- Международные телефонные коды Доминиканской Республики
(Country Calling Codes) - 1 (809), 1 (829), 1 (849)
- Код выхода на международную линию
(International Dialing Prefix IDD) - 011
- Форматы телефонных номеров
+1 (809) xxx-xxxx,
+1 (829) xxx-xxxx,
+1 (849) xxx-xxxx - 2-буквенный код страны альфа-2 (Alpha2)
- DO
- 3-буквенный код страны альфа-3 (Alpha3)
- Цифровой код страны ISO (трёхзначный с ведущими нулями)
- 214
- Название страны на английском языке
- Dominican Republic
- Полное официальное наименование страны
- Часть света
- Америка
- Расположение
- Карибский бассейн
- Столица
- Санто-Доминго
Международный телефонный код используется для звонков как с мобильных,
так и со стационарных телефонов.
Коды других стран
Правила набора номера при международных звонках
C мобильного телефона
Для звонка в другую страну нужно знать её международный
телефонный код. Для Доминиканской Республики это 1 (809), 1 (829), 1 (849).
При наборе с мобильного телефона перед этим кодом добавляется плюс.
Например, для звонка в Доминиканскую Республику нужно набрать:
+1 (809) (код города или мобильного оператора) номер абонента.
Со стационарного телефона
При звонке со стационарного телефона помимо кода страны нужно знать код выхода
на международную линию страны, из которой совершается звонок.
Для звонка из России в Доминиканскую Республику
нужно сначала набрать 8, затем дождаться гудка
и ввести 10 и только потом вводить код Доминиканской Республики
1 (809):
8-гудок 10 1 (809)
(код города или мобильного оператора) номер абонента.
* В России помимо основного варианта выхода на международную линию 8-гудок 10,
встречаются и другие:
8~26 – Arctel,
8~27 – Synterra,
8~28 – Comstar,
8~56 – GoldenTelecom,
8~57 – Transtelecom,
8~58 – MTT,
8~59 – Orange Business Services.
Для звонка из Доминиканской Республики сначала необходимо набрать
код выхода
на международную линию из страны — 011,
а затем код нужной страны и остальной номер:
011 (код страны, в которую звоните) (код города или мобильного оператора) номер абонента.
Отправляясь в путешествие на другой континент, особенно важно не терять связь с близкими людьми. Существуют различные способы позвонить в Доминикану из России и наоборот. Некоторые из них весьма затратные, но есть и такие, которые позволят это сделать достаточно дешево.
Как позвонить из России в Доминикану?
Чтобы позвонить в Доминикану из России, например, из Москвы, необходимо знать следующие комбинации:
- Со стационарного телефона:
8 — 10 — 1 — 829 ( или 809) — номер телефона
где 8 — код выхода на межгородскую связь
10 — код выхода на международную связь
1 — телефонный код Доминиканской Республики
829 или 809 — код оператора
Далее вводим сам номер телефона.
- С мобильного телефона:
+1 829 (или 809) номер абонента
+7 10 1 829 (или 809) номер абонента
Как позвонить из Доминиканы в Россию?
Что касается звонков из Доминиканы в Россию, то тут возможны такие варианты:
С мобильного телефона
- Роуминг отечественного оператора
Это как раз один из наиболее затратных вариантов. Роуминг в Доминикане дорогой: операторы взимают до 150 рублей за минуту разговора.
Читайте также: Что привезти из Доминиканы? Ром, Кофе, Какао, Сигары
- Сим карта доминиканского оператора
В Доминиканской республике есть 2 самых распространенных телефонных оператора:
1. Orange
2. Claro
Orange — самый распространенный оператор с огромной площадью покрытия, но чуть более дрогой для звонков внутри страны.
Claro — немного подешевле для звонков по Доминикане, но так же имеет очень хорошее покрытие и вполне может заменить Orange для международных звонков. Многочисленные офисы этих мобильных операторов разбросаны по всей стране, найти их не составит особого труда.
У нас на сайте Вы можете приобести замечательные экскурсии в Доминикане!
Забронировать экскурсии
Сама сим карта стоит ориентировочно 2 доллара. На нее можно положить любую сумму. Это позволит совершать звонки и получить доступ к 3G интернету. Чтобы экономнее расходовать мобильный интернет вы можете подключить пакеты интернета на нужное количество Гб — сотрудники офиса продаж могут помочь вам разобраться, как это сделать. Так, например, пакет на 3 Гб стоит ориентеровочно 9 долларов.
Сим карту вы можете приобрести в одном из наших магазинов Ola Souvenirs — здесь всегда адекватные цены и работают русские консультанты. Как добраться до одного из магазинчиков Ола и как заказать бесплатный трансфер смотрите в нашем разделе:
Читайте также: Сувениры
Имейте ввиду, что для приобретения сим карты вам понадобится паспорт.
Стоимость звонков в Россию у Orange и Claro одинакова — 0,63 доллара за минуту.
В Доминикане так же работают мобильные операторы Tricom, Centennial, Verizone. Но их офисы встречаются не везде.
Мобильные приложения для звонков
Подключив мобильный интернет у местного оператора, или же воспользовавшись wifi в отеле, можно совершать звонки через такие популярные приложения, как Skype, Whatsapp или Viber. Пожалуй, этот способ можно назвать самым экономным.
Единые сим карты для путешествий по всему миру
Операторы Goodline и SimTravel предлагают следующие цены на звонки:
- 0,25 доллара за минуту разговора, при входящем вызове из любой страны мира.
- Звонок в Россию – 0,85 доллара/мин
- Звонок по стране – 0,85 доллара/мин
- 1 смс – 0,59 доллара.
У нас на сайте Вы можете приобести замечательные экскурсии в Доминикане!
Забронировать экскурсии
Есть еще несколько, менее популярных, способов позвонить на родину:
- С телефонного автомата (необходимо приобрести специальную карточку)
- Из отеля (удовольствие не дешевое: учитывайте, что тариф будет не менее двух долларов за минуту разговора)
- С телеграфа
При звонке в Россию со стационарного телефона отеля необходимо набрать:
011 (выход на международную линию) — 7 (код России) — код города или оператора — номер абонента.
Способов позвонить из России в Доминикану и из Доминикану в Россию достаточно много, выбирайте и используйте тот, который наиболее удобен для вас.
Republica pro
Введите название страны или код страны:
Калькулятор номера телефона
В данном случае следует опустить ноль в начале кода национальной зоны. Таким образом, номер ‘01469 1271469’ становится ‘+1829 1469 1271469’ с телефонным кодом страны.
Код страны +1829 / 8101829 / 8261829 / 8271829 / 8281829 / 8561829 / 8571829 / 8581829 / 8591829
+1829 (8101829) — это Код страны Доминиканская Республика. Если вы находитесь за пределами Доминиканская Республика и хотите позвонить в , помимо регионального кода вам нужен Код страны, в которую вы хотите позвонить. Код страны для Доминиканская Республика – +1829 (8101829), поэтому, если вы находитесь в Россия и хотите позвонить в , вам необходимо указать номер телефона с префиксом +1829 . Ноль перед кодом региона в данном случае опускается. Для вымышленного номера телефона 7777616, кода города / код зоны и Код страны +1829 набираемый номер будет +1829 7777616.
Знак плюса в начале номера телефона обычно можно использовать в таком формате. Тем не менее, чаще всего знак «плюс» заменяется на последовательность цифр, которая оповещает телефонную сеть, что вы хотите набрать номер телефона из другой страны. МСЭ рекомендует использовать код 00, который также используется во многих странах, включая все европейские страны. В Россия вместо 00 используется 810. В качестве альтернативы коду +1829 , который вы должны набрать перед номером в , чтобы позвонить из Россия, вы также можете использовать префикс 8101829 . Для вымышленного номера телефона 7777616, кода города / код зоны и Код страны 8101829 (Доминиканская Республика) набираемый номер будет 8101829 7777616.
Даже если звонок поступает из-за границы, номер вызывающего абонента может принадлежать сервису, за услуги которого оператор телефонной связи взимает дополнительную плату. Такие вызовы часто поступают из Африки — то есть с номеров с кодом страны +2xx — с целью заставить вызываемого абонента перезвонить. Если абонент перезванивает по номеру, с которого поступил пропущенный вызов, это часто приводит к взиманию с него высокой платы, которая потом передается компании, от которой поступил звонок-приманка. Чем дольше длится обратный звонок, тем выше будет его стоимость. Поэтому нужно проявлять максимальную осторожность, перезванивая на зарубежные номера, с которых поступили неожиданные звонки. Абонентам часто известны префиксы дорогих сервисных номеров их собственных странах, но они редко могут определить аналогичные сервисы по префиксам зарубежных телефонных номеров.
Если абонент звонит на мобильный номер, не имеет значения, в какой стране находится мобильное устройство. Будет ли звонок международным и нужно ли набирать Код страны — в данном случае +1829 (8101829, Доминиканская Республика), — зависит исключительно от того, обслуживается ли вызываемое мобильное устройство оператором мобильной связи той же страны, что и страна вызывающего абонента. Местоположение мобильного устройства не имеет никакого значения. Однако при определенных условиях местоположение может оказывать существенное влияние на плату, взимаемую за вызов. Если вызов с мобильного устройства осуществляется в иностранной сети мобильной связи, удерживается плата за роуминг. Расходы на роуминг покрываются за счет владельца соответствующего устройства, независимо от того, получает ли он вызов или выполняет его сам. Плата за роуминг по большей части была отменена на территории Европейского Союза, так что при использовании мобильного устройства в другой стране ЕС плата за роуминг не начисляется. Однако вызовы за пределами Европейского Союза, как правило, являются дорогостоящими. Плата за роуминг особенно высока при использовании телефонной сети в самолетах и на кораблях, оснащенных станциями мобильной связи. Поэтому вам стоит заранее ознакомиться с тарифами на роуминг при пребывании за границей или полностью обезопасить себя от высоких расходов, переключив устройство в полетный режим на весь срок вашей поездки.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Worldwide distribution of country calling codes. Regions are coloured by first digit.
Country calling codes or country dial-in codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching telephone subscribers in the networks of the member countries or regions of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The codes are defined by the ITU-T in standards E.123 and E.164. The prefixes enable international direct dialing (IDD) and are also referred to as international subscriber dialing (ISD) codes.
Country codes are a component of the international telephone numbering plan and are necessary only when dialing a telephone number to establish a call to another country. Country codes are dialed before the national telephone number. The ITU standard specifies that international telephone numbers are represented by prefixing the country code with a plus sign (+), which also indicates to the subscriber that the local international call prefix must first be dialed. For example, the international call prefix in all countries of the North American Numbering Plan is 011, while it is 00 in most European, Asian and African countries. On GSM (cellular) networks, the IDD prefix may automatically be inserted by the network operator when the user prefixes a dialed number with the plus sign.
Tabular list
Country calling codes are prefix codes and are arranged in the table below. In each row, the first column indicates the first one or two digits of the code shared by each code in that row, arranged in the last ten columns based on the last digit of the code. When there are three-digit codes starting with «+jk», the two digit code +jk is unassignable because it would be ambiguous, as denoted by «ambig.«. Codes which have not yet been assigned are denoted by a dash (—). Countries are indicated by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes; codes allocated for non-country-specific services are denoted by two asterisks (**).
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 | |
1x |
+1: North American Numbering Plan countries and territories, including (but not listed below) CA and US |
+1 242: BS |
+1 340: VI |
+1 441: BM |
+1 649: TC |
+1 721: SX |
+1 809: DO |
+1 939: PR |
2x | +20: EG | +21: ambig. | +22: ambig. | +23: ambig. | +24: ambig. | +25: ambig. | +26: ambig. | +27: ZA | +28: — | +29: ambig. |
21x | +210: — | +211: SS | +212: MA, EH | +213: DZ | +214: — | +215: — | +216: TN | +217: — | +218: LY | +219: — |
22x | +220: GM | +221: SN | +222: MR | +223: ML | +224: GN | +225: CI | +226: BF | +227: NE | +228: TG | +229: BJ |
23x | +230: MU | +231: LR | +232: SL | +233: GH | +234: NG | +235: TD | +236: CF | +237: CM | +238: CV | +239: ST |
24x | +240: GQ | +241: GA | +242: CG | +243: CD | +244: AO | +245: GW | +246: IO | +247: AC | +248: SC | +249: SD |
25x | +250: RW | +251: ET | +252: SO | +253: DJ | +254: KE | +255: TZ | +256: UG | +257: BI | +258: MZ | +259: — |
26x | +260: ZM | +261: MG | +262: RE, YT, TF | +263: ZW | +264: NA | +265: MW | +266: LS | +267: BW | +268: SZ | +269: KM |
29x | +290: SH, TA | +291: ER | +292: — | +293: — | +294: — | +295: — | +296: — | +297: AW | +298: FO | +299: GL |
3x | +30: GR | +31: NL | +32: BE | +33: FR | +34: ES | +35: ambig. | +36: HU | +39: IT, VA | ||
35x | +350: GI | +351: PT | +352: LU | +353: IE | +354: IS | +355: AL | +356: MT | +357: CY | +358: FI, AX | +359: BG |
37x | +370: LT | +371: LV | +372: EE | +373: MD | +374: AM, QN | +375: BY | +376: AD | +377: MC | +378: SM | +379: VA |
38x | +380: UA | +381: RS | +382: ME | +383: XK | +384: — | +385: HR | +386: SI | +387: BA | +389: MK | |
4x | +40: RO | +41: CH | +42: ambig. | +43: AT | +44: GB, GG, IM, JE |
+45: DK | +46: SE | +47: NO, SJ, BV | +48: PL | +49: DE |
42x | +420: CZ | +421: SK | +422: — | +423: LI | +424: — | +425: — | +426: — | +427: — | +428: — | +429: — |
5x | +50: ambig. | +51: PE | +52: MX | +53: CU | +54: AR | +55: BR | +56: CL | +57: CO | +58: VE | +59: ambig. |
50x | +500: FK, GS | +501: BZ | +502: GT | +503: SV | +504: HN | +505: NI | +506: CR | +507: PA | +508: PM | +509: HT |
59x | +590: GP, BL, MF | +591: BO | +592: GY | +593: EC | +594: GF | +595: PY | +596: MQ | +597: SR | +598: UY | +599: BQ, CW |
6x | +60: MY | +61: AU, CX, CC | +62: ID | +63: PH | +64: NZ, PN | +65: SG | +66: TH | +67: ambig. | +68: ambig. | +69: ambig. |
67x | +670: TL | +671: — | +672: NF, AQ, HM | +673: BN | +674: NR | +675: PG | +676: TO | +677: SB | +678: VU | +679: FJ |
68x | +680: PW | +681: WF | +682: CK | +683: NU | +684: — | +685: WS | +686: KI | +687: NC | +688: TV | +689: PF |
69x | +690: TK | +691: FM | +692: MH | +693: — | +694: — | +695: — | +696: — | +697: — | +698: — | +699: — |
7x | +7: RU, KZ | |||||||||
+7 0: — | +7 1: — | +7 2: — | +7 3: RU | +7 4: RU | +7 5: — | +7 6: KZ | +7 7: KZ | +7 8: RU | +7 9: RU | |
8x | +80: ambig. | +81: JP | +82: KR | +83: — | +84: VN | +85: ambig. | +86: CN | +87: ambig. | +88: ambig. | +89: — |
80x | +800: ** | +801: — | +802: — | +803: — | +804: — | +805: — | +806: — | +807: — | +808: ** | +809: — |
85x | +850: KP | +851: — | +852: HK | +853: MO | +854: — | +855: KH | +856: LA | +857: — | +858: — | +859: — |
87x | +870: ** | +871: — | +872: — | +873: — | +874: — | +875: — | +876: — | +877: — | +878: ** | +879: — |
88x | +880: BD | +881: ** | +882: ** | +883: ** | +884: — | +885: — | +886: TW | +887: — | +888: UN | +889: — |
9x | +90: TR, CT | +91: IN | +92: PK | +93: AF | +94: LK | +95: MM | +96: ambig. | +97: ambig. | +98: IR | +99: ambig. |
96x | +960: MV | +961: LB | +962: JO | +963: SY | +964: IQ | +965: KW | +966: SA | +967: YE | +968: OM | +969: — |
97x | +970: PS | +971: AE | +972: IL | +973: BH | +974: QA | +975: BT | +976: MN | +977: NP | +978: — | +979: ** |
99x | +990: — | +991: ** | +992: TJ | +993: TM | +994: AZ | +995: GE | +996: KG | +997: KZ | +998: UZ | +999: — |
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 |
Ordered by code
Zones are organized principally by geographic location, but exceptions exist for political and historical alignments. Thus, the geographical indicators below are approximations only.
Zone 1: North American Numbering Plan
Member countries of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) are assigned three-digit area codes under the common country prefix 1, shown in the format +1 XXX.
The North American Numbering Plan includes:
Zone 2: Mostly Africa
(but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
Zones 3–4: Europe
Originally, larger countries such as Spain, the United Kingdom and France were assigned two-digit codes to compensate for their usually longer domestic numbers. Small countries, such as Iceland, were assigned three-digit codes. Since the 1980s, all new assignments have been three-digit regardless of countries’ populations.
Zone 5: Americas outside the NANP
Zone 6: Southeast Asia and Oceania
Zone 7: Russia and neighboring countries
- +7 – Russia (formerly assigned to the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991)
Zone 8: East Asia and special services
Zone 9: Mostly Middle East, Central Asia and parts of southern Asia
Alphabetical listing by country or region
Country, Territory or Service | Code | Time Zone | DST |
Afghanistan | +93 | UTC+04:30 | |
Åland | +358 18 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Albania | +355 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Algeria | +213 | UTC+01:00 | |
American Samoa | +1 684 | UTC−11:00 | |
Andorra | +376 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Angola | +244 | UTC+01:00 | |
Anguilla | +1 264 | UTC−04:00 | |
Antigua and Barbuda | +1 268 | UTC−04:00 | |
Argentina | +54 | UTC−03:00 | |
Armenia | +374 | UTC+04:00 | |
Aruba | +297 | UTC−04:00 | |
Ascension | +247 | UTC+00:00 | |
Australia | +61 | UTC+08:00 to +10:30 | UTC+08:00 to +11:00 |
Australian Antarctic Territory | +672 1 | ||
Australian External Territories | +672 | ||
Austria | +43 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Azerbaijan | +994 | UTC+04:00 | |
Bahamas | +1 242 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Bahrain | +973 | UTC+03:00 | |
Bangladesh | +880 | UTC+06:00 | |
Barbados | +1 246 | UTC−04:00 | |
Barbuda | +1 268 | UTC−04:00 | |
Belarus | +375 | UTC+03:00 | |
Belgium | +32 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Belize | +501 | UTC−06:00 | |
Benin | +229 | UTC+01:00 | |
Bermuda | +1 441 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 |
Bhutan | +975 | UTC+06:00 | |
Bolivia | +591 | UTC−04:00 | |
Bonaire | +599 7 | UTC−04:00 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | +387 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Botswana | +267 | UTC+02:00 | |
Brazil | +55 | UTC−05:00 to –02:00 | |
British Indian Ocean Territory | +246 | UTC+06:00 | |
British Virgin Islands | +1 284 | UTC−04:00 | |
Brunei Darussalam | +673 | UTC+08:00 | |
Bulgaria | +359 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Burkina Faso | +226 | UTC+00:00 | |
Burundi | +257 | UTC+02:00 | |
Cape Verde | +238 | UTC−01:00 | |
Cambodia | +855 | UTC+07:00 | |
Cameroon | +237 | UTC+01:00 | |
Canada | +1 | UTC−08:00 to –03:30 | UTC−07:00 to –02:30 |
Caribbean Netherlands | +599 3, +599 4, +599 7 | UTC−04:00 | |
Cayman Islands | +1 345 | UTC−05:00 | |
Central African Republic | +236 | UTC+01:00 | |
Chad | +235 | UTC+01:00 | |
Chatham Island, New Zealand | +64 | UTC+12:45 | UTC+13:45 |
Chile | +56 | UTC−06:00 to –04:00 | UTC−05:00 to –03:00 |
China | +86 | UTC+08:00 | |
Christmas Island | +61 89164 | UTC+07:00 | |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | +61 89162 | UTC+06:30 | |
Colombia | +57 | UTC−05:00 | |
Comoros | +269 | UTC+03:00 | |
Congo | +242 | UTC+01:00 | |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | +243 | UTC+01:00 to +02:00 | |
Cook Islands | +682 | UTC−10:00 | |
Costa Rica | +506 | UTC−06:00 | |
Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) | +225 | UTC+00:00 | |
Croatia | +385 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Cuba | +53 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Curaçao | +599 9 | UTC−04:00 | |
Cyprus | +357 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Czech Republic | +420 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Denmark | +45 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Diego Garcia | +246 | UTC+06:00 | |
Djibouti | +253 | UTC+03:00 | |
Dominica | +1 767 | UTC−04:00 | |
Dominican Republic | +1 809, +1 829, +1 849 |
UTC−04:00 | |
Easter Island | +56 | UTC−06:00 | UTC−05:00 |
Ecuador | +593 | UTC−06:00 to –05:00 | |
Egypt | +20 | UTC+02:00 | |
El Salvador | +503 | UTC−06:00 | |
Ellipso (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 2, +881 3 | ||
EMSAT (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 13 | ||
Equatorial Guinea | +240 | UTC+01:00 | |
Eritrea | +291 | UTC+03:00 | |
Estonia | +372 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Eswatini | +268 | UTC+02:00 | |
Ethiopia | +251 | UTC+03:00 | |
Falkland Islands | +500 | UTC−03:00 | |
Faroe Islands | +298 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Fiji | +679 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 |
Finland | +358 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
France | +33 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
French Antilles | +596 | ||
French Guiana | +594 | UTC−03:00 | |
French Polynesia | +689 | UTC−10:00 to –09:00 | |
Gabon | +241 | UTC+01:00 | |
Gambia | +220 | UTC+00:00 | |
Georgia | +995 | UTC+04:00 | |
Germany | +49 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Ghana | +233 | UTC+00:00 | |
Gibraltar | +350 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS) | +881 | ||
Globalstar (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 8, +881 9 | ||
Greece | +30 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Greenland | +299 | UTC−04:00 to +01:00 | UTC−03:00 to +00:00 |
Grenada | +1 473 | UTC−04:00 | |
Guadeloupe | +590 | UTC−04:00 | |
Guam | +1 671 | UTC+10:00 | |
Guatemala | +502 | UTC−06:00 | |
Guernsey | +44 1481, +44 7781, +44 7839, +44 7911 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Guinea | +224 | UTC+00:00 | |
Guinea-Bissau | +245 | UTC+00:00 | |
Guyana | +592 | UTC−04:00 | |
Haiti | +509 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Honduras | +504 | UTC−06:00 | |
Hong Kong | +852 | UTC+08:00 | |
Hungary | +36 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Iceland | +354 | UTC+00:00 | |
ICO Global (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 0, +881 1 | ||
India | +91 | UTC+05:30 | |
Indonesia | +62 | UTC+07:00 to +09:00 | |
Inmarsat SNAC | +870 | ||
International Freephone Service (UIFN) | +800 | ||
International Networks | +882, +883 | ||
International Premium Rate Service | +979 | ||
International Shared Cost Service (ISCS) | +808 | ||
Iran | +98 | UTC+03:30 | UTC+04:30 |
Iraq | +964 | UTC+03:00 | |
Ireland | +353 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Iridium (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 6, +881 7 | ||
Isle of Man | +44 1624, +44 7524, +44 7624, +44 7924 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Israel | +972 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Italy | +39 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Jamaica | +1 658, +1 876 | UTC−05:00 | |
Jan Mayen | +47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Japan | +81 | UTC+09:00 | |
Jersey | +44 1534 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Jordan | +962 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Kazakhstan | +997, permissive dialling with +7 until 2025[notes 1] | UTC+05:00 to +06:00 | |
Kenya | +254 | UTC+03:00 | |
Kiribati | +686 | UTC+12:00 to +14:00 | |
Korea, North | +850 | UTC+09:00 | |
Korea, South | +82 | UTC+09:00 | |
Kosovo | +383 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Kuwait | +965 | UTC+03:00 | |
Kyrgyzstan | +996 | UTC+06:00 | |
Laos | +856 | UTC+07:00 | |
Latvia | +371 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Lebanon | +961 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Lesotho | +266 | UTC+02:00 | |
Liberia | +231 | UTC+00:00 | |
Libya | +218 | UTC+02:00 | |
Liechtenstein | +423 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Lithuania | +370 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Luxembourg | +352 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Macau | +853 | UTC+08:00 | |
Madagascar | +261 | UTC+03:00 | |
Malawi | +265 | UTC+02:00 | |
Malaysia | +60 | UTC+08:00 | |
Maldives | +960 | UTC+05:00 | |
Mali | +223 | UTC+00:00 | |
Malta | +356 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Marshall Islands | +692 | UTC+12:00 | |
Martinique | +596 | UTC−04:00 | |
Mauritania | +222 | UTC+00:00 | |
Mauritius | +230 | UTC+04:00 | |
Mayotte | +262 269, +262 639 | UTC+03:00 | |
Mexico | +52 | UTC−08:00 to –05:00 | UTC−07:00 to –05:00 |
Micronesia, Federated States of | +691 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | |
Midway Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC−11:00 | |
Moldova | +373 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Monaco | +377 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Mongolia | +976 | UTC+07:00 to +08:00 | |
Montenegro | +382 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Montserrat | +1 664 | UTC−04:00 | |
Morocco | +212 | UTC+01:00 | |
Mozambique | +258 | UTC+02:00 | |
Myanmar | +95 | UTC+06:30 | |
Artsakh | +374 47, +374 97 | UTC+04:00 | |
Namibia | +264 | UTC+02:00 | |
Nauru | +674 | UTC+12:00 | |
Nepal | +977 | UTC+05:45 | |
Netherlands | +31 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Nevis | +1 869 | UTC−04:00 | |
New Caledonia | +687 | UTC+11:00 | |
New Zealand | +64 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 |
Nicaragua | +505 | UTC−06:00 | |
Niger | +227 | UTC+01:00 | |
Nigeria | +234 | UTC+01:00 | |
Niue | +683 | UTC−11:00 | |
Norfolk Island | +672 3 | UTC+11:00 | |
North Macedonia | +389 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Northern Cyprus | +90 392 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Northern Ireland | +44 28 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Northern Mariana Islands | +1 670 | UTC+10:00 | |
Norway | +47 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Oman | +968 | UTC+04:00 | |
Pakistan | +92 | UTC+05:00 | |
Palau | +680 | UTC+09:00 | |
Palestine, State of | +970 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Panama | +507 | UTC−05:00 | |
Papua New Guinea | +675 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | |
Paraguay | +595 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 |
Peru | +51 | UTC−05:00 | |
Philippines | +63 | UTC+08:00 | |
Pitcairn Islands | +64 | UTC−08:00 | |
Poland | +48 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Portugal | +351 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Puerto Rico | +1 787, +1 939 | UTC−04:00 | |
Qatar | +974 | UTC+03:00 | |
Réunion | +262 | UTC+04:00 | |
Romania | +40 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Russia | +7[notes 1] | UTC+02:00 to +12:00 | |
Rwanda | +250 | UTC+02:00 | |
Saba | +599 4 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Barthélemy | +590 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Helena | +290 | UTC+00:00 | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | +1 869 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Lucia | +1 758 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Martin (France) | +590 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | +508 | UTC−03:00 | UTC−02:00 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | +1 784 | UTC−04:00 | |
Samoa | +685 | UTC+13:00 | UTC+14:00 |
San Marino | +378 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
São Tomé and Príncipe | +239 | UTC+00:00 | |
Saudi Arabia | +966 | UTC+03:00 | |
Senegal | +221 | UTC+00:00 | |
Serbia | +381 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Seychelles | +248 | UTC+04:00 | |
Sierra Leone | +232 | UTC+00:00 | |
Singapore | +65 | UTC+08:00 | |
Sint Eustatius | +599 3 | UTC−04:00 | |
Sint Maarten (Netherlands) | +1 721 | UTC−04:00 | |
Slovakia | +421 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Slovenia | +386 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Solomon Islands | +677 | UTC+11:00 | |
Somalia | +252 | UTC+03:00 | |
South Africa | +27 | UTC+02:00 | |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | +500 | UTC−02:00 | |
South Ossetia | +995 34 | UTC+03:00 | |
South Sudan | +211 | UTC+02:00 | |
Spain | +34 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Sri Lanka | +94 | UTC+05:30 | |
Sudan | +249 | UTC+02:00 | |
Suriname | +597 | UTC−03:00 | |
Svalbard | +47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Sweden | +46 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Switzerland | +41 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Syria | +963 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Taiwan | +886 | UTC+08:00 | |
Tajikistan | +992 | UTC+05:00 | |
Tanzania | +255 | UTC+03:00 | |
Telecommunications for Disaster Relief by OCHA | was +888 | ||
Thailand | +66 | UTC+07:00 | |
Thuraya (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 16 | ||
East Timor (Timor-Leste) | +670 | UTC+09:00 | |
Togo | +228 | UTC+00:00 | |
Tokelau | +690 | UTC+13:00 | |
Tonga | +676 | UTC+13:00 | |
Transnistria | +373 2, +373 5 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Trinidad and Tobago | +1 868 | UTC−04:00 | |
Tristan da Cunha | +290 8 | UTC+00:00 | |
Tunisia | +216 | UTC+01:00 | |
Turkey | +90 | UTC+03:00 | |
Turkmenistan | +993 | UTC+05:00 | |
Turks and Caicos Islands | +1 649 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Tuvalu | +688 | UTC+12:00 | |
Uganda | +256 | UTC+03:00 | |
Ukraine | +380 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
United Arab Emirates | +971 | UTC+04:00 | |
United Kingdom | +44 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
United States | +1 | UTC−10:00 to –05:00 | UTC−10:00 to –04:00 |
Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT) | +878 | ||
Uruguay | +598 | UTC−03:00 | |
US Virgin Islands | +1 340 | UTC−04:00 | |
Uzbekistan | +998 | UTC+05:00 | |
Vanuatu | +678 | UTC+11:00 | |
Vatican City State (Holy See) | +39 06 698, assigned +379 |
UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Venezuela | +58 | UTC−04:00 | |
Vietnam | +84 | UTC+07:00 | |
Wake Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC+12:00 | |
Wallis and Futuna | +681 | UTC+12:00 | |
Yemen | +967 | UTC+03:00 | |
Zambia | +260 | UTC+02:00 | |
Zanzibar | +255 24 | UTC+03:00 | |
Zimbabwe | +263 | UTC+02:00 |
Locations with no country code
In Antarctica, dialing is dependent on the parent country of each base:
Base | Calling Code | Country | Note |
Almirante Brown Antarctic Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station | +1 | United States | |
Artigas Base | +598 | Uruguay | |
Asuka Station | +81 | Japan | |
Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva and Villa Las Estrellas | +56 | Chile | |
Belgrano II | +54 | Argentina | |
Bellingshausen Station | +7 | Russia | |
Bernardo O’Higgins Station | +56 | Chile | |
Byrd Station | +1 | United States | |
Captain Arturo Prat Base | +56 | Chile | |
Casey Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Base | +55 | Brazil | |
Concordia Station | +39 +33 |
Italy France |
Davis Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
Dome Fuji Station | +81 | Japan | |
Dumont d’Urville Station | +33 | France | |
Esperanza Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Gabriel de Castilla Spanish Antarctic Station | +34 | Spain | |
Georg-von-Neumayer-Station (Replaced by Neumayer Station) | +49 | Germany | |
Gonzalez Videla Station | +56 | Chile | |
Great Wall Station | +86 | China | |
Halley Research Station | +44 | United Kingdom | |
Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station | +48 | Poland | |
Jang Bogo Station | +82 | South Korea | |
Jinnah Antarctic Station | +92 | Pakistan | |
Juan Carlos I Base | +34 | Spain | |
Jubany | +54 | Argentina | |
King Sejong Station | +82 | South Korea | |
Kohnen-Station | +49 | Germany | |
Kunlun Station | +852 | China | |
Law-Racoviță-Negoiță Station | +40 | Romania | |
Leningradskaya Station | +7 | Russia | |
Machu Picchu Research Station | +51 | Peru | |
Macquarie Island Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
Maitri Station | +91 | India | |
Marambio Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Mario Zucchelli Station | +39 | Italy | |
Mawson Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
McMurdo Station | +1 | United States | can be reached by +64 code to Scott Base (NZ) |
Mendel Polar Station | +420 | Czech Republic | |
Mirny Station | +7 | Russia | |
Mizuho Station | +81 | Japan | |
Molodyozhnaya Station | +7 +375 |
Russia Belarus |
Neumayer Station | +49 | Germany | |
Novolazarevskaya Station | +7 | Russia | |
Orcadas Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Palmer Station | +1 | United States | |
Princess Elisabeth Base | +32 | Belgium | |
Professor Julio Escudero Base | +56 | Chile | |
Progress Station | +7 | Russia | |
Rothera Research Station | +44 | United Kingdom | |
Russkaya Station | +7 | Russia | |
San Martín Base | +54 | Argentina | |
SANAE IV (South African National Antarctic Expeditions) | +27 | South Africa | |
Signy Research Station | +44 | United Kingdom | |
St. Kliment Ohridski Base | +359 | Bulgaria | |
Scott Base | +64 | New Zealand | can be reached via +64 2409 and four digits on McMurdo exchange |
Showa Station | +81 | Japan | |
Svea | +46 | Sweden | |
Tor Station | +47 | Norway | |
Troll Station | +47 | Norway | |
Wasa Research Station | +46 | Sweden | |
Vostok Station | +7 | Russia | |
Vernadsky Research Base | +380 | Ukraine | |
Zhongshan Station | +86 | China |
Other places with no country codes in use, although a code may be reserved:
Location | Calling Code | Country | Reasons for no Code |
Kerguelen Archipelago | +262 | France | No permanent local switches |
Pitcairn Islands | +64 | Pitcairn Islands | On-island phone network is connected to and uses numbering from an exchange in New Zealand. |
See also
- ITU-T standards E.123 and E.164
- Group identifiers in ISBNs, a similar form of country code
- International Telecommunication Union
- List of international call prefixes
- List of mobile telephone prefixes by country
- National conventions for writing telephone numbers
- Telephone numbering plan
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Russia, Kazakhstan, and Abkhazia make up the Seventh World Numbering Zone. From August 2007, Kazakhstan changed all area codes to start with 7; however, 6 is also reserved for Kazakhstan. Digits 3, 4, and 5 are reserved for Russia. Abkhazia was assigned +7 840 for landline and +7 940 for mobile operators on 28 September 2009. Abkhazia will also continue using +995 44. Other digits are reserved for Russia. Currently, there are no internationally accessible numbers starting with 0, 1, 2 or 5 – these are access codes and similar arrangements.
- ^ a b c d International Telecommunication Union (1 November 2011). «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 31 January 2012.
- ^ «European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS)». European Radiocommunications Office. 28 May 2009. Archived from the original on 9 June 2011.
- ^ a b «Абоненты мобильных операторов ДНР и ЛНР включены в российский план нумерации +7». Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia). 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «Абонентам ДНР и ЛНР выделили телефонный код российской системы нумерации». TASS. 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «ЛНР полностью перейдет на телефонный код России +7 в июле». TASS. 17 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ «National Numbering Plans». International Telecommunications Union. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b «SCO Dialing Codes». Special Communications Organization. Archived from the original on 1 October 2018.
- ^ «Abkhazia remains available by Georgian phone codes». Today.Az. 6 January 2010. Archived from the original on 12 July 2012.
- ^ GNCC (30 March 2010). «GNCC Communication of 30.III.2010» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. ITU-T. p. 12. Archived (PDF) from the original on 20 July 2013.
External links
- «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 Dialling Procedures as of 15 December 2011» (PDF). ITU. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022.
- International Telecommunication Union (15 December 2016). «Complement to Recommendation ITU-T E.164 (11/2010) – List of Recommendation ITU-T E.164 Assigned Country Codes (Position on 15 December 2016)» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. Geneva (1114): Annex. ISSN 1564-5223. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022. Retrieved 19 December 2016.
- «Telephone and Internet Country Codes in 10 Languages». LincMad.
- «World Telephone Numbering Guide». World Telephone Number Guide. Archived from the original on 26 June 2019. Retrieved 15 February 2006.
- «Phone calling codes of all countries with ISO3 and flags + phone codes of cities by countries».
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Worldwide distribution of country calling codes. Regions are coloured by first digit.
Country calling codes or country dial-in codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching telephone subscribers in the networks of the member countries or regions of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The codes are defined by the ITU-T in standards E.123 and E.164. The prefixes enable international direct dialing (IDD) and are also referred to as international subscriber dialing (ISD) codes.
Country codes are a component of the international telephone numbering plan and are necessary only when dialing a telephone number to establish a call to another country. Country codes are dialed before the national telephone number. The ITU standard specifies that international telephone numbers are represented by prefixing the country code with a plus sign (+), which also indicates to the subscriber that the local international call prefix must first be dialed. For example, the international call prefix in all countries of the North American Numbering Plan is 011, while it is 00 in most European, Asian and African countries. On GSM (cellular) networks, the IDD prefix may automatically be inserted by the network operator when the user prefixes a dialed number with the plus sign.
Tabular list
Country calling codes are prefix codes and are arranged in the table below. In each row, the first column indicates the first one or two digits of the code shared by each code in that row, arranged in the last ten columns based on the last digit of the code. When there are three-digit codes starting with «+jk», the two digit code +jk is unassignable because it would be ambiguous, as denoted by «ambig.«. Codes which have not yet been assigned are denoted by a dash (—). Countries are indicated by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes; codes allocated for non-country-specific services are denoted by two asterisks (**).
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 | |
1x |
+1: North American Numbering Plan countries and territories, including (but not listed below) CA and US |
+1 242: BS |
+1 340: VI |
+1 441: BM |
+1 649: TC |
+1 721: SX |
+1 809: DO |
+1 939: PR |
2x | +20: EG | +21: ambig. | +22: ambig. | +23: ambig. | +24: ambig. | +25: ambig. | +26: ambig. | +27: ZA | +28: — | +29: ambig. |
21x | +210: — | +211: SS | +212: MA, EH | +213: DZ | +214: — | +215: — | +216: TN | +217: — | +218: LY | +219: — |
22x | +220: GM | +221: SN | +222: MR | +223: ML | +224: GN | +225: CI | +226: BF | +227: NE | +228: TG | +229: BJ |
23x | +230: MU | +231: LR | +232: SL | +233: GH | +234: NG | +235: TD | +236: CF | +237: CM | +238: CV | +239: ST |
24x | +240: GQ | +241: GA | +242: CG | +243: CD | +244: AO | +245: GW | +246: IO | +247: AC | +248: SC | +249: SD |
25x | +250: RW | +251: ET | +252: SO | +253: DJ | +254: KE | +255: TZ | +256: UG | +257: BI | +258: MZ | +259: — |
26x | +260: ZM | +261: MG | +262: RE, YT, TF | +263: ZW | +264: NA | +265: MW | +266: LS | +267: BW | +268: SZ | +269: KM |
29x | +290: SH, TA | +291: ER | +292: — | +293: — | +294: — | +295: — | +296: — | +297: AW | +298: FO | +299: GL |
3x | +30: GR | +31: NL | +32: BE | +33: FR | +34: ES | +35: ambig. | +36: HU | +39: IT, VA | ||
35x | +350: GI | +351: PT | +352: LU | +353: IE | +354: IS | +355: AL | +356: MT | +357: CY | +358: FI, AX | +359: BG |
37x | +370: LT | +371: LV | +372: EE | +373: MD | +374: AM, QN | +375: BY | +376: AD | +377: MC | +378: SM | +379: VA |
38x | +380: UA | +381: RS | +382: ME | +383: XK | +384: — | +385: HR | +386: SI | +387: BA | +389: MK | |
4x | +40: RO | +41: CH | +42: ambig. | +43: AT | +44: GB, GG, IM, JE |
+45: DK | +46: SE | +47: NO, SJ, BV | +48: PL | +49: DE |
42x | +420: CZ | +421: SK | +422: — | +423: LI | +424: — | +425: — | +426: — | +427: — | +428: — | +429: — |
5x | +50: ambig. | +51: PE | +52: MX | +53: CU | +54: AR | +55: BR | +56: CL | +57: CO | +58: VE | +59: ambig. |
50x | +500: FK, GS | +501: BZ | +502: GT | +503: SV | +504: HN | +505: NI | +506: CR | +507: PA | +508: PM | +509: HT |
59x | +590: GP, BL, MF | +591: BO | +592: GY | +593: EC | +594: GF | +595: PY | +596: MQ | +597: SR | +598: UY | +599: BQ, CW |
6x | +60: MY | +61: AU, CX, CC | +62: ID | +63: PH | +64: NZ, PN | +65: SG | +66: TH | +67: ambig. | +68: ambig. | +69: ambig. |
67x | +670: TL | +671: — | +672: NF, AQ, HM | +673: BN | +674: NR | +675: PG | +676: TO | +677: SB | +678: VU | +679: FJ |
68x | +680: PW | +681: WF | +682: CK | +683: NU | +684: — | +685: WS | +686: KI | +687: NC | +688: TV | +689: PF |
69x | +690: TK | +691: FM | +692: MH | +693: — | +694: — | +695: — | +696: — | +697: — | +698: — | +699: — |
7x | +7: RU, KZ | |||||||||
+7 0: — | +7 1: — | +7 2: — | +7 3: RU | +7 4: RU | +7 5: — | +7 6: KZ | +7 7: KZ | +7 8: RU | +7 9: RU | |
8x | +80: ambig. | +81: JP | +82: KR | +83: — | +84: VN | +85: ambig. | +86: CN | +87: ambig. | +88: ambig. | +89: — |
80x | +800: ** | +801: — | +802: — | +803: — | +804: — | +805: — | +806: — | +807: — | +808: ** | +809: — |
85x | +850: KP | +851: — | +852: HK | +853: MO | +854: — | +855: KH | +856: LA | +857: — | +858: — | +859: — |
87x | +870: ** | +871: — | +872: — | +873: — | +874: — | +875: — | +876: — | +877: — | +878: ** | +879: — |
88x | +880: BD | +881: ** | +882: ** | +883: ** | +884: — | +885: — | +886: TW | +887: — | +888: UN | +889: — |
9x | +90: TR, CT | +91: IN | +92: PK | +93: AF | +94: LK | +95: MM | +96: ambig. | +97: ambig. | +98: IR | +99: ambig. |
96x | +960: MV | +961: LB | +962: JO | +963: SY | +964: IQ | +965: KW | +966: SA | +967: YE | +968: OM | +969: — |
97x | +970: PS | +971: AE | +972: IL | +973: BH | +974: QA | +975: BT | +976: MN | +977: NP | +978: — | +979: ** |
99x | +990: — | +991: ** | +992: TJ | +993: TM | +994: AZ | +995: GE | +996: KG | +997: KZ | +998: UZ | +999: — |
x = 0 | x = 1 | x = 2 | x = 3 | x = 4 | x = 5 | x = 6 | x = 7 | x = 8 | x = 9 |
Ordered by code
Zones are organized principally by geographic location, but exceptions exist for political and historical alignments. Thus, the geographical indicators below are approximations only.
Zone 1: North American Numbering Plan
Member countries of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) are assigned three-digit area codes under the common country prefix 1, shown in the format +1 XXX.
The North American Numbering Plan includes:
Zone 2: Mostly Africa
(but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
Zones 3–4: Europe
Originally, larger countries such as Spain, the United Kingdom and France were assigned two-digit codes to compensate for their usually longer domestic numbers. Small countries, such as Iceland, were assigned three-digit codes. Since the 1980s, all new assignments have been three-digit regardless of countries’ populations.
Zone 5: Americas outside the NANP
Zone 6: Southeast Asia and Oceania
Zone 7: Russia and neighboring countries
- +7 – Russia (formerly assigned to the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991)
Zone 8: East Asia and special services
Zone 9: Mostly Middle East, Central Asia and parts of southern Asia
Alphabetical listing by country or region
Country, Territory or Service | Code | Time Zone | DST |
Afghanistan | +93 | UTC+04:30 | |
Åland | +358 18 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Albania | +355 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Algeria | +213 | UTC+01:00 | |
American Samoa | +1 684 | UTC−11:00 | |
Andorra | +376 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Angola | +244 | UTC+01:00 | |
Anguilla | +1 264 | UTC−04:00 | |
Antigua and Barbuda | +1 268 | UTC−04:00 | |
Argentina | +54 | UTC−03:00 | |
Armenia | +374 | UTC+04:00 | |
Aruba | +297 | UTC−04:00 | |
Ascension | +247 | UTC+00:00 | |
Australia | +61 | UTC+08:00 to +10:30 | UTC+08:00 to +11:00 |
Australian Antarctic Territory | +672 1 | ||
Australian External Territories | +672 | ||
Austria | +43 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Azerbaijan | +994 | UTC+04:00 | |
Bahamas | +1 242 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Bahrain | +973 | UTC+03:00 | |
Bangladesh | +880 | UTC+06:00 | |
Barbados | +1 246 | UTC−04:00 | |
Barbuda | +1 268 | UTC−04:00 | |
Belarus | +375 | UTC+03:00 | |
Belgium | +32 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Belize | +501 | UTC−06:00 | |
Benin | +229 | UTC+01:00 | |
Bermuda | +1 441 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 |
Bhutan | +975 | UTC+06:00 | |
Bolivia | +591 | UTC−04:00 | |
Bonaire | +599 7 | UTC−04:00 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | +387 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Botswana | +267 | UTC+02:00 | |
Brazil | +55 | UTC−05:00 to –02:00 | |
British Indian Ocean Territory | +246 | UTC+06:00 | |
British Virgin Islands | +1 284 | UTC−04:00 | |
Brunei Darussalam | +673 | UTC+08:00 | |
Bulgaria | +359 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Burkina Faso | +226 | UTC+00:00 | |
Burundi | +257 | UTC+02:00 | |
Cape Verde | +238 | UTC−01:00 | |
Cambodia | +855 | UTC+07:00 | |
Cameroon | +237 | UTC+01:00 | |
Canada | +1 | UTC−08:00 to –03:30 | UTC−07:00 to –02:30 |
Caribbean Netherlands | +599 3, +599 4, +599 7 | UTC−04:00 | |
Cayman Islands | +1 345 | UTC−05:00 | |
Central African Republic | +236 | UTC+01:00 | |
Chad | +235 | UTC+01:00 | |
Chatham Island, New Zealand | +64 | UTC+12:45 | UTC+13:45 |
Chile | +56 | UTC−06:00 to –04:00 | UTC−05:00 to –03:00 |
China | +86 | UTC+08:00 | |
Christmas Island | +61 89164 | UTC+07:00 | |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | +61 89162 | UTC+06:30 | |
Colombia | +57 | UTC−05:00 | |
Comoros | +269 | UTC+03:00 | |
Congo | +242 | UTC+01:00 | |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | +243 | UTC+01:00 to +02:00 | |
Cook Islands | +682 | UTC−10:00 | |
Costa Rica | +506 | UTC−06:00 | |
Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) | +225 | UTC+00:00 | |
Croatia | +385 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Cuba | +53 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Curaçao | +599 9 | UTC−04:00 | |
Cyprus | +357 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Czech Republic | +420 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Denmark | +45 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Diego Garcia | +246 | UTC+06:00 | |
Djibouti | +253 | UTC+03:00 | |
Dominica | +1 767 | UTC−04:00 | |
Dominican Republic | +1 809, +1 829, +1 849 |
UTC−04:00 | |
Easter Island | +56 | UTC−06:00 | UTC−05:00 |
Ecuador | +593 | UTC−06:00 to –05:00 | |
Egypt | +20 | UTC+02:00 | |
El Salvador | +503 | UTC−06:00 | |
Ellipso (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 2, +881 3 | ||
EMSAT (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 13 | ||
Equatorial Guinea | +240 | UTC+01:00 | |
Eritrea | +291 | UTC+03:00 | |
Estonia | +372 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Eswatini | +268 | UTC+02:00 | |
Ethiopia | +251 | UTC+03:00 | |
Falkland Islands | +500 | UTC−03:00 | |
Faroe Islands | +298 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Fiji | +679 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 |
Finland | +358 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
France | +33 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
French Antilles | +596 | ||
French Guiana | +594 | UTC−03:00 | |
French Polynesia | +689 | UTC−10:00 to –09:00 | |
Gabon | +241 | UTC+01:00 | |
Gambia | +220 | UTC+00:00 | |
Georgia | +995 | UTC+04:00 | |
Germany | +49 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Ghana | +233 | UTC+00:00 | |
Gibraltar | +350 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS) | +881 | ||
Globalstar (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 8, +881 9 | ||
Greece | +30 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Greenland | +299 | UTC−04:00 to +01:00 | UTC−03:00 to +00:00 |
Grenada | +1 473 | UTC−04:00 | |
Guadeloupe | +590 | UTC−04:00 | |
Guam | +1 671 | UTC+10:00 | |
Guatemala | +502 | UTC−06:00 | |
Guernsey | +44 1481, +44 7781, +44 7839, +44 7911 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Guinea | +224 | UTC+00:00 | |
Guinea-Bissau | +245 | UTC+00:00 | |
Guyana | +592 | UTC−04:00 | |
Haiti | +509 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Honduras | +504 | UTC−06:00 | |
Hong Kong | +852 | UTC+08:00 | |
Hungary | +36 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Iceland | +354 | UTC+00:00 | |
ICO Global (Mobile Satellite Service) | +881 0, +881 1 | ||
India | +91 | UTC+05:30 | |
Indonesia | +62 | UTC+07:00 to +09:00 | |
Inmarsat SNAC | +870 | ||
International Freephone Service (UIFN) | +800 | ||
International Networks | +882, +883 | ||
International Premium Rate Service | +979 | ||
International Shared Cost Service (ISCS) | +808 | ||
Iran | +98 | UTC+03:30 | UTC+04:30 |
Iraq | +964 | UTC+03:00 | |
Ireland | +353 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Iridium (Mobile Satellite service) | +881 6, +881 7 | ||
Isle of Man | +44 1624, +44 7524, +44 7624, +44 7924 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Israel | +972 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Italy | +39 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Jamaica | +1 658, +1 876 | UTC−05:00 | |
Jan Mayen | +47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Japan | +81 | UTC+09:00 | |
Jersey | +44 1534 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Jordan | +962 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Kazakhstan | +997, permissive dialling with +7 until 2025[notes 1] | UTC+05:00 to +06:00 | |
Kenya | +254 | UTC+03:00 | |
Kiribati | +686 | UTC+12:00 to +14:00 | |
Korea, North | +850 | UTC+09:00 | |
Korea, South | +82 | UTC+09:00 | |
Kosovo | +383 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Kuwait | +965 | UTC+03:00 | |
Kyrgyzstan | +996 | UTC+06:00 | |
Laos | +856 | UTC+07:00 | |
Latvia | +371 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Lebanon | +961 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Lesotho | +266 | UTC+02:00 | |
Liberia | +231 | UTC+00:00 | |
Libya | +218 | UTC+02:00 | |
Liechtenstein | +423 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Lithuania | +370 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Luxembourg | +352 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Macau | +853 | UTC+08:00 | |
Madagascar | +261 | UTC+03:00 | |
Malawi | +265 | UTC+02:00 | |
Malaysia | +60 | UTC+08:00 | |
Maldives | +960 | UTC+05:00 | |
Mali | +223 | UTC+00:00 | |
Malta | +356 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Marshall Islands | +692 | UTC+12:00 | |
Martinique | +596 | UTC−04:00 | |
Mauritania | +222 | UTC+00:00 | |
Mauritius | +230 | UTC+04:00 | |
Mayotte | +262 269, +262 639 | UTC+03:00 | |
Mexico | +52 | UTC−08:00 to –05:00 | UTC−07:00 to –05:00 |
Micronesia, Federated States of | +691 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | |
Midway Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC−11:00 | |
Moldova | +373 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Monaco | +377 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Mongolia | +976 | UTC+07:00 to +08:00 | |
Montenegro | +382 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Montserrat | +1 664 | UTC−04:00 | |
Morocco | +212 | UTC+01:00 | |
Mozambique | +258 | UTC+02:00 | |
Myanmar | +95 | UTC+06:30 | |
Artsakh | +374 47, +374 97 | UTC+04:00 | |
Namibia | +264 | UTC+02:00 | |
Nauru | +674 | UTC+12:00 | |
Nepal | +977 | UTC+05:45 | |
Netherlands | +31 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Nevis | +1 869 | UTC−04:00 | |
New Caledonia | +687 | UTC+11:00 | |
New Zealand | +64 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+13:00 |
Nicaragua | +505 | UTC−06:00 | |
Niger | +227 | UTC+01:00 | |
Nigeria | +234 | UTC+01:00 | |
Niue | +683 | UTC−11:00 | |
Norfolk Island | +672 3 | UTC+11:00 | |
North Macedonia | +389 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Northern Cyprus | +90 392 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Northern Ireland | +44 28 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Northern Mariana Islands | +1 670 | UTC+10:00 | |
Norway | +47 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Oman | +968 | UTC+04:00 | |
Pakistan | +92 | UTC+05:00 | |
Palau | +680 | UTC+09:00 | |
Palestine, State of | +970 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Panama | +507 | UTC−05:00 | |
Papua New Guinea | +675 | UTC+10:00 to +11:00 | |
Paraguay | +595 | UTC−04:00 | UTC−03:00 |
Peru | +51 | UTC−05:00 | |
Philippines | +63 | UTC+08:00 | |
Pitcairn Islands | +64 | UTC−08:00 | |
Poland | +48 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Portugal | +351 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
Puerto Rico | +1 787, +1 939 | UTC−04:00 | |
Qatar | +974 | UTC+03:00 | |
Réunion | +262 | UTC+04:00 | |
Romania | +40 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Russia | +7[notes 1] | UTC+02:00 to +12:00 | |
Rwanda | +250 | UTC+02:00 | |
Saba | +599 4 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Barthélemy | +590 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Helena | +290 | UTC+00:00 | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | +1 869 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Lucia | +1 758 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Martin (France) | +590 | UTC−04:00 | |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | +508 | UTC−03:00 | UTC−02:00 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | +1 784 | UTC−04:00 | |
Samoa | +685 | UTC+13:00 | UTC+14:00 |
San Marino | +378 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
São Tomé and Príncipe | +239 | UTC+00:00 | |
Saudi Arabia | +966 | UTC+03:00 | |
Senegal | +221 | UTC+00:00 | |
Serbia | +381 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Seychelles | +248 | UTC+04:00 | |
Sierra Leone | +232 | UTC+00:00 | |
Singapore | +65 | UTC+08:00 | |
Sint Eustatius | +599 3 | UTC−04:00 | |
Sint Maarten (Netherlands) | +1 721 | UTC−04:00 | |
Slovakia | +421 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Slovenia | +386 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Solomon Islands | +677 | UTC+11:00 | |
Somalia | +252 | UTC+03:00 | |
South Africa | +27 | UTC+02:00 | |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | +500 | UTC−02:00 | |
South Ossetia | +995 34 | UTC+03:00 | |
South Sudan | +211 | UTC+02:00 | |
Spain | +34 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Sri Lanka | +94 | UTC+05:30 | |
Sudan | +249 | UTC+02:00 | |
Suriname | +597 | UTC−03:00 | |
Svalbard | +47 79 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Sweden | +46 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Switzerland | +41 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Syria | +963 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Taiwan | +886 | UTC+08:00 | |
Tajikistan | +992 | UTC+05:00 | |
Tanzania | +255 | UTC+03:00 | |
Telecommunications for Disaster Relief by OCHA | was +888 | ||
Thailand | +66 | UTC+07:00 | |
Thuraya (Mobile Satellite service) | +882 16 | ||
East Timor (Timor-Leste) | +670 | UTC+09:00 | |
Togo | +228 | UTC+00:00 | |
Tokelau | +690 | UTC+13:00 | |
Tonga | +676 | UTC+13:00 | |
Transnistria | +373 2, +373 5 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
Trinidad and Tobago | +1 868 | UTC−04:00 | |
Tristan da Cunha | +290 8 | UTC+00:00 | |
Tunisia | +216 | UTC+01:00 | |
Turkey | +90 | UTC+03:00 | |
Turkmenistan | +993 | UTC+05:00 | |
Turks and Caicos Islands | +1 649 | UTC−05:00 | UTC−04:00 |
Tuvalu | +688 | UTC+12:00 | |
Uganda | +256 | UTC+03:00 | |
Ukraine | +380 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+03:00 |
United Arab Emirates | +971 | UTC+04:00 | |
United Kingdom | +44 | UTC+00:00 | UTC+01:00 |
United States | +1 | UTC−10:00 to –05:00 | UTC−10:00 to –04:00 |
Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT) | +878 | ||
Uruguay | +598 | UTC−03:00 | |
US Virgin Islands | +1 340 | UTC−04:00 | |
Uzbekistan | +998 | UTC+05:00 | |
Vanuatu | +678 | UTC+11:00 | |
Vatican City State (Holy See) | +39 06 698, assigned +379 |
UTC+01:00 | UTC+02:00 |
Venezuela | +58 | UTC−04:00 | |
Vietnam | +84 | UTC+07:00 | |
Wake Island, USA | +1 808 | UTC+12:00 | |
Wallis and Futuna | +681 | UTC+12:00 | |
Yemen | +967 | UTC+03:00 | |
Zambia | +260 | UTC+02:00 | |
Zanzibar | +255 24 | UTC+03:00 | |
Zimbabwe | +263 | UTC+02:00 |
Locations with no country code
In Antarctica, dialing is dependent on the parent country of each base:
Base | Calling Code | Country | Note |
Almirante Brown Antarctic Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station | +1 | United States | |
Artigas Base | +598 | Uruguay | |
Asuka Station | +81 | Japan | |
Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva and Villa Las Estrellas | +56 | Chile | |
Belgrano II | +54 | Argentina | |
Bellingshausen Station | +7 | Russia | |
Bernardo O’Higgins Station | +56 | Chile | |
Byrd Station | +1 | United States | |
Captain Arturo Prat Base | +56 | Chile | |
Casey Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Base | +55 | Brazil | |
Concordia Station | +39 +33 |
Italy France |
Davis Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
Dome Fuji Station | +81 | Japan | |
Dumont d’Urville Station | +33 | France | |
Esperanza Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Gabriel de Castilla Spanish Antarctic Station | +34 | Spain | |
Georg-von-Neumayer-Station (Replaced by Neumayer Station) | +49 | Germany | |
Gonzalez Videla Station | +56 | Chile | |
Great Wall Station | +86 | China | |
Halley Research Station | +44 | United Kingdom | |
Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station | +48 | Poland | |
Jang Bogo Station | +82 | South Korea | |
Jinnah Antarctic Station | +92 | Pakistan | |
Juan Carlos I Base | +34 | Spain | |
Jubany | +54 | Argentina | |
King Sejong Station | +82 | South Korea | |
Kohnen-Station | +49 | Germany | |
Kunlun Station | +852 | China | |
Law-Racoviță-Negoiță Station | +40 | Romania | |
Leningradskaya Station | +7 | Russia | |
Machu Picchu Research Station | +51 | Peru | |
Macquarie Island Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
Maitri Station | +91 | India | |
Marambio Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Mario Zucchelli Station | +39 | Italy | |
Mawson Station | +672 | Australia | can be direct dialed |
McMurdo Station | +1 | United States | can be reached by +64 code to Scott Base (NZ) |
Mendel Polar Station | +420 | Czech Republic | |
Mirny Station | +7 | Russia | |
Mizuho Station | +81 | Japan | |
Molodyozhnaya Station | +7 +375 |
Russia Belarus |
Neumayer Station | +49 | Germany | |
Novolazarevskaya Station | +7 | Russia | |
Orcadas Base | +54 | Argentina | |
Palmer Station | +1 | United States | |
Princess Elisabeth Base | +32 | Belgium | |
Professor Julio Escudero Base | +56 | Chile | |
Progress Station | +7 | Russia | |
Rothera Research Station | +44 | United Kingdom | |
Russkaya Station | +7 | Russia | |
San Martín Base | +54 | Argentina | |
SANAE IV (South African National Antarctic Expeditions) | +27 | South Africa | |
Signy Research Station | +44 | United Kingdom | |
St. Kliment Ohridski Base | +359 | Bulgaria | |
Scott Base | +64 | New Zealand | can be reached via +64 2409 and four digits on McMurdo exchange |
Showa Station | +81 | Japan | |
Svea | +46 | Sweden | |
Tor Station | +47 | Norway | |
Troll Station | +47 | Norway | |
Wasa Research Station | +46 | Sweden | |
Vostok Station | +7 | Russia | |
Vernadsky Research Base | +380 | Ukraine | |
Zhongshan Station | +86 | China |
Other places with no country codes in use, although a code may be reserved:
Location | Calling Code | Country | Reasons for no Code |
Kerguelen Archipelago | +262 | France | No permanent local switches |
Pitcairn Islands | +64 | Pitcairn Islands | On-island phone network is connected to and uses numbering from an exchange in New Zealand. |
See also
- ITU-T standards E.123 and E.164
- Group identifiers in ISBNs, a similar form of country code
- International Telecommunication Union
- List of international call prefixes
- List of mobile telephone prefixes by country
- National conventions for writing telephone numbers
- Telephone numbering plan
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Russia, Kazakhstan, and Abkhazia make up the Seventh World Numbering Zone. From August 2007, Kazakhstan changed all area codes to start with 7; however, 6 is also reserved for Kazakhstan. Digits 3, 4, and 5 are reserved for Russia. Abkhazia was assigned +7 840 for landline and +7 940 for mobile operators on 28 September 2009. Abkhazia will also continue using +995 44. Other digits are reserved for Russia. Currently, there are no internationally accessible numbers starting with 0, 1, 2 or 5 – these are access codes and similar arrangements.
- ^ a b c d International Telecommunication Union (1 November 2011). «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 31 January 2012.
- ^ «European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS)». European Radiocommunications Office. 28 May 2009. Archived from the original on 9 June 2011.
- ^ a b «Абоненты мобильных операторов ДНР и ЛНР включены в российский план нумерации +7». Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia). 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «Абонентам ДНР и ЛНР выделили телефонный код российской системы нумерации». TASS. 7 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ a b «ЛНР полностью перейдет на телефонный код России +7 в июле». TASS. 17 May 2022. Retrieved 12 July 2022.
- ^ «National Numbering Plans». International Telecommunications Union. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b «SCO Dialing Codes». Special Communications Organization. Archived from the original on 1 October 2018.
- ^ «Abkhazia remains available by Georgian phone codes». Today.Az. 6 January 2010. Archived from the original on 12 July 2012.
- ^ GNCC (30 March 2010). «GNCC Communication of 30.III.2010» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. ITU-T. p. 12. Archived (PDF) from the original on 20 July 2013.
External links
- «List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 Dialling Procedures as of 15 December 2011» (PDF). ITU. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022.
- International Telecommunication Union (15 December 2016). «Complement to Recommendation ITU-T E.164 (11/2010) – List of Recommendation ITU-T E.164 Assigned Country Codes (Position on 15 December 2016)» (PDF). ITU Operational Bulletin. Geneva (1114): Annex. ISSN 1564-5223. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 October 2022. Retrieved 19 December 2016.
- «Telephone and Internet Country Codes in 10 Languages». LincMad.
- «World Telephone Numbering Guide». World Telephone Number Guide. Archived from the original on 26 June 2019. Retrieved 15 February 2006.
- «Phone calling codes of all countries with ISO3 and flags + phone codes of cities by countries».