Чон хосок номер телефона


ᴊ-ʜоᴘᴇ | ʙᴛs⁷


Настоящее имя: Jung Hoseok (정호석) Чон Хосок Сценическое имя: J-Hope Позиция в группе: Главный танцор, рэпер Дата рождения: 18.02.1994 Вопросы: @naniwo «Чем больше ты стараешься, тем лучше результат.» — Чон Хосок.




Hope of BANGTAN Имя: Чон Хосок | 정호석 | Jung Ho Seok Дата рождения: 18 февраля 1994 Родной город: Гванджу Позиция в группе: рэпер, главный танцор Канал-проект УЗ_АРМИ @bulletproof_uzb Весь контент взят из соц.сетей; https://vk.com/stan_hobi


чай с ароматом юнсоков⁷


⊹︎ рост Хосока идеален для того, чтобы чмокать Юнги в носик.. ٭˟ 🦋 01.04.2022


юнги любит хосока.


• тут самые тёплые люди ♡ • вопросы: @mxyoon • другие проекты: @bngtnheart, @Baepsae_bts 🗣️ если что-то берёте с канала, будьте добры отмечать 🗣️


•𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐘• VIBE


Канал посвященный группе кампании HYBE LABELS — BTS. Ким Намджун Ким СокДжин Мин Юнги Чон Хосок Пак Чимин Ким Тэхен Чон Чонгук По всем вопросам: @JeonLinJee Архив: @bts_Archivee » 07.09.2020




⚜ WONHO ⚜ 🔸 Сценическое имя: Вонхо / Wonho / 원호 🔸 Настоящее имя: Настоящее имя: Ли (Шин) Хосок / Lee (Shin) Hoseok / 이호석 (신호석) 🔸 Профессия: Певец, композитор, продюсер 🔸 Дата рождения: 01 марта 1993 года 🔸 Благодарим паблик 🔗 vk.com/shinhoseok


🎄видео стикеры с Хосоком🎄


Видео стикеры и гиф с Хосоком Поддержать админа: 89243791930 (сбер или тинькофф)


соупы соулмейты


юнги любит хосока хосок любит юнги 03.05.22 по вопросам — @weoluu вп — @sopevp


дурашки чихоупы⁷


«Хосок всегда номер один для Чимина. Вы должны понять это» — Ким Намджун, 14.07.2022 🐥💞🐿 30.08.2022


Чон Хосок



Eri Moran/ Монастырь Святого Отца Хосока


Все, что происходит тут — это душевность, а не гейство:)


ʜᴏsᴇᴏᴋ ʀᴜssɪᴀɴ


Фан-канал посвященный Хосоку, самому талантливому певцу, рэперу, танцору, композитору и продюсеру 🐿️ У нас вы найдёте: ☀️ ɴᴇᴡs ☀️ ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ☀️ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ☀️ ᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ И много-много другого💜


Твой Хосок


Включай уведомления 💌 Я заставлю твоё сердце биться чаще 😏


🤍 J-HOPE / BTS 🖤


Имя: Jung Hoseok (정 호석) Чон Хосок Псевдоним: J-Hope (제이 홉) Дата рождения: 18 февраля 1994 года Рост: 177 см. Группа: Bangtansonyadan (BTS) Родной город: Кванджу Название компании: Big-Hit entertainment. Позиция в группе: главный танцор


• ᗷᎢᔑ ᏀᗩᏞᏞᗴᖇᎩ •


Ким Намджун🎼реп Пак Чимин🎼вокал Ким Техен🎼вокал Чон Чонгук 🎼вокал Мин Юнги🎼реп Ким Сеокджин🎼вокал Чон Хосок🎼реп ИСТОЧНИК 👉 ВКОНТАКТЕ 👈 @prdsdef_M https://t.me/Big_Hit_Entertainment/148

ECB802E7 FA33 4C7F 8EC6 08711A38AFA1

18 февраля «Чон Чонгук 4» быстро стало трендом в Твиттере после того, как Джей-Хоуп опубликовал историю в Instagram с поздравлением от Чонгука.

Это произошло из-за имени, под которым Хосок сохранил номер Чонгука. Джей-Хоуп сохранил номер Чонгука на корейском языке как «Чон Чонгук 4», намекая на то, что у Чонгука может быть четыре разных номера.
Поэтому фанаты обратились в социальные сети, чтобы поделиться своими предположениями. Многие предполагают, что у Чонгука есть четыре разных телефона в зависимости от того, для каких случаев он их использует, в то время как другие считают, что Чонгук просто много раз менял свой номер телефона, учитывая, что сасэн-фанаты звонили ему во время прямой трансляции ранее.

the “jeon jungkook 4” is both funny and sad at the same time….cant even imagine how many times they have to change their phone numbers bcs of sasaengs https://t.co/3fwrTKt7sm

— ella⁷; hobiuary (@poetryofhobi) February 18, 2022

Чон Хосок на The Fact Music Awards в 2022 году
Чон Хосок в октябре 2022 года: Wikipedia / Btspurplegalaxy

Чон Хосок (Джей-Хоуп) — ведущий танцор, рэпер и саб-вокалист BTS. Он обладает большим талантом и харизмой. У обаятельного парня миллионы поклонников, которые живо интересуются его жизнью и успехами.

Факты биографии и личная жизнь Чон Хосока

Когда день рождения У Джей-Хоупа? Gluwee сообщает, что артист родился 18 февраля 1994 года. По зодиаку Джей-Хоуп — Водолей. Сколько лет Хосоку из BTS? В 2023 году ему исполнится 29 лет.

Ранние годы и образование

Хосок родился в южнокорейском городе Кванджу. Здесь он жил с родителями и сестрой, которая старше на четыре года. Она создала собственный бренд одежды. Channel Korea приводит слова артиста, который упомянул, что его отец — учитель. KoreaBoo пишет, что мать Хосока устроилась на две работы, чтобы оплачивать его уроки танцев.

В начальной школе Джей-Хоуп играл в теннис и даже участвовал в соревнованиях. В средней школе и весь первый год в старших классах будущий артист учился танцам в музыкальной академии Кванджу. Хосок уже тогда получил некоторую известность как танцор. Он выиграл несколько местных конкурсов и в 2008-м победил в соревновании национального уровня. Он был частью андеграундной танцевальной команды Neuron.

People сообщает, что стажером лейбла Big Hit Entertainment Хосок стал после прослушивания в 2010 году. Как трейни, Джей-Хоуп появился как приглашенный исполнитель в клипе Джо Квона «Animal» (2012).

Высшее образование Хосок получил в Global Cyber ​​University по специальности «Радиовещание и развлечения». В 2019 году Джей-Хоуп поступил в Hanyang Cyber ​​University с целью получить степень магистра делового администрирования в области рекламы и медиа.

Чон Хосок из BTS

Чон Хосок из BTS: Wikipedia / Hope Smiling

Личная жизнь

Артист, рост которого в 2023 году составляет 177 см, а вес — 65 кг, только однажды рассказал о прошлом романе. KoreaBoo пишет, что произошло признание в 2021 году на передаче Rookie King. Хосок сказал, что девушка, имя которой он так и не произнес, его бросила и ушла к другому.

Летом 2022 года о возможных отношениях Джей-Хоупа СМИ сообщили дважды. AllKpop в июне писал, ссылаясь на слухи среди фанатов, о возможном романе артиста с певицей Розэ, но оказалось, что Розэ и Джей-Хоуп просто были на одном мероприятии в числе многих других приглашенных.

AllKpop в июле 2022 года публиковал слухи об отношениях Хосока с моделью Айрин Ким. South China Morning Post в августе допускала существование отношений между ними. KoreaBoo опубликовал фото, на которых Айрин и Джей-Хоуп демонстрируют одинаковую одежду и аксессуары. Официальных комментариев о взаимоотношениях звезд не последовало.

KoreaBoo тем временем рассказал, каким видит Хосок свой идеал. Девушка должна заботиться о других, хорошо готовить и любить книги. Желательно, чтобы она умела думать и обращала внимание только на своего парня. В качестве примера идеальной подруги Джей-Хоуп привел американскую актрису Аманду Сейфрид.

Где живет Чон Хосок? Официально Джей-Хоуп живет в общей квартире группы, которая находится в жилом комплексе Hannam The Hill и стоит больше $6,5 млн. Артист инвестирует средства в недвижимость. В 2016 году он купил элитную квартиру в комплексе Seoul Forest Trimage, что в районе Сонсудон в Сеуле.

Чон Хосок на сцене

Чаон Хосок на Golden Disc Awards: Wikipedia / HopeSmiling

Карьера Джей-Хоупа

Сколько зарабатывает Чон Хосок? KpopStarz утверждает, что базовая зарплата Джей-Хоупа составляет $8 млн в год. Celebrity Net Worth указывает, что собственный капитал Джей-Хоупа составил $20 млн. Артист, как и каждый член группы, владеет 68 385 акциями корпорации HYBE, стоимость которых в феврале 2023 колеблется в пределах $10,5 млн.

Работа с BTS

Дебютировал Джей-Хоуп в составе BTS 13 июня 2013 года. Выступление прошло в рамках шоу «M! Обратный отсчет». Первой композицией группы стал сингл «2 Cool 4 Skool». Британская Metro писала в 2018-м, что Джей-Хоуп — один из основных авторов песен группы.

Первый сольный микстейп Хосока под названием «Hope World» вышел в марте 2018-го. В его поддержку вышел клип на заглавный сингл «Daydream». Через несколько дней вышел клип на вторую песню сборника «Airplane». Микстейп достиг в Billboard 200 38 позиции, а в конце года оказался на пятом месте в Billboard World Albums Chart.

Вместе с участником группы V Джей-Хоуп 14 июня 2019 года сотрудничал с Зарой Ларссон в создании саундтрека для мобильной игры BTS World, которая называется «A Brand New Day».

В сентябре 2019 год Джей-Хоуп вместе с американской певицей Бекки Джи создали сингл «Chicken Noodle Soup». Песня дебютировала под первым номером в чарте Billboard World Digital Song Sales.

Сольная карьера

People сообщил, что 14 июня 2022 года Hybe объявил Джей-Хоупа первым участником BTS, начавшим продвижение в качестве сольного исполнителя, в то время как группа взяла паузу, чтобы пройти армейскую службу.

Артист признался Rolling Stone, что испытывал определенное давление в процессе работы над первым полностью сольным альбомом «Jack in the Box», который вышел 15 июля 2022 года. Его выпуск предварял дебютировавший 1 июля сингл «More». О создании сольного альбома J-Hope «In the Box» сняли одноименный документальный фильм. Его демонстрируют на Disney+ с 17 февраля 2023 года.

В качестве хедлайнера Чон Хосок выступил 31 июля на крупном американском музыкальном фестивале Lollapalooza. Он оказался первым корейцем, выступившим с главной сцены мероприятия. В сентябре 2022 года Джей-Хоуп участвовал в записи сингла группы Crush, который называется «Rush Hour».

В октябре 2022 Джей-Хоуп удостоился шести номинаций на MAMA Awards, среди которых были «Артист года», «Культура и стиль» и «Лучший исполнитель мужского пола». В двух последних он победил. В 2023 году Хосок получил премию Golden Disck Award «Thai Fans Support with Baoji», которую вручают за саму активную фанатскую поддержку.

Джей-Хоуп — талантливый, целеустремленный и очень трудолюбивый парень, который в столь молодом возрасте достиг потрясающих успехов.

Чон Хосок, известный как Джей-Хоуп, только начал заниматься сольной карьерой. Это дает основания полагать, что вскоре поклонники его таланта и фанаты BTS смогут насладиться новыми песнями звезды.

Оригинал статьи: https://www.nur.kz/family/gloss/1833994-con-hosok-foto-biografia-licnaa-ziznfakty/

It’s hard at times, but it’s as if I’m addicted to basking in your love, when I’m awake, I want to hurry on stage just for you.

–j-hope, 2017.10.22, Taiwan.

Jung Ho-seok (정호석), better known by his stage name j-hope (제이홉), is a South Korean rapper-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music. He is a member in the boy group BTS, and has the positions of rapper and dancer.

As a solo artist, he has released his first mixtape Hope World, on March 2, 2018. He then made his official solo debut with his first studio album Jack In The Box on July 15, 2022.

In 2020, j-hope was promoted to full member of the Korea Music Copyright Association.[5]


1994–2012: Early life

Jung Ho-seok was born on February 18, 1994, in Gwangju, South Korea, where he lived with his parents and older sister. Before debuting with BTS, he was part of the underground dance team Neuron. j-hope had been relatively well-known for his skills in dance prior to his debut; he won various local prizes for dance, including placing first in a national dance competition in 2008. His skills in dance eventually led him to gain interest in singing and rapping, helping motivate him to audition as an idol trainee. As a trainee, j-hope was featured as a rapper in Jo Kwon’s song «Animal», which was released in 2012.

2013–present: BTS and scheduled activities

On June 13, 2013, j-hope made his debut as a member of BTS on Mnet’s M! Countdown with the track «No More Dream» from their debut single album 2 Cool 4 Skool. He was the third member to join the group as a trainee after RM and SUGA. j-hope has since been involved in the creation process of every album in BTS’ discography.

On June 14, 2019, j-hope, together with fellow BTS member V, collaborated with Zara Larsson on a soundtrack called «A Brand New Day» for a mobile game BTS World.

2018–present: Solo activities

J-Hope shooting «Daydream» music video in 2018.

On March 1, 2018, j-hope released his first solo mixtape, Hope World, worldwide, along with a music video for the title track «Daydream». A music video for the B-side «Airplane» was later released on March 6.

The EP debuted at number 63 and peaked at number 38 on the Billboard 200, making him the highest charting K-pop solo act on the chart. Hope World also peaked at number 35 on the Canadian Albums Chart, and number 19 on the US Top Rap Albums chart. Three mixtape tracks, «Daydream», «Hope World», and «Hangsang», charted on the World Digital Songs Chart, ranking third, 16th, and 24th respectively. The following week, the tracks grew to first, sixth, and 11th, with three additional tracks off of Hope World, «Airplane», «Base Line», and «P.O.P (Piece Of Peace) Pt.1» arriving on the chart at number five, eight, and twelve, respectively. «Daydream» peaking atop the chart made j-hope one of only ten K-Pop groups, including his band BTS, to reach number one. The success of his solo debut led him to rank third on the Emerging Artists Chart, and 97th on the Artist 100 Chart for the week of March 10 and 91st for the week of March 17. He is the fifth Korean artist, and the second Korean soloist after Psy, to place on the Artist 100. The mixtape charted in ten countries worldwide, with «Daydream» charting in three, and eventually placed at number five for Billboard magazine’s year-end world albums chart.

In 2019, j-hope released a free collaboration single, «Chicken Noodle Soup», on September 27, featuring American singer, Becky G. The track debuted at number 81 on the Billboard Hot 100, with 9.7 million streams and 11,000 downloads for the week ending October 4, making j-hope the first member of BTS to chart on the Hot 100 as a solo artist outside of the group, the third Korean solo artist to rank on the chart (after Psy and CL), and the sixth Korean artist overall to do so. «Chicken Noodle Soup» also debuted at number 1 on the World Digital Songs chart and is j-hope’s second song to achieve this after 2018’s «Daydream».

For the three-year anniversary of his mixtape, j-hope released a full, three-minute long version of its closing track «Blue Side (Outro)» on March 1, 2021—it was uploaded to the BTS Soundcloud page for free.


His stage name, «j-hope (제이홉)», comes from his desire to represent hope for fans, as well as to be «the hope of BTS.» It is also a reference to the myth of Pandora’s box, as after the box was opened and all the evils inside were released to the world, the only thing left was hope.

Artistry and public image

J-Hope performing «MAMA» in 2017.

j-hope has been described as having an upbeat and energetic tone to his music and performances. His mixtape, Hope World, was described as having a fun nature and variety of musical genres, including synth-pop, trap, house, alternative hip hop, funk-soul, and retro elements. Jeff Benjamin of Fuse wrote that the atmospheric style of «Blue Side», Hope World’ s outro track, «leaves the listener curious for what’s coming next from j-hope.» The lyrical elements of the mixtape, notably the lead song «Daydream», was praised by Billboard magazine for its discussion of the difficulties an idol faces in their career, various literary references, and fun presentation of the serious subject matter.

j-hope cites the adventurous nature of Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and the works Kyle, Aminé, and Joey Badass as influencers on his style and work on Hope World. The idea of peace has also provided a basis for much of his lyrics, stating that «it’d be fantastic to become a part of someone’s personal peace through my music» in an interview with Time magazine. The idea of «representing the modern generation» has also influenced his work on BTS’ music. There was also a reference to Douglas Adams’ science fiction series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

In January 2020, J-hope was promoted along with the fellow BTS member RM to join with SUGA as the full member of the Korea Music Copyright Association.


In 2018, he was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea along with other members of the group. He had the most liked tweet in the world for 2018 when he posted the «In My Feelings Challenge».

Personal life

J-Hope at Love Myself Campaign Press Conference in 2017.

In 2016, he purchased a luxury apartment in South Korea worth US$1.6 million for his personal use. As of 2019, he currently lives in Hannam-dong, Seoul, South Korea with his members.


j-hope has been a member of the «Green Noble Club», which recognizes high-value donors of Child Fund Korea, since 2018. On February 18, 2019, he donated ₩100 million (approximately US$90,000) to the organization in support of those attending his high school alma mater in Gwangju. He had previously donated ₩150 million (roughly US$135,000) in December 2018, but requested the donation be private at the time. In December 2019, he donated another ₩100 million. On November 17, 2020, he donated ₩100 million in support of children experiencing economic difficulties amid the COVID-19 pandemic. On February 18, 2021, he donated ₩150 million to support children with visual and hearing impairments. On May 4, 2021, for Children’s Day, he donated ₩100 million for children affected by violence in Tanzania, Africa.


See also: BTS Discography

Studio albums

  • Jack In The Box (2022)


  • Hope World (2018)

Digital singles

  • «Chicken Noodle Soup (feat. Becky G)» (2019)
  • «Blue Side» (2021)
  • «MORE» (2022)


  • «A Brand New Day» from «BTS World OST Part.2« (with V and Zara Larsson) (2019)


  • Jo Kwon — «Animal (Feat. 정호석 Of 방탄소년단) (Feat. Jung Ho-seok of BTS)» (2012)
  • Crush — «Rush Hour (Feat. j-hope of BTS)» (2022)

Solo songs credited as BTS

See also unit songs credited under BTS: Units

  • «Intro: Boy Meets Evil» from WINGS (2016)
  • «MAMA» from WINGS (2016)
  • «Trivia 起: Just Dance» from LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ (2018)
  • «Outro: Ego» from MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 (2020)
  • «DNA (j-hope Demo Ver.)» from Proof (2022)

Unofficial songs

See also: Unofficial songs

Original songs

  • «땡 (DDaeng)» (with RM and SUGA) (2018)

Sampled songs

  • «1 Verse» (2015)

Adapted songs

  • «방탄소년들의 졸업 (Graduation Song)» (with Jung Kook and Jimin) (2013)
  • «Beautiful» (with Jimin, V and Jung Kook) (2013)
  • «흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스 (A Typical Idol’s Christmas)» (with Jin, SUGA, Jimin and V) (2013)

Cover songs

  • «안아줘 (Hug Me)» (with V) (2015)
  • «Feliz Navidad» (with Jin) (2019)



Year Title Role Notes
2018 Burn The Stage: The Movie Himself Screening in select Theatres
2019 BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul
Bring The Soul: The Movie
2020 Break The Silence: The Movie
2022 BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — Seoul
BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — LA Disney+ release

Variety shows

Year Title Network Notes
2014 100인의 선택 — 최고라면 (100’s Choice: Best Ramen) MBC Guest (Ep.6)
2015 My Pet 상담소 (My Pet Clinic) Guest with Jimin and V (Ep.6)
2016 놀라운 대회 스타킹 (Star King) SBS Guest with V (Ep.433)
동상이몽, 괜찮아 괜찮아 (Same Bed, Different Dreams) Guest (Ep.46)
놀라운 대회 스타킹 (Star King) Guest with RM and Jimin (Ep.447)
신의직장 (God’s Workplace) Guest with Jimin
(Pilot Episode)
2017 백종원의 3대 천왕 (Baek Jong-won’s Top 3 Chef King) Guest with Jin (Ep.68)
2018 PON Nippon TV Guest with Jimin
(Episode of February 7)
火曜サプライズ (Tuesday Surprise) Guest with Jimin
(Episode of February 13)
ZIP! Guest with Jimin
(Episode of February 21)
2019 크리에이브틴(틴에이저) 언더나인틴 (Under Nineteen) MBC Guest as Dance Tutor (Ep.10)
2022 5분만 : Give me a minute YouTube Guest (Ep.1)
아이유의 팔레트 (IU’s Palette) Guest (Ep.14)
Crush의 BLACKVOX Guest (Ep.1)
&TEAM 学園 (&TEAM Gakuen) NTV Guest (Ep.5)

Music shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 인기가요 (Inkigayo) SBS Special host with V (Ep.869)
쇼! 음악중심 (Show! Music Core) MBC Special host with Jung Kook (Ep.526)
2017 엠카운트다운 (M Countdown) Mnet Special host with RM and Jimin (Ep.543)

Music videos

Year Title Role Notes
2012 «I’m Da One» Backup dancer Pre-debut, Jo Kwon’s music video
2018 «Daydream» Himself Music video for debut mixtape
«In My Feelings» Cameo, Drake’s music video
2019 «Chicken Noodle Soup (feat. Becky G)»
2022 «MORE» Music video for solo debut
«Rush Hour (Feat. j-hope of BTS)» with Crush


Year Title Role Notes
2016 «Boy Meets Evil» Himself WINGS comeback trailer
«MAMA» Jung Ho-seok WINGS short film #6, BU content certified
2020 «Outro: Ego» Himself MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 comeback trailer

Concerts and music festivals

Concerts participation

  • 2015 All Force One: Hot & Cool (Guest; August 20, 2015)

Music festival participation

  • Lollapalooza 2022 (Headliner; July 31, 2022)


◯ = Participates as writing/composer/producer, ✖ = Not participated as writing/composer/producer, W = Writing, C = Composer, P = Producer

BTS Discography

Discography as a soloist

Awards and nominations

Award Year Category Recipient Result
Circle Chart Music Awards 2022 Artist of the Year (Digital Music – July) «방화 (Arson)» Pending
«MORE» Pending
Artist of the Year (Digital Music – September) «Rush Hour» (with Crush) Pending
Golden Disc Awards 2023 Most Popular Artist Award j-hope Pending
Grammy Awards 2023 Album of the Year Music of the Spheres (as songwriter) Pending
MAMA Awards 2022 Best Collaboration «Rush Hour» (with Crush) Nominated
Best Male Artist j-hope Nominated
Best HipHop & Urban Music «MORE» Nominated
Song of the Year «Rush Hour» (with Crush) (initial nominee) Nominated
Bibigo Culture and Style j-hope Won
Most Popular Male Artist Won
Prêmio Anual K4US 2022 Best Collaboration of the Year «Rush Hour» (with Crush) Pending
Song of the Year «MORE» Pending
Best Male Artist j-hope Pending
Seoul Music Awards 2023 Bonsang Award Jack In The Box Pending
K-wave Award j-hope Pending
Soompi Awards 2019 Best Male Solo Nominated


  • He is the third oldest in the band BTS.
  • He is 28 years old in the US age and 30 years old in the Korean age.
  • His Zodiac sign is Aquarius.
  • He is referred to as the ‘sunshine’ of the group due to his bright and energetic personality.
  • His hobbies are listening to music and window shopping.
  • He chose the name “j-hope” as his stage name because he wants to be a source of light and hope to his fans.
  • His favorite number is 7.
  • He hates exercising/working out.
  • He loves kimchi.
  • His favorite season is Spring.
  • He used to have a girlfriend before debut, but she left him for another man.
  • His favorite subject in school is Music.
  • He speaks Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese.
  • His role models are G-Dragon of BIGBANG, A$AP Rocky, J.Cole, and Beenzino.
  • He has an older sister.
  • If he could introduce his sister to a member, he would introduce her to Jung Kook.
  • He and Jimin are the only ones who are still roommates.
  • He has gained the liking of many celebrities outside of Korea, for example wrestler John Cena and singer-songwriter Tinashe.
  • According to RM, he and Jin are the most cowardly members of the group.[122]
  • He owns his own studio called ‘Hope World’.
  • He auditioned in JYP Entertainment together with B.A.P’s Youngjae and Halo’s Dino, but wasn’t accepted, so he went to Big Hit Entertainment and made it in as a trainee.
  • He was part of the street dance crew named «neuron»
  • When he was younger he had a passion for Tennis, and was relatively good at it.
  • His Motto: “If you don’t work hard, there won’t be good results.»
  • Before debut J-hope hated doing aegyo but he changed his mind.
  • His favorite color is Green.
  • He and SUGA are really bad at drawing.
  • He likes visiting the Fancafe when he has time because he needs to know what the fans are saying.
  • When having problems or worries he would share them with RM or SUGA.
  • Things he wants to steal from other members is Jimin’s chocolate abs, RM’s rap skills and his good English.
  • His ideal date: “I love the sea, I would like to walk down to the beach and hold hands”
  • 3 requirements for j-hope happiness: Family, Health, and Love.
  • He is the only member who doesn’t have ear piercings.
  • He gets scared quite easily.
  • His solo song «Mama» is a song dedicated to his mom. She came to a BTS concert and when j-hope performed it, she cried. He says the song was written as a means to show that he has finally become a son she can be proud of.
  • Despite the age gap, j-hope hangs around the maknaes most of the time.
  • He has been a victim of cyberbullying. He’s had a few instances where he would be broadcasting on Vlive and come across many comments saying that he had no talent, he doesn’t belong in BTS, being consistently asked of other members whereabouts etc… This refrained him from doing Vlives by himself for a long period of time.
  • In BTS’s mini drama ‘Flower Boys’, j-hope was teaching Literature. j-hope likes reading and literature, notably for the fact his father was a literature teacher and introduced the subject to his son.
  • When he was young, j-hope’s father would cook seaweed soup five days a week. He had gotten so used to it that he can recognize the smell and texture of seaweed instantly. (Run BTS! EP.43)
  • His BT21 character is a blue/purple horse named Mang.
  • His revealed that he actually left BigHit Entertainment/BTS during the group’s earlier days (before debut). However, he decided to come back because he trusted in the members and the members saying that the group wasn’t the same without him. (Burn The Stage EP.3)
  • His favorite drink is Sprite.
  • His is said to be one of the members who can cook very well. The others being Jin, Suga and Jung Kook. (Run BTS! EP. 50)
  • He once got angry and threw a banana at Jung Kook. This was due to the fact that Jung Kook had gotten a fruit basket as a present from an A.R.M.Y and he wanted to cherish the gift. Jung Kook shared the fruits with the other members at first, but told them to stop to avoid all of them being eaten as he wanted to keep the rest for himself and that the gift was rightfully his. j-hope thought Jung Kook was being selfish for arguing over the fruits and threw a banana at him as a result. (Burn The Stage EP.4)
  • His favorite hair color is red. [123].
  • He is the only member in the group who doesn’t need or require prescription glasses and contact lenses as he has very good eyesight. If he’s seen with glasses or lenses on, it is merely for fashion purposes.
  • His Spotify playlist is called J-Hope’s JAM.
  • j-hope and B.A.P Zelo went to the same Academy for rap and dance in Gwangju.
  • He used to be a tennis player in elementary school and played in competitions. He once received a bronze medal, out of 3 team competitors[124].
  • He likes melodramatic movies and remembers watching a lot of DVDs when he was a kid, since his father also likes movies.
  • He likes if someone strokes his hair – he says it helps him to sleep, a routine picked up from childhood. (when he was young, his mother used to pat him gently to put him to sleep)
  • He wrote and produced the main melodies in «Dionysus».
  • He prefers Bulgogi over most Korean food.
  • He is the most followed Korean solo artist on Spotify. Surpassing BIGBANG’s G-Dragon.
  • If he could choose one superpower, he’d want to be able to read people’s minds.
  • His song «Blue Side» was actually written over 3 years ago, shortly around the same time «1Verse» was written.
  • He likes Tiramisu.



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Video Gallery

J-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official MV

J-hope ‘방화 (Arson)’ Official MV

J-hope 'MORE' Official MV

J-hope ‘MORE’ Official MV

BTS (방탄소년단) MAP OF THE SOUL 7 'Outro Ego' Comeback Trailer

BTS (방탄소년단) MAP OF THE SOUL 7 ‘Outro Ego’ Comeback Trailer

J-hope 'Chicken Noodle Soup (feat

J-hope ‘Chicken Noodle Soup (feat. Becky G)’ MV

J-hope 'Airplane' MV

J-hope ‘Airplane’ MV

J-hope 'Daydream (백일몽)' MV

J-hope ‘Daydream (백일몽)’ MV

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 6 MAMA

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 6 MAMA

방탄소년단 (BTS) 'WINGS' Comeback Trailer Boy Meets Evil

방탄소년단 (BTS) ‘WINGS’ Comeback Trailer Boy Meets Evil


  1. J-Hope’s profile on BTS Official Website (deleted)
  2. 2.0 2.1 J-Hope’s Profile on Naver (deleted)
  3. J-Hope’s profile on BTS Japan Official Fanclub
  4. YouTube: BTS (방탄소년단) MBTI Lab 1
  5. BTS’s RM And J-Hope, Jay Park, And More Promoted To Full Members Of The Korea Music Copyright Association
  6. See credits on Genius
  7. Information of the Song «No More Dream» on Melon
  8. Information of the Song «Like» on Melon
  9. Information of the Song «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» on Melon
  10. Information of the Song «We On» on Melon
  11. Information of the Song «If I Ruled the World» on Melon
  12. Information of the Song «Coffee» on Melon
  13. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher, Pt. 1» on Melon
  14. Information of the Song «Attack on Bangtan» on Melon
  15. Information of the Song «Satoori Rap» on Melon
  16. Information of the Song «Intro: Skool Luv Affair» on Melon
  17. Information of the Song «Where You From» on Melon
  18. Information of the Song «Just One Day» on Melon
  19. Information of the Song «Tomorrow» on Melon
  20. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher, Pt. 2: Triptych» on Melon
  21. Information of the Song «Spine Breaker» on Melon
  22. Information of the Song «Jump» on Melon
  23. Information of the Song «Miss Right» on Melon
  24. Information of the Song «Like (Slow Jam Remix)» on Melon
  25. Information of the Song «Danger» on Melon
  26. Information of the Song «War of Hormone» on Melon
  27. Information of the Song «Hip Hop Phile» on Melon
  28. Information of the Song «Let Me Know» on Melon
  29. Information of the Song «Rain» on Melon
  30. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher Pt.3: Killer» on Melon
  31. Information of the Song «Can You Turn Off Your Phone?» on Melon
  32. Information of the Song «Embarrassed» on Melon
  33. Information of the Song «24/7 = Heaven» on Melon
  34. Information of the Song «Look Here» on Melon
  35. Information of the Song «So 4 More» on Melon
  36. Information of the Song «No More Dream (Japanese Ver.)» on Melon
  37. Information of the Song «Danger (Mo-Blue-Mix) (Feat. Thanh)» on Melon
  38. Information of the Song «I Need U» on Melon
  39. Information of the Song «Hold Me Tight» on Melon
  40. Information of the Song «Dope» on Melon
  41. Information of the Song «Boyz with Fun» on Melon
  42. Information of the Song «Converse High» on Melon
  43. Information of the Song «Moving On» on Melon
  44. Information of the Song «Run» on Melon
  45. Information of the Song «Butterfly» on Melon
  46. Information of the Song «Whalien 52» on Melon
  47. Information of the Song «Ma City» on Melon
  48. Information of the Song «Autumn Leaves» on Melon
  49. Information of the Song «Save Me» on Melon
  50. Information of the Song «Epilogue: Young Forever» on Melon
  51. Information of the Song «Love is Not Over (Full Length Edition)» on Melon
  52. Information of the Song «Run (Alternative Mix)» on Melon
  53. Information of the Song «Intro: Boy Meets Evil» on Melon
  54. Information of the Song «Blood Sweat & Tears» on Melon
  55. Information of the Song «MAMA» on Melon
  56. Information of the Song «Awake» on Melon
  57. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher 4» on Melon
  58. Information of the Song «2! 3! » on Melon
  59. Information of the Song «Interlude: Wings» on Melon
  60. Awake (christmas ver) by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  61. Information of the Song «Otsukaresama Song» on JASRAC
  62. Information of the Song «Outro: Wings» on Melon
  63. Information of the Song «A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone» on Melon
  64. Information of the Song «Come Back Home» on Melon
  65. Information of the Song «Best of Me» on Melon
  66. Information of the Song «Pied Piper» on Melon
  67. Information of the Song «MIC Drop» on Melon
  68. Information of the Song «Outro: Her» on Melon
  69. Information of the Song «Sea» on Melon
  70. Information of the Song «MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)» on Melon
  71. Information of the Song «134340» on Melon
  72. Information of the Song «Paradise» on Melon
  73. Information of the Song «Love Maze» on Melon
  74. Information of the Song «Magic Shop» on Melon
  75. Information of the Song «Airplane pt.2» on Melon
  76. Information of the Song «So What» on Melon
  77. Information of the Song «Outro: Tear» on Melon
  78. 땡 — RM, SUGA, J-HOPE on Soundcloud
  79. Information of the Song «Trivia 起: Just Dance» on Melon
  80. Information of the Song «I’m Fine» on Melon
  81. Information of the Song «Answer: Love Myself» on Melon
  82. Information of the Song «Answer: Love Myself» on Melon
  83. Information of the Song «Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey)» on Melon
  84. Information of the Song «Mikrokosmos» on Melon
  85. Information of the Song «Make It Right» on Melon
  86. Information of the Song «HOME» on Melon
  87. Information of the Song «Jamais Vu» on Melon
  88. Information of the Song «Dionysus» on Melon
  89. Information of the Song «A Brand New Day» on Melon
  90. Information of the Song «Make It Right (feat. Lauv)» on Melon
  91. Information of the Song «Make It Right (feat. Lauv) (EDM Remix)» on Melon
  92. Information of the Song «Make It Right (feat. Lauv) (Acoustic Remix)» on Melon
  93. Information of the Song «Louder than bombs» on Melon
  94. Information of the Song «ON» on Melon
  95. Information of the Song «UGH!» on Melon
  96. Information of the Song «We are Bulletproof: the Eternal» on Melon
  97. Information of the Song «Outro: Ego» on Melon
  98. Information of the Song «ON» on Melon
  99. Information of the Song «Boy With Luv -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  100. Information of the Song «Make It Right -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  101. Information of the Song «Dionysus -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  102. Information of the Song «Airplane Pt.2 -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  103. Information of the Song «ON -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  104. Korean Music Copyright Association (KOMCA). Enter «IN THE SOOP» or «100003014323» in the field «Title and/or Alternative title» and hit enter.
  105. Information of the Song «Savage Love (Laxed — Siren Beat) (BTS Remix)» on Melon
  106. Big Hit Entertaiment’s Tweet (November 13, 2020)
  107. Information of the Song «Fly To My Room» on Melon
  108. Information of the Song «Blue & Grey» on Melon
  109. Information of the Song «Skit» on Melon
  110. Information of the Song «Dis-ease» on Melon
  111. 111.0 111.1 111.2 Description of the Song «My Universe» on YouTu
  112. Track Info of «1 Verse» on Bangtan Blog
  113. Track Info of «Hope World» on Genius
  114. Track Info of «P.O.P (Piece Of Peace) Pt.1» on Genius
  115. Track Info of «Daydream» on Genius
  116. Track Info of «Base Line» on Genius
  117. Track Info of «Hangsang» on Genius
  118. Track Info of «Airplane» on Genius
  119. Track Info of «God Rap» on Genius
  120. Track Info of «1 Verse» on Bangtan Blog
  121. Track Info of «Blue Side» on SoundCloud
  122. Flinch w/ BTS (1:16) – via YouTube.
  123. (Buzzfeed Puppy interview 2018)
  124. (- 150705 J-Hope`s Q&A from Inkigayo goodbye stage mini fan meeting)


It’s hard at times, but it’s as if I’m addicted to basking in your love, when I’m awake, I want to hurry on stage just for you.

–j-hope, 2017.10.22, Taiwan.

Jung Ho-seok (정호석), better known by his stage name j-hope (제이홉), is a South Korean rapper-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music. He is a member in the boy group BTS, and has the positions of rapper and dancer.

As a solo artist, he has released his first mixtape Hope World, on March 2, 2018. He then made his official solo debut with his first studio album Jack In The Box on July 15, 2022.

In 2020, j-hope was promoted to full member of the Korea Music Copyright Association.[5]


1994–2012: Early life

Jung Ho-seok was born on February 18, 1994, in Gwangju, South Korea, where he lived with his parents and older sister. Before debuting with BTS, he was part of the underground dance team Neuron. j-hope had been relatively well-known for his skills in dance prior to his debut; he won various local prizes for dance, including placing first in a national dance competition in 2008. His skills in dance eventually led him to gain interest in singing and rapping, helping motivate him to audition as an idol trainee. As a trainee, j-hope was featured as a rapper in Jo Kwon’s song «Animal», which was released in 2012.

2013–present: BTS and scheduled activities

On June 13, 2013, j-hope made his debut as a member of BTS on Mnet’s M! Countdown with the track «No More Dream» from their debut single album 2 Cool 4 Skool. He was the third member to join the group as a trainee after RM and SUGA. j-hope has since been involved in the creation process of every album in BTS’ discography.

On June 14, 2019, j-hope, together with fellow BTS member V, collaborated with Zara Larsson on a soundtrack called «A Brand New Day» for a mobile game BTS World.

2018–present: Solo activities

J-Hope shooting «Daydream» music video in 2018.

On March 1, 2018, j-hope released his first solo mixtape, Hope World, worldwide, along with a music video for the title track «Daydream». A music video for the B-side «Airplane» was later released on March 6.

The EP debuted at number 63 and peaked at number 38 on the Billboard 200, making him the highest charting K-pop solo act on the chart. Hope World also peaked at number 35 on the Canadian Albums Chart, and number 19 on the US Top Rap Albums chart. Three mixtape tracks, «Daydream», «Hope World», and «Hangsang», charted on the World Digital Songs Chart, ranking third, 16th, and 24th respectively. The following week, the tracks grew to first, sixth, and 11th, with three additional tracks off of Hope World, «Airplane», «Base Line», and «P.O.P (Piece Of Peace) Pt.1» arriving on the chart at number five, eight, and twelve, respectively. «Daydream» peaking atop the chart made j-hope one of only ten K-Pop groups, including his band BTS, to reach number one. The success of his solo debut led him to rank third on the Emerging Artists Chart, and 97th on the Artist 100 Chart for the week of March 10 and 91st for the week of March 17. He is the fifth Korean artist, and the second Korean soloist after Psy, to place on the Artist 100. The mixtape charted in ten countries worldwide, with «Daydream» charting in three, and eventually placed at number five for Billboard magazine’s year-end world albums chart.

In 2019, j-hope released a free collaboration single, «Chicken Noodle Soup», on September 27, featuring American singer, Becky G. The track debuted at number 81 on the Billboard Hot 100, with 9.7 million streams and 11,000 downloads for the week ending October 4, making j-hope the first member of BTS to chart on the Hot 100 as a solo artist outside of the group, the third Korean solo artist to rank on the chart (after Psy and CL), and the sixth Korean artist overall to do so. «Chicken Noodle Soup» also debuted at number 1 on the World Digital Songs chart and is j-hope’s second song to achieve this after 2018’s «Daydream».

For the three-year anniversary of his mixtape, j-hope released a full, three-minute long version of its closing track «Blue Side (Outro)» on March 1, 2021—it was uploaded to the BTS Soundcloud page for free.


His stage name, «j-hope (제이홉)», comes from his desire to represent hope for fans, as well as to be «the hope of BTS.» It is also a reference to the myth of Pandora’s box, as after the box was opened and all the evils inside were released to the world, the only thing left was hope.

Artistry and public image

J-Hope performing «MAMA» in 2017.

j-hope has been described as having an upbeat and energetic tone to his music and performances. His mixtape, Hope World, was described as having a fun nature and variety of musical genres, including synth-pop, trap, house, alternative hip hop, funk-soul, and retro elements. Jeff Benjamin of Fuse wrote that the atmospheric style of «Blue Side», Hope World’ s outro track, «leaves the listener curious for what’s coming next from j-hope.» The lyrical elements of the mixtape, notably the lead song «Daydream», was praised by Billboard magazine for its discussion of the difficulties an idol faces in their career, various literary references, and fun presentation of the serious subject matter.

j-hope cites the adventurous nature of Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and the works Kyle, Aminé, and Joey Badass as influencers on his style and work on Hope World. The idea of peace has also provided a basis for much of his lyrics, stating that «it’d be fantastic to become a part of someone’s personal peace through my music» in an interview with Time magazine. The idea of «representing the modern generation» has also influenced his work on BTS’ music. There was also a reference to Douglas Adams’ science fiction series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

In January 2020, J-hope was promoted along with the fellow BTS member RM to join with SUGA as the full member of the Korea Music Copyright Association.


In 2018, he was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea along with other members of the group. He had the most liked tweet in the world for 2018 when he posted the «In My Feelings Challenge».

Personal life

J-Hope at Love Myself Campaign Press Conference in 2017.

In 2016, he purchased a luxury apartment in South Korea worth US$1.6 million for his personal use. As of 2019, he currently lives in Hannam-dong, Seoul, South Korea with his members.


j-hope has been a member of the «Green Noble Club», which recognizes high-value donors of Child Fund Korea, since 2018. On February 18, 2019, he donated ₩100 million (approximately US$90,000) to the organization in support of those attending his high school alma mater in Gwangju. He had previously donated ₩150 million (roughly US$135,000) in December 2018, but requested the donation be private at the time. In December 2019, he donated another ₩100 million. On November 17, 2020, he donated ₩100 million in support of children experiencing economic difficulties amid the COVID-19 pandemic. On February 18, 2021, he donated ₩150 million to support children with visual and hearing impairments. On May 4, 2021, for Children’s Day, he donated ₩100 million for children affected by violence in Tanzania, Africa.


See also: BTS Discography

Studio albums

  • Jack In The Box (2022)


  • Hope World (2018)

Digital singles

  • «Chicken Noodle Soup (feat. Becky G)» (2019)
  • «Blue Side» (2021)
  • «MORE» (2022)


  • «A Brand New Day» from «BTS World OST Part.2« (with V and Zara Larsson) (2019)


  • Jo Kwon — «Animal (Feat. 정호석 Of 방탄소년단) (Feat. Jung Ho-seok of BTS)» (2012)
  • Crush — «Rush Hour (Feat. j-hope of BTS)» (2022)

Solo songs credited as BTS

See also unit songs credited under BTS: Units

  • «Intro: Boy Meets Evil» from WINGS (2016)
  • «MAMA» from WINGS (2016)
  • «Trivia 起: Just Dance» from LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ (2018)
  • «Outro: Ego» from MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 (2020)
  • «DNA (j-hope Demo Ver.)» from Proof (2022)

Unofficial songs

See also: Unofficial songs

Original songs

  • «땡 (DDaeng)» (with RM and SUGA) (2018)

Sampled songs

  • «1 Verse» (2015)

Adapted songs

  • «방탄소년들의 졸업 (Graduation Song)» (with Jung Kook and Jimin) (2013)
  • «Beautiful» (with Jimin, V and Jung Kook) (2013)
  • «흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스 (A Typical Idol’s Christmas)» (with Jin, SUGA, Jimin and V) (2013)

Cover songs

  • «안아줘 (Hug Me)» (with V) (2015)
  • «Feliz Navidad» (with Jin) (2019)



Year Title Role Notes
2018 Burn The Stage: The Movie Himself Screening in select Theatres
2019 BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul
Bring The Soul: The Movie
2020 Break The Silence: The Movie
2022 BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — Seoul
BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — LA Disney+ release

Variety shows

Year Title Network Notes
2014 100인의 선택 — 최고라면 (100’s Choice: Best Ramen) MBC Guest (Ep.6)
2015 My Pet 상담소 (My Pet Clinic) Guest with Jimin and V (Ep.6)
2016 놀라운 대회 스타킹 (Star King) SBS Guest with V (Ep.433)
동상이몽, 괜찮아 괜찮아 (Same Bed, Different Dreams) Guest (Ep.46)
놀라운 대회 스타킹 (Star King) Guest with RM and Jimin (Ep.447)
신의직장 (God’s Workplace) Guest with Jimin
(Pilot Episode)
2017 백종원의 3대 천왕 (Baek Jong-won’s Top 3 Chef King) Guest with Jin (Ep.68)
2018 PON Nippon TV Guest with Jimin
(Episode of February 7)
火曜サプライズ (Tuesday Surprise) Guest with Jimin
(Episode of February 13)
ZIP! Guest with Jimin
(Episode of February 21)
2019 크리에이브틴(틴에이저) 언더나인틴 (Under Nineteen) MBC Guest as Dance Tutor (Ep.10)
2022 5분만 : Give me a minute YouTube Guest (Ep.1)
아이유의 팔레트 (IU’s Palette) Guest (Ep.14)
Crush의 BLACKVOX Guest (Ep.1)
&TEAM 学園 (&TEAM Gakuen) NTV Guest (Ep.5)

Music shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 인기가요 (Inkigayo) SBS Special host with V (Ep.869)
쇼! 음악중심 (Show! Music Core) MBC Special host with Jung Kook (Ep.526)
2017 엠카운트다운 (M Countdown) Mnet Special host with RM and Jimin (Ep.543)

Music videos

Year Title Role Notes
2012 «I’m Da One» Backup dancer Pre-debut, Jo Kwon’s music video
2018 «Daydream» Himself Music video for debut mixtape
«In My Feelings» Cameo, Drake’s music video
2019 «Chicken Noodle Soup (feat. Becky G)»
2022 «MORE» Music video for solo debut
«Rush Hour (Feat. j-hope of BTS)» with Crush


Year Title Role Notes
2016 «Boy Meets Evil» Himself WINGS comeback trailer
«MAMA» Jung Ho-seok WINGS short film #6, BU content certified
2020 «Outro: Ego» Himself MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 comeback trailer

Concerts and music festivals

Concerts participation

  • 2015 All Force One: Hot & Cool (Guest; August 20, 2015)

Music festival participation

  • Lollapalooza 2022 (Headliner; July 31, 2022)


◯ = Participates as writing/composer/producer, ✖ = Not participated as writing/composer/producer, W = Writing, C = Composer, P = Producer

BTS Discography

Discography as a soloist

Awards and nominations

Award Year Category Recipient Result
Circle Chart Music Awards 2022 Artist of the Year (Digital Music – July) «방화 (Arson)» Pending
«MORE» Pending
Artist of the Year (Digital Music – September) «Rush Hour» (with Crush) Pending
Golden Disc Awards 2023 Most Popular Artist Award j-hope Pending
Grammy Awards 2023 Album of the Year Music of the Spheres (as songwriter) Pending
MAMA Awards 2022 Best Collaboration «Rush Hour» (with Crush) Nominated
Best Male Artist j-hope Nominated
Best HipHop & Urban Music «MORE» Nominated
Song of the Year «Rush Hour» (with Crush) (initial nominee) Nominated
Bibigo Culture and Style j-hope Won
Most Popular Male Artist Won
Prêmio Anual K4US 2022 Best Collaboration of the Year «Rush Hour» (with Crush) Pending
Song of the Year «MORE» Pending
Best Male Artist j-hope Pending
Seoul Music Awards 2023 Bonsang Award Jack In The Box Pending
K-wave Award j-hope Pending
Soompi Awards 2019 Best Male Solo Nominated


  • He is the third oldest in the band BTS.
  • He is 28 years old in the US age and 30 years old in the Korean age.
  • His Zodiac sign is Aquarius.
  • He is referred to as the ‘sunshine’ of the group due to his bright and energetic personality.
  • His hobbies are listening to music and window shopping.
  • He chose the name “j-hope” as his stage name because he wants to be a source of light and hope to his fans.
  • His favorite number is 7.
  • He hates exercising/working out.
  • He loves kimchi.
  • His favorite season is Spring.
  • He used to have a girlfriend before debut, but she left him for another man.
  • His favorite subject in school is Music.
  • He speaks Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese.
  • His role models are G-Dragon of BIGBANG, A$AP Rocky, J.Cole, and Beenzino.
  • He has an older sister.
  • If he could introduce his sister to a member, he would introduce her to Jung Kook.
  • He and Jimin are the only ones who are still roommates.
  • He has gained the liking of many celebrities outside of Korea, for example wrestler John Cena and singer-songwriter Tinashe.
  • According to RM, he and Jin are the most cowardly members of the group.[122]
  • He owns his own studio called ‘Hope World’.
  • He auditioned in JYP Entertainment together with B.A.P’s Youngjae and Halo’s Dino, but wasn’t accepted, so he went to Big Hit Entertainment and made it in as a trainee.
  • He was part of the street dance crew named «neuron»
  • When he was younger he had a passion for Tennis, and was relatively good at it.
  • His Motto: “If you don’t work hard, there won’t be good results.»
  • Before debut J-hope hated doing aegyo but he changed his mind.
  • His favorite color is Green.
  • He and SUGA are really bad at drawing.
  • He likes visiting the Fancafe when he has time because he needs to know what the fans are saying.
  • When having problems or worries he would share them with RM or SUGA.
  • Things he wants to steal from other members is Jimin’s chocolate abs, RM’s rap skills and his good English.
  • His ideal date: “I love the sea, I would like to walk down to the beach and hold hands”
  • 3 requirements for j-hope happiness: Family, Health, and Love.
  • He is the only member who doesn’t have ear piercings.
  • He gets scared quite easily.
  • His solo song «Mama» is a song dedicated to his mom. She came to a BTS concert and when j-hope performed it, she cried. He says the song was written as a means to show that he has finally become a son she can be proud of.
  • Despite the age gap, j-hope hangs around the maknaes most of the time.
  • He has been a victim of cyberbullying. He’s had a few instances where he would be broadcasting on Vlive and come across many comments saying that he had no talent, he doesn’t belong in BTS, being consistently asked of other members whereabouts etc… This refrained him from doing Vlives by himself for a long period of time.
  • In BTS’s mini drama ‘Flower Boys’, j-hope was teaching Literature. j-hope likes reading and literature, notably for the fact his father was a literature teacher and introduced the subject to his son.
  • When he was young, j-hope’s father would cook seaweed soup five days a week. He had gotten so used to it that he can recognize the smell and texture of seaweed instantly. (Run BTS! EP.43)
  • His BT21 character is a blue/purple horse named Mang.
  • His revealed that he actually left BigHit Entertainment/BTS during the group’s earlier days (before debut). However, he decided to come back because he trusted in the members and the members saying that the group wasn’t the same without him. (Burn The Stage EP.3)
  • His favorite drink is Sprite.
  • His is said to be one of the members who can cook very well. The others being Jin, Suga and Jung Kook. (Run BTS! EP. 50)
  • He once got angry and threw a banana at Jung Kook. This was due to the fact that Jung Kook had gotten a fruit basket as a present from an A.R.M.Y and he wanted to cherish the gift. Jung Kook shared the fruits with the other members at first, but told them to stop to avoid all of them being eaten as he wanted to keep the rest for himself and that the gift was rightfully his. j-hope thought Jung Kook was being selfish for arguing over the fruits and threw a banana at him as a result. (Burn The Stage EP.4)
  • His favorite hair color is red. [123].
  • He is the only member in the group who doesn’t need or require prescription glasses and contact lenses as he has very good eyesight. If he’s seen with glasses or lenses on, it is merely for fashion purposes.
  • His Spotify playlist is called J-Hope’s JAM.
  • j-hope and B.A.P Zelo went to the same Academy for rap and dance in Gwangju.
  • He used to be a tennis player in elementary school and played in competitions. He once received a bronze medal, out of 3 team competitors[124].
  • He likes melodramatic movies and remembers watching a lot of DVDs when he was a kid, since his father also likes movies.
  • He likes if someone strokes his hair – he says it helps him to sleep, a routine picked up from childhood. (when he was young, his mother used to pat him gently to put him to sleep)
  • He wrote and produced the main melodies in «Dionysus».
  • He prefers Bulgogi over most Korean food.
  • He is the most followed Korean solo artist on Spotify. Surpassing BIGBANG’s G-Dragon.
  • If he could choose one superpower, he’d want to be able to read people’s minds.
  • His song «Blue Side» was actually written over 3 years ago, shortly around the same time «1Verse» was written.
  • He likes Tiramisu.



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Video Gallery

J-hope '방화 (Arson)' Official MV

J-hope ‘방화 (Arson)’ Official MV

J-hope 'MORE' Official MV

J-hope ‘MORE’ Official MV

BTS (방탄소년단) MAP OF THE SOUL 7 'Outro Ego' Comeback Trailer

BTS (방탄소년단) MAP OF THE SOUL 7 ‘Outro Ego’ Comeback Trailer

J-hope 'Chicken Noodle Soup (feat

J-hope ‘Chicken Noodle Soup (feat. Becky G)’ MV

J-hope 'Airplane' MV

J-hope ‘Airplane’ MV

J-hope 'Daydream (백일몽)' MV

J-hope ‘Daydream (백일몽)’ MV

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 6 MAMA

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 6 MAMA

방탄소년단 (BTS) 'WINGS' Comeback Trailer Boy Meets Evil

방탄소년단 (BTS) ‘WINGS’ Comeback Trailer Boy Meets Evil


  1. J-Hope’s profile on BTS Official Website (deleted)
  2. 2.0 2.1 J-Hope’s Profile on Naver (deleted)
  3. J-Hope’s profile on BTS Japan Official Fanclub
  4. YouTube: BTS (방탄소년단) MBTI Lab 1
  5. BTS’s RM And J-Hope, Jay Park, And More Promoted To Full Members Of The Korea Music Copyright Association
  6. See credits on Genius
  7. Information of the Song «No More Dream» on Melon
  8. Information of the Song «Like» on Melon
  9. Information of the Song «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» on Melon
  10. Information of the Song «We On» on Melon
  11. Information of the Song «If I Ruled the World» on Melon
  12. Information of the Song «Coffee» on Melon
  13. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher, Pt. 1» on Melon
  14. Information of the Song «Attack on Bangtan» on Melon
  15. Information of the Song «Satoori Rap» on Melon
  16. Information of the Song «Intro: Skool Luv Affair» on Melon
  17. Information of the Song «Where You From» on Melon
  18. Information of the Song «Just One Day» on Melon
  19. Information of the Song «Tomorrow» on Melon
  20. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher, Pt. 2: Triptych» on Melon
  21. Information of the Song «Spine Breaker» on Melon
  22. Information of the Song «Jump» on Melon
  23. Information of the Song «Miss Right» on Melon
  24. Information of the Song «Like (Slow Jam Remix)» on Melon
  25. Information of the Song «Danger» on Melon
  26. Information of the Song «War of Hormone» on Melon
  27. Information of the Song «Hip Hop Phile» on Melon
  28. Information of the Song «Let Me Know» on Melon
  29. Information of the Song «Rain» on Melon
  30. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher Pt.3: Killer» on Melon
  31. Information of the Song «Can You Turn Off Your Phone?» on Melon
  32. Information of the Song «Embarrassed» on Melon
  33. Information of the Song «24/7 = Heaven» on Melon
  34. Information of the Song «Look Here» on Melon
  35. Information of the Song «So 4 More» on Melon
  36. Information of the Song «No More Dream (Japanese Ver.)» on Melon
  37. Information of the Song «Danger (Mo-Blue-Mix) (Feat. Thanh)» on Melon
  38. Information of the Song «I Need U» on Melon
  39. Information of the Song «Hold Me Tight» on Melon
  40. Information of the Song «Dope» on Melon
  41. Information of the Song «Boyz with Fun» on Melon
  42. Information of the Song «Converse High» on Melon
  43. Information of the Song «Moving On» on Melon
  44. Information of the Song «Run» on Melon
  45. Information of the Song «Butterfly» on Melon
  46. Information of the Song «Whalien 52» on Melon
  47. Information of the Song «Ma City» on Melon
  48. Information of the Song «Autumn Leaves» on Melon
  49. Information of the Song «Save Me» on Melon
  50. Information of the Song «Epilogue: Young Forever» on Melon
  51. Information of the Song «Love is Not Over (Full Length Edition)» on Melon
  52. Information of the Song «Run (Alternative Mix)» on Melon
  53. Information of the Song «Intro: Boy Meets Evil» on Melon
  54. Information of the Song «Blood Sweat & Tears» on Melon
  55. Information of the Song «MAMA» on Melon
  56. Information of the Song «Awake» on Melon
  57. Information of the Song «BTS Cypher 4» on Melon
  58. Information of the Song «2! 3! » on Melon
  59. Information of the Song «Interlude: Wings» on Melon
  60. Awake (christmas ver) by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  61. Information of the Song «Otsukaresama Song» on JASRAC
  62. Information of the Song «Outro: Wings» on Melon
  63. Information of the Song «A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone» on Melon
  64. Information of the Song «Come Back Home» on Melon
  65. Information of the Song «Best of Me» on Melon
  66. Information of the Song «Pied Piper» on Melon
  67. Information of the Song «MIC Drop» on Melon
  68. Information of the Song «Outro: Her» on Melon
  69. Information of the Song «Sea» on Melon
  70. Information of the Song «MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)» on Melon
  71. Information of the Song «134340» on Melon
  72. Information of the Song «Paradise» on Melon
  73. Information of the Song «Love Maze» on Melon
  74. Information of the Song «Magic Shop» on Melon
  75. Information of the Song «Airplane pt.2» on Melon
  76. Information of the Song «So What» on Melon
  77. Information of the Song «Outro: Tear» on Melon
  78. 땡 — RM, SUGA, J-HOPE on Soundcloud
  79. Information of the Song «Trivia 起: Just Dance» on Melon
  80. Information of the Song «I’m Fine» on Melon
  81. Information of the Song «Answer: Love Myself» on Melon
  82. Information of the Song «Answer: Love Myself» on Melon
  83. Information of the Song «Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey)» on Melon
  84. Information of the Song «Mikrokosmos» on Melon
  85. Information of the Song «Make It Right» on Melon
  86. Information of the Song «HOME» on Melon
  87. Information of the Song «Jamais Vu» on Melon
  88. Information of the Song «Dionysus» on Melon
  89. Information of the Song «A Brand New Day» on Melon
  90. Information of the Song «Make It Right (feat. Lauv)» on Melon
  91. Information of the Song «Make It Right (feat. Lauv) (EDM Remix)» on Melon
  92. Information of the Song «Make It Right (feat. Lauv) (Acoustic Remix)» on Melon
  93. Information of the Song «Louder than bombs» on Melon
  94. Information of the Song «ON» on Melon
  95. Information of the Song «UGH!» on Melon
  96. Information of the Song «We are Bulletproof: the Eternal» on Melon
  97. Information of the Song «Outro: Ego» on Melon
  98. Information of the Song «ON» on Melon
  99. Information of the Song «Boy With Luv -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  100. Information of the Song «Make It Right -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  101. Information of the Song «Dionysus -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  102. Information of the Song «Airplane Pt.2 -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  103. Information of the Song «ON -Japanese ver.-» on Melon
  104. Korean Music Copyright Association (KOMCA). Enter «IN THE SOOP» or «100003014323» in the field «Title and/or Alternative title» and hit enter.
  105. Information of the Song «Savage Love (Laxed — Siren Beat) (BTS Remix)» on Melon
  106. Big Hit Entertaiment’s Tweet (November 13, 2020)
  107. Information of the Song «Fly To My Room» on Melon
  108. Information of the Song «Blue & Grey» on Melon
  109. Information of the Song «Skit» on Melon
  110. Information of the Song «Dis-ease» on Melon
  111. 111.0 111.1 111.2 Description of the Song «My Universe» on YouTu
  112. Track Info of «1 Verse» on Bangtan Blog
  113. Track Info of «Hope World» on Genius
  114. Track Info of «P.O.P (Piece Of Peace) Pt.1» on Genius
  115. Track Info of «Daydream» on Genius
  116. Track Info of «Base Line» on Genius
  117. Track Info of «Hangsang» on Genius
  118. Track Info of «Airplane» on Genius
  119. Track Info of «God Rap» on Genius
  120. Track Info of «1 Verse» on Bangtan Blog
  121. Track Info of «Blue Side» on SoundCloud
  122. Flinch w/ BTS (1:16) – via YouTube.
  123. (Buzzfeed Puppy interview 2018)
  124. (- 150705 J-Hope`s Q&A from Inkigayo goodbye stage mini fan meeting)


Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

Недавно участники группы BTS дали фанатам небольшое представление о своих списках контактов. Каждый из них рассказал D’ICON, какие имена они выбрали друг для друга и поверьте, их выбор прекрасно отражает индивидуальность каждого! В то время как одни выбрали милые прозвища, другие – уморительно формальные.

Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

1. RM

Будь это мемберы группы или другие знакомые, RM никоим образом их не выделяет!

«Я сохраняю всех в телефоне по имени и фамилии. Это распространяется и на участников группы, так проще всех находить, когда просматриваешь контакты».

Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

2. Джин

В списке контактов у Джина сохраняется деловой стиль. Он записал участников группы не иначе, как «BIGHIT (имя мембера)». Никакой формальности!

«Все они сохранены одинаково. Например, как «BIGHIT Ким Намджун»

Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

3. Шуга

Похоже, что хён-лайн BTS объединяет один мозг, когда дело доходит до списка контактов. А Шуга явно ценит простоту!

«Я сохранил их под настоящими именами. Разве в этом нет искренности?»

Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

4. Джей-Хоуп

Джей-Хоуп в свою очередь поделился персонализированными именами для каждого участника группы.

«Ким Намджун

Сокджинни Хён

Мин Юнги Хён

Пак Чимини


Чон Чонгук»

Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

5. Чимин

Посмотрев никнеймы для каждого участника, придуманные Чимином, вы сразу же догадаетесь, чей именно это список контактов!

«Мони Хён

Джинни Хён

Шуга Хён

Хосоки Хён

Ким Тэхён

Макнэ Чон Чонгук»

Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

6. Ви

Список контактов Ви – самый формальный, в нем используется суффикс –ssi [-ши], вежливый термин, означающий «господин/госпожа», после имени каждого участника. Однако вы заметите отсылку на текст песни «Serendipity», когда дойдете по списку до Чимина!





Синяя плесень-ши


Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

7. Чонгук

Как у самого младшего, в списке контактов Чонгука нет особых различий.

«Намджун Хён

Сокджин Хён

Юнги Хён

Хосок Хён

Чимин Хён

Тэхён Хён»

Участники BTS раскрыли, как записаны в телефонах друг друга

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