Equifax номер телефона

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Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting agencies, provides contact information on all of its free annual credit reports. However, it is also easy to contact Equifax without requesting a report. Equifax responds to questions, comments, and requests online, over the phone, and even via physical mail, so there’s always a way to get in touch when you need to.

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 1


    Visit annualcreditreport.com to get your free yearly report online. Did you know that you are guaranteed one free credit report each year? Under the Federal FACT (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions) Act, every U.S. consumer is entitled to one free credit report every year from each of the «big three» credit reporting agencies (including Equifax). To request your free report, click here to visit annualcreditreport.com, then:

    • Click the «Request your free credit reports» button.
    • Click the «Request your credit reports» button on the next page.
    • Fill out the form with the requested information, pressing «Next» at the end of each page to proceed.
    • Follow the prompts to request your reports. Note that, with this method, you can get a report from Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, or all three agencies.[1]
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 2


    Call 1-877-322-8228 to request a credit report via phone.[2]
    If you don’t have an internet connection or prefer not to use one, using your phone is the second-quickest option. Follow the automatic prompts you hear to complete and submit your request. You’ll need to supply some important personal and financial information to complete the request — see the «What You’ll Need» section below for more information.

    • As with the online method, you can request reports from any combination of the three agencies when ordering over the phone.


  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 3


    Mail in the request form. If you’d prefer to receive your credit reports by mail, use the official request form provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The form is (available via the FTC website). Use the «print» option to print out the form (you’ll need access to a printer), then fill out the required information.

    • When you’re done, fold the form (don’t tape or staple it), seal it in a #10 envelope, and address the envelope to:
      Annual Credit Report Request Service
      P.O. Box 105281
      Atlanta, GA 30348-528
    • Be sure to check the bubbles at the bottom of the form for the agencies that you’d like to receive a report from.
  4. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 4


    Don’t contact Equifax directly for credit reports. Equifax (as well as Experian and TransUnion, the other major credit agencies) do not handle requests for credit reports directly. If you contact the customer service department as Equifax or one of the other agencies to get your free credit report, you will be directed to use one of the methods above.

    • Note that all three of the methods above allow you to request reports from one, two, or all three agencies, so you don’t have to worry about using up all of your free reports at once if you don’t want to.
  5. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 5


    Don’t fall prey to imposter websites. If you decide to request your free credit reports online, make sure you only use annualcreditreport.com. This is the only site that is officially verified and approved by the FTC.[3]
    Other, unauthorized credit reporting sites may not be truly free — they may, for instance, require you to sign up for a free trial service that will automatically start charging you if you don’t specifically cancel it. Some malicious sites may even be blatant attempts to gather your personal information.

    • This means that it’s a bad idea to use search engines queries like «free credit reports.» Many of the results you’ll get from these searches will be websites deliberately designed to imitate the «real» free credit report website.
  6. Advertisement

What You’ll Need to Request a Credit Report

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 6


    Be prepared to provide basic personal information. All of the methods for requesting your credit report above will require you to provide basic information about yourself. This includes, but may not be limited to, your:

    • Legal name
    • Birth date
    • Current address
    • You’ll also need the address of your previous residence if you have moved within the last two years.[4]
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 7


    Have your Social Security number handy. The major piece of private information that is requested when you request a credit report is your Social Security number (SSN). This number is unique for every U.S. citizen and is used for a wide variety of important financial tasks.

    • If you don’t know your SSN and can’t locate your card, you should contact your local SS office to ask for a replacement. You may also call 1-800-772-121 or visit ssa.gov. You will probably be required to prove your citizenship with a birth certificate or passport.
    • Note that, when requesting your credit report(s), you will have the option to have only the last four digits of your Social Security number disclosed on the report you receive.
  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 8


    Be ready to supply a limited amount of private financial information. You may or may not be required to provide additional information about your finances to get a credit report. The precise information you will be asked for can vary from agency to agency because the different agencies use different information to put together your report. Being aware of this beforehand allows you to gather the documents you’ll need to answer these questions. Things you may be asked about include:

    • Mortgage payments
    • Student loans
    • Car loans
    • Credit card payments
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 9


    Use the FAQ to answer common questions. Many of the most common customer service requests at Equifax can actually be answered via the official FAQ (frequently-asked questions) page. For personal customers, this is available here. At this page, you will find answers to many important questions, like:[5]

    • «How does credit reporting work?»
    • «How do I correct or dispute inaccuracies on my credit file?»
    • «How do I get a free copy of my credit file?»
    • …and more.
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 10


    Visit Online Account Assistance for log-in help. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can get them back here.

    • You will need to verify basic personal information as well as your SSN to get your log-in information back.
  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 11


    Use online resources for common tasks. You can request many important functions for your account via Equifax’s online infrastructure. See below for specific links:

    • Dispute claims online via the online dispute form. You will need to have the document you want to dispute ready.
    • Request a 90-day fraud alert online here.
    • Place a security freeze on your account online here.
  4. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 12


    Contact Equifax via phone. Equifax operates numerous different help lines for various requests and issues. See below for more information:

    • Dial 1-866-640-2273 for general customer service inquiries.
    • Dial 1-888-766-0008 to place a fraud alert.
    • Call 1-800-685-1111 to order special reports via telephone. This number will connect you to the Equifax automated ordering system. Note that this number should not be used to request the free annual credit report you are entitled to as a consumer. Use the number in the section above instead.
    • To dispute part of your credit report, check the report itself for the correct contact number. You’ll be asked to provide the confirmation number from your Equifax credit report.
  5. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 13


    Use P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA, 30374 for snail mail. If time is not a factor, Equifax will gladly respond to most inquiries by mail. Please include copies of any supporting documentation needed for your request and allow plenty of time to a receive a response.

    • For best results, address your letter to «Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc.» like this:
      Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc.
      P.O. Box 740241
      Atlanta, GA, 30374
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 14


    Visit the business FAQ page for answers to commonly-asked questions. Before taking the time to contact Equifax, you may want to check whether your question is already addressed online. The Equifax Business Customer Support FAQ (frequently-asked questions) page has links to many common customer service issues, including:

    • How do I update my company information via fax? (Use 770-740-5223)
    • How do I cancel my account? (Use this form)
    • How do I confirm my account balance? (Call 800-685-5000)
    • …and much more.
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 15


    Submit a web-based «Service Request» form. If you’re having trouble with your Equifax business account, a good way to get in touch with customer service is to use submit a service request via the official contact form. Supply the requested information, then describe your problem in the «Additional Comments» box.

    • You should receive a response within one business day.
  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 16


    Contact Equifax Business Support via e-mail. Equifax has different e-mail addresses for different types of customer service requests. See below for more information:

  4. Advertisement

  1. 1

    • If you need support specifically for eID Verifier, InterConnect, Decision Power or eID Compare, send an e-mail to ETSupport@equifax.com.
    • If you need support for Prospect Select, Equifax List Select, ReadiScreen, TPA Lite or MarketReveal, send an e-mail to emshelpdesk@equifax.com.
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 17


    Contact Equifax Business Support via phone. Again, different types of requests require you to call different numbers. See below for more information:

    • To inquire about becoming an Equifax business customer, dial 1-888-202-4025.
    • If you’re already a business customer, contact Equifax business customer support at 1-800-685-5000.
    • If you need support for Market Reveal or TPA Lite, you can also dial 1-800-865-5000.
    • To contact support for InterConnect, eID Verifier, eID Compare and Decision Power, dial 1-877-420-7345.
    • Finally, to get information about Equifax Mortgage services, call 1-866-746-3780.
  3. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do I know if my credit info was involved in the Equifax security breach?

    Community Answer

    Contact them as soon as you can. It is their legal obligation to tell you if your information has been involved.

  • Question

    How can I submit to Equifax, Transunion, and Experian a satisfaction of judgment, in order to correct my credit report?

    Community Answer

    The lender should have already done so. If not, you would need to file a dispute, and provide written and verified evidence that the judgement was satisfied.

  • Question

    Equifax lists my credit as poor, yet Chase just doubled my credit line. I am well within bounds of good usage, what can I do to get them to correct this?

    Community Answer

    Equifax is a credit reporting agency, when you get things like «usage reports» and «credit scores,» even if they are from Equifax, they are subjective. Most banks use either FICO or an internal scoring algorithm to judge credit worthiness. That’s why Equifax might tell you your score is 720, but another company might say 710. Take all of these «recommendations» with a grain of salt, it is indeed important to keep your credit utilization low, but there is no magic number that will increase your credit worthiness. Also, remember that it takes up to 60+ days for credit reports to update, so if you just got a credit limit increase, it may not be reflected on your credit report yet.

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  • If you have a very short credit history or one with periodic «holes» (for instance, if you’ve been self-employed for a long time), you may need to supply additional documents (like copies of your SS card, birth certificate, passport, etc.)

  • Don’t be afraid to call or email the wrong department — the Equifax staff you get in touch with should be able to transfer or refer you to the correct contact.

  • To opt out of Equifax mailing lists, call 1-888-567-8688.

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

If you need to contact Equifax, go to annualcreditreport.com and fill out the form to request your free annual credit report from Equifax. Alternatively, request your credit report by phone at 1-877-322-8228. If you have a general customer service inquiry, call Equifax at 1-866-640-2273. Whether you have a personal or business account, you can also use online resources on the Equifax website to contact the company if you want to put a security freeze on your online account or cancel your account. For tips on how to avoid fake websites when requesting a credit report, read on!

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Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting agencies, provides contact information on all of its free annual credit reports. However, it is also easy to contact Equifax without requesting a report. Equifax responds to questions, comments, and requests online, over the phone, and even via physical mail, so there’s always a way to get in touch when you need to.

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 1


    Visit annualcreditreport.com to get your free yearly report online. Did you know that you are guaranteed one free credit report each year? Under the Federal FACT (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions) Act, every U.S. consumer is entitled to one free credit report every year from each of the «big three» credit reporting agencies (including Equifax). To request your free report, click here to visit annualcreditreport.com, then:

    • Click the «Request your free credit reports» button.
    • Click the «Request your credit reports» button on the next page.
    • Fill out the form with the requested information, pressing «Next» at the end of each page to proceed.
    • Follow the prompts to request your reports. Note that, with this method, you can get a report from Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, or all three agencies.[1]
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 2


    Call 1-877-322-8228 to request a credit report via phone.[2]
    If you don’t have an internet connection or prefer not to use one, using your phone is the second-quickest option. Follow the automatic prompts you hear to complete and submit your request. You’ll need to supply some important personal and financial information to complete the request — see the «What You’ll Need» section below for more information.

    • As with the online method, you can request reports from any combination of the three agencies when ordering over the phone.


  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 3


    Mail in the request form. If you’d prefer to receive your credit reports by mail, use the official request form provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The form is (available via the FTC website). Use the «print» option to print out the form (you’ll need access to a printer), then fill out the required information.

    • When you’re done, fold the form (don’t tape or staple it), seal it in a #10 envelope, and address the envelope to:
      Annual Credit Report Request Service
      P.O. Box 105281
      Atlanta, GA 30348-528
    • Be sure to check the bubbles at the bottom of the form for the agencies that you’d like to receive a report from.
  4. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 4


    Don’t contact Equifax directly for credit reports. Equifax (as well as Experian and TransUnion, the other major credit agencies) do not handle requests for credit reports directly. If you contact the customer service department as Equifax or one of the other agencies to get your free credit report, you will be directed to use one of the methods above.

    • Note that all three of the methods above allow you to request reports from one, two, or all three agencies, so you don’t have to worry about using up all of your free reports at once if you don’t want to.
  5. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 5


    Don’t fall prey to imposter websites. If you decide to request your free credit reports online, make sure you only use annualcreditreport.com. This is the only site that is officially verified and approved by the FTC.[3]
    Other, unauthorized credit reporting sites may not be truly free — they may, for instance, require you to sign up for a free trial service that will automatically start charging you if you don’t specifically cancel it. Some malicious sites may even be blatant attempts to gather your personal information.

    • This means that it’s a bad idea to use search engines queries like «free credit reports.» Many of the results you’ll get from these searches will be websites deliberately designed to imitate the «real» free credit report website.
  6. Advertisement

What You’ll Need to Request a Credit Report

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 6


    Be prepared to provide basic personal information. All of the methods for requesting your credit report above will require you to provide basic information about yourself. This includes, but may not be limited to, your:

    • Legal name
    • Birth date
    • Current address
    • You’ll also need the address of your previous residence if you have moved within the last two years.[4]
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 7


    Have your Social Security number handy. The major piece of private information that is requested when you request a credit report is your Social Security number (SSN). This number is unique for every U.S. citizen and is used for a wide variety of important financial tasks.

    • If you don’t know your SSN and can’t locate your card, you should contact your local SS office to ask for a replacement. You may also call 1-800-772-121 or visit ssa.gov. You will probably be required to prove your citizenship with a birth certificate or passport.
    • Note that, when requesting your credit report(s), you will have the option to have only the last four digits of your Social Security number disclosed on the report you receive.
  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 8


    Be ready to supply a limited amount of private financial information. You may or may not be required to provide additional information about your finances to get a credit report. The precise information you will be asked for can vary from agency to agency because the different agencies use different information to put together your report. Being aware of this beforehand allows you to gather the documents you’ll need to answer these questions. Things you may be asked about include:

    • Mortgage payments
    • Student loans
    • Car loans
    • Credit card payments
  4. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 9


    Use the FAQ to answer common questions. Many of the most common customer service requests at Equifax can actually be answered via the official FAQ (frequently-asked questions) page. For personal customers, this is available here. At this page, you will find answers to many important questions, like:[5]

    • «How does credit reporting work?»
    • «How do I correct or dispute inaccuracies on my credit file?»
    • «How do I get a free copy of my credit file?»
    • …and more.
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 10


    Visit Online Account Assistance for log-in help. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can get them back here.

    • You will need to verify basic personal information as well as your SSN to get your log-in information back.
  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 11


    Use online resources for common tasks. You can request many important functions for your account via Equifax’s online infrastructure. See below for specific links:

    • Dispute claims online via the online dispute form. You will need to have the document you want to dispute ready.
    • Request a 90-day fraud alert online here.
    • Place a security freeze on your account online here.
  4. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 12


    Contact Equifax via phone. Equifax operates numerous different help lines for various requests and issues. See below for more information:

    • Dial 1-866-640-2273 for general customer service inquiries.
    • Dial 1-888-766-0008 to place a fraud alert.
    • Call 1-800-685-1111 to order special reports via telephone. This number will connect you to the Equifax automated ordering system. Note that this number should not be used to request the free annual credit report you are entitled to as a consumer. Use the number in the section above instead.
    • To dispute part of your credit report, check the report itself for the correct contact number. You’ll be asked to provide the confirmation number from your Equifax credit report.
  5. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 13


    Use P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA, 30374 for snail mail. If time is not a factor, Equifax will gladly respond to most inquiries by mail. Please include copies of any supporting documentation needed for your request and allow plenty of time to a receive a response.

    • For best results, address your letter to «Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc.» like this:
      Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc.
      P.O. Box 740241
      Atlanta, GA, 30374
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 14


    Visit the business FAQ page for answers to commonly-asked questions. Before taking the time to contact Equifax, you may want to check whether your question is already addressed online. The Equifax Business Customer Support FAQ (frequently-asked questions) page has links to many common customer service issues, including:

    • How do I update my company information via fax? (Use 770-740-5223)
    • How do I cancel my account? (Use this form)
    • How do I confirm my account balance? (Call 800-685-5000)
    • …and much more.
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 15


    Submit a web-based «Service Request» form. If you’re having trouble with your Equifax business account, a good way to get in touch with customer service is to use submit a service request via the official contact form. Supply the requested information, then describe your problem in the «Additional Comments» box.

    • You should receive a response within one business day.
  3. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 16


    Contact Equifax Business Support via e-mail. Equifax has different e-mail addresses for different types of customer service requests. See below for more information:

  4. Advertisement

  1. 1

    • If you need support specifically for eID Verifier, InterConnect, Decision Power or eID Compare, send an e-mail to ETSupport@equifax.com.
    • If you need support for Prospect Select, Equifax List Select, ReadiScreen, TPA Lite or MarketReveal, send an e-mail to emshelpdesk@equifax.com.
  2. Image titled Contact Equifax Step 17


    Contact Equifax Business Support via phone. Again, different types of requests require you to call different numbers. See below for more information:

    • To inquire about becoming an Equifax business customer, dial 1-888-202-4025.
    • If you’re already a business customer, contact Equifax business customer support at 1-800-685-5000.
    • If you need support for Market Reveal or TPA Lite, you can also dial 1-800-865-5000.
    • To contact support for InterConnect, eID Verifier, eID Compare and Decision Power, dial 1-877-420-7345.
    • Finally, to get information about Equifax Mortgage services, call 1-866-746-3780.
  3. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do I know if my credit info was involved in the Equifax security breach?

    Community Answer

    Contact them as soon as you can. It is their legal obligation to tell you if your information has been involved.

  • Question

    How can I submit to Equifax, Transunion, and Experian a satisfaction of judgment, in order to correct my credit report?

    Community Answer

    The lender should have already done so. If not, you would need to file a dispute, and provide written and verified evidence that the judgement was satisfied.

  • Question

    Equifax lists my credit as poor, yet Chase just doubled my credit line. I am well within bounds of good usage, what can I do to get them to correct this?

    Community Answer

    Equifax is a credit reporting agency, when you get things like «usage reports» and «credit scores,» even if they are from Equifax, they are subjective. Most banks use either FICO or an internal scoring algorithm to judge credit worthiness. That’s why Equifax might tell you your score is 720, but another company might say 710. Take all of these «recommendations» with a grain of salt, it is indeed important to keep your credit utilization low, but there is no magic number that will increase your credit worthiness. Also, remember that it takes up to 60+ days for credit reports to update, so if you just got a credit limit increase, it may not be reflected on your credit report yet.

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  • If you have a very short credit history or one with periodic «holes» (for instance, if you’ve been self-employed for a long time), you may need to supply additional documents (like copies of your SS card, birth certificate, passport, etc.)

  • Don’t be afraid to call or email the wrong department — the Equifax staff you get in touch with should be able to transfer or refer you to the correct contact.

  • To opt out of Equifax mailing lists, call 1-888-567-8688.

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Article SummaryX

If you need to contact Equifax, go to annualcreditreport.com and fill out the form to request your free annual credit report from Equifax. Alternatively, request your credit report by phone at 1-877-322-8228. If you have a general customer service inquiry, call Equifax at 1-866-640-2273. Whether you have a personal or business account, you can also use online resources on the Equifax website to contact the company if you want to put a security freeze on your online account or cancel your account. For tips on how to avoid fake websites when requesting a credit report, read on!

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БКИ Эквифакс

Кредитное агентство БКИ Эквифакс, Каланчевская ул., 16, стр. 1, Москва, 129090:
22 отзыва
пользователей и сотрудников, подробная информация о адресе, времени работы, расположении на карте, посещаемости, фотографии, меню, номер телефона и огромное количество другой подробной и полезной информации

БКИ Эквифакс

Адрес: Каланчевская ул., 16, стр. 1, Москва, 129090

GPS координаты

Широта: 55.7774208
Долгота: 37.6492411

Время работы

Понедельник 09:00–17:00
Вторник 09:00–17:00
Среда 09:00–17:00
Четверг 09:00–17:00
Пятница 09:00–17:00
Суббота Закрыто
Воскресенье Закрыто


Денис Макаров

Как и положено, прошёл регистрацию (моя кредитная история в 4 компаниях)был в шоке после получения в данной конторе кредитного отчёта, ладно все вверх дном ,хуже всего есть в этом кучи кредиты которые не брал не когда да и не мог по сути ,но они есть ,в перемешку с открытыми, которые просрочены ,есть такие они без долгов закрыты, которые не брал закрыты с просрочкой и не один ,соответственно кредитный рейтинг не очень ,хотя в других компаниях вполне нормально .Короче контора просто не очем, не рекомендую, потом ещё после них посыпались звонки из банков с предложениями ,это не совпадение, а прямой факт что сливают информацию, доказать сложно ,да и не надо ,не рекомендую данную компанию

3 месяца назад

Владимир Онисковец

Неудобные часы работы. С понедельника по пятницу с 10 до 17. несение изменений в кредитную историю, первичная регистрация и т.п. возможны путем подачи заявления в офисе эквифакса. В эквифаксе всё сделано максимально неудобно для людей! Увеличивайте часы и дни работы офиса. Большинство людей работают и в заявленные часы им неудобно приезжать! Не будьте скотами!!! Поворачивайтесь к людям лицом!

1 месяц назад

Наталья Кравченко-Махт

Зашла в свой профиль посмотреть историю кредитную, а там ещё приплели какую-то мою однофамилицу с Тамбова!ничего не проверяют!

10 месяцев назад

Larisa Guro

Пока авторизовалась на сайте,звонила пять раз,каждый раз трубку брали быстро,отношение к клиенту-человеческое!Тдельное спасибо Екатерине,она по телефону помогла мне решить проблему.Большое спасибо!!!

5 месяцев назад

Анастасия *****

Одно из крупнейших Бюро кредитных историй.
Удобный онлайн-сервис для получения кредитной истории, в котором можно приобрести качественные услуги, такие как «Годовая подписка» на кредитный отчет, с помощью которой можно контролировать изменения скорингового балла и информацию по своим кредитным обязательствам, «защита от мошенничества» (смс-информирование о новых оформленных кредитах), и многие другие на усмотрение клиента.

1 неделя назад

Тася Капотина

Хорошее бюро кредитных историй, насколько знаю Альфа банк с ними сотрудничает.
Заказываю бесплатные выписки 1 раз в год. Тут как хочешь: быстро/часто-плати, но можно и бесплатно, но редко))
За 2 года скоринг бал поднялся практически до максимума, не из-за них конечно, но благодаря им начал намного ответственней относится к своим кредитным обязательствам.

11 месяцев назад

Диман Головачев

Самое человечное бюро! Самый доступный сервис для проверки кредитной истории онлайн! Зарегистрироваться можно с помощью учетки на Госуслугах. 2 кредитных отчета каждый год по закону бесплатно.

3 недели назад

Наташа Степанова

Для получения бесплатного отчёта по кредитной истории пришлось регистрироваться с указанием всех интимных подробностей: семейное положение (можно врать), образование (можно врать), телефон (будет смс-подтверждение), почтовый адрес (я указал несуществующий). Сведений обо мне они практически не имели (в информации о паспорте Сбербанк у себя подправил ОВД на Отдел внутренних дел), потому «632. Данный скоринг-балл расценивается как плохой». А те БКИ, которые располагают реальными сведениями обо мне, присваивают мне очень высокий скоринговый балл.
Резюме: у вас выведают много личных сведений и не предоставят практически никакой полезной информации, не всегда бесплатно.

3 месяца назад

Евгений Nirvana

Не знаю, чем Эквифакс не угодил предыдущим комментаторам, и какими их услугами они пользовались. Мой опыт вполне положительный: заказывал у них отчет-выписку из моей кредитной истории.

Без предварительного звонка просто заехал к ним в офис с паспортом и снилсом. Заполнил анкету. На следующий рабочий день с утра отчет уже у меня на почте. Быстро. Четко. Бесплатно.

2 месяца назад

Катя Твердохлеб

При наличии действующих более года кредитов с максимальной просрочкой до 6 дней (самая минимальная просрочка по их шкале из 11 пунктов) и наличии кредита 5-и летней давности, закрытого досрочно, при максимальной просрочке от 30 до 90 дней, скорринг балл находится на самом дне — 15% из 100%. Методика расчета оставляет желать лучшего.

3 недели назад

Маргарита Платонова

Вход в личный кабинет заблокирован, звонишь по 3-4 раза, не берут трубку, техподдержка отвечает на письма через стуки и письмом, хотя просишь перезвонить для скорейшего разрешения. Не удивительно, что с таким уровнем сервиса, у эквифака клиенты только бвнки, а физлицам, как мне кажется все жк лучше обходить эту компанию стороной, так как и уровень качеств ауслуг и уровень качества самого портала выраженно низок.

2 месяца назад

Бунтарева Елена

Я вот читаю комментарии и поражаюсь… Ничем из перечисленного не сталкивался. Регистрация для меня была бесплатная. Кредитный отчет и список БКИ тоже бесплатный. Заявление на исправление КИ тоже было бесплатное. Оператор который дает обратную связь, предлагает несколько вариантов взаимодействия, все в рамках законодательства. Покупал кредитные отчеты, услуга полезная особенно выгодно брать паками, если в них есть необходимость.

3 месяца назад

Кася Коган

Отвратительное бюро кредитных историй. Закрытый вовремя кредит числится открытым, в итоге ужасная просрочка, по уже закрытым давно кредитам тоже какие-то ужасные просрочки приписаны. Съездила в банк, взяла документ, что кредит закрыт, выписку, что просрочек не было, чтобы исправили в истории — нет, фиг Вам, называется, просто так не исправим, платите денежки за исправление истории 1000 руб. В общем, развод на деньги. В НБКИ самая точная и актуальная история и никаких ошибок нет!!!

3 месяца назад

Лена Трофимова

Не соглашусь с негативными комментариями что развод, все как указано на сайте, подтверждение платное но 50 робей за скорость не такие большие деньги, правда все равно пришлось немного подождать.
Как и обещано первая выписка из БКИ абсолютно бесплатная, благодаря которой очень много «интересного» узнал о себе и не чистых на руку банках, которое уже получили соответствующих люлей.

2 месяца назад

Оксана Смирнова

Рекомендую! Молодцы! Работают четко и до полного решения вашего вопроса! Используют в работе ВСЕ варианты связи — и по е-майлу, и по телефону. Результат налицо- быстро и бесплатно решили все мои вопросы не выходя из дома! Так держать! Отдельное спасибо — Ксении Фадеевой, она работает на результат!

3 месяца назад

Fgfgf Gfgfg

Пробывал способ подтверждения личности через банковский счет, заплатил 50 рублей, Однако в личном кабинете написано «Мы не смогли перечислить денежные средства на ваше имя, возможно в указанных реквизитах была допущена ошибка.» Хотя реквизиты точно правильный. Результат 50 рублей не вернули, личность не подтверждена.

4 месяца назад

Александр Ефимов

Решил купить в данной компании пакет из пяти отчётов, деньги за услугу списались ошибочно два раза. Деньги за повторное списание отказались возвращать, предложили выбрать другую услугу, которая мне не нужна….

5 месяцев назад

Надежда Габуния

Качество формирования кредитного отчёта стало отвратное, много записей отсутствуют или долго не обновляются. Отчёт получается не полный и не достоверный

9 месяцев назад

Егор Пелехов

обычный развод клиентов (физ.лиц) под слово бесплатное. цель заманить и закидать спамом. свою учетку даже удалить нельзя. дозвониться нельзя. в кол. центре автомат тоже врун… все для «лоха»

3 месяца назад

Olya Ammosova

связи нет ни какой : страница для вопросов письма не отправляет, после прослушивания автоинформатора звонок сбрасывается, короче просто очередная система для высасывания бабла из народа, бесплатную историю не получить, оплатишь, тогда подумают еще. очередной глобальный лохотрон завязаный на банках. Как достала эта гнилая система!

3 недели назад

Юлия Ефимова

Перестали выдавать бесплатную ежегодную КИ через Личный кабинет. Теперь либо за деньги, либо к ним в офис с заявлением. Ж — жадность, К — клиентоориентированность.

9 месяцев назад

Анна Лупандина

Допустили ошибку, дозвониться невозможно переговоры только с автоинформатором, написал письмо молчат, средство обратной связи не работает,крупнейшее оборзевшее. Не ответят в ближайшее время жалобу надо будет писать в ЦБ России

9 месяцев назад

Популярные места из категории Кредитное агентство

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