Телефонные коды городов
Индонезии . Обратите внимание, некоторые города могут иметь несколько кодов, тогда коды указаны через запятую. Телефонные коды других стран смотрите на странице коды стран
Порядок набора телефонного номера для Индонезии (код 62 = код Индонезии)
Как позвонить в ?
С городского: 8-гудок-10-62-(код города)-(телефонный номер абонента)*
С городского (внутри страны): 8-гудок-(код города)-(телефонный номер абонента)
С мобильного: +62-(код города)-(номер телефона абонента)**
* при звонке из страны с кодом «62» код страны (из которой совершаете звонок совпадает с кодом страны куда хотите позвонить) в большинстве случаев нужно опускать, так же как и код выхода на международную связь (код 10 — код выхода на международную связь, код зависит от оператора связи)
** набирать «+» или «8» перед кодом страны, зависит от мобильного оператора.
Наименование | Код страны | Код города |
Амбон | 62 | (911) |
Баликпапан | 62 | (542) |
Банда-Ачех | 62 | (651) |
Банджармасин | 62 | (511) |
Бандунг | 62 | (22) |
Баньюванги | 62 | (333) |
Бенкулу | 62 | (736) |
Бинджай | 62 | (61) |
Блитар | 62 | (342) |
Богор | 62 | (251) |
Боджонегоро | 62 | (353) |
Букиттинги | 62 | (752) |
Денпасар | 62 | (361) |
Джакарта | 62 | (21) |
Джамби | 62 | (741) |
Джаяпура | 62 | (967) |
Джембер | 62 | (331) |
Кедири | 62 | (354) |
Кудус | 62 | (291) |
Купанг | 62 | (380) |
Лахат | 62 | (731) |
Лумаджанг | 62 | (334) |
Магеланг | 62 | (293) |
Мадиун | 62 | (351) |
Маланг | 62 | (341) |
Манадо | 62 | (431) |
Матарам | 62 | (370) |
Медан | 62 | (61) |
Паданг | 62 | (751) |
Паланкарая | 62 | (536) |
Палембанг | 62 | (711) |
Памекасан | 62 | (324) |
Парепаре | 62 | (421) |
Пасуруан | 62 | (343) |
Пекалонган | 62 | (285) |
Понорого | 62 | (352) |
Понтианак | 62 | (561) |
Проболинго | 62 | (335) |
Пурвокерто | 62 | (281) |
Самаринда | 62 | (541) |
Семаранг | 62 | (24) |
Серанг | 62 | (254) |
Сукабуми | 62 | (266) |
Сурабая | 62 | (31) |
Таракан | 62 | (551) |
Тасикмалае | 62 | (265) |
Тебингтинги | 62 | (621) |
Тегал | 62 | (283) |
Уджунгпанданг | 62 | (411) |
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location | |
Country | Indonesia |
Continent | Asia |
Regulator | Kominfo |
Type | closed |
Access codes | |
Country calling code | +62 |
International call prefix | 00 |
Trunk prefix | 0 |
Telephone numbers in Indonesia have different systems for land lines and mobile phones: land lines use area codes, while mobile phones do not.
For land line area codes, the digit «0» is added in front when dialing domestic long distance from within Indonesia, but is always omitted when calling from abroad. Instead, callers would use the Indonesian country code +62, followed by the area code, without the «0». Domestic phone numbers in large cities have 8 digits, and in other areas 7 digits. Mobile phone numbers have a total of 10 to 12 digits for postpaid depending on the operator, whereas prepaid services get 11 to 13 digits determined by the operator.
Until October 1999, East Timor was included in the Indonesian telephone numbering plan, using the area codes 0390 (for Dili)[1] and 0399 (for Baucau).[2]
To make a phone call to Indonesia from abroad, the following formats are used:
For calls to landlines, callers dial +62, followed by the area code and subscriber’s number, omitting the ‘0’, hence a number in Jakarta would be dialled as +62 21-xxxx-xxxx.
For calls to mobile wireless phone (GSM) from abroad, callers dial +62, followed by the subscriber’s number, omitting the ‘0’, hence +62 8xx-xxxx-xxxx
Numbers in business contact information[edit]
On business cards and other contact information, telephone numbers might be listed as «HP» or «hunting». «HP» is an abbreviation for «hand phone» or mobile phone and is pronounced «hah péh». Hand phones might also be referred to as pon-sel (short form of telepon seluler) or telepon genggam («hold-in-the-hand telephone»). Hunting refers to an office line in which multiple individual lines are connected so that an incoming call can roll over to another line if the first line is busy. This permits only one number to be published.
International call operators:
- PT Indosat: 101
- PT Telkom: 107
Domestic call operators: 100
International phone number information: 102
Local phone number information: 108
Phone number information in other area:
- 106
- <Area code> 108.
International Direct Dialing Prefix[edit]
- PT Atlasat Solusindo (SLI-01018) : 01018 (ÁčČ)
- PT Gaharu Sejahtera (SLI-01019) : 01019
- PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL): 01000 (VoIP)
- PT Indosat Tbk: 001, 008 or 01016, 01088, 01089 (VoIP).
- PT Telkom: 007 or 01017, 01052 (VoIP).
- PT Smartfren Telecom: 01033 or 01068 (VoIP).
- Axis: 01012 (VoIP).
To make an International phone call from Indonesia you should use the following format:
<IDD prefix> <country code> <area code> <phone number>
Fixed CDMA Wireless[edit]
Numbering for FWA CDMA follows the PSTN rules (area code)-XXXX-XXXX. Which X depends on empty slot of numbering plan, and may vary between cities. But mostly, for Jakarta (and some of other Big City);
- PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk (Esia): (area code) 9XXX-XXXX, (021) 80XX-XXXX, (021) 83XX-XXXX
- PT Telkom Tbk (TelkomFlexi): (021) 70XX-XXXX, (021) 68XX-XXXX, (area code) 54XX-XXX, (area code) 70XX-XXX, (area code) 80XX-XXX, (area code) 81XX-XXX, (area code) 68XX-XXX, (area code) 3XXX-XXXX
- PT Indosat Tbk (StarOne): (021) 30XX-XXXX, (031) 60XX-XXXX, (area code) 61XX-XXX, (area code) 62XX-XXX, (area code) 63XX-XXX, (area-code) 90XX-XXXX
- PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk (Fren & Hepi): (area code) 50XX-XXXX, (area code) 21XX-XXXX, (area code) 31XX-XXXX
CDMA Mobile Wireless[edit]
- PT Smartfren Telecom : 0887-XXXX-XXXX, 0888-XXXX-XXXX, 0889-XXXX-XXXX
- PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria/Net1): 0827-XXXX-XXXX, 0828-xxxx-xxxx
- PT Smart Telecom (Smart): 0881-XXXX-XXXX, 0882-XXXX-XXXX, 0883-XXXX-XXXX, 0884-XXXX-XXXX, 0885-XXXX-XXXX, 0886-XXXX-XXXX
GSM Mobile Wireless[edit]
- PT Indosat
- IM3 (Prepaid and Postpaid) prefix: 0814, 0815, 0816, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858.
- 3 Indonesia (merged with Indosat) prefix: 0895, 0896, 0897, 0898, 0899.
- PT Telkomsel
- Telkomsel Halo (Postpaid), Telkomsel PraBayar (Prepaid), and by.U (MVNO) prefix: 0811, 0812, 0813, 0821, 0822, 0823, 0851, 0852, 0853.
- PT XL Axiata
- XL Prepaid, XL Prioritas (Postpaid), and LIVE.ON (MVNO) prefix: 0817, 0818, 0819, 0859, 0877, 0878.
- AXIS (acquired by XL) prefix: 0831, 0832, 0833, 0838.
- PT Smartfren Telecom
- Smartfren and Smartfren Power Up (MVNO) prefix: 0881, 0882, 0883, 0884, 0885, 0886, 0887, 0888, 0889.
Satellite Phone[edit]
- PT Telkom
Emergency number[edit]
In Indonesia, emergency numbers are mostly using 11x format[3][4]
- Police: 110
- Ambulance: 118 or 119
- Fire: 113
- Search and Rescue (BASARNAS): 115
- Mobile and satellite phone: 112
Calling formats[edit]
To call in Indonesia, the following format is used:
xxx-xxxx Calls within an area code
yyy-xxx-xxxx Calls inside Indonesia in city centers
+62 yyy-xxxx-xxxx Calls from outside Indonesia
+62 8nn-xxxx-xxxx Calls to mobiles from outside Indonesia
Area 2[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Yogyakarta, and Central Java.
- All areas—021
- Tangerang, South Tangerang—021
- Lebak—0252
- Pandeglang—0253
- Cilegon, Serang—0254
West Java[edit]
- Bekasi, Depok, parts of Bogor Regency—021
- Bandung, Cimahi, parts of Sumedang (Jatinangor)—022
- Cirebon—0231
- Kuningan—0232
- Majalengka—0233
- Indramayu—0234
- Bogor City, parts of Depok (Sawangan), parts of Bogor Regency—0251
- Subang—0260
- Sumedang—0261
- Garut—0262
- Cianjur—0263
- Purwakarta—0264
- Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, Pangandaran Regency—0265
- Sukabumi—0266
- Karawang—0267
Central Java[edit]
- Semarang, parts of Semarang Regency—024
- Surakarta, Sragen, Karanganyar, Sukoharjo, parts of Boyolali—0271
- Klaten—0272
- Wonogiri—0273
- Purworejo—0275
- Boyolali—0276
- parts of Cilacap—0280
- Banyumas, Purbalingga—0281
- Cilacap—0282
- Tegal, Brebes—0283
- Pemalang—0284
- Pekalongan, Batang—0285
- Banjarnegara, Wonosobo—0286
- Kebumen—0287
- Bumiayu—0289
- Kudus, Jepara—0291
- Grobogan—0292
- Magelang, Temanggung—0293
- Kendal, parts of Batang (Gringsing)—0294
- Pati, Rembang—0295
- Blora—0296
- Karimun Jawa—0297
- Salatiga, parts of Semarang Regency, parts of Boyolali—0298
- All areas—0274
Area 3[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara.
East Java[edit]
- Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Bangkalan—031
- Mojokerto, Jombang—0321
- Lamongan—0322
- Sampang—0323
- Pamekasan—0324
- Bawean—0325
- Masalembu Islands—0326
- Kangean—0327
- Sumenep—0328
- Jember—0331
- Bondowoso—0332
- Banyuwangi—0333
- Lumajang—0334
- Probolinggo—0335
- parts of Jember—0336
- Situbondo—0338
- Malang, Batu—0341
- Blitar—0342
- Pasuruan—0343
- Madiun, Magetan, Ngawi—0351
- Ponorogo—0352
- Bojonegoro—0353
- Kediri—0354
- Tulungagung, Trenggalek—0355
- Tuban—0356
- Pacitan—0357
- Nganjuk—0358
- Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, parts of Tabanan—0361
- Buleleng—0362
- Karangasem—0363
- Jembrana—0365
- Klungkung, Bangli—0366
- parts of Tabanan (Baturiti)—0368
West Nusa Tenggara[edit]
- Mataram, West Lombok, Central Lombok—0370
- Sumbawa—0371
- West Sumbawa—0372
- Dompu—0373
- Bima—0374
- East Lombok—0376
East Nusa Tenggara[edit]
- Alor Islands—0379
- Kupang—0380
- Ende—0381
- Sikka—0382
- East Flores—0383
- Ngada—0384
- Manggarai—0385
- West Manggarai—0386
- Sumba—0387
- North Central Timor, South Central Timor—0388
- Belu—0389
Area 4[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, and Gorontalo.
South East Sulawesi[edit]
- Kendari, parts of Konawe Regency—0401
- Buton—0402
- Muna—0403
- Wakatobi—0404
- Kolaka—0405
- parts of Konawe Regency—0408
South Sulawesi[edit]
- Pangkajene—0410
- Makassar, Maros, Gowa—0411
- Bantaeng, Bulukumba—0413
- Selayar Islands—0414
- Malino—0417
- Takalar—0418
- Jeneponto—0419
- Enrekang—0420
- Pare Pare, Pinrang, Sidenreng Rappang—0421
- Tana Toraja—0423
- Barru—0427
- Luwu—0471
- parts of Wajo Regency (Pitumpanua)—0472
- North Luwu—0473
- East Luwu—0474
- parts of East Luwu Regency (Sorowako)—0475
- Bone—0481
- Sinjai—0482
- Soppeng—0484
- Wajo—0485
West Sulawesi[edit]
- Majene—0422
- Mamuju—0426
- Polewali—0428
- Central Mamuju—0429
Central Sulawesi[edit]
- Morowali—0409
- Buol—0445
- Parigi Moutong—0450
- Palu—0451
- parts of Poso Regency—0452
- Toli-Toli—0453
- parts of Parigi Moutong Regency (Tinombo)—0454
- parts of Parigi Moutong Regency (Moutong)—0455
- Donggala—0457
- parts of Poso Regency (Tentena)—0458
- Banggai—0461
- Banggai Island—0462
- parts of Banggai Regency (Bunta)—0463
- Tojo Una-Una—0464
- North Morowali—0465
North Sulawesi[edit]
- South Minahasa—0430
- Manado, Tomohon, Minahasa, North Minahasa—0431
- Sangihe Islands—0432
- Talaud Islands—0433
- Bolaang Mongondow (incl. Kotamobagu)—0434
- Kema, Kauditan, Bitung—0438
- Gorontalo—0435
- North Gorontalo—0442
- Pohuwato Regency—0443
Area 5[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, and North Kalimantan.
West Kalimantan[edit]
- Ketapang—0534
- Kayong Utara—0535
- Pontianak—0561
- Sambas, Bengkayang, Singkawang—0562
- Landak—0563
- Sanggau, Sekadau—0564
- Sintang—0565
- Kapuas Hulu—0567
- Melawi—0568
Central Kalimantan[edit]
- Kapuas, Pulang Pisau—0513
- North Barito—0519
- South Barito, East Barito—0526
- Murung Raya—0528
- East Kotawaringin—0531
- West Kotawaringin, Sukamara, — 0532
- Palangka Raya, Katingan—0536
- Gunung Mas—0537
- Seruyan—0538
- Seruyan, parts of East Kotawaringin—0539
South Kalimantan[edit]
- Banjarmasin, Banjar, Banjarbaru, Barito Kuala—0511
- Tanah Laut—0512
- Hulu Sungai Selatan, Hulu Sungai Tengah, Tapin—0517
- Tanah Kambatang Lima, Tanah Bumbu—0518
- Tabalong, Balangan—0526
- Hulu Sungai Utara—0527
East Kalimantan[edit]
- Samarinda, Kutai Kartanegara—0541
- Balikpapan, Penajam North Paser—0542
- Paser—0543
- West Kutai—0545
- Bontang—0548
- East Kutai—0549
- Berau—0554
North Kalimantan[edit]
- Tarakan, Bunyu Island—0551
- Bulungan, Tana Tidung—0552
- Malinau—0553
- Nunukan—0556
Area 6[edit]
These are area codes for the Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra.
- Subulussalam—0627
- Southeast Aceh—0629
- Langsa, East Aceh, Aceh Tamiang—0641
- Gayo Lues—0642
- Central Aceh, Bener Meriah—0643
- Bireuen—0644
- Lhokseumawe, North Aceh—0645
- parts of East Aceh—0646
- Simeulue—0650
- Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, parts of Aceh Jaya (Lamno) — 0651
- Sabang—0652
- Pidie, Pidie Jaya—0653
- Aceh Jaya—0654
- West Aceh, Nagan Raya—0655
- South Aceh—0656
- parts of South Aceh—0657
- Singkil—0658
- Southwest Aceh—0659
North Sumatra[edit]
- Medan, Binjai, parts of Deli Serdang, parts of Serdang Bedagai (Perbaungan, Pantai Cermin), parts of Langkat—061
- parts of Langkat (Pangkalan Brandan) — 0620
- Tebing Tinggi, Serdang Bedagai—0621
- Pematang Siantar, Simalungun, Batubara, parts of Serdang Bedagai—0622
- Asahan, Tanjungbalai, parts of Labuhan Batu (Labuhan Ruku) — 0623
- Labuhan Batu—0624
- Parapat, parts of Samosir—0625
- Samosir—0626
- Dairi, Pakpak Bharat—0627
- Karo, parts of Deli Serdang (Bandar Baru, Sibolangit) — 0628
- South Nias—0630
- Central Tapanuli, Sibolga—0631
- Toba Samosir—0632
- North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan—0633
- South Tapanuli, Padang Sidempuan—0634
- parts of South Tapanuli—0635
- Mandailing Natal—0636
- parts of Central Tapanuli (Barus)—0638
- Nias—0639
Area 7[edit]
These are area codes for the Provinces of West Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Bangka-Belitung, and Lampung.
West Sumatra[edit]
- Padang, Padang Pariaman, Pariaman, parts of South Pesisir—0751
- Agam, Tanah Datar, Limapuluh Koto, Bukittinggi, Padang Panjang, Payakumbuh—0752
- Pasaman, West Pasaman—0753
- Sawahlunto, Sijunjung, Dharmasraya—0754
- Solok, South Solok—0755
- South Pesisir—0756
- parts of South Pesisir—0757
- Mentawai Islands—0759
- Kuantan Singingi—0760
- Pekanbaru, Pelalawan, parts of Siak, parts of Kampar—0761
- Kampar, Rokan Hulu—0762
- parts of Bengkalis—0763
- Siak—0764
- Dumai, parts of Bengkalis (Duri), parts of Rokan Hulu (Bagan Batu) — 0765
- Bengkalis—0766
- Rokan Hulu—0767
- Indragiri Hilir—0768
- Indragiri Hulu—0769
Riau Islands[edit]
- Muka Kuning Batamindo—0770
- Tanjungpinang, Bintan—0771
- Anambas Islands—0772
- Natuna Islands—0773
- Lingga—0776
- Great Karimun—0777
- Batam—0778
- Kundur—0779
- Jambi, Muaro Jambi—0741
- West Tanjung Jabung—0742
- Batanghari—0743
- Tebo—0744
- Sarolangun—0745
- Merangin—0746
- Bungo, parts of Tebo (Rimbo Bujang) — 0747
- Kerinci—0748
South Sumatra[edit]
- Empat Lawang—0702
- Palembang, Ogan Ilir, Banyuasin—0711
- Ogan Komering Ilir—0712
- Prabumulih, parts of Muara Enim—0713
- Musi Banyuasin—0714
- Pagar Alam, parts of Lahat—0730
- Lahat—0731
- Lubuklinggau, Musi Rawas—0733
- Muara Enim—0734
- Ogan Komering Ulu—0735
- parts of Bangka (Belinyu) — 0715
- West Bangka—0716
- Bangka, Pangkal Pinang—0717
- Central Bangka, South Bangka—0718
- Belitung—0719
- Rejang Lebong, Kepahiang—0732
- Bengkulu, Seluma—0736
- North Bengkulu, Muko-muko—0737
- South Bengkulu, Kaur—0739
- Bandar Lampung, parts of South Lampung—0721
- Tanggamus—0722
- Way Kanan—0723
- North Lampung—0724
- Metro, Central Lampung, East Lampung—0725
- Tulang Bawang—0726
- South Lampung—0727
- West Lampung—0728
- Pringsewu Regency—0729
- part of Tanggamus—084
Area 9[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, Central Papua, Highland Papua, South Papua, Southwest Papua, and West Papua.
- Banda Naira—0910
- Ambon—0911
- Namlea—0913
- Masohi—0914
- Tual—0916
- Dobo—0917
- Saumlaki—0918
North Maluku[edit]
- Weda—0920
- Ternate—0921
- Tobelo—0924
- Tidore—0929
West Papua[edit]
- Kaimana, Fak Fak—0956
- Manokwari—0986
Southwest Papua[edit]
- Sorong—0951
- Biak—0981
- Jayapura—0967
- Nabire—0984
- Serui—0963
- Sarmi—0966
- Yapen—0983
Highland Papua[edit]
- Wamena—0969
Central Papua[edit]
- Tembagapura—0979
- Timika—0901
South Papua[edit]
- Agats—0902
- Boven Digoel—0975
- Merauke—0971
See also[edit]
- Communications in Indonesia
- ^ Travel Indonesia, Volume 16, 1994, page 46
- ^ The Official Catholic Directory for the Year of Our Lord, Part 2, 1999, page 72
- ^ (in Indonesian)http://www.telkomsel.com/about/news/861-call-center-111-dan-128-untuk-kartuhalo-berubah-menjadi-133
- ^ (in Indonesian)http://web.kominfo.go.id/sites/default/files/RPM%20Perubahan%20Ketujuh%20Atas%20Keputusan%20Menteri%20Perhubungan%20No.%20KM.%204%20Tahun%202001%20Tentang%20Penetapan%20Rencana%20DasarNasional%202000%20%28Fundamental%20Technical%20Plan%20National%202000%29%20Pembangunan%20Telekomunikasi%20Nasional.pdf
- ITU allocations list
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location | |
Country | Indonesia |
Continent | Asia |
Regulator | Kominfo |
Type | closed |
Access codes | |
Country calling code | +62 |
International call prefix | 00 |
Trunk prefix | 0 |
Telephone numbers in Indonesia have different systems for land lines and mobile phones: land lines use area codes, while mobile phones do not.
For land line area codes, the digit «0» is added in front when dialing domestic long distance from within Indonesia, but is always omitted when calling from abroad. Instead, callers would use the Indonesian country code +62, followed by the area code, without the «0». Domestic phone numbers in large cities have 8 digits, and in other areas 7 digits. Mobile phone numbers have a total of 10 to 12 digits for postpaid depending on the operator, whereas prepaid services get 11 to 13 digits determined by the operator.
Until October 1999, East Timor was included in the Indonesian telephone numbering plan, using the area codes 0390 (for Dili)[1] and 0399 (for Baucau).[2]
To make a phone call to Indonesia from abroad, the following formats are used:
For calls to landlines, callers dial +62, followed by the area code and subscriber’s number, omitting the ‘0’, hence a number in Jakarta would be dialled as +62 21-xxxx-xxxx.
For calls to mobile wireless phone (GSM) from abroad, callers dial +62, followed by the subscriber’s number, omitting the ‘0’, hence +62 8xx-xxxx-xxxx
Numbers in business contact information[edit]
On business cards and other contact information, telephone numbers might be listed as «HP» or «hunting». «HP» is an abbreviation for «hand phone» or mobile phone and is pronounced «hah péh». Hand phones might also be referred to as pon-sel (short form of telepon seluler) or telepon genggam («hold-in-the-hand telephone»). Hunting refers to an office line in which multiple individual lines are connected so that an incoming call can roll over to another line if the first line is busy. This permits only one number to be published.
International call operators:
- PT Indosat: 101
- PT Telkom: 107
Domestic call operators: 100
International phone number information: 102
Local phone number information: 108
Phone number information in other area:
- 106
- <Area code> 108.
International Direct Dialing Prefix[edit]
- PT Atlasat Solusindo (SLI-01018) : 01018 (ÁčČ)
- PT Gaharu Sejahtera (SLI-01019) : 01019
- PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL): 01000 (VoIP)
- PT Indosat Tbk: 001, 008 or 01016, 01088, 01089 (VoIP).
- PT Telkom: 007 or 01017, 01052 (VoIP).
- PT Smartfren Telecom: 01033 or 01068 (VoIP).
- Axis: 01012 (VoIP).
To make an International phone call from Indonesia you should use the following format:
<IDD prefix> <country code> <area code> <phone number>
Fixed CDMA Wireless[edit]
Numbering for FWA CDMA follows the PSTN rules (area code)-XXXX-XXXX. Which X depends on empty slot of numbering plan, and may vary between cities. But mostly, for Jakarta (and some of other Big City);
- PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk (Esia): (area code) 9XXX-XXXX, (021) 80XX-XXXX, (021) 83XX-XXXX
- PT Telkom Tbk (TelkomFlexi): (021) 70XX-XXXX, (021) 68XX-XXXX, (area code) 54XX-XXX, (area code) 70XX-XXX, (area code) 80XX-XXX, (area code) 81XX-XXX, (area code) 68XX-XXX, (area code) 3XXX-XXXX
- PT Indosat Tbk (StarOne): (021) 30XX-XXXX, (031) 60XX-XXXX, (area code) 61XX-XXX, (area code) 62XX-XXX, (area code) 63XX-XXX, (area-code) 90XX-XXXX
- PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk (Fren & Hepi): (area code) 50XX-XXXX, (area code) 21XX-XXXX, (area code) 31XX-XXXX
CDMA Mobile Wireless[edit]
- PT Smartfren Telecom : 0887-XXXX-XXXX, 0888-XXXX-XXXX, 0889-XXXX-XXXX
- PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria/Net1): 0827-XXXX-XXXX, 0828-xxxx-xxxx
- PT Smart Telecom (Smart): 0881-XXXX-XXXX, 0882-XXXX-XXXX, 0883-XXXX-XXXX, 0884-XXXX-XXXX, 0885-XXXX-XXXX, 0886-XXXX-XXXX
GSM Mobile Wireless[edit]
- PT Indosat
- IM3 (Prepaid and Postpaid) prefix: 0814, 0815, 0816, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858.
- 3 Indonesia (merged with Indosat) prefix: 0895, 0896, 0897, 0898, 0899.
- PT Telkomsel
- Telkomsel Halo (Postpaid), Telkomsel PraBayar (Prepaid), and by.U (MVNO) prefix: 0811, 0812, 0813, 0821, 0822, 0823, 0851, 0852, 0853.
- PT XL Axiata
- XL Prepaid, XL Prioritas (Postpaid), and LIVE.ON (MVNO) prefix: 0817, 0818, 0819, 0859, 0877, 0878.
- AXIS (acquired by XL) prefix: 0831, 0832, 0833, 0838.
- PT Smartfren Telecom
- Smartfren and Smartfren Power Up (MVNO) prefix: 0881, 0882, 0883, 0884, 0885, 0886, 0887, 0888, 0889.
Satellite Phone[edit]
- PT Telkom
Emergency number[edit]
In Indonesia, emergency numbers are mostly using 11x format[3][4]
- Police: 110
- Ambulance: 118 or 119
- Fire: 113
- Search and Rescue (BASARNAS): 115
- Mobile and satellite phone: 112
Calling formats[edit]
To call in Indonesia, the following format is used:
xxx-xxxx Calls within an area code
yyy-xxx-xxxx Calls inside Indonesia in city centers
+62 yyy-xxxx-xxxx Calls from outside Indonesia
+62 8nn-xxxx-xxxx Calls to mobiles from outside Indonesia
Area 2[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Yogyakarta, and Central Java.
- All areas—021
- Tangerang, South Tangerang—021
- Lebak—0252
- Pandeglang—0253
- Cilegon, Serang—0254
West Java[edit]
- Bekasi, Depok, parts of Bogor Regency—021
- Bandung, Cimahi, parts of Sumedang (Jatinangor)—022
- Cirebon—0231
- Kuningan—0232
- Majalengka—0233
- Indramayu—0234
- Bogor City, parts of Depok (Sawangan), parts of Bogor Regency—0251
- Subang—0260
- Sumedang—0261
- Garut—0262
- Cianjur—0263
- Purwakarta—0264
- Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, Pangandaran Regency—0265
- Sukabumi—0266
- Karawang—0267
Central Java[edit]
- Semarang, parts of Semarang Regency—024
- Surakarta, Sragen, Karanganyar, Sukoharjo, parts of Boyolali—0271
- Klaten—0272
- Wonogiri—0273
- Purworejo—0275
- Boyolali—0276
- parts of Cilacap—0280
- Banyumas, Purbalingga—0281
- Cilacap—0282
- Tegal, Brebes—0283
- Pemalang—0284
- Pekalongan, Batang—0285
- Banjarnegara, Wonosobo—0286
- Kebumen—0287
- Bumiayu—0289
- Kudus, Jepara—0291
- Grobogan—0292
- Magelang, Temanggung—0293
- Kendal, parts of Batang (Gringsing)—0294
- Pati, Rembang—0295
- Blora—0296
- Karimun Jawa—0297
- Salatiga, parts of Semarang Regency, parts of Boyolali—0298
- All areas—0274
Area 3[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara.
East Java[edit]
- Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Bangkalan—031
- Mojokerto, Jombang—0321
- Lamongan—0322
- Sampang—0323
- Pamekasan—0324
- Bawean—0325
- Masalembu Islands—0326
- Kangean—0327
- Sumenep—0328
- Jember—0331
- Bondowoso—0332
- Banyuwangi—0333
- Lumajang—0334
- Probolinggo—0335
- parts of Jember—0336
- Situbondo—0338
- Malang, Batu—0341
- Blitar—0342
- Pasuruan—0343
- Madiun, Magetan, Ngawi—0351
- Ponorogo—0352
- Bojonegoro—0353
- Kediri—0354
- Tulungagung, Trenggalek—0355
- Tuban—0356
- Pacitan—0357
- Nganjuk—0358
- Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, parts of Tabanan—0361
- Buleleng—0362
- Karangasem—0363
- Jembrana—0365
- Klungkung, Bangli—0366
- parts of Tabanan (Baturiti)—0368
West Nusa Tenggara[edit]
- Mataram, West Lombok, Central Lombok—0370
- Sumbawa—0371
- West Sumbawa—0372
- Dompu—0373
- Bima—0374
- East Lombok—0376
East Nusa Tenggara[edit]
- Alor Islands—0379
- Kupang—0380
- Ende—0381
- Sikka—0382
- East Flores—0383
- Ngada—0384
- Manggarai—0385
- West Manggarai—0386
- Sumba—0387
- North Central Timor, South Central Timor—0388
- Belu—0389
Area 4[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, and Gorontalo.
South East Sulawesi[edit]
- Kendari, parts of Konawe Regency—0401
- Buton—0402
- Muna—0403
- Wakatobi—0404
- Kolaka—0405
- parts of Konawe Regency—0408
South Sulawesi[edit]
- Pangkajene—0410
- Makassar, Maros, Gowa—0411
- Bantaeng, Bulukumba—0413
- Selayar Islands—0414
- Malino—0417
- Takalar—0418
- Jeneponto—0419
- Enrekang—0420
- Pare Pare, Pinrang, Sidenreng Rappang—0421
- Tana Toraja—0423
- Barru—0427
- Luwu—0471
- parts of Wajo Regency (Pitumpanua)—0472
- North Luwu—0473
- East Luwu—0474
- parts of East Luwu Regency (Sorowako)—0475
- Bone—0481
- Sinjai—0482
- Soppeng—0484
- Wajo—0485
West Sulawesi[edit]
- Majene—0422
- Mamuju—0426
- Polewali—0428
- Central Mamuju—0429
Central Sulawesi[edit]
- Morowali—0409
- Buol—0445
- Parigi Moutong—0450
- Palu—0451
- parts of Poso Regency—0452
- Toli-Toli—0453
- parts of Parigi Moutong Regency (Tinombo)—0454
- parts of Parigi Moutong Regency (Moutong)—0455
- Donggala—0457
- parts of Poso Regency (Tentena)—0458
- Banggai—0461
- Banggai Island—0462
- parts of Banggai Regency (Bunta)—0463
- Tojo Una-Una—0464
- North Morowali—0465
North Sulawesi[edit]
- South Minahasa—0430
- Manado, Tomohon, Minahasa, North Minahasa—0431
- Sangihe Islands—0432
- Talaud Islands—0433
- Bolaang Mongondow (incl. Kotamobagu)—0434
- Kema, Kauditan, Bitung—0438
- Gorontalo—0435
- North Gorontalo—0442
- Pohuwato Regency—0443
Area 5[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, and North Kalimantan.
West Kalimantan[edit]
- Ketapang—0534
- Kayong Utara—0535
- Pontianak—0561
- Sambas, Bengkayang, Singkawang—0562
- Landak—0563
- Sanggau, Sekadau—0564
- Sintang—0565
- Kapuas Hulu—0567
- Melawi—0568
Central Kalimantan[edit]
- Kapuas, Pulang Pisau—0513
- North Barito—0519
- South Barito, East Barito—0526
- Murung Raya—0528
- East Kotawaringin—0531
- West Kotawaringin, Sukamara, — 0532
- Palangka Raya, Katingan—0536
- Gunung Mas—0537
- Seruyan—0538
- Seruyan, parts of East Kotawaringin—0539
South Kalimantan[edit]
- Banjarmasin, Banjar, Banjarbaru, Barito Kuala—0511
- Tanah Laut—0512
- Hulu Sungai Selatan, Hulu Sungai Tengah, Tapin—0517
- Tanah Kambatang Lima, Tanah Bumbu—0518
- Tabalong, Balangan—0526
- Hulu Sungai Utara—0527
East Kalimantan[edit]
- Samarinda, Kutai Kartanegara—0541
- Balikpapan, Penajam North Paser—0542
- Paser—0543
- West Kutai—0545
- Bontang—0548
- East Kutai—0549
- Berau—0554
North Kalimantan[edit]
- Tarakan, Bunyu Island—0551
- Bulungan, Tana Tidung—0552
- Malinau—0553
- Nunukan—0556
Area 6[edit]
These are area codes for the Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra.
- Subulussalam—0627
- Southeast Aceh—0629
- Langsa, East Aceh, Aceh Tamiang—0641
- Gayo Lues—0642
- Central Aceh, Bener Meriah—0643
- Bireuen—0644
- Lhokseumawe, North Aceh—0645
- parts of East Aceh—0646
- Simeulue—0650
- Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, parts of Aceh Jaya (Lamno) — 0651
- Sabang—0652
- Pidie, Pidie Jaya—0653
- Aceh Jaya—0654
- West Aceh, Nagan Raya—0655
- South Aceh—0656
- parts of South Aceh—0657
- Singkil—0658
- Southwest Aceh—0659
North Sumatra[edit]
- Medan, Binjai, parts of Deli Serdang, parts of Serdang Bedagai (Perbaungan, Pantai Cermin), parts of Langkat—061
- parts of Langkat (Pangkalan Brandan) — 0620
- Tebing Tinggi, Serdang Bedagai—0621
- Pematang Siantar, Simalungun, Batubara, parts of Serdang Bedagai—0622
- Asahan, Tanjungbalai, parts of Labuhan Batu (Labuhan Ruku) — 0623
- Labuhan Batu—0624
- Parapat, parts of Samosir—0625
- Samosir—0626
- Dairi, Pakpak Bharat—0627
- Karo, parts of Deli Serdang (Bandar Baru, Sibolangit) — 0628
- South Nias—0630
- Central Tapanuli, Sibolga—0631
- Toba Samosir—0632
- North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan—0633
- South Tapanuli, Padang Sidempuan—0634
- parts of South Tapanuli—0635
- Mandailing Natal—0636
- parts of Central Tapanuli (Barus)—0638
- Nias—0639
Area 7[edit]
These are area codes for the Provinces of West Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Bangka-Belitung, and Lampung.
West Sumatra[edit]
- Padang, Padang Pariaman, Pariaman, parts of South Pesisir—0751
- Agam, Tanah Datar, Limapuluh Koto, Bukittinggi, Padang Panjang, Payakumbuh—0752
- Pasaman, West Pasaman—0753
- Sawahlunto, Sijunjung, Dharmasraya—0754
- Solok, South Solok—0755
- South Pesisir—0756
- parts of South Pesisir—0757
- Mentawai Islands—0759
- Kuantan Singingi—0760
- Pekanbaru, Pelalawan, parts of Siak, parts of Kampar—0761
- Kampar, Rokan Hulu—0762
- parts of Bengkalis—0763
- Siak—0764
- Dumai, parts of Bengkalis (Duri), parts of Rokan Hulu (Bagan Batu) — 0765
- Bengkalis—0766
- Rokan Hulu—0767
- Indragiri Hilir—0768
- Indragiri Hulu—0769
Riau Islands[edit]
- Muka Kuning Batamindo—0770
- Tanjungpinang, Bintan—0771
- Anambas Islands—0772
- Natuna Islands—0773
- Lingga—0776
- Great Karimun—0777
- Batam—0778
- Kundur—0779
- Jambi, Muaro Jambi—0741
- West Tanjung Jabung—0742
- Batanghari—0743
- Tebo—0744
- Sarolangun—0745
- Merangin—0746
- Bungo, parts of Tebo (Rimbo Bujang) — 0747
- Kerinci—0748
South Sumatra[edit]
- Empat Lawang—0702
- Palembang, Ogan Ilir, Banyuasin—0711
- Ogan Komering Ilir—0712
- Prabumulih, parts of Muara Enim—0713
- Musi Banyuasin—0714
- Pagar Alam, parts of Lahat—0730
- Lahat—0731
- Lubuklinggau, Musi Rawas—0733
- Muara Enim—0734
- Ogan Komering Ulu—0735
- parts of Bangka (Belinyu) — 0715
- West Bangka—0716
- Bangka, Pangkal Pinang—0717
- Central Bangka, South Bangka—0718
- Belitung—0719
- Rejang Lebong, Kepahiang—0732
- Bengkulu, Seluma—0736
- North Bengkulu, Muko-muko—0737
- South Bengkulu, Kaur—0739
- Bandar Lampung, parts of South Lampung—0721
- Tanggamus—0722
- Way Kanan—0723
- North Lampung—0724
- Metro, Central Lampung, East Lampung—0725
- Tulang Bawang—0726
- South Lampung—0727
- West Lampung—0728
- Pringsewu Regency—0729
- part of Tanggamus—084
Area 9[edit]
These are area codes for the provinces of Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, Central Papua, Highland Papua, South Papua, Southwest Papua, and West Papua.
- Banda Naira—0910
- Ambon—0911
- Namlea—0913
- Masohi—0914
- Tual—0916
- Dobo—0917
- Saumlaki—0918
North Maluku[edit]
- Weda—0920
- Ternate—0921
- Tobelo—0924
- Tidore—0929
West Papua[edit]
- Kaimana, Fak Fak—0956
- Manokwari—0986
Southwest Papua[edit]
- Sorong—0951
- Biak—0981
- Jayapura—0967
- Nabire—0984
- Serui—0963
- Sarmi—0966
- Yapen—0983
Highland Papua[edit]
- Wamena—0969
Central Papua[edit]
- Tembagapura—0979
- Timika—0901
South Papua[edit]
- Agats—0902
- Boven Digoel—0975
- Merauke—0971
See also[edit]
- Communications in Indonesia
- ^ Travel Indonesia, Volume 16, 1994, page 46
- ^ The Official Catholic Directory for the Year of Our Lord, Part 2, 1999, page 72
- ^ (in Indonesian)http://www.telkomsel.com/about/news/861-call-center-111-dan-128-untuk-kartuhalo-berubah-menjadi-133
- ^ (in Indonesian)http://web.kominfo.go.id/sites/default/files/RPM%20Perubahan%20Ketujuh%20Atas%20Keputusan%20Menteri%20Perhubungan%20No.%20KM.%204%20Tahun%202001%20Tentang%20Penetapan%20Rencana%20DasarNasional%202000%20%28Fundamental%20Technical%20Plan%20National%202000%29%20Pembangunan%20Telekomunikasi%20Nasional.pdf
- ITU allocations list
Онлайн-знакомства: куда сообщить о мошенничестве?
Карта телефонных кодов стран
Онлайн-знакомства: Как мошенники выманивают деньги и кто становится их жертвами
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Страна, территория или зона обслуживания | Телефонные коды страны | Часовой пояс | DST |
Абхазия | +7 840, +7 940 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Афганистан | +93 | UTC + 04: 30 | |
Аландские острова | +358 18 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Албания | +355 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Алжир | +213 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Американское Самоа | +1 684 | UTC-11: 00 | |
Андорра | +376 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Ангола | +244 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Ангилья | +1 264 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Антигуа и Барбуда | +1 268 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Аргентина | +54 | UTC-03: 00 | |
Армения | +374 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Аруба | +297 | UTC-04: 00 | |
о. Св. Елены | +247 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Австралия | +61 | UTC + 08: 00 до +10: 30 | UTC + 08: 00 до +11: 00 |
Австралийская Антарктическая Территория | +672 1 | ||
Австралийские Внешние Территории | +672 | ||
Австрия | +43 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Азербайджан | +994 | UTC + 04: 00 | UTC + 05: 00 |
Багамские о-ва | +1 242 | UTC-05: 00 | UTC-04: 00 |
Бахрейн | +973 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Бангладеш | +880 | UTC + 06: 00 | |
Барбадос | +1 246 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Барбуды | +1 268 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Беларусь | +375 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Бельгия | +32 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Белиз | +501 | UTC-06: 00 | |
Бенин | +229 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Бермудские острова | +1 441 | UTC-04: 00 | UTC-03: 00 |
Бутан | +975 | UTC + 06: 00 | |
Боливия | +591 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Бонайре | +599 7 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Босния и Герцеговина | +387 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Ботсвана | +267 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Бразилия | +55 | UTC-05: 00 до -02: 00 | UTC-05: 00 до -02: 00 |
Британская территория Индийского океана | +246 | UTC + 06: 00 | |
Британские Виргинские острова | +1 284 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Бруней-Даруссалам | +673 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Болгария | +359 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Буркина-Фасо | +226 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Бурунди | +257 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Камбоджа | +855 | UTC + 07: 00 | |
Камерун | +237 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Канада | +1 | UTC-08: 00–03: 30 | UTC-07: 00 до -02: 30 |
Кабо-Верде | +238 | UTC-01: 00 | |
Карибские острова Нидерланды | +599 3, +599 4, +599 7 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Каймановы острова | +1 345 | UTC-05: 00 | |
Центрально-Африканская Республика | +236 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Чад | +235 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Остров Чатем, Новая Зеландия | +64 | UTC + 12: 00 | UTC + 13: 00 |
Чили | +56 | UTC-06: 00 до -04: 00 | UTC-05: 00 до -03: 00 |
Китай | +86 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Остров Рождества | +61 89164 | UTC + 07: 00 | |
Кокосовые (Килинг) острова | +61 89162 | UTC + 06: 30 | |
Колумбия | +57 | UTC-05: 00 | |
Коморские острова | +269 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Конго | +242 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Конго, Демократическая Республика (Заир) | +243 | UTC + 01: 00 до +02: 00 | |
Острова Кука | +682 | UTC-10: 00 | |
Коста Рика | +506 | UTC-06: 00 | |
Кот-д’Ивуар | +225 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Хорватия | +385 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Куба | +53 | UTC-05: 00 | UTC-04: 00 |
Залив Гуантанамо, Куба | +53 99 | ||
Кюрасао | +599 9 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Кипр | +357 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Чехия | +420 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Дания | +45 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Диего Гарсия | +246 | UTC + 06: 00 | |
Джибути | +253 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Доминика | +1 767 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Доминиканская Респблика | +1 809, +1 829, +1 849 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Восточный Тимор | +670 | UTC + 09: 00 | |
остров Пасхи | +56 | UTC-06: 00 | UTC-05: 00 |
Эквадор | +593 | UTC-06: 00 до -05: 00 | |
Египет | +20 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Сальвадор | +503 | UTC-06: 00 | |
Эллипсо (мобильная спутниковая служба) | +881 2, +881 3 | ||
EMSAT (мобильная спутниковая служба) | +882 13 | ||
Экваториальная Гвинея | +240 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Эритрея | +291 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Эстония | +372 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Эфиопия | +251 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Фолклендские острова | +500 | UTC-03: 00 | |
Фарерские острова | +298 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Фиджи | +679 | UTC + 12: 00 | UTC + 13: 00 |
Финляндия | +358 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Франция | +33 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Французские Антильские острова | +596 | ||
Французская Гвиана | +594 | UTC-03: 00 | |
Французская Полинезия | +689 | UTC-10: 00 до -09: 00 | |
Габон | +241 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Гамбия | +220 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Грузия | +995 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Германия | +49 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Гана | +233 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Гибралтар | +350 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Глобальная мобильная спутниковая система (GMSS) | +881 | ||
Глобалстар (мобильная спутниковая служба) | +881 8, +881 9 | ||
Греция | +30 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Гренландия | +299 | UTC-04: 00 до +00: 00 | |
Гренада | +1 473 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Гваделупа | +590 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Гуам | +1 671 | UTC + 10: 00 | |
Гватемала | +502 | UTC-06: 00 | |
Гернси | +44 1481, +44 7781, +44 7839, +44 7911 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Гвинея | +224 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Гвинея-Бисау | +245 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Гайана | +592 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Гаити | +509 | UTC-05:00 | UTC-04: 00 |
Гондурас | +504 | UTC-06: 00 | |
Гонконг | +852 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Венгрия | +36 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Исландия | +354 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
ICO Global (мобильная спутниковая служба) | +881 0, +881 1 | ||
Индия | +91 | UTC + 05: 30 | |
Индонезия | +62 | UTC + 07: 00 до +09: 00 | |
Инмарсат SNAC | +870 | ||
Международная служба бесплатной телефонной связи (UIFN) | +800 | ||
Международные сети | +882, +883 | ||
Международный Премиум Сервис | +979 | ||
Международная служба совместных расходов (ISCS) | +808 | ||
Иран | +98 | UTC + 03: 30 | UTC + 04: 30 |
Ирак | +964 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Ирландия | +353 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Иридиум (мобильная спутниковая служба) | +881 6, +881 7 | ||
Остров Мэн | +44 1624, +44 7524, +44 7624, +44 7924 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Израиль | +972 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Италия | +39 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Ямайка | +1 876 | UTC-05: 00 | |
Ян Майен | +47 79 | ||
Япония | +81 | UTC + 09: 00 | |
Джерси | +44 1534 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Иордания | +962 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Казахстан | +7 6, +7 7 | UTC + 05: 00 до +06: 00 | |
Кения | +254 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Кирибати | +686 | UTC + 12: 00 до +14: 00 | |
Северная Корея | +850 | UTC + 08: 30 | |
Корея, Юг | +82 | UTC + 09: 00 | |
Косово | +383, +377 44, +377 45, +386 43, +386 49, +381 28, +381 29, +381 38, +381 39 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Кувейт | +965 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Киргизия | +996 | UTC + 05: 00 до +06: 00 | |
Лаос | +856 | UTC + 07: 00 | |
Латвия | +371 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Ливан | +961 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Лесото | +266 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Liberia | +231 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Ливия | +218 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Лихтенштейн | +423 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Литва | +370 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Люксембург | +352 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Макао | +853 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Македония | +389 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Мадагаскар | +261 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Малави | +265 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Малайзия | +60 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Мальдивы | +960 | UTC + 05: 00 | |
Мали | +223 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Мальта | +356 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Маршалловы острова | +692 | UTC + 12: 00 | |
Мартиника | +596 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Мавритания | +222 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Маврикий | +230 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Майотта | +262 269, +262 639 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Мексика | +52 | UTC-08: 00 до -06: 00 | UTC-07: 00–05: 00 |
Микронезия, Федеративные Штаты | +691 | UTC + 10: 00 до +11: 00 | |
Мидуэй, США | +1 808 | UTC-11: 00 | |
Молдова | +373 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Монако | +377 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Монголия | +976 | UTC + 07: 00 до +08: 00 | UTC + 08: 00 до +09: 00 |
Черногория | +382 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Монсеррат | +1 664 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Марокко | +212 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Мозамбик | +258 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Мьянма | +95 | UTC + 06: 30 | |
Nagorno-Karabakh | +374 47, +374 97 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Намибия | +264 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC+02:00 |
Науру | +674 | UTC + 12: 00 | |
Непал | +977 | UTC + 05: 45 | |
Нидерланды | +31 | CET (UTC + 01: 00) / AST (UTC-04: 00) | CET (UTC + 02: 00) / AST (UTC-04: 00) |
Сент-Китс и Невис | +1 869 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Новая Каледония | +687 | UTC + 11: 00 | |
Новая Зеландия | +64 | UTC + 12: 00 | UTC + 13: 00 |
Никарагуа | +505 | UTC-06: 00 | |
Нигер | +227 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Нигерия | +234 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Ниуэ | +683 | UTC-11: 00 | |
Остров Норфолк | +672 3 | UTC + 11: 00 | |
Северный Кипр | +90 392 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Северная Ирландия | +44 28 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Северные Марианские острова | +1 670 | UTC + 10: 00 | |
Норвегия | +47 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Оман | +968 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Пакистан | +92 | UTC + 05: 00 | UTC + 06: 00 |
Palau | +680 | UTC + 09: 00 | |
Палестина, Государство | +970 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Панама | +507 | UTC-05: 00 | |
Папуа — Новая Гвинея | +675 | UTC + 10: 00 | |
Paraguay | +595 | UTC-04: 00 | UTC-03: 00 |
Перу | +51 | UTC-05: 00 | |
Филиппины | +63 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Острова Питкэрн | +64 | UTC-08: 00 | |
Польша | +48 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Португалия | +351 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Пуэрто Рико | +1 787, +1 939 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Катар | +974 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Майотта | +262 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Румыния | +40 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Россия | +7 | UTC + 02: 00 до +12: 00 | |
Руанда | +250 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Саба | +599 4 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Святой Бартелеми | +590 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Остров Святой Елены | +290 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Сент-Китс и Невис | +1 869 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Сент-Люсия | +1 758 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Сен-Мартен (Франция) | +590 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Сен-Пьер и Микелон | +508 | UTC-03: 00 | UTC-02: 00 |
Святой Винсент и Гренадины | +1 784 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Самоа | +685 | UTC + 13: 00 | UTC + 14: 00 |
Сан-Марино | +378 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Сан-Томе и Принсипи | +239 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Саудовская Аравия | +966 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Сенегал | +221 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Сербия | +381 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Сейшельские острова | +248 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Сьерра Леоне | +232 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Сингапур | +65 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Синт-Эстатиус | +599 3 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Синт-Мартен (Нидерланды) | +1 721 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Словакия | +421 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Словения | +386 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Соломоновы острова | +677 | UTC + 11: 00 | |
Сомали | +252 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Южная Африка | +27 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы острова | +500 | UTC-02: 00 | |
Южная Осетия | +995 34 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Южный Судан | +211 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Испания | +34 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Шри-Ланка | +94 | UTC + 05: 30 | |
Судан | +249 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Суринам | +597 | UTC-03: 00 | |
Шпицберген | +47 79 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Свазиленд | +268 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Швеция | +46 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Швейцария | +41 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Сирия | +963 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Тайвань | +886 | UTC + 08: 00 | |
Таджикистан | +992 | UTC + 05: 00 | |
Танзания | +255 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Telecommunications for Disaster Relief by OCHA | +888 | ||
Таиланд | +66 | UTC + 07: 00 | |
Thuraya (мобильная спутниковая служба) | +882 16 | ||
Того | +228 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Токелау | +690 | UTC + 13: 00 | |
Тонга | +676 | UTC + 13: 00 | |
Приднестровье | +373 2, +373 5 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Тринидад и Тобаго | +1 868 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Тристан-да-Кунья | +290 8 | UTC + 00: 00 | |
Тунис | +216 | UTC + 01: 00 | |
Турция | +90 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Туркменистан | +993 | UTC + 05: 00 | |
Острова Теркс и Кайкос | +1 649 | UTC-05: 00 | UTC-04: 00 |
Тувалу | +688 | UTC + 12: 00 | |
Уганда | +256 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Украина | +380 | UTC + 02: 00 | UTC + 03: 00 |
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты | +971 | UTC + 04: 00 | |
Соединенное Королевство | +44 | UTC + 00: 00 | UTC + 01: 00 |
Соединенные Штаты | +1 | UTC-10: 00–05: 00 | UTC-10: 00 до -04: 00 |
Универсальные персональные телекоммуникации (UPT) | +878 | ||
Уругвай | +598 | UTC-03: 00 | Без летнего времени (июнь 2015 г.) |
Американские Виргинские острова | +1 340 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Узбекистан | +998 | UTC + 05: 00 | |
Вануату | +678 | UTC + 11: 00 | |
Венесуэла | +58 | UTC-04: 00 | |
Город-государство Ватикан (Святой Престол) | +39 06 698, присвоено +379 | UTC + 01: 00 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Вьетнам | +84 | UTC + 07: 00 | |
Остров Уэйк, США | +1 808 | UTC + 12: 00 | |
Уоллис и Футуна | +681 | UTC + 12: 00 | |
Йемен | +967 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Замбия | +260 | UTC + 02: 00 | |
Занзибар | +255 24 | UTC + 03: 00 | |
Зимбабве | +263 | UTC + 02: 00 |
Этот сайт о мошенничестве в сети! Мы информируем людей, чтобы их не обманули мошенники, которые используют украденные фотографии.
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Worldwide distribution of country calling codes. Regions are coloured by first digit.
Country calling codes or country dial-in codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching telephone subscribers in the networks of the member countries or regions of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The codes are defined by the ITU-T in standards E.123 and E.164. The prefixes enable international direct dialing (IDD) and are also referred to as international subscriber dialing (ISD) codes.
Country codes are a component of the international telephone numbering plan and are necessary only when dialing a telephone number to establish a call to another country. Country codes are dialed before the national telephone number. The ITU standard specifies that international telephone numbers are represented by prefixing the country code with a plus sign (+), which also indicates to the subscriber that the local international call prefix must first be dialed. For example, the international call prefix in all countries of the North American Numbering Plan is 011, while it is 00 in most European, Asian and African countries. On GSM (cellular) networks, the IDD prefix may automatically be inserted by the network operator when the user prefixes a dialed number with the plus sign.
Tabular list
Country calling codes are prefix codes and are arranged in the table below. In each row, the first column indicates the first one or two digits of the code shared by each code in that row, arranged in the last ten columns based on the last digit of the code. When there are three-digit codes starting with «+jk», the two digit code +jk is unassignable because it would be ambiguous, as denoted by «ambig.«. Codes which have not yet been assigned are denoted by a dash (—). Countries are indicated by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes; codes allocated for non-country-specific services are denoted by two asterisks (**).
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 | |
1x |
+1: North American Numbering Plan countries and territories, including (but not listed below) CA and US |
+1 242: BS |
+1 340: VI |
+1 441: BM |
+1 649: TC |
+1 721: SX |
+1 809: DO |
+1 939: PR |
2x | +20: EG | +21: ambig. | +22: ambig. | +23: ambig. | +24: ambig. | +25: ambig. | +26: ambig. | +27: ZA | +28: — | +29: ambig. |
21x | +210: — | +211: SS | +212: MA, EH | +213: DZ | +214: — | +215: — | +216: TN | +217: — | +218: LY | +219: — |
22x | +220: GM | +221: SN | +222: MR | +223: ML | +224: GN | +225: CI | +226: BF | +227: NE | +228: TG | +229: BJ |
23x | +230: MU | +231: LR | +232: SL | +233: GH | +234: NG | +235: TD | +236: CF | +237: CM | +238: CV | +239: ST |
24x | +240: GQ | +241: GA | +242: CG | +243: CD | +244: AO | +245: GW | +246: IO | +247: AC | +248: SC | +249: SD |
25x | +250: RW | +251: ET | +252: SO | +253: DJ | +254: KE | +255: TZ | +256: UG | +257: BI | +258: MZ | +259: — |
26x | +260: ZM | +261: MG | +262: RE, YT, TF | +263: ZW | +264: NA | +265: MW | +266: LS | +267: BW | +268: SZ | +269: KM |
29x | +290: SH, TA | +291: ER | +292: — | +293: — | +294: — | +295: — | +296: — | +297: AW | +298: FO | +299: GL |
3x | +30: GR | +31: NL | +32: BE | +33: FR | +34: ES | +35: ambig. | +36: HU | +39: IT, VA | ||
35x | +350: GI | +351: PT | +352: LU | +353: IE | +354: IS | +355: AL | +356: MT | +357: CY | +358: FI, AX | +359: BG |
37x | +370: LT | +371: LV | +372: EE | +373: MD | +374: AM, QN | +375: BY | +376: AD | +377: MC | +378: SM | +379: VA |
38x | +380: UA | +381: RS | +382: ME | +383: XK | +384: — | +385: HR | +386: SI | +387: BA | +389: MK | |
4x | +40: RO | +41: CH | +42: ambig. | +43: AT | +44: GB, GG, IM, JE |
+45: DK | +46: SE | +47: NO, SJ, BV | +48: PL | +49: DE |
42x | +420: CZ | +421: SK | +422: — | +423: LI | +424: — | +425: — | +426: — | +427: — | +428: — | +429: — |
5x | +50: ambig. | +51: PE | +52: MX | +53: CU | +54: AR | +55: BR | +56: CL | +57: CO | +58: VE | +59: ambig. |
50x | +500: FK, GS | +501: BZ | +502: GT | +503: SV | +504: HN | +505: NI | +506: CR | +507: PA | +508: PM | +509: HT |
59x | +590: GP, BL, MF | +591: BO | +592: GY | +593: EC | +594: GF | +595: PY | +596: MQ | +597: SR | +598: UY | +599: BQ, CW |
6x | +60: MY | +61: AU, CX, CC | +62: ID | +63: PH | +64: NZ, PN | +65: SG | +66: TH | +67: ambig. | +68: ambig. | +69: ambig. |
67x | +670: TL | +671: — | +672: NF, AQ, HM | +673: BN | +674: NR | +675: PG | +676: TO | +677: SB | +678: VU | +679: FJ |
68x | +680: PW | +681: WF | +682: CK | +683: NU | +684: — | +685: WS | +686: KI | +687: NC | +688: TV | +689: PF |
69x | +690: TK | +691: FM | +692: MH | +693: — | +694: — | +695: — | +696: — | +697: — | +698: — | +699: — |
7x | +7: RU, KZ | |||||||||
+7 0: — | +7 1: — | +7 2: — | +7 3: RU | +7 4: RU | +7 5: — | +7 6: KZ | +7 7: KZ | +7 8: RU | +7 9: RU | |
8x | +80: ambig. | +81: JP | +82: KR | +83: — | +84: VN | +85: ambig. | +86: CN | +87: ambig. | +88: ambig. | +89: — |
80x | +800: ** | +801: — | +802: — | +803: — | +804: — | +805: — | +806: — | +807: — | +808: ** | +809: — |
85x | +850: KP | +851: — | +852: HK | +853: MO | +854: — | +855: KH | +856: LA | +857: — | +858: — | +859: — |
87x | +870: ** | +871: — | +872: — | +873: — | +874: — | +875: — | +876: — | +877: — | +878: ** | +879: — |
88x | +880: BD | +881: ** | +882: ** | +883: ** | +884: — | +885: — | +886: TW | +887: — | +888: UN | +889: — |
9x | +90: TR, CT | +91: IN | +92: PK | +93: AF | +94: LK | +95: MM | +96: ambig. | +97: ambig. | +98: IR | +99: ambig. |
96x | +960: MV | +961: LB | +962: JO | +963: SY | +964: IQ | +965: KW | +966: SA | +967: YE | +968: OM | +969: — |
97x | +970: PS | +971: AE | +972: IL | +973: BH | +974: QA | +975: BT | +976: MN | +977: NP | +978: — | +979: ** |
99x | +990: — | +991: ** | +992: TJ | +993: TM | +994: AZ | +995: GE | +996: KG | +997: KZ | +998: UZ | +999: — |
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 |
Ordered by code
Zones are organized principally by geographic location, but exceptions exist for political and historical alignments. Thus, the geographical indicators below are approximations only.
Zone 1: North American Numbering Plan
Member countries of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) are assigned three-digit area codes under the common country prefix 1, shown in the format +1 XXX.
The North American Numbering Plan includes:
Zone 2: Mostly Africa
(but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
Zones 3–4: Europe
Originally, larger countries such as Spain, the United Kingdom and France were assigned two-digit codes to compensate for their usually longer domestic numbers. Small countries, such as Iceland, were assigned three-digit codes. Since the 1980s, all new assignments have been three-digit regardless of countries’ populations.
Zone 5: Americas outside the NANP
Zone 6: Southeast Asia and Oceania
Zone 7: Russia and neighboring countries
- +7 –
Russia (formerly assigned to the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991)
Zone 8: East Asia and special services
Zone 9: Mostly Middle East, Central Asia and parts of southern Asia
Alphabetical listing by country or region
Country, Territory or Service | Code | Time Zone | DST |
+93 | UTC+04:30 | ||
+358 18 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+355 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+213 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 684 | UTC−11:00 | ||
+376 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+244 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 264 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 268 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+54 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+374 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+297 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+247 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+61 | UTC+08:00 to +10:30 | UTC+08:00 to +11:00 | |
+672 1 | |||
Australian External Territories | +672 | ||
+43 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+994 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+1 242 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+973 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+880 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+1 246 | UTC−04:00 | ||
Barbuda | +1 268 | UTC−04:00 | |
+375 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+32 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+501 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+229 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 441 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 | |
+975 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+591 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+599 7 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+387 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+267 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+55 | UTC−05:00 to –02:00 | ||
+246 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+1 284 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+673 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+359 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+226 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+257 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+238 | UTC−01:00 | ||
+855 | UTC+07:00 | ||
+237 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 | UTC−08:00 to –03:30 | UTC−07:00 to –02:30 | |
+599 3, +599 4, +599 7 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 345 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+236 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+235 | UTC+01:00 | ||
Chatham Island, New Zealand | +64 | UTC+12:45 | UTC+13:45 |
+56 | UTC−06:00 to –04:00 | UTC−05:00 to –03:00 | |
+86 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+61 89164 | UTC+07:00 | ||
+61 89162 | UTC+06:30 | ||
+57 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+269 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+242 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+243 | UTC+01:00 to +02:00 | ||
+682 | UTC−10:00 | ||
+506 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+225 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+385 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+53 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+599 9 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+357 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+420 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+45 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
Diego Garcia | +246 | UTC+06:00 | |
+253 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+1 767 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 809, +1 829, +1 849 |
UTC−04:00 | ||
+56 | UTC−06:00 | UTC−05:00 | |
+593 | UTC−06:00 to –05:00 | ||
+20 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+503 | UTC−06:00 | ||
Ellipso (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 2, +881 3 | ||
EMSAT (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 13 | ||
+240 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+291 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+372 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+268 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+251 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+500 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+298 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+679 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 | |
+358 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+33 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
French Antilles | +596 | ||
+594 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+689 | UTC−10:00 to –09:00 | ||
+241 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+220 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+995 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+49 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+233 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+350 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS) | +881 | ||
Globalstar (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 8, +881 9 | ||
+30 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+299 | UTC−04:00 to +01:00 | UTC−03:00 to +00:00 | |
+1 473 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+590 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 671 | UTC+10:00 | ||
+502 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+44 1481, +44 7781, +44 7839, +44 7911 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+224 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+245 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+592 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+509 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+504 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+852 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+36 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+354 | UTC+00:00 | ||
ICO Global (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 0, +881 1 | ||
+91 | UTC+05:30 | ||
+62 | UTC+07:00 to +09:00 | ||
Inmarsat SNAC | +870 | ||
International Freephone Service (UIFN) | +800 | ||
International Networks | +882, +883 | ||
International Premium Rate Service | +979 | ||
International Shared Cost Service (ISCS) | +808 | ||
+98 | UTC+03:30 | UTC+04:30 | |
+964 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+353 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
Iridium (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 6, +881 7 | ||
+44 1624, +44 7524, +44 7624, +44 7924 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+972 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+39 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+1 658, +1 876 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+81 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+44 1534 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+962 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+997, permissive dialling with +7 until 2025[notes 1] | UTC+05:00 to +06:00 | ||
+254 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+686 | UTC+12:00 to +14:00 | ||
+850 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+82 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+383 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+965 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+996 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+856 | UTC+07:00 | ||
+371 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+961 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+266 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+231 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+218 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+423 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+370 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+352 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+853 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+261 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+265 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+60 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+960 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+223 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+356 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+692 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+596 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+222 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+230 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+262 269, +262 639 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+52 | UTC−08:00 to –05:00 | UTC−07:00 to –05:00 | |
+691 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | ||
Midway Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC−11:00 | |
+373 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+377 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+976 | UTC+07:00 to +08:00 | ||
+382 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+1 664 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+212 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+258 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+95 | UTC+06:30 | ||
+374 47, +374 97 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+264 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+674 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+977 | UTC+05:45 | ||
+31 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+1 869 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+687 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+64 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 | |
+505 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+227 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+234 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+683 | UTC−11:00 | ||
+672 3 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+389 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+90 392 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+44 28 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+1 670 | UTC+10:00 | ||
+47 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+968 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+92 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+680 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+970 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+507 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+675 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | ||
+595 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 | |
+51 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+63 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+64 | UTC−08:00 | ||
+48 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+351 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+1 787, +1 939 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+974 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+262 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+40 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+7[notes 1] | UTC+02:00 to +12:00 | ||
+250 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+599 4 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+590 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+290 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+1 869 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 758 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+590 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+508 | UTC−03:00 | UTC−02:00 | |
+1 784 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+685 | UTC+13:00 | UTC+14:00 | |
+378 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+239 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+966 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+221 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+381 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+248 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+232 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+65 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+599 3 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 721 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+421 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+386 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+677 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+252 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+27 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+500 | UTC−02:00 | ||
+995 34 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+211 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+34 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+94 | UTC+05:30 | ||
+249 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+597 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+46 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+41 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+963 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+886 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+992 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+255 | UTC+03:00 | ||
Telecommunications for Disaster Relief by OCHA | was +888 | ||
+66 | UTC+07:00 | ||
Thuraya (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 16 | ||
+670 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+228 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+690 | UTC+13:00 | ||
+676 | UTC+13:00 | ||
+373 2, +373 5 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+1 868 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+290 8 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+216 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+90 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+993 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+1 649 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+688 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+256 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+380 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+971 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+44 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+1 | UTC−10:00 to –05:00 | UTC−10:00 to –04:00 | |
Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT) | +878 | ||
+598 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+1 340 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+998 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+678 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+39 06 698, assigned +379 |
UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+58 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+84 | UTC+07:00 | ||
Wake Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC+12:00 | |
+681 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+967 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+260 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+255 24 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+263 | UTC+02:00 |
Locations with no country code
In Antarctica, dialing is dependent on the parent country of each base:
Base | Calling Code | Country | Note |
Almirante Brown Antarctic Base | +54 | ||
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station | +1 | ||
Artigas Base | +598 | ||
Asuka Station | +81 | ||
Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva and Villa Las Estrellas | +56 | ||
Belgrano II | +54 | ||
Bellingshausen Station | +7 | ||
Bernardo O’Higgins Station | +56 | ||
Byrd Station | +1 | ||
Captain Arturo Prat Base | +56 | ||
Casey Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Base | +55 | ||
Concordia Station | +39 +33 |
Davis Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
Dome Fuji Station | +81 | ||
Dumont d’Urville Station | +33 | ||
Esperanza Base | +54 | ||
Gabriel de Castilla Spanish Antarctic Station | +34 | ||
Georg-von-Neumayer-Station (Replaced by Neumayer Station) | +49 | ||
Gonzalez Videla Station | +56 | ||
Great Wall Station | +86 | ||
Halley Research Station | +44 | ||
Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station | +48 | ||
Jang Bogo Station | +82 | ||
Jinnah Antarctic Station | +92 | ||
Juan Carlos I Base | +34 | ||
Jubany | +54 | ||
King Sejong Station | +82 | ||
Kohnen-Station | +49 | ||
Kunlun Station | +852 | ||
Law-Racoviță-Negoiță Station | +40 | ||
Leningradskaya Station | +7 | ||
Machu Picchu Research Station | +51 | ||
Macquarie Island Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
Maitri Station | +91 | ||
Marambio Base | +54 | ||
Mario Zucchelli Station | +39 | ||
Mawson Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
McMurdo Station | +1 | can be reached by +64 code to Scott Base (NZ) | |
Mendel Polar Station | +420 | ||
Mirny Station | +7 | ||
Mizuho Station | +81 | ||
Molodyozhnaya Station | +7 +375 |
Neumayer Station | +49 | ||
Novolazarevskaya Station | +7 | ||
Orcadas Base | +54 | ||
Palmer Station | +1 | ||
Princess Elisabeth Base | +32 | ||
Professor Julio Escudero Base | +56 | ||
Progress Station | +7 | ||
Rothera Research Station | +44 | ||
Russkaya Station | +7 | ||
San Martín Base | +54 | ||
SANAE IV (South African National Antarctic Expeditions) | +27 | ||
Signy Research Station | +44 | ||
St. Kliment Ohridski Base | +359 | ||
Scott Base | +64 | can be reached via +64 2409 and four digits on McMurdo exchange | |
Showa Station | +81 | ||
Svea | +46 | ||
Tor Station | +47 | ||
Troll Station | +47 | ||
Wasa Research Station | +46 | ||
Vostok Station | +7 | ||
Vernadsky Research Base | +380 | ||
Zhongshan Station | +86 |
Other places with no country codes in use, although a code may be reserved:
Location | Calling Code | Country | Reasons for no Code |
Kerguelen Archipelago | +262 | No permanent local switches | |
Pitcairn Islands | +64 | On-island phone network is connected to and uses numbering from an exchange in New Zealand. |
See also
- ITU-T standards E.123 and E.164
- Group identifiers in ISBNs, a similar form of country code
- International Telecommunication Union
- List of international call prefixes
- List of mobile telephone prefixes by country
- National conventions for writing telephone numbers
- Telephone numbering plan
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Russia, Kazakhstan, and Abkhazia make up the Seventh World Numbering Zone. From August 2007, Kazakhstan changed all area codes to start with 7; however, 6 is also reserved for Kazakhstan. Digits 3, 4, and 5 are reserved for Russia. Abkhazia was assigned +7 840 for landline and +7 940 for mobile operators on 28 September 2009. Abkhazia will also continue using +995 44. Other digits are reserved for Russia. Currently, there are no internationally accessible numbers starting with 0, 1, 2 or 5 – these are access codes and similar arrangements.
- ^ a b c d International Telecommunication Union (1 November 2011). «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 31 January 2012.
- ^ «European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS)». European Radiocommunications Office. 28 May 2009. Archived from the original on 9 June 2011.
- ^ a b «Абоненты мобильных операторов ДНР и ЛНР включены в российский план нумерации +7». Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia). 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «Абонентам ДНР и ЛНР выделили телефонный код российской системы нумерации». TASS. 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «ЛНР полностью перейдет на телефонный код России +7 в июле». TASS. 17 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ «National Numbering Plans». International Telecommunications Union. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b «SCO Dialing Codes». Special Communications Organization. Archived from the original on 1 October 2018.
- ^ «Abkhazia remains available by Georgian phone codes». Today.Az. 6 January 2010. Archived from the original on 12 July 2012.
- ^ GNCC (30 March 2010). «GNCC Communication of 30.III.2010» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. ITU-T. p. 12. Archived (PDF) from the original on 20 July 2013.
External links
- «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 Dialling Procedures as of 15 December 2011» (PDF). ITU. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022.
- International Telecommunication Union (15 December 2016). «Complement to Recommendation ITU-T E.164 (11/2010) – List of Recommendation ITU-T E.164 Assigned Country Codes (Position on 15 December 2016)» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. Geneva (1114): Annex. ISSN 1564-5223. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022. Retrieved 19 December 2016.
- «Telephone and Internet Country Codes in 10 Languages». LincMad.
- «World Telephone Numbering Guide». World Telephone Number Guide. Archived from the original on 26 June 2019. Retrieved 15 February 2006.
- «Phone calling codes of all countries with ISO3 and flags + phone codes of cities by countries».
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Worldwide distribution of country calling codes. Regions are coloured by first digit.
Country calling codes or country dial-in codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching telephone subscribers in the networks of the member countries or regions of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The codes are defined by the ITU-T in standards E.123 and E.164. The prefixes enable international direct dialing (IDD) and are also referred to as international subscriber dialing (ISD) codes.
Country codes are a component of the international telephone numbering plan and are necessary only when dialing a telephone number to establish a call to another country. Country codes are dialed before the national telephone number. The ITU standard specifies that international telephone numbers are represented by prefixing the country code with a plus sign (+), which also indicates to the subscriber that the local international call prefix must first be dialed. For example, the international call prefix in all countries of the North American Numbering Plan is 011, while it is 00 in most European, Asian and African countries. On GSM (cellular) networks, the IDD prefix may automatically be inserted by the network operator when the user prefixes a dialed number with the plus sign.
Tabular list
Country calling codes are prefix codes and are arranged in the table below. In each row, the first column indicates the first one or two digits of the code shared by each code in that row, arranged in the last ten columns based on the last digit of the code. When there are three-digit codes starting with «+jk», the two digit code +jk is unassignable because it would be ambiguous, as denoted by «ambig.«. Codes which have not yet been assigned are denoted by a dash (—). Countries are indicated by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes; codes allocated for non-country-specific services are denoted by two asterisks (**).
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 | |
1x |
+1: North American Numbering Plan countries and territories, including (but not listed below) CA and US |
+1 242: BS |
+1 340: VI |
+1 441: BM |
+1 649: TC |
+1 721: SX |
+1 809: DO |
+1 939: PR |
2x | +20: EG | +21: ambig. | +22: ambig. | +23: ambig. | +24: ambig. | +25: ambig. | +26: ambig. | +27: ZA | +28: — | +29: ambig. |
21x | +210: — | +211: SS | +212: MA, EH | +213: DZ | +214: — | +215: — | +216: TN | +217: — | +218: LY | +219: — |
22x | +220: GM | +221: SN | +222: MR | +223: ML | +224: GN | +225: CI | +226: BF | +227: NE | +228: TG | +229: BJ |
23x | +230: MU | +231: LR | +232: SL | +233: GH | +234: NG | +235: TD | +236: CF | +237: CM | +238: CV | +239: ST |
24x | +240: GQ | +241: GA | +242: CG | +243: CD | +244: AO | +245: GW | +246: IO | +247: AC | +248: SC | +249: SD |
25x | +250: RW | +251: ET | +252: SO | +253: DJ | +254: KE | +255: TZ | +256: UG | +257: BI | +258: MZ | +259: — |
26x | +260: ZM | +261: MG | +262: RE, YT, TF | +263: ZW | +264: NA | +265: MW | +266: LS | +267: BW | +268: SZ | +269: KM |
29x | +290: SH, TA | +291: ER | +292: — | +293: — | +294: — | +295: — | +296: — | +297: AW | +298: FO | +299: GL |
3x | +30: GR | +31: NL | +32: BE | +33: FR | +34: ES | +35: ambig. | +36: HU | +39: IT, VA | ||
35x | +350: GI | +351: PT | +352: LU | +353: IE | +354: IS | +355: AL | +356: MT | +357: CY | +358: FI, AX | +359: BG |
37x | +370: LT | +371: LV | +372: EE | +373: MD | +374: AM, QN | +375: BY | +376: AD | +377: MC | +378: SM | +379: VA |
38x | +380: UA | +381: RS | +382: ME | +383: XK | +384: — | +385: HR | +386: SI | +387: BA | +389: MK | |
4x | +40: RO | +41: CH | +42: ambig. | +43: AT | +44: GB, GG, IM, JE |
+45: DK | +46: SE | +47: NO, SJ, BV | +48: PL | +49: DE |
42x | +420: CZ | +421: SK | +422: — | +423: LI | +424: — | +425: — | +426: — | +427: — | +428: — | +429: — |
5x | +50: ambig. | +51: PE | +52: MX | +53: CU | +54: AR | +55: BR | +56: CL | +57: CO | +58: VE | +59: ambig. |
50x | +500: FK, GS | +501: BZ | +502: GT | +503: SV | +504: HN | +505: NI | +506: CR | +507: PA | +508: PM | +509: HT |
59x | +590: GP, BL, MF | +591: BO | +592: GY | +593: EC | +594: GF | +595: PY | +596: MQ | +597: SR | +598: UY | +599: BQ, CW |
6x | +60: MY | +61: AU, CX, CC | +62: ID | +63: PH | +64: NZ, PN | +65: SG | +66: TH | +67: ambig. | +68: ambig. | +69: ambig. |
67x | +670: TL | +671: — | +672: NF, AQ, HM | +673: BN | +674: NR | +675: PG | +676: TO | +677: SB | +678: VU | +679: FJ |
68x | +680: PW | +681: WF | +682: CK | +683: NU | +684: — | +685: WS | +686: KI | +687: NC | +688: TV | +689: PF |
69x | +690: TK | +691: FM | +692: MH | +693: — | +694: — | +695: — | +696: — | +697: — | +698: — | +699: — |
7x | +7: RU, KZ | |||||||||
+7 0: — | +7 1: — | +7 2: — | +7 3: RU | +7 4: RU | +7 5: — | +7 6: KZ | +7 7: KZ | +7 8: RU | +7 9: RU | |
8x | +80: ambig. | +81: JP | +82: KR | +83: — | +84: VN | +85: ambig. | +86: CN | +87: ambig. | +88: ambig. | +89: — |
80x | +800: ** | +801: — | +802: — | +803: — | +804: — | +805: — | +806: — | +807: — | +808: ** | +809: — |
85x | +850: KP | +851: — | +852: HK | +853: MO | +854: — | +855: KH | +856: LA | +857: — | +858: — | +859: — |
87x | +870: ** | +871: — | +872: — | +873: — | +874: — | +875: — | +876: — | +877: — | +878: ** | +879: — |
88x | +880: BD | +881: ** | +882: ** | +883: ** | +884: — | +885: — | +886: TW | +887: — | +888: UN | +889: — |
9x | +90: TR, CT | +91: IN | +92: PK | +93: AF | +94: LK | +95: MM | +96: ambig. | +97: ambig. | +98: IR | +99: ambig. |
96x | +960: MV | +961: LB | +962: JO | +963: SY | +964: IQ | +965: KW | +966: SA | +967: YE | +968: OM | +969: — |
97x | +970: PS | +971: AE | +972: IL | +973: BH | +974: QA | +975: BT | +976: MN | +977: NP | +978: — | +979: ** |
99x | +990: — | +991: ** | +992: TJ | +993: TM | +994: AZ | +995: GE | +996: KG | +997: KZ | +998: UZ | +999: — |
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 |
Ordered by code
Zones are organized principally by geographic location, but exceptions exist for political and historical alignments. Thus, the geographical indicators below are approximations only.
Zone 1: North American Numbering Plan
Member countries of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) are assigned three-digit area codes under the common country prefix 1, shown in the format +1 XXX.
The North American Numbering Plan includes:
Zone 2: Mostly Africa
(but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
Zones 3–4: Europe
Originally, larger countries such as Spain, the United Kingdom and France were assigned two-digit codes to compensate for their usually longer domestic numbers. Small countries, such as Iceland, were assigned three-digit codes. Since the 1980s, all new assignments have been three-digit regardless of countries’ populations.
Zone 5: Americas outside the NANP
Zone 6: Southeast Asia and Oceania
Zone 7: Russia and neighboring countries
- +7 –
Russia (formerly assigned to the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991)
Zone 8: East Asia and special services
Zone 9: Mostly Middle East, Central Asia and parts of southern Asia
Alphabetical listing by country or region
Country, Territory or Service | Code | Time Zone | DST |
+93 | UTC+04:30 | ||
+358 18 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+355 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+213 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 684 | UTC−11:00 | ||
+376 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+244 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 264 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 268 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+54 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+374 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+297 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+247 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+61 | UTC+08:00 to +10:30 | UTC+08:00 to +11:00 | |
+672 1 | |||
Australian External Territories | +672 | ||
+43 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+994 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+1 242 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+973 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+880 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+1 246 | UTC−04:00 | ||
Barbuda | +1 268 | UTC−04:00 | |
+375 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+32 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+501 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+229 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 441 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 | |
+975 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+591 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+599 7 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+387 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+267 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+55 | UTC−05:00 to –02:00 | ||
+246 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+1 284 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+673 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+359 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+226 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+257 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+238 | UTC−01:00 | ||
+855 | UTC+07:00 | ||
+237 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+1 | UTC−08:00 to –03:30 | UTC−07:00 to –02:30 | |
+599 3, +599 4, +599 7 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 345 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+236 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+235 | UTC+01:00 | ||
Chatham Island, New Zealand | +64 | UTC+12:45 | UTC+13:45 |
+56 | UTC−06:00 to –04:00 | UTC−05:00 to –03:00 | |
+86 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+61 89164 | UTC+07:00 | ||
+61 89162 | UTC+06:30 | ||
+57 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+269 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+242 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+243 | UTC+01:00 to +02:00 | ||
+682 | UTC−10:00 | ||
+506 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+225 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+385 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+53 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+599 9 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+357 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+420 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+45 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
Diego Garcia | +246 | UTC+06:00 | |
+253 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+1 767 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 809, +1 829, +1 849 |
UTC−04:00 | ||
+56 | UTC−06:00 | UTC−05:00 | |
+593 | UTC−06:00 to –05:00 | ||
+20 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+503 | UTC−06:00 | ||
Ellipso (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 2, +881 3 | ||
EMSAT (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 13 | ||
+240 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+291 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+372 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+268 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+251 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+500 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+298 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+679 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 | |
+358 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+33 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
French Antilles | +596 | ||
+594 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+689 | UTC−10:00 to –09:00 | ||
+241 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+220 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+995 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+49 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+233 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+350 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS) | +881 | ||
Globalstar (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 8, +881 9 | ||
+30 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+299 | UTC−04:00 to +01:00 | UTC−03:00 to +00:00 | |
+1 473 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+590 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 671 | UTC+10:00 | ||
+502 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+44 1481, +44 7781, +44 7839, +44 7911 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+224 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+245 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+592 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+509 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+504 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+852 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+36 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+354 | UTC+00:00 | ||
ICO Global (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 0, +881 1 | ||
+91 | UTC+05:30 | ||
+62 | UTC+07:00 to +09:00 | ||
Inmarsat SNAC | +870 | ||
International Freephone Service (UIFN) | +800 | ||
International Networks | +882, +883 | ||
International Premium Rate Service | +979 | ||
International Shared Cost Service (ISCS) | +808 | ||
+98 | UTC+03:30 | UTC+04:30 | |
+964 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+353 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
Iridium (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 6, +881 7 | ||
+44 1624, +44 7524, +44 7624, +44 7924 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+972 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+39 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+1 658, +1 876 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+81 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+44 1534 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+962 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+997, permissive dialling with +7 until 2025[notes 1] | UTC+05:00 to +06:00 | ||
+254 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+686 | UTC+12:00 to +14:00 | ||
+850 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+82 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+383 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+965 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+996 | UTC+06:00 | ||
+856 | UTC+07:00 | ||
+371 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+961 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+266 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+231 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+218 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+423 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+370 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+352 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+853 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+261 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+265 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+60 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+960 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+223 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+356 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+692 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+596 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+222 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+230 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+262 269, +262 639 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+52 | UTC−08:00 to –05:00 | UTC−07:00 to –05:00 | |
+691 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | ||
Midway Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC−11:00 | |
+373 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+377 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+976 | UTC+07:00 to +08:00 | ||
+382 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+1 664 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+212 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+258 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+95 | UTC+06:30 | ||
+374 47, +374 97 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+264 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+674 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+977 | UTC+05:45 | ||
+31 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+1 869 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+687 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+64 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 | |
+505 | UTC−06:00 | ||
+227 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+234 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+683 | UTC−11:00 | ||
+672 3 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+389 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+90 392 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+44 28 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+1 670 | UTC+10:00 | ||
+47 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+968 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+92 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+680 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+970 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+507 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+675 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | ||
+595 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 | |
+51 | UTC−05:00 | ||
+63 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+64 | UTC−08:00 | ||
+48 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+351 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+1 787, +1 939 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+974 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+262 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+40 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+7[notes 1] | UTC+02:00 to +12:00 | ||
+250 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+599 4 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+590 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+290 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+1 869 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 758 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+590 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+508 | UTC−03:00 | UTC−02:00 | |
+1 784 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+685 | UTC+13:00 | UTC+14:00 | |
+378 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+239 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+966 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+221 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+381 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+248 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+232 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+65 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+599 3 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+1 721 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+421 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+386 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+677 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+252 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+27 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+500 | UTC−02:00 | ||
+995 34 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+211 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+34 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+94 | UTC+05:30 | ||
+249 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+597 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+46 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+41 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+963 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+886 | UTC+08:00 | ||
+992 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+255 | UTC+03:00 | ||
Telecommunications for Disaster Relief by OCHA | was +888 | ||
+66 | UTC+07:00 | ||
Thuraya (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 16 | ||
+670 | UTC+09:00 | ||
+228 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+690 | UTC+13:00 | ||
+676 | UTC+13:00 | ||
+373 2, +373 5 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+1 868 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+290 8 | UTC+00:00 | ||
+216 | UTC+01:00 | ||
+90 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+993 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+1 649 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 | |
+688 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+256 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+380 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 | |
+971 | UTC+04:00 | ||
+44 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 | |
+1 | UTC−10:00 to –05:00 | UTC−10:00 to –04:00 | |
Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT) | +878 | ||
+598 | UTC−03:00 | ||
+1 340 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+998 | UTC+05:00 | ||
+678 | UTC+11:00 | ||
+39 06 698, assigned +379 |
UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 | |
+58 | UTC−04:00 | ||
+84 | UTC+07:00 | ||
Wake Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC+12:00 | |
+681 | UTC+12:00 | ||
+967 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+260 | UTC+02:00 | ||
+255 24 | UTC+03:00 | ||
+263 | UTC+02:00 |
Locations with no country code
In Antarctica, dialing is dependent on the parent country of each base:
Base | Calling Code | Country | Note |
Almirante Brown Antarctic Base | +54 | ||
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station | +1 | ||
Artigas Base | +598 | ||
Asuka Station | +81 | ||
Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva and Villa Las Estrellas | +56 | ||
Belgrano II | +54 | ||
Bellingshausen Station | +7 | ||
Bernardo O’Higgins Station | +56 | ||
Byrd Station | +1 | ||
Captain Arturo Prat Base | +56 | ||
Casey Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Base | +55 | ||
Concordia Station | +39 +33 |
Davis Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
Dome Fuji Station | +81 | ||
Dumont d’Urville Station | +33 | ||
Esperanza Base | +54 | ||
Gabriel de Castilla Spanish Antarctic Station | +34 | ||
Georg-von-Neumayer-Station (Replaced by Neumayer Station) | +49 | ||
Gonzalez Videla Station | +56 | ||
Great Wall Station | +86 | ||
Halley Research Station | +44 | ||
Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station | +48 | ||
Jang Bogo Station | +82 | ||
Jinnah Antarctic Station | +92 | ||
Juan Carlos I Base | +34 | ||
Jubany | +54 | ||
King Sejong Station | +82 | ||
Kohnen-Station | +49 | ||
Kunlun Station | +852 | ||
Law-Racoviță-Negoiță Station | +40 | ||
Leningradskaya Station | +7 | ||
Machu Picchu Research Station | +51 | ||
Macquarie Island Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
Maitri Station | +91 | ||
Marambio Base | +54 | ||
Mario Zucchelli Station | +39 | ||
Mawson Station | +672 | can be direct dialed | |
McMurdo Station | +1 | can be reached by +64 code to Scott Base (NZ) | |
Mendel Polar Station | +420 | ||
Mirny Station | +7 | ||
Mizuho Station | +81 | ||
Molodyozhnaya Station | +7 +375 |
Neumayer Station | +49 | ||
Novolazarevskaya Station | +7 | ||
Orcadas Base | +54 | ||
Palmer Station | +1 | ||
Princess Elisabeth Base | +32 | ||
Professor Julio Escudero Base | +56 | ||
Progress Station | +7 | ||
Rothera Research Station | +44 | ||
Russkaya Station | +7 | ||
San Martín Base | +54 | ||
SANAE IV (South African National Antarctic Expeditions) | +27 | ||
Signy Research Station | +44 | ||
St. Kliment Ohridski Base | +359 | ||
Scott Base | +64 | can be reached via +64 2409 and four digits on McMurdo exchange | |
Showa Station | +81 | ||
Svea | +46 | ||
Tor Station | +47 | ||
Troll Station | +47 | ||
Wasa Research Station | +46 | ||
Vostok Station | +7 | ||
Vernadsky Research Base | +380 | ||
Zhongshan Station | +86 |
Other places with no country codes in use, although a code may be reserved:
Location | Calling Code | Country | Reasons for no Code |
Kerguelen Archipelago | +262 | No permanent local switches | |
Pitcairn Islands | +64 | On-island phone network is connected to and uses numbering from an exchange in New Zealand. |
See also
- ITU-T standards E.123 and E.164
- Group identifiers in ISBNs, a similar form of country code
- International Telecommunication Union
- List of international call prefixes
- List of mobile telephone prefixes by country
- National conventions for writing telephone numbers
- Telephone numbering plan
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Russia, Kazakhstan, and Abkhazia make up the Seventh World Numbering Zone. From August 2007, Kazakhstan changed all area codes to start with 7; however, 6 is also reserved for Kazakhstan. Digits 3, 4, and 5 are reserved for Russia. Abkhazia was assigned +7 840 for landline and +7 940 for mobile operators on 28 September 2009. Abkhazia will also continue using +995 44. Other digits are reserved for Russia. Currently, there are no internationally accessible numbers starting with 0, 1, 2 or 5 – these are access codes and similar arrangements.
- ^ a b c d International Telecommunication Union (1 November 2011). «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 31 January 2012.
- ^ «European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS)». European Radiocommunications Office. 28 May 2009. Archived from the original on 9 June 2011.
- ^ a b «Абоненты мобильных операторов ДНР и ЛНР включены в российский план нумерации +7». Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia). 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «Абонентам ДНР и ЛНР выделили телефонный код российской системы нумерации». TASS. 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «ЛНР полностью перейдет на телефонный код России +7 в июле». TASS. 17 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ «National Numbering Plans». International Telecommunications Union. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b «SCO Dialing Codes». Special Communications Organization. Archived from the original on 1 October 2018.
- ^ «Abkhazia remains available by Georgian phone codes». Today.Az. 6 January 2010. Archived from the original on 12 July 2012.
- ^ GNCC (30 March 2010). «GNCC Communication of 30.III.2010» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. ITU-T. p. 12. Archived (PDF) from the original on 20 July 2013.
External links
- «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 Dialling Procedures as of 15 December 2011» (PDF). ITU. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022.
- International Telecommunication Union (15 December 2016). «Complement to Recommendation ITU-T E.164 (11/2010) – List of Recommendation ITU-T E.164 Assigned Country Codes (Position on 15 December 2016)» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. Geneva (1114): Annex. ISSN 1564-5223. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022. Retrieved 19 December 2016.
- «Telephone and Internet Country Codes in 10 Languages». LincMad.
- «World Telephone Numbering Guide». World Telephone Number Guide. Archived from the original on 26 June 2019. Retrieved 15 February 2006.
- «Phone calling codes of all countries with ISO3 and flags + phone codes of cities by countries».