destruct due to it’s lawlessness and lack of any consistent physics or rules. After learning about a prophecy that stated he could merge the Nightmare Realm with the third dimension, Bill manipulated countless humans over the time in order to become a physical being and liberate that dimension as well. That said despite his deparved nature, Bill did have some fondness for his world, and wanted to restore it for selfish reasons.
In the episode «Weirdmageddon: Part 1», Bill reveals he has been trapped in a decaying dimension, «waiting for a new universe» to call his own, for one-trillion years (this dimension was later stated by Bill to be the 2nd Dimension). Ford Pines, Bill’s main enemy, stated in an earlier episode that he’s older than the Milky Way (which is 13.2 billion years old). Assuming that he’s old enough to have recalled one-trillion years of mental torment, this would mean he’s older than our dimension by at least 987 billion years. In that same episode, Bill also referred to the populace of Gravity Falls as «single lifespanned», meaning he may have had numerous lifespans, and he may have either lived through those 1 trillion years in different lifespans, or he may have had lifespans before his time in the dimension. Other than his possible age, his «early life» (if whatever he is even has a definitive «life»), is completely unknown. One could assume that’s he’s been tormenting various dimensions for millions of years.
Season 1
Before his debut in the episode Dreamscaperers, Bill Cipher made a cameo in the background of numerous episodes as drawings on the walls, card backings, and even in a single frame of the opening sequence, and being alluded to by series creator Alex Hirsch for the length of the season, before finally debuting in the penultimate episode.
In that episode, the first season’s main antagonist, Li’l Gideon, summoned him using a ritual found in Journal #2 to have him steal the combination to Stan Pines’ safe via invading his mind. Bill made a deal with Gideon, saying that if he found the memory containing the combination, Gideon would help him with his plans, probably by Bill possessing his body. Later on, after the protagonists found their own way into Stan’s mind with Journal #3, they met Bill where he warned them to keep out of it, and showed his strength by blasting a hole in Dipper’s chest, sending Mabel a few seconds into the future, and blinking two characters she was thinking about into existence before flying into the shack in Stan’s mind. The trio followed him to try and find the memory before he could, and when they did Soos offered to destroy it with his strength, but revealed he was actually Bill in disguise, who took the memory to read it to Gideon.
However, Mabel and Soos caught up with him while Dipper looked for a personal memory, being able to knock the memory into the Bottomless Pit from the episode of the same name through one of Stan’s other memories. Seeing this, Gideon called off the deal and switched to “Plan B”, which enraged Bill to the point of growing into his ‘angry form’ and surrounding the room in flames, cornering the protagonists atop a giant stone Stan, where he tortured them by making them experience their worst nightmares. After killing Mabel’s two dream characters and threatening to do the same to Mabel and Soos, Dipper arrived just in time, having been taught by Stan in the personal memory that they can do whatever they can think in the Mindscape. They then used this to fight and overpower Bill.
Before they could defeat him though, Bill teleported them all to a blank white space, proving he was still far more powerful. But instead of killing them he stated he was impressed by them, letting them live since they might be useful later. He gave them a warning that a darkness was approaching and that everything they cared about would change. He promptly teleported away, saying he’d be watching them until then.
Season 2
Bill later returned in the Season 2 episode Sock Opera, where he offered to help Dipper find the password to The Author’s laptop in return for a ‘favor’. Dipper denied his offer and Bill disappeared, telling him he’d be back when he was ready to change his mind. He later reappeared when Dipper failed too many times to guess the password, forcing the computer to erase all its data after a countdown. During the countdown, Bill returned in front of Dipper, stating Dipper looked desperate and reprised his offer, taking advantage of Dipper’s desperation and telling him that he only wanted a puppet. Dipper tried to resist, saying the puppets were for Mabel’s sock puppet play, but Bill was able to convince him by asking him what she had done for him lately, reminding Dipper of how much he’s sacrificed for her without her doing anything in return.
Dipper finally agreed to the deal, only for Bill to remove his soul from his body and possess it, making Dipper the ‘puppet’. He then smashed the laptop and proceeded to express his joy and ‘test’ his new body by slapping it in the face. Upon being asked why he had broken his word, Bill revealed that Dipper was getting too close to major secrets and that he didn’t need the boy getting in his way. He then left to destroy Journal #3 to stop him for good. After Mabel unknowingly told ‘Bipper’ (a term used referring to Bill Cipher when he possesses Dipper) she was using the journal as a prop in her play, he convinced her to let him play a part in it in order to get closer to the book. Dipper followed him there though and was able to tell Mabel what happened, and she went to get the book.
However she was confronted by Bipper, who threatened to drop Mabel from the catwalk and ruin her play if she didn’t hand over the journal. Mabel almost gives him the journal and he asks her who would sacrifice everything they’ve worked towards for their sibling. Mabel responded by telling him Dipper sacrificed for her, and returns it by throwing the play. Mabel and Bipper had then fought onstage, with him easily overpowering her. However, she exploits Dippers body’s weaknesses, such as the fact that he hadn’t slept in more than 50 or so hours and is able to defeat him. With the body exhausted to the point of unconsciousness, Bill is thrown out of Dipper’s body and Dipper takes it back. The twins share a moment, but Bill possesses one of the sock puppets, telling them they can’t stop him. Mabel sets off the fireworks used in her play, destroying the puppet and forcing him once more into retreat.
Bill appeared a third time for a short cameo at the end of «Northwest Mansion Mystery». After Old Man McGucket fixed the laptop and warned Dipper that the end of the world was coming and that they had to stop it, the screen panned off to a tapestry with a black and red Bill on it gazing over a burning landscape, alluding that Bill was what was to cause the apocalypse.
While not specifically present, Bill was clearly referenced numerous times in the episode «A Tale of Two Stans», first when a younger Fiddleford McGucket spoke the ominous phrase «When Gravity Falls and Earth becomes sky, fear the Beast with just One Eye», and again when Ford, Stan’s brother, inspected his shape out of suspicion of him being possessed by Bill, notably by checking the give away eye shape with a flashlight.
He then made another direct, though off-screen appearance at the end of the episode «The Stanchurian Candidate», when Gideon attempted re-summoning him from his prison cell to strike another deal, possibly to destroy the Pines family in exchange for a host to possess in Gideon.
Bill finally made his third appearance in the episode «The Last Mabelcorn», where he came to Ford in a dream, establishing their past relationship and warning Stanford that he was coming. In response, Stanford had Mabel retrieve Unicorn Hair in order to cast a spell that would protect the Mystery Shack from Bill Cipher. In the meantime, Stanford showed Dipper a machine that would scan their thoughts and shield their minds from the demon as a last resort in case Mabel failed. Curious of Ford’s thoughts and his history with Bill, Dipper attached the machine to Ford in his sleep and saw that he was dreaming of Bill and Ford making a deal. In his horror, Dipper also knocked over the curtains on the walls, revealing the room to have once been a shrine to Bill as many paintings of him hang from the walls and statues of him stand in the corners. Because of this Dipper believes Ford to be possessed by Bill, or worse, in league with him, to the point of almost using the Memory Eraser on him. Ford proves he’s still on their side though and reveals his history with Bill. Apparently, Stanford hit a roadblock in his research of Gravity Falls, but found writing in a cave depicting a being of knowledge that could help him, leading him to summon him.
Bill first appeared to Stanford in a dream, where he seemed to be affable and friendly, offering a game of chess and «Dream Tea». Bill lied to Ford, telling him he was a muse that chose a brilliant mind to inspire every century. In his flattery Ford made a deal with Bill, that in exchange for total access to Ford’s mind Bill would help Ford by telling him to build the portal. But when McGucket was sucked into the portal (in Journal 3 it is revealed that McGucket saw Bill Cipher removing his exoskeleton to feed), Bill’s true plans were revealed and the triangle exposed as a malevolent, insane monster. It is learned he was going to use the portal to open a gateway between the Nightmare Realm he exists in and the physical world, allowing him to achieve physical form and unleash his fellow demons, in his own words «teach this dimension how to party». It is also revealed that Bill is older than «anything in our universe», and that Bill had been manipulating history by making deals with people throughout time, apparently for the sole purpose of one day creating the portal. Ford tells Dipper this is why they must protect the Dimensional Rift, and that if they worked together they could be the last people to be tricked by Bill. After the spell is successful, Ford tells Dipper that anyone inside the bubble surrounding the shack would be safe from Bill’s influence. However, Bill is watching them from his dimension, and decides that if he can’t affect anyone in the Mystery Shack, he would have to look for his next pawn on the outside as a series of images of the rest of the cast flash over his eye.
Bill next appeared in «Dipper and Mabel VS The Future», where he possessed Blendin Blandin in order to have a vessel to destroy the rift. Using Blendin, he convinced Mabel to steal the rift for him by promising her that he can extend summer for her with it for as long as she wanted. As it turns out, the rift is in Dipper’s backpack (which Mabel took by accident). Upon receiving the rift from Mabel, Bill promptly smashes it on the ground, opening the gateway to the Nightmare Realm. Leaving Blendin’s body, the episode ends with Bill laughing triumphantly at Ford and Dipper as he makes his entrance into the world and ignites «Weirdmageddon».
In «Weirdmageddon — Part 1«, Bill finally attains a physical form and frees Teeth, Pyronica, Paci-Fire, 8 Ball, Amorphous Shape, Keyhole, Kryptos, Hectorgon and Xanthar from his dimension. He then wreaks havoc on the town of Gravity Falls and turns it into an apocalyptic, nonsensical wasteland while declaring that he intends to do this to the entire universe. Dipper and Ford then enact a plan to take out Bill with a quantum destabilizer, but fail due to the abnormal environment. After being captured by Bill, Ford is offered the chance to join him, but is turned into a golden backscratcher by the demon after refusing. Dipper tries to stop Bill, but his lack of information of the dream demon causes him to be easily defeated. Bill then proceeds to burn all three journals and mocks Dipper of his effort of being a hero, saying that those who try to become heroes always end up destroyed by Bill himself. Bill then sicks his henchmen, 8-Ball and Teeth, on the boy to eat him and flies up to his new, floating castle to party with his crew. After three days of non-stop partying, Bill is confronted by Time Baby and his police force, who came to arrest him for both using the body of Blendin Blandin for his scheme and to stop his plans for good. Unfortunately, Bill is unfazed and promptly kills Time Baby and his police squad by disintegrating them, much to the shock of Blendin, who escapes away.
Meanwhile, Dipper, after escaping from 8-Ball and Teeth, is on the search for his sister, Mabel, who Bill imprisoned in order to honor his deal with Gideon (who he also broke out of jail). After a confrontation with Dipper and Wendy, Gideon calls upon Bill’s minions to take them and Soos to the dungeon in Bill’s castle. After being convinced by Dipper that Mabel will never love him and that he can’t force her to, a newly reformed Gideon decides to help aid in his former enemy’s cause by giving him the key to Mabel’s imprisonment bubble. He and his prison goons then leave to confront Bill and his minions.
In «Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality», Bill have captured much of Gravity Falls’ residents and petrified them to form his own throne of human agony for his enjoyment. He taps a fork on Golden Ford to grab the partying monsters’ attention, and announces that they will now unleash their chaos on the whole world. As all other monsters take to the skies to spread destruction, they slam into an invisible forcefield without warning, much to Bill’s complete anger. He figures out that their chaos has formed a barrier around Gravity Falls, the only area they can currently reside in, meaning that they can’t spread their destruction throughout the world. Upon learning of this, Bill realizes that this might be more difficult that he thought. Paci-Fire complains that he broke something, and Bill angrily retorts, «WALK IT OFF!».
Upset by this turn of events, Bill considers getting Ford ‘out of retirement’, believing that the latter may have the answer to breaking down the barrier. He then finds out from Keyhole that Gideon and his goons let Dipper, Wendy, and Soos into Mabel’s bubble. Bill simply laughs, explaining how the bubble is his most diabolical trap of all. He tells Keyhole to fetch Gideon and his goons as he prepares to expand his world upon Earth, and later, the universe. After Gideon and his goons are caught, Bill proceeds to punish Gideon by locking him up in a bird cage and forcing him to cute dancing non-stop in sailor’s suit while the prison goons end up being petrified and added into Bill’s throne, much to Gideon’s dismay.
In «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back the Falls», Bill releases Ford from his frozen petrified state to gain knowledge about the forcefield that’s keeping him in Gravity Falls. Ford admits that he knows of a certain equation that will collapse the barrier, but angrily refuses to tell it, knowing that it would result the end of the world. Bill establishes that he comes from a flat dimension which at some point he somehow destroyed his home dimension, including his family (hinted back in the 2015 Bill Cipher AMA on Reddit). Ford refuses to cooperate with him, which instantly tests Bill’s patience. Bill starts torturing Ford in order to get the answer to his dilemma, though Ford stands his ground despite the painful torture. As soon as the Pines family and their resistance group made a giant robot to fight their way to the Fearamid, Bill orders his henchmaniacs to fight the resistance, but they fail as the townspeople worked together to take down most of the henchmaniacs. As Ford compliments Dipper and Mabel for a job well done, Bill finally decides to torture both kids in order to coerce Ford into giving him the equation to collapse the barrier. He takes matters into his own hands and tries to destroy the robot, but with no success, due to the Mystery Shack being protected by unicorn hair that Dipper and Ford enforced back in «The Last Mabelcorn». The robot tears out Bill’s eye, where he complains to the resistance on how long it will take for it to regenerate, which allows the twins and several citizens to arrive to the Fearamid and release all the petrified citizens (including Ford, Gideon, and the prison goons). Unfortunately, as soon as Bill regenerates a new eye, he instantly finds the robot’s weak spot and uses it to take down the robot easily.
The Pines family unites with some of the other townspeople in order to learn about Bill’s weakness. They learn about the Bill Cipher Wheel and tried to use in order to defeat Bill for good, but it fails, as Stan refuses to hold hands with Ford due to bearing a grudge and holding some resentment for his twin brother over the whole portal incident. This allows Bill and his remaining henchmaniacs to finally gang up on against the townspeople. After trapping Ford and Stan, Bill transforms Soos, Wendy, McGucket, Pacifica, Robbie, and Gideon into tapestries in his lair when they try to gang up on him. Dipper and Mabel risk their lives by angering Bill with their pranks in order to distract him, and he transforms into a horrifying multi-tiered being in his rage to hunt them down once and for all, while Stan and Ford try to figure an alternative solution.
When Bill finally captures Dipper and Mabel, he ponders on who to kill first, which finally forced a desperate Ford to surrender himself and reluctantly propose a deal: he will let Bill get access to his mind for the equation to collapse the barrier in return for letting the twins and his brother go free. Bill gladly accepts the deal and instantly leaves his physical form to enter Ford’s mind. However, it turns out Ford and Stan switched clothes and imitated each other, and Bill ends up in Stan’s mind, where Stan taunts him for falling for the trick. Realizing this, Bill angrily calls off the deal, implying that he will kill both Stan and the kids in order to demoralize Ford into giving the equation to break the barrier. However, anticipating that Bill would double-cross them, Stan allows Ford to reluctantly use the Blind Eye Society’s mind-erasing weapon to wipe out Stan’s memories to defeat Bill for good. As such, Bill gets locked within Stan’s mind as the dreamscape and living room of the Mystery Shack burn in flames thanks to the mind-erasing weapon. Bill at first, expresses his delight that he took over Bill’s mind, but he soon realilzes he gets conned. After trying to call off the deal, a terrified Bill pleads for mercy by appealing to Stan’s greedy nature with riches and power, but Stan angrily refuses by pointing out that Bill has harmed the Pines family too much to deserve any mercy. As Bill begins to glitch, he furiously cries out at Stan and rushes at him, but Stan retaliates by calling out Bill for his actions towards his family before punching Bill directly in the eye, obliterating the screaming dream demon and shattering him into pieces, erasing him from existence and ending his reign of terror just before Stan’s memories are completely wiped out.
Right after, everyone that Bill transformed into tapestries are free as Weirdmageddon immediately soon winds to an end when both the Henchmaniacs and the chaos are forcibly sucked back into the Nightmare Realm, from where they had came. The entire valley and town of Gravity Falls is then restored as everything returns back to the way it was before the whole tragedy even began. Shortly after, the only thing left of the event was Bill’s petrified body that was seen lying isolated somewhere deep within the woods and is now one with nature itself. Whether Bill’s petrified body was left there forever to be claimed by the weeds of the forest or was recovered by someone is beyond anyone’s speculation.
Following his demise, Ford and the Twins soon find Stan out in the open, but sadly, he has no idea who they are, Ford then explains to them that Stan bravely sacrifice himself to defeat Bill, in order to save them and everyone else. However with the help from both Dipper and Mabel Pines, they were able to restore their loving uncle as he slowly remembers more and more about himself and his family. Sometime after the event, things have fully returned to normal in Gravity Falls, Oregon. Stan had already recovered from his amnesia and the Pines family were declared heroes.
Foreshadowed Return
Although erased from existence, there are possible hints that Bill could somehow possibly return or resurrect; while interrogating Ford at the Fearamid, he sings “We Will Meet Again”. Right after the closing credits, the lifeless statue of Bill is seen for a brief moment in real-life as part of the new game, Cipher Hunt, and in a non-canonical book titled «Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates’ Treasure!«, where the Twins go through time, one enormous thing that is speculated is that the canon secret could be Dipper and Mabel’s encounter with the Axolotl in «the time and space between time and space”, a giant talking axolotl, lets each of them ask him a question (which Mabel accidentally wasted hers). Dipper asks him «what [does he] know about Bill Cipher” to which he replies with a poem: Sixty degrees that come in threes. Watches from within birch trees. Saw his own dimension burn. Misses home and can’t return. Says he’s happy. He’s a liar. Blame the arson for the fire. If he wants to shirk the blame, He’ll have to invoke my name. One way to absolve his crime. A different form, a different time.
This suggests that when, before being erased from reality in the series finale, Bill gives a message that when reversed says «A.X.O.L.O.T.L.! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!», he is actually invoking the Axolotl for redemption for his crime, and that there is one way to get absolved: he has to take «a different form» in «a different time». This all implied the possibilities that Bill may get resurrected after another series of generations to come. However, it’s unknown if Bill truly sought redemption given his crimes.
Bill is a floating yellow triangle with a single cat-like eye in the center (though sometimes near the upper corner; also known as the Eye of Providence), a black bow tie and a top hat, and thin black limbs. He is sometimes seen holding a yellow or black cane as well. Bill’s body also flashes when he speaks, as he has no actual mouth.
However, when angered, his color is inverted, with his eye turning black, outline turning white and yellow turning a glowing red, although his form can change to that which is desired at will. A tapestry hanging from the wall in «Northwest Mansion Mystery» depicts him as black or ash gray instead of yellow and with red-eye. In «The Last Mabelcorn», he appears for a few moments as black with a yellow eye. As seen in the finale, he also sometimes changes colors when distressed.
In the three-part series finale «Weirdmageddon», Bill assumes multiple three-dimensional forms, including a black multi-tiered and multi-armed pyramid, a three-dimensional version of his default yellow form (including a giant version), and his most horrifying and terrible form of all, that of a colossal red multi-tiered pyramid with eight different glowing limbs resembling a spider, sharp teeth and tongues erupting from his body, and a black eye with a lizard-like yellow pupil, which he assumes during the final battle as he hunts down Dipper and Mabel Pines.
As he is being erased and speaking his hidden resurrection spell, he transforms into several different forms in an attempt to escape, including his angry red form, a stone-like form with two stone pyramids which could rotate with one eye on each side that also rotate and a stone block having his arms and bow tie, a distorted form with several green eyes and limbs, flashing between yellow, pink, blue, and orange, before finally assuming his black form with red-eye as seen on the tapestry. When Stanley punches him, he briefly flashes back to his default yellow form before being wiped out completely.
While possessing a person, that person’s body will take on a pale tone to their skin, and their eyes will appear to be yellow with black slits, similar to his own.
If necessary, both Bill’s yellow main portion and the eye can portray images similarly to a television screen, all of which are seemingly what he is thinking about at the time.
He was originally supposed to be green.
“ | To Bill, it’s just a game, but to us, it would mean the end of our world. | „ |
~ Ford describing Bill’s view on destroying the World. |
At first, Bill seems to be a charming and charismatic figure, willing to help people with their problems while making deals with them, but this easily changes within minutes of his debut, especially when he reveals his true nature: that of a highly intelligent and manipulative psychopath, who only wants to benefit himself. Because of his harmless appearance and charismatic nature, he often enjoys playing games with people, either to make himself more trustworthy or because he likes manipulating people, regarding how easily they fall into his traps. It also gives whoever doesn’t know his true nature the false impression that he isn’t evil, though Bill is actually a heartless monster.
He usually speaks with a high-pitched voice with a synthesized effect, but when furious or expressive, it becomes deep and inarticulate similar to traditional demon depictions. However, his voice gets deeper when he is angry. When he gets mad, Bill becomes full of rage, attacking without mercy and at for the most part, stops fooling around.
Bill seems to display symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. Symptoms include lying, feeling no remorse, and showing hostility and sadism. A bit of a running gag is whenever somebody calls him insane, Bill will proudly agree with them.
He is also very masochistic, as he enjoys hurting himself, as he tortures Dipper’s body while possessing it, and has no problem killing or hurting children like Dipper and Mabel. An expert manipulator and a masterful liar, he is clearly capable of fooling others into trusting him long enough for him to betray them in a heartbeat and is falsely affable enough to influence others into playing pawns or making deals with him (which he will almost always double-cross to his advantage).
However, while an easily angered madman, he is also highly authoritative, perspicacious, influential, and decisive, knowing when to pull out of a fight. As of «The Last Mabelcorn», Bill is shown to be far more than simply a sadistic psychopath; he is an extremely calculating and diabolical mastermind. Sometimes, even those who are aware of how depraved he is falling for his charm.
Bill is also known for his complete disregard of rules and morals, as he considers laws and physics to be quite senseless and he doesn’t even care about the consequences of his actions that can endanger the fabric of existence, as he considers the idea of destroying the Earth as a mere game to him. He dedicated his own existence of spreading complete chaos and his selfish philosophy of doing whatever he wants without care for consequences. This makes him more of a psychopathic child despite his age.
However, in his final moments, Bill is shown to be absolutely terrified of dying as seen when being exploited by his own weakness. He may have some guilt about destroying his homeworld and killing his owns parents, as seen in Axolotl: «I wish to go home but can’t return». He seemingly hates perverts, shown when a fan asked him if his triangular sides were equilateral or not, Bill replied: «THAT’S A SICK QUESTION YOU PERVERT.» His madness might stem from the restrictions of his own homeworld, as shown when he talks with Stanford. However, this does not serve as an excuse for his crimes, because it only shows how heinous he really is, and highlights his desire for utter madness with no restrictions.
Powers and Abilities
“ | You’re making a mistake!! I’ll give you anything: money, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy, PLEASE! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher describing his abilities while pleading for mercy to Stan. |
While Bill is vastly powerful and competent, he cannot normally interact with the physical world while trapped inside the Nightmare Realm. He is able to observe the world, but not influence it, as he can only appear to people in dreams, being virtually omnipotent within the dreamscape. Bill can also act by making a pact with a willing vessel, but in doing this he is subject to all the constraints of the vessel body and cannot use his own power to reshape the world at will. He also has a great vast of knowledge available, claiming he knows «lots of things». However, he doesn’t know everything in the universe.
When Bill Cipher escapes the Nightmare Realm, he becomes able to use his full power within the real world, and his power seems to be almost limitless, possibly next to godlike. He is able to reshape reality and everything in it to his will and can even defeat similarly powerful entities such as Time Baby.
On the brink of defeat, he offered Stanley Pines «his own galaxy», implying that his power could potentially be on a cosmic scale. However, he has some weaknesses. Namely, he cannot escape the weirdness-attracting bubble around Gravity Falls on his own and lack the knowledge of how to undo the bubble, and he is unable to use his powers directly on objects that are protected by a barrier of unicorn hair.
Also, he cannot possess someone as long as the host refuses to shake his hand. In the mindscape, Bill is nothing less a thought which means if Bill was in someone’s mind that is about to be erased, he will be erased along with it, presumably this will annihilate him from existence but there is evidence that he may survive even this, though greatly weakened and possibly unable to return to the physical world.
“ | Oh, oh, Gravity Falls, it is good to be back! Name’s Bill Cipher, and I take it you’re some kind of living ventriloquist dummy? [laughs] Just kidding, I know who you are, Gideon! (Gideon: W-what are you? H-how do you know my name?) Oh, I know lots of things! (*voice changes*) Lots of things… | „ |
~ Bill Cipher after he is summoned. |
“ | Ah, Stan’s family, we meet at last. Question Mark, Shooting Star, Pine Tree, I had a hunch I might bump into you! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher meets Dipper, Mabel and Soos. |
“ | You’re out of your league, kids. Turn around now before you see something you might regret. | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | It’s funny how dumb you are! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | Boy, you kids sure are gullible! I knew you’d lead me straight to the code! It’s funny how dumb you are! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | YOU! You can’t even imagine what you just cost me! Do you have any idea what I’m like (voices changes to a low, demonic tone) when I’m MAD???!!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher’s villainous breakdown. |
“ | EAT NIGHTMARES!!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher before attacking Mabel, Soos, Xyler and Craz. |
“ | I’ve been impressed with you guys. You’re more clever than you look. Especially the fat one. (Soos: (to Mabel) He’s talking about you.) So I’m gonna let you kids off the hook. You might come in handy later. (in his low voice): BUT KNOW THIS: (changes back to normal voice): a darkness approaches. A day will come in the future where everything you care about will change…until then I’ll be watching you! I’ll be watching you… | „ |
~ Bill Cipher foreshadowing the Weirdmageddon event. |
“ | I think I know a guy! | „ |
~ Bill when he appears in front of Dipper. |
“ | Well well well! You’re awfully persistent, Pine Tree! Hats off to you! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher to Dipper. |
“ | Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | It was just a job, kid! No hard feelings! I’ve been keeping an (becomes bigger and voice becomes lower): EYE ON YOU (normal size and voice): since then, and I must say I’m impressed! | „ |
~ Bill, feigning admiration for Dipper. |
“ | You deserve a prize! Here, have a head that’s always screaming! | „ |
~ Bill, giving Dipper a screaming head. |
“ | Hahaha… The point is, I like you. How’s about you let me give you a hint, huh? I only ask for a small — FAVOR — in return. | „ |
~ Bill, offering Dipper a hint to the laptop’s password in exchange for a favor. |
“ | Right, you «defeated me». Well if you ever change your mind I’ll be here for you, ready to make a deal. Hey, wanna hear my impression of you in about three seconds? AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! | „ |
~ Bill, before leaving Dipper. |
“ | Well, well, well. Someone’s looking desperate. | „ |
~ Bill, after Dipper exceeds the password attempts on the laptop. |
“ | I can help you, kid. You just need to hear out my demands. | „ |
~ Bill, offering his help to Dipper once again. |
“ | (Dipper: Uh, what crazy thing do you want anyway? To eat my soul? To rip out my teeth? Are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something?) Yeesh, kid, relax. All I want is a puppet! (Dipper: A puppet? What are you playing at?) Everyone loves puppets. And it looks to me that you’ve got a surplus. | „ |
~ Bill, telling Dipper all he wants is a puppet. |
“ | Seems to me one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe. Besides, what’s your sister done for you, lately? How many times have you sacrificed for her, huh? And when has she ever returned the favor? Tick tock, kid. | „ |
~ Bill, manipulating Dipper. |
“ | (Dipper: So which puppet are you going to pick?) Hmm, let’s see… eenie… meanie.. miney… YOU! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher takes Dipper’s body. |
“ | Sorry, kid but you’re MY puppet, now! AAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! | „ |
~ Bill, after taking over Dipper’s body. |
“ | Man, it has been so long since I’ve inhabited a body. (slaps himself in the face) Woo! (slaps the other cheek) Woo! Haha! Pain is hilarious!! And two eyes? This thing’s deluxe! | „ |
~ Bill, harming Dipper’s body. |
“ | Look kid, you’ve been getting way too close to figuring out some major answers. I’ve got big plans comin’ and I don’t need you getting in my way. Destroying that laptop was a cinch. Now I just need to destroy your journal. Race ya to the bottom of the stairs! | „ |
~ Bill telling Dipper he plans to destroy his journal to keep him from messing with his plans. |
“ | Heh! welcome to the mindscape, kid! Without a vessel to possess, you’re basically a ghost! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher telling Dipper that he is now basically a ghost right now. |
“ | (Dipper: I’m gonna stop you!) But how can you stop me… if you don’t exist? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher to Dipper. |
“ | Aw, nothing like the theater, huh toots? Hey Soos, wanna hear the exact time and date of your death? | „ |
~ Bill (in Dipper’s body) to Wendy and Soos. |
“ | Shh! You wouldn’t want to ruin the show… Whoops! It’s slipping! How’s about you hand that book over? (Mabel: No way! This is Dipper’s! I’d never give it away!) Hmm, you didn’t seem to have a problem taking it for your own play, ditching him when he needed you. So come to your senses. Give me the book or your play is ruined. (Mabel sighs and begins to hand over the journal.) There it is. I mean, who would sacrifice everything they’ve worked for just for their dumb sibling? (Mabel: Dipper would.) Huh? | „ |
~ Bill, trying to get Mabel to hand over Dipper journal and almost succeeds, until Mabel remembers everything Dipper has done for her. |
“ | You can’t stop me! I’m a being of pure energy with no weakness! | „ |
~ Bill to Mabel. |
“ | Ah! What is this feeling? (Wheezing) My body is burning! I can’t move these stupid noodle legs! Curse you, useless flesh sticks! Body…shutting down… must…scratch… mosquito bites… Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa.. hey! | „ |
~ Bill, getting tried out due to Dipper’s body suffering from fatigue, and then gets flung out of his body altogether. |
“ | This isn’t the last you’ll hear of me! Big things are coming! You can’t stop me! | „ |
~ Bill’s last lines in «Sock Opera». |
“ | Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well! Aren’t you a sight for sore eye! Stanford Filbrick Pines, my old pal! | „ |
~ Bill to Ford. |
“ | Oh, quit playing dumb, IQ! You knew I’d be back! You think shutting down that portal could stop what I have planned? I’ve been making deals, chatting with old friends, preparing for the big day! You can’t keep that rift safe forever. You’ll slip up, and when you do…! | „ |
~ Bill telling Ford he will get his hands on the rift. |
“ | (Ford: Get out of here! You have no dominion in our world!) Maybe not right now, but things change, Stanford Pines! Things… change. | „ |
~ Bill to Ford. |
“ | Hiya, smart guy! Woah, don’t have a heart attack, you’re not 92 yet. | „ |
~ Bill’s first words to Ford. |
“ | Name’s Bill! And your name’s Stanford Pines, the man who changed the world, but I’m getting ahead of ourselves; let’s relax! Care for a game of interdimensional chess? Have a cup of tea. | „ |
~ Bill, pretending to be friendly to Ford. |
“ | (Ford: Bill! You lied to me! Where does that portal really lead?) Ho ho-looks like Mr. Brainiac finally got smart! Let’s just say that when that portal finishes charging up, your dimension is gonna learn how to PARTY! Right, guys?! | „ |
~ Bill revealing his true colors to Ford. |
“ | A deal’s a deal, Sixer! You can’t stop a bridge between our worlds from coming, but it would be fun to watch you try! Cute even! | „ |
~ Bill to Ford. |
“ | I guess I can’t possess anyone inside the shack, so I’ll just have to find my next pawn on the (Voice gets lower:) OUTSIDE. | „ |
~ Bill, deciding to possess someone outside the shack. |
“ | At last! At long, long last! The gate between worlds has opened! The event 1 billion years prophesied has come to pass! The day has come! THE WORLD IS FINALLY MINE! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | Oh, it’s happening. It’s finally happening! Physical form? Don’t mind if I DO! | „ |
~ Bill, upon gaining physical form. |
“ | Alright, listen up, you one-lifespan, three-dimensional, five-sense skin puppets! For 1 trillion years I’ve been trapped in my own decaying dimension, waiting for a new universe to call my own. Name’s Bill! But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher to Gravity Falls as Weirdmageddon begins. |
“ | Now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares I call my friends. 8 Ball! Kryptos! The being whose name must never be said! Haha, what the heck. It’s Zanthar. Then of course there’s also Teeth, Keyhole, Hectorgon, Amorphous Shape, Pyronica, Paci-Fire, and these guys. This is our town now, boys! | „ |
~ Bill, introducing his minions. |
“ | Well, well, well, and here I thought today couldn’t get any BETTER. | „ |
~ Bill, upon noticing Ford. |
“ | Good old six-fingers. I’ve been waiting an (Deep voice:) ETERNITY (Normal voice:) to have a chat face to face. | „ |
~ Bill to Ford upon capturing him. |
“ | Everyone, this Armageddon wouldn’t be possible without help from our friend here. Give him a six-fingered hand! | „ |
~ Bill telling him minions Ford is to thank for Weirdmageddon. |
“ | This brainiac is the one who built the portal in the first place! Now don’t look so sour, Fordsy. It’s not too late to join me. With that extra finger, you’d fit right in with my freaks. | „ |
~ Bill mocking Ford and offering him a place among his minions. |
“ | Now isn’t. This. (With a deep voice along with his normal voice:) INTERESTING? (Normal voice:) My old puppet is back for an encore. | „ |
~ Bill, after Dipper stands up to him. |
“ | You think you can stop me? Go ahead, Pine Tree, show me what you’ve got. (Dipper: I…uh… I… uh…) I UM I. Do it, kid. Do some brilliant thing that takes me down right now. Whaddya got, Pine Tree, everyone’s waiting. DO IT. (Dipper: Augh, BILL! (His fist hits a force field in front of Bill’s eye and he is thrown backward into a tree; he rubs his head) Ugh…) That’s right. Don’t be a hero, kid. (Waves Ford) This is what happens to heroes in my world. (Burns the Journals) (Dipper: NO!! THE JOURNALS!!) Not much of a threat now, are you? | „ |
~ Bill, goading Dipper into attacking him, then burning then journals after Dipper’s attack fails. |
“ | Now can anyone remind me why we came here? (8 Ball: To get WEIRD!) THAT’S RIGHT! VIP party at the Fearamid. Oh, and 8 Ball, Teeth, you’ve earned a treat, have the kid for a snack. | „ |
~ Bill telling his minions they are going to party at the Fearamid, and telling 8 Ball and Teeth to eat Dipper. |
“ | Hahahaha! Go nuts, guys! When we’re done partying, I unveil Phase 2. | „ |
~ Bill, during his VIP party. |
“ | (Lolph: Open up! This is the police. Time Police.) Just play it cool, ditch the time-punch. Let me do the talking. | „ |
~ Bill upon hearing the time police at the door. |
“ | (Time Baby: Hear this, Cipher!) Ugh, Time Baby. (Time Baby: If your rip in this dimension continues, it could destroy the very fabric of existence! Surrender now, or face my tantrum!) Oh, no, a tantrum! Whatever will a do about that HOW ‘BOUT THIS?? BOOM. | „ |
~ Bill, killing Time Baby. |
“ | Ladies, gentlemen, that creature with like 87 different faces. (Creature with 88 different faces: 88 different faces!) Whoa-ho, sorry — touchy subject. Anyways, it’s been fun turning Gravity Falls inside out, rounding up all its terrified citizens and then stacking them into this massive throne of frozen human agony. Don’t worry, they’re not conscious anymore. Probably. (Lazy Susan: Uh, my omelettes. They-they have friendly faces.) Whoops. Hehe, back, back you go there. But Gravity Falls is just the beginning. It’s time to take our chaos worldwide! Alright boys, to the corners of the Earth. Set the world aflame with your weirdness. This dimension is ours! Ah, global domination. I could get used to — (the demons hit an invisible shield and fall down) … WHAT??!!! (pokes invisible shield) Hmm, this might be more complicated than I thought. (Paci-Fire: I think I broke something.) Walk it off! | „ |
~ Bill, ordering his minions to spreed their weirdness worldwide, only to discover there is a barrier keeping all of them, including himself inside Gravity Falls. |
“ | Alright, can anyone explain to me why, even with our newfound INFINITE POWER, none of us can escape the borders of this STUPID HICK TOWN!!!! There’s some kind of force field keeping us in, but who would know how to fix it? Hmm. Maybe someone needs to come out of retirement. | „ |
~ Bill angry at not being able to leave Gravity Fall, but after composing himself he realizes that Ford might know how to disable the barrier. |
“ | (Keyhole: Bill! Uh, sorry, Boss, but Gideon let the Pines family escape! They’re inside Mabel’s bubble as we speak!) Buddy, Mabel’s bubble is the most diabolical trap I’ve ever created. It would take a will of titanium not to give into its temptation. Fetch me Gideon and take the rest of the day off. Things just got a little more interesting. | „ |
~ Keyhole informs Bill the Dipper and his friends are inside Mabel bubble, but Bill says he is not worried due to how powerful a trap the bubble is. |
“ | 🎵We’ll meet again. Don’t know where. Don’t know when. Oh, I know we’ll meet again, some sunny day.🎵 | „ |
~ Bill Cipher singing. |
“ | Ah, sharp as ever, Fordsy. As you may have noticed…I’ve recently had a (Voice echoing:) multi-dimensional makeover. I control space, matter, and now that that dumb baby’s out of the way, time itself! But I wasn’t always this way. You think those chains are tight? Imagine living in the second dimension, flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams. I liberated my dimension, Stanford, and I’m here to liberate yours. There’s just one hitch. As it turns out, my weirdness can’t escape the magical confines of this town. There’s something keeping me in. | „ |
~ Bill Cipher, revealing where he came from to Ford while telling for some reason he is stuck in Gravity Falls. |
“ | Listen, Ford, if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension will be free. Anything will be possible. I’ll remake a fun world— a better world! A party that never ends with a host that never dies! No more restrictions! No more laws! You’d be one of us. All-powerful. Greater than anything you’ve imagined! And all I need is your help. | „ |
~ Bill offering Ford Godhood in exchange for the equation to escape Gravity Falls. |
“ | You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be. Everyone has a weakness, tough guy! I’ll make you talk! It’s only a matter of time. | „ |
~ Bill, telling Ford he will torture him for the equation. |
“ | So the mortals are trying to fight back, huh. Adorable! Henchmaniacs, you know what to do! Take them out! | „ |
~ Bill Cipher. |
“ | Guys, seriously? You had, like, one job to do here. | „ |
~ Bill, after his Henchmaniacs are defeated. |
“ | (Ford: Bravo, Dipper and Mabel!) Well, would you look at that. Those kids really care about you, and you care about them…(*Voice turns deep*) DON’T YOU?! (Ford: What are you…. Oh. Oh no.) Perhaps torturing those kids will make you TALK!! | „ |
~ Bill planning to torture both Dipper and Mabel to coerce Ford into helping him. |
“ | Aah! My eye! Do you have any idea how long it takes to regenerate that?!? | „ |
~ Bill, after his eye is torn out by the Shacktron. |
“ | What the… Hey, Achilles! Nice work with the HEEL! FORE! | „ |
~ Bill, ripping off the Shacktron’s leg then hitting it with it. |
“ | Oh no, it’s Bill! Right? Isn’t that what you’re all thinking? Hey, Gideon, why aren’t you dancing? Chop chop, huh? | „ |
~ Bill, discovering the heroes in his castle. |
“ | Ha ha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn’t you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn’t work if you don’t all hold hands? And what’s better, you’ve brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy CIRCLE! | „ |
~ Bill, destroying the Zodiac Circle. |
“ | You guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can’t get along? | „ |
~ Bill to Stan and Ford. |
“ | Not so fast. You two wait here! (Turns red and grows six arms) I’ve got some children I need to make into corpses. (Deep voice:) Seeya real soon. | „ |
~ Bill, trapping Stan and Ford before transforming into his most powerful form and chasing Dipper and Mabel. |
“ | When I get my hands on you kids, I’m gonna DISASSEMBLE YOUR MOLECULES! You’ve tricked me for the last time! | „ |
~ Bill, while chasing Dipper and Mabel. |
“ | All right, Ford, time’s up! I’ve got the kids. I think I’m gonna kill one of them now just for the HECK of it!! EENIE… MEENIE… MINEEE… YOU!!!!» | „ |
~ Bill about to kill Dipper and Mabel with a snap of his fingers. |
“ | HAHAHAHA! Oh, even when you’re about to die, you Pines twins can’t get along. | „ |
~ Bill mocking Ford and Stan. |
“ | Oh, I’m here. I’m finally here! Look at this place: a perfect, calm, orderly void. Gotta hand it to ya, Ford. You really know how to clear your m— WHAT?! | „ |
~ Bill, after seemingly entering Ford’s mind, only to discover he actually entered Stan’s instead. |
“ | WHAT?! The deal’s off!! What the…No, no, no, no! | „ |
~ Bill, trying to call off the deal, only to be trapped in Stan’s mind. |
“ | Y-you idiot! Don’t you realize you’re destroying your own mind, too?! | „ |
~ Bill, pointing out to Stan the memory gun will erase his mind too. |
“ | Let me outta here! LET ME OUT! Why isn’t this working?! | „ |
~ Bill, trying to escape Stan’s crumbling mind. |
“ | (Stan: Hey, look at me. Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon! You’re a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family!) You’re making a mistake!! I’ll give you anything: money, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy, PLEASE! (starts to glitch) NO!! What’s HAPPENING TO ME?!!! NRUTER YAM I TAHT REWOP TNIECNA EHT EKOVNI I, NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM, L.T.O.L.O.X.A!!!! SSSTTTAAAANNNNNNNNNNNLLLLEEYYY—AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! | „ |
~ Bill’s last words right before being destroyed by Stanley. Notice that when putting the message backwards, Bill’s «gibberish» changes to «A.X.O.L.O.T.L., MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN, I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN!». |
“ | Note to self: Possessing people is hilarious! To think of all the sensations I’ve been missing out on- burning, stabbing, drowning. It’s like a buffet tray of fun! Once I destroy that journal, I’ll enjoy giving this body its grand finale- by throwing it off the water tower! Best of all, people will just think Pine Tree lost his mind, and his mental form will wander in the mindscape forever. Want to join him, Shooting Star? | „ |
~ Note left by «Bipper» and discovered by Mabel after the events of «Sock Opera», revealing that Bill planned to kill Dipper if his plan succeeded and make it look like a suicide; as seen in the book Gravity Falls: Journal 3. |
- Contrary to popular belief, Bill Cipher cannot be identified as male or female, as he is a being above the concept of gender or race. He also claims his home dimension has 14 billion different gender identities and there is paperwork involved in determining the sexual orientation and he’s not exactly been keeping track of his. That said, he does sound like a male which combined with his name, are the reasons people assume he is one.
- Bill Cipher’s line, «A.X.O.L.O.T.L., MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN, I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN!», is reversed. He may have said it that way because he does not want Stanley (or anyone, for that matter) to be aware that he could come back.
- The AXOLOTL itself appears in a “hidden page” from the book Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates’ Treasure!: Select Your Own Choose-Venture, which can be viewed by decoding a cipher that shows a link to Disney XD’s website, (the link being: www.disneyxd.com/awrongturn) the page is about Dipper and Mabel meeting the Axolotl.
- His full name is likely a reference to the Beale ciphers; encrypted manuscripts which are said to lead to a great, hidden treasure and which only one of three have been decoded.
- This is entirely possible as codes and ciphers are hidden all throughout the series.
- Bill can be summoned if one were to recite an incantation found in Journal 2.
- He is based on The Eye of Providence, a common symbol allegedly used by the Illuminati (which is theorized to follow the New World Order concept), as creator Alex Hirsch confirmed in the Special «Behind the Pines» stating: «What if I took the triangle off the back of the dollar bill, dress him up in a top hat, and stupid little arms and legs, and named him Bill after the dollar?».
- However, it is currently unknown why he was based on the Eye of Providence, although it is likely because the Eye is meant to be representative of God watching over everyone, lending over to Bill being nigh omniscient and watching the series’ events unfold.
- This is also mentioned in one of the Journals, where someone (presumably Ford) has scribbled a note, saying, «He’s in my wallet!», and sketched the seal from a dollar bill.
- Various things were discovered about Bill Cipher during a Reddit AMA, including the fact of him once having a family, having something to do with Gompers in the past, and his favorite music being 10 hours of Rising Shepard Tone. The AMA also revealed that Bill Cipher thinks in capital letters.
- His backstory parallels Flatland, a mathematical novella written by Edwin Abbott Abbott about a flat world where the shapes live, and the more sides they have, the higher the position they got in their society (thus circles are the highest, and triangles are the lowest). Bill refers to this on his AMA when saying «Edwin Abbott Abbott has a decent idea». It is implied that a similar case happened in his home dimension which would explain his thirst for power, as since he is a triangle, Bill had no power in his world. Evidence of this is when Ford visits a similar dimension called Exwhylia during his interdimensional trip when he disappeared for 30 years, which also has a similar case.
- It was never made clear what Bill truly is. While he is called a «demon» by other characters, creator Alex Hirsch has confirmed that this is just a name for lack of better description. Ford even states that no one knows really what he is. Because of his reality-warping abilities and bizarre nature, it is likely that he is inspired by the Outer Gods of Lovecraftian lore.
- A memorial statue of Bill can be seen at one point in the graphic novel Gravity Falls: Lost Legends with the caption «He was the WORST».
- Bill’s top hat is not an accessory or article of clothing; it is actually part of his body. This can be seen in the episode «Weirdmageddon Part 1» when Stanford shoots his quantum destabilizer gun at Bill and misses, hitting his hat and revealing flesh and bones within.
- Bill originally had a villain song titled «It’s Gonna Get Weird», but the song was cut due to time restraints. A demo version is sung by Neil Cicierega still exists and was released on his Tumblr.
- Given his lack of a mouth, Bill Cipher is one of the very few Disney Villains who doesn’t have an Evil Grin of his own. However, Bill does have one while possessing Dipper (as Blipper) in «Sock Opera» and while possessing Blendin Blandin in «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future».
- According to the author, Bill had a very bad relationship with his family, which could have contributed to his nature.
- Bill has had several cameo appearances in Justin Roiland’s hit animated series Rick and Morty. In the episode «Big Trouble in Little Sanchez», he is briefly seen on a computer monitor. Bill is also seen in «The Wedding Squanchers» on a screen when Rick Sanchez is being studied by both Nuptia 4 and the Galactic Federation.
- In the Rick and Morty episode «Morty’s Mind Blowers», where it’s discovered that Rick Sanchez secretly stores Morty’s memories, there are two memories labeled «Stanford» and «Bill C». It’s very likely that they are memories of encounters with Ford and Bill Cipher, since the two series are considered to occur in the same multiverse, and both Ford and Bill, as well as Morty, have traveled between dimensions.
- Bill Cipher originally had a much smaller role, being a minor comic relief by invading Dipper’s dreams and yelling conspiracy theories. That idea was scrapped, and Bill was made into the main antagonist.
- Bill was originally supposed to be green. That was changed, as Alex didn’t want people to make jokes about him being a leaf.
- Ironically, people started making jokes that he is a Dorito.